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“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss

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  • Wednesday
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #167




    And we begin with crime

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  • 1 week
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #166

    Time to move on to the birbs! Continuing the Young Six series, I'm turning this week towards Silverstream. 

    First up: There She Goes! by Miller Minus

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  • 2 weeks
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #165

    So hopping along, the next of the Young Six I'm gonna pull out is Smolder. (This time it's only semi-random: remember me mentioning semillon last week? Yeah, I'm having to actually sort this series to make sure not to feature them twice in a row.) So who am I gonna pull out first for Scoota-dragon?

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  • 3 weeks
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #164

    Right. A month or so ago I mentioned that I was getting ready to launch some bigger thematic batches of stories, which is why I was trying to clear up my new authors folder. The bigger one of those was a focus series on the Student Six, which I'd planned to start as soon as a month came up with five Wednesdays.

    …Yeah I was supposed to start it last week. Bother. 

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  • 3 weeks
    Followers vs. Account Age: A pointless data review: The Return

    Earlier today, I was shooting the shit with Aklinstar about some of the statistics blogs I've done in the past and I noticed there was one I never did an update/follow-up on. I promptly dropped everything to do exactly that, which is because I'm deeply interested in stats and data and not at all because I'm frustrated with the way my

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It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #151 · 7:53pm February 7th

This week's pair has been sitting in my ready queue for the longest - I originally selected it as an alternate pair for #116 back in June. I opted to use the other set because their connecting theme was slightly less spoiler-y for the G5 episodes I was referencing, but it's now been eight months so I no longer feel bad. And they've been waiting long enough!

So I'll lead with one of the more common figures in this blog: Mica, with Cutie Marks Under the Knife: A Special Report.

Taking the form of a journalist's report, the story talks about the latest trend in cosmetic surgery: cutie mark replacement. The concept of cutting off a cutie mark has gone from a horror movie trope to big business as the surgery has become more and more mainstream. Sometimes it's just getting a recolor to match a pony's mane and coat better; sometimes a brand new mark is inked on a piece of synthetic skin that replaces the old mark; and even giving a cutie mark to non-ponies. The practice is controversial, potentially dangerous, and only quasi-legal - but that doesn't stop ponies from doing it in greater and greater numbers.

Okay, so I love the whole situation this story sets up. It takes the idea of cosmetic surgery into Equestria and to its logical conclusion - the mark is such a key part of Equestrian and individual identity, it would be strange if it hadn't been tried. In the author's note, Mica comments about having tried to make the AU as convincing and immersive as possible, and really succeeded strongly.

The selection of characters involved is spot on, too. You've got Toola Roola, the pony having her mark replaced; Dr. Vibrant Insignia, the surgeon with a potent story behind why he does it; Gabby with her own perspective; and of course commentary from Starlight Glimmer. Each of them entirely makes sense and gives a different but still critical perspective into the debate. Gabby in particular is a highlight for me and I expect the same for a lot of readers around here, given her 'I feel like I was born in the wrong body' statement. Her treatment of the wooden shield the CMCs gave her is damn potent and one of my biggest moments of this story.

What really sets it apart is the tone. It's detached journalism, keeping a distance from all of the involved and presenting an impartial, impassive perspective. But it also has the reporter's own perspective and opinions leak through - RDT's comment really hits that. The reporter's coming from the perspective of a Manehattenite - the story repeatedly brings out Manehatten's public opinion on the surgery, and that opinion is subtly echoed in how the reporter frames things and the little side notes that are given. Subtle enough that the article still feels impartial, but still very present and influencing to the reader.

TCutie Marks Under the Knife: A Special Report
This year, more than 450,000 ponies and other creatures will undergo cutie mark cosmetic surgery. The Manehattan Times investigates, in this exclusive report.
Mica · 4.9k words  ·  226  6 · 2.4k views

And to counter that's an author who I'd swear I'd featured previously and yet I don't seem to have done so. It's odd, but my memory can be unpredictable at the best of times. So let's fix it now and show off Marked by Turtwig-Tales.

Cherrywood is a little filly in Manehatten. Her mother's a banker and her father a carpenter, but her? She's creative. Constantly doodling and drawing and writing (much to her parents frustration), because that's what she loves. She wants to create like her great-grandfather who was a well-known sculptor. And then she gets a cutie mark to be an accountant. Her parents are overjoyed - she is not. So little Cherrywood does the only thing that makes sense: she runs away from home to go to Canterlot and ask Princess Celestia to give her a new cutie mark because princesses can do anything.

So y'all can probably guess that my first descriptor for this story would be 'adorable'. And it is. Cherrywood (and her faithful companion Robearto) is just cute as all hell. I could just gush for a while about how much of a fun little kid she is. She's right in that precocious sweet spot I love in child characters: trouble-causing but innocent and sweet at the same time. (Now that I think about it, that describes a mini Trixie. There's a horrifying thought.)

The story itself is on point. It has a clear proposal, it writes to the goal, and it doesn't mess around. There's no sweeping sidequests or needless drama - I like when a story is focused, and this one very much is. The stakes are clear and feel just right for a filly; there's a little bit of cameo appearances for connecting it to the greater world but they're not disruptive; and critically nobody acts stupid for the sake of the plot. Everyone involved acts reasonably for who they are, and that does a ton to making the story work.

Add on top a nice helping of Momlestia and an excellent epilogue and you've got a sweet and simple story that warms the heart and has gone quietly under most radars.

A young filly doesn't like her cutie mark. She decides to do something about it.
Turtwig-Tales · 11k words  ·  34  1 · 551 views

New or catching up? Try Recommendsday: The Index for your story needs!

Report TCC56 · 202 views · #recommendsday
Comments ( 6 )

Thank you for the praise! I have to say Cutie Marks Under the Knife is still the Fimfic story I’m most proud of, and I aspire my new stories to be up to the same standard.

This week's pair has been sitting in my ready queue for the longest […] it's now been eight months

[Glances over from last week where a fic I'd featured had been sitting in my ready queue for over 20 months]
Eight months? That's adorable, bud. :ajsmug: Really cute how you think that's an unfathomably long wait for one of these to see the light of day.

On the note of almost two years ago, Cutie Marks Under the Knife was one of the earliest fics I featured, on only my 4th week. Little disagreement from me on it; it's one of the early Really Goods I still feel confident on, between it's concept, tonal approach of detachment with some opinion leaking through, and choice of characters to approach the topic from varying angles. Mica really does deserve the praise he routinely gets for his short fics!

As for the other fic, it sounds quite impressive too, but mostly I'm taken aback. I was surprised to scroll to the bottom and see that Marked is a Comedy/Slice of Life – the way you described it, it really seemed like at least a Drama, if not an outright Tragedy. Still, I approve of seeing a story over five years old (barely, but it counts) with 500 views exactly (:pinkiesmile:), getting a signal boost. That's what we flock to you on the weekly for, bud!

Huh, that first one sounds like a rather similar setup to one of my stories… but I can’t say which one, since that’d spoil the twist. Though In Bloom does touch on it a bit too. I’ve found alternate takes on how cutie marks work interesting, including the possibility that one can change with its owner’s passions.


! I have to say Cutie Marks Under the Knife is still the Fimfic story I’m most proud of, and I aspire my new stories to be up to the same standard.

It's an excellent one to use as the goalpost. All the elements are there.


Really cute how you think that's an unfathomably long wait for one of these to see the light of day.

That's how long it was in my paired short queue - the general pile is far longer than that. And yes, Marked having the Comedy/SoL tag combo seems a bit unusual, but it really is fairly light and cheerful fare despite how heavy the pitch sounds.


Huh, that first one sounds like a rather similar setup to one of my stories…

Hm. I'm not sure which one you mean. Guess I need to dive through your list again, then!

Hm. I could tell you which one, but it would spoil the twist (though a number of readers anticipated it from the start, so you might too). It'd be tough to guess which one through the story description, and if you did, then you'd already be seeing the twist coming anyway, so... I'll spoiler it in case you'd rather not know: Only Skin Deep.

Ah! One of yours I haven't gotten to yet. That explains why it didn't ring a bell. My best guess had been Through Another's Eyes, but that didn't really fit the bill.

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