• Member Since 30th Aug, 2015
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Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.

More Blog Posts378

  • Saturday
    June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony?

    Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC.

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  • Friday
    Sleeping Dragon Sequel

    Yes, as revealed at the start of this month, at the end of this month, I've brought back Sleeping Dragon for another story. This time, Coco and Sassy how to watch Spike... and not sscrew him. Sorry if I can't say anymore. I currently have a massive headache.

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  • 1 week
    Where is Everypony has a new chapter

    Yeah, this is a slow burn, especailly at the rate I'm posting them, but trust me. The pacing is on purpose. I don't want Spike to be just thrown at the monster instantly. For now, the added mystery around each disappearance is growing with this chapter as Spike has no idea how close he is to the truth.

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  • 1 week
    Loving a Drake

    After a bad break up, Spike and SMolder enjoy a blissful moment alone

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  • 2 weeks
    Stuck In Place is back for Mother's Day

    The sex zombie series is back with a new chapter. Yes, I will be keeping the flow of this series wloy, but this next chapter adds a lot of weight to the story going forward. I can confirm that I am near the halfway point in this story

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Who are the Anti-Six? New Commission / New Artist / · 8:31pm Dec 28th, 2023

The Anti six are a group of six warriors that were formerly friends of the main six. None of them are ocs, rather I've taken close and background characters that the fandom often connects directly to the main six and turned them into the worst of the worst. Their minds and bodies have been morphed by King Kray to be the perfect opposite of each of the main six. This post will give you all the information about them and will even update every time one of them gets an art piece. First up, Slice Kilm...

All art by https://twitter.com/MelYozora60166

Slice Kilm: His ponies species is unknown due to all his externals details being burned off. As seen in his Self POV Chapter his was burned to a crisp while shielding Pinkie Pie from a blast meant to kill her. She tried to save him but was forced to lie about the state of his condition which he could not process due to his eyes burning to ash. She was defeated any by King Kray and her whereabouts are currently unknown much like the rest of the Main Six. King Kray chose this pony becuase he is a descendant of both Senior Puddinghead and Somnambula, both connected to the Element of Laughter. As such he bears the opposite, the Element of Rage.

[Art Coming 2024]
Veiled Mare: Backstory revealed during their chapter. She is a descendant of Private Pansy, and Mage Meadowbrook. Her body is no longer her own. Instead, a powerful spirit, with absolute loyalty to him, has been placed with her stitched up flesh by the King. He wishes to use her bloodline and connection to the Element of Kindness, turning her into the Element of Lust.

[Art Coming 2025]
Bone Collector: Backstory revealed during their chapter Their species and even gender are completely unknown even to their closest allies. They are easily the least aligned with the King's ideals, but serve out of a broken cost of their past. They lost somepony, committed a deed of which Rainbow Dash would despise them for and steeped into the trenches of the King's darkest deeds. Chosen because they are rather unique among the Anti-Six as not only are they descendant from Commander Hurricane and Flash Magnus, but also Princess Platinum and Mistmane. Therefore, the King has made them the opposite to Rarity and the Element of Generosity, making them the Element of Apathy.

[Art Coming 2026]
Crystal Apple: Backstory revealed during their chapter. Forced to join the King out of survival, this member of the massive apple clan is a perfect choice. Descendant of both Smart Cookie and Rockhoof, the King chose him by forced to become the opposite of the Element of Honest, forging his body is half crystal and defining him as the Element of Deception.

[Art Coming 2027]
Iron Sentry: Backstory revealed during their chapter. After having his wings ripped off and replaced by cybernetic limbs, he thought his life was over. However, the former Flash Sentry of guided by the will of the Pale Mare. The King chose him as a descendant of Commander Hurricane and Flash Mangus to be the opposite of the Element of Loyalty. However, he is wearing the new brand for only one purpose, to overthrow the king, even if it means him being the Element of Dishonor.

[Art Coming 2028]
Zeneral Flood: Backstory revealed during their chapter Easily, the most unique prize in King Kray's collection. His name has less to do with his old life and more to do with his bloodline being a near impossible crossbreeding. Descendant of Private Pansy, and Mage Meadowbrook... Princess Platinum and Mistmane... and even Clover the Clever and Starswirl the Bearded. Yes, his blood is steeped in the power of so many Elements of Harmony that it makes sense for the king to choose him as the leader. The true antithesis of Harmony's power, the perfect opposite for the Element of Magic, he wears his emblem proud on a crown forged of unicorn horns, the Element of Antimagic.

Comments ( 5 )

Sounds like a interesting concept.

Wonder how Spike is handled in the fic too btw?

Spike first appearance was in File 8, with another small moment at the end File 14. His importances is better used the second season where he played more like a wounded dog under the king's boot. I dive directly into his connections with the main six and how it has effect him now that they have vanished. The biggest moment will be in the season two midpoint they find a room filled with objects belonging to the main six and Spike is sleeping peacefully among the pile

This is just a glimpse of what I have planned for him but beyond season two he will just have cameos. I am planning a SWWC side story featuring the events after his escape, that will be a solo story for him. And the Sweetie Belle sections of the main story are built around finding Spike(No romance as she only searching for him on whereabouts of her sister) after the fall while most of season two big events are during the fall itself.

Whats the solo story?

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