More Blog Posts173

  • Monday
    2024/06/02 Update

    so i've given up on the notion of anything like a regular blog schedule! i'll just post these whenever i have news, as a sort of record for any horsewords-related activities i've been getting up to.

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  • 10 weeks
    Announcing: The Science Fiction Contest III (2024 Mar 25 - May 14)

    copied from the forum thread below the break:

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  • 17 weeks
    ABBS VI: Quiet Days


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  • 18 weeks
    ABBS VI: Comment Exchange Revival


    well, it’s happened again! another very busy week in both the good and bad sense, which really squeezed out any time and energy i had for fandom things. i don’t want to say that i’m definitely pulling back on any plans, but i am more cognizant than ever what the tradeoffs are between what i’m trying to do here and what i’m trying to do with the rest of my life. 

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  • 19 weeks
    A Bicyclette Blog Series V: Exquisite Corpse


    it's a funny thing! this past week has been one of the most productive weeks in my life in some time, but all of that was in the non-fandom part of it. on the fandom side, i actually did the least that i have in more than a month? really makes me think.

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ABBS VI: Comment Exchange Revival · 5:17am January 29th


well, it’s happened again! another very busy week in both the good and bad sense, which really squeezed out any time and energy i had for fandom things. i don’t want to say that i’m definitely pulling back on any plans, but i am more cognizant than ever what the tradeoffs are between what i’m trying to do here and what i’m trying to do with the rest of my life. 

one thing i did manage to get done this week was a soft relaunch of Comment Club as a Comment Exchange, switching from a system to choose fics to read and comment on together to a system of exchanging fics between participants to read and comment on individually. i have no idea at all how well this will go yet, but we will see! definitely encourage you all to participate if you have any interest in such a thing.

the Exquisite Corpse on the Café Hay Discord server mentioned last time is progressing well! we are on the third person already out of the eight people signed up. excited to see how it turns out!


nothing again this week! well, last week i forgot to mention that i did write 234 words for the Sleep Panic Contest on the Quills and Sofas server, so i guess i did write something, retroactively. it was only the premise for a story, but definitely one that i am itching to write after these gift fics are done. will be about angsty child prodigy Sunset Shimmer and the nature of consciousness, classic me stuff


and for the second week in a row, i have not read a single horseword! well, i did read the other entries in the Sleep Panic Contest, but that sadly doesn’t count for the purposes of this section i decided (i mean there are def some i loved but i don’t want to link someone else’s GDocs out of nowhere!) i will definitely have something in this section next time, though.


still, with all this busyness, there are some big plans in the near future! will definitely have more news about that on next week’s blog. well, see ya!

Report Bicyclette · 174 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Not directly relevant to this post, but broadly relevant in the sense of the variety of stuff you're talking about: just thought I'd drop by to say how much I notice and appreciate how hard you work for our community. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

i really needed to hear this, thank you so much!

Sympathies on bad busyness, but hurray for good busyness. I definitely understand feeling the strain between fandom and the rest of life.

Glad you're still plugging away. n_n

i will definitely have something in this section next time, though.

You could always copy/paste something you wrote on one of the fics you previously reviewed that fulfills your other intended criteria. :twilightsmile: That could save time since you have a large back catalogue of reviews!

that is a good suggestion, but i am trying to have this be an incentive to read at least one thing a week. well, it didn't work the past two weeks, but i was very busy!

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