• Member Since 25th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Silver Dragon Blade Wing

Just a guy who likes to write stories. The Changelings brought me here. :)


So Change of Plans · 6:43pm Last Thursday

Today I was suppose to head up to my Grandma's for a few days, but there's been a change in plans; instead of me going up to hers, she's going to be with us for a bit. So look's like I'm not going to be away then, but still get to hang out with Grandma so that's fine. :twilightsmile:


Going to be away for a time · 12:30am Last Thursday

So my Grandma is going through some things related to her health, nothing dangerous as far as I know for now, but I'm going to be staying with her for at least a few days to a week, maybe up to two weeks at the absolute most though that's unlikely, from tomorrow.

So I'm not going to be online for that length of time, since I'm going to be over at her place for that time to make sure she's okay.

I'll see you guys then. :twilightsmile:


Computer Problems: FIXED!! · 5:11am May 30th

Finally after months my Archival Computer is back up and running, while I still have to install drivers for the graphics card I've gotten LibreOffice working (turns out I was using the wrong version) and after doing a quick check on the last word doc I edited before this whole thing happened I can happily confirm it's all there as I left it. :pinkiehappy:

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I'm Back. · 9:41pm May 27th

So ultimately I only stayed for two nights and just got home a half-hour ago, but my Grandma is doing well and was happy to have me around. This was only going to be a short visit from the get-go and was only going to stay one night, but chose to stay two to visit with her. :twilightsmile:


Going to be offline for a bit · 11:21pm May 25th

I'm going to be visiting my Grandma for at least a few days, might only be one night, but not sure on that front. Either way, I'm not gong to be online for a bit since my Grandma's place might not have internet (not sure if that's been fixed or not) so most likely I won't be able to log-on to anything during that time. That and I'd rather not log-on to anything when I'm not using my own computer.

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Computer Problems: Quick Update · 5:49am May 21st

So; good news is my Archival Computer (AC) is more-or-less up and running and all my pictures are there and fine, just need to install drivers for my graphics card to fix some screen issues (nothing serious, just have a black void on either side of the desktop) and my LibreOffice.

Had a bit of a scare when I started having runtime errors on my external when trying to transfer pictures, but thankfully that's been fixed.

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Computer Problems, possibly Fixed? · 1:34am March 17th

So a short while back my old XP Machine, which I'm using as an "Archival Computer" for things like pictures, word documents, and playing older non-Steam games, had a crash were the hard drive holding the OS for it kicked the bucket. So here's the story behind that;

Before it happened I was having trouble get the anti-virus I was using to renew, and after fighting with it for a bit this thought hit me: "Wait, I'm no longer even using this thing for the internet, so why am I bothering?"

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Four Scrapped Ideas for High Seas of Adventure · 2:25am January 30th

When I first started writing High Seas there were a number of ideas and concepts that ultimately didn't pan out and I've forgotten most of them, but here are Four I do remember;

The Outcasts were the Villains

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Trailer for an upcoming High Seas Chapter · 10:54am January 19th

A long time ago now I did a little teaser for a now-posted chapter of High Seas of Adventure, so I figured why not do another.

Razor and Apollo stared at the map in disbelief, not wanting to believe what they were seeing, but there was no denying it.

"I never thought they'd be that foolish..." Apollo breathed out. "I mean the NTU has done some crazy and downright brain-dead, but to travel thought there?!

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Goals for this Year · 12:36am January 10th

I would say Plans, but as we all know; No plan survives first contact. So I thought I'd try something different and set some goals for myself this year, and see what happens.


In regards to my stories, my goals are to get get more chapters out this year.

High Seas of Adventure

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