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Kaiju Profile: Gigan · 8:14pm Oct 21st, 2014


True Form

"Another day another job, time to get this over with."

Title: The Nebulan Enforcer
Alias: P.S.H.A.S -1 (Prototype Space Hunter Alpha Series 1), 'Edward Scissorhands'
Species: Cyborg of an unknown alien species resembling an upright dragon with a beak and hooked scythes for forearms, as well as a visor covering the eye line
Coloration: Dark blue with steel colored metallic plates (joints, feet, beak, backspines, tail hooks), dark red sails on back, eye visor covering eye line
Gender: Male
Height: 105 meters (top of head), 120 meters (top of horns)
Weight: 60,000 tons
Length: 220 meters

Morality: Gigan is a kaiju that rarely acts on his own accord often, usually just following the orders of whoever is commanding him at the moment without much question. In a way he could be thought of as a mercenary, abet one who's creators (the Nebulan race) are the ones who hire him out. The few times he is seen acting on his own choice, the cyborg is an odd book to read. He certainly doesn't bat an eye visor at causing mass destruction, but does it more out of being told to and simply not caring to oppose instead to relishing devastation. Often seen working alongside both Megalon and Monster X, the former seeing the elder cyborg as an older brother and Gigan mutually sees the latter as an old ally due to the frequency of Xilian and Nebulan co-ventures. Despite some roughness, the three do seem to have a genuine sense of comradery despite Megalon's tendencies and quirkiness often annoying Gigan.
In battle Gigan is a ferocious duelist, but not the extent he will not know when it is time to retreat from a lost battle. He also has a bad tendency to underestimate new opponents.
Traits: Partial metallic coating, buzz saw on chest, bladed scythes on forearms, spikes down back, tail, and on joints, bladed hooks on tail tip, anti-gravity jets on back allow for flight at Mach 1 in atmosphere and Mach 3 in vacuum


Optic Flare - After a brief charge period indicated by a glowing light on his visor, Gigan can fire out a red colored beam of plasma as a ranged attack. This can vary from a short ranged, shotgun-like scatter blast to a thin, long range ray.

Teleportation - Via access to a warp drive, Gigan can jump into the air and teleport a short distance, indicated by a flash of red light. This ability has a range of several thousand meters and can be done repeatedly after a couple minutes of recharge time. Gigan can teleport in rapid succession, but the effort is heavily draining on his internal power stores. He can also warp anything he's holding onto along with him, but doing so requires the object be staying more or less still. Teleporting other objects with him also limits how far he cam warp. Whatever liquid or gas that occupies the space Gigan is teleporting to will replace him in his original location. So teleporting himself into sea water from mid-air results in an equal volume of salt water being dropped into the air. The only full limitation to this ability is Gigan requires a line of sight to where he will 'blink' too, and he or anything he's holding onto must fit in the given space, as he cannot teleport anything inside a large amounts of solid matter.

Armaments - As previously stated, Gigan is a cyborg is a lot of on board physical weaponry. Most notably this includes the large scythes built onto his arms and the buzz saw grafted into his chest. All of these components are made of an unknown alloy that is incredibly durable and decently light. A single swipe of his arm blades can easily slash through a building or leave a large cut into the hides of even greatly durable kaiju like Godzilla.

Weakness: - Being a cyborg, only one half of Gigan's body with automatically heal itself upon taking damage. If any of his cybernetics are damaged, he must seek the proper authorities to fix it or risk literally half his body dying. He is also vulnerable to bright light if his visor is damaged, as it can easily blind him. Unless given an outside power source to recharge from, Gigan usually cannot teleport in rapid succession or it will severely drain his power cells.

*It's theorized by some that it's this need for repairs is why he stayed in the otherwise weak Nebulan's thrall for so long. Not because they could overpower him or Megalon, but because the kaiju needed the aliens to fix them, so it seems to be a form of strange symbiosis.


Gigan's exact origins are a closely guarded trade secret by the Nebulan forces, which scrub the information as protocol if any of their ships are captured or damaged beyond repair. It's thought that this is to both avoid anyone reverse engineering the behemoth, as well as using his blueprints to exploit any design flaws or weaknesses in the construct. Being a cyborg, it can be inferred Gigan was once fully a flesh and blood creature at some point, but whether he was a natural kaiju who's species hailed from the Nebulan home world or an artificial creation that was then modified is unknown. The presence of some M-base in his genes has lead to numerous theories, from him originally hailing from the Xilian home world, to the Xilians having played a hand in the creation of their ally's enforcer.
His presence was made known to the denizens of Terra when he formed one of the spear heads of the invasion force during 'Final Wars'. Gigan's mix of great agility and powerful armaments made him a threat to both the Human/Mysterian forces as well as the native kaiju. Having access to constant recharges for his energy core from the Nebulan ships, Gigan was easily able to outflank anyone he couldn't overpower and over power anyone he couldn't outflank. This was only stopped after Mothra, cluing in to the cyborg's power source, destroyed his recharging stations before the expended cyborg could refresh himself. Gigan left the planet with a nearly dead power core and a missing forearm thanks to a direct Buster Cannon shot from Lea.
Most of what is known about the cyborg's psyche is made up of glimpses Terran psyches gleamed from his mind during Final Wars. Gigan's basic state could be put as simply not caring. Numerous occasions the cyborg almost came off as bored when acting under Nebulan authority and even seemed to display some contempt for his superiors. Still, the sense of comeradery between him, Monster X, and Megalon did seem genuine. During Final Wars, Gigan even broke off from a fight with Mothra to aid Monster X against Godzilla, as well as teleporting in to deflect a maser blast Kiryu fired at Megalon.

Comments ( 9 )

Whoa, really nice spin on Gigan here. It's nice to see that he too can have a sense of friendship.

I liked reading this! Gave me a little something something to hold me over until the next chapter comes out! ^w^

So, Gigan is a merc. Interesting.

Some have called Gigan The 'Starscream' of the Kaiju series. Since seem to appear to always run away when close to death.


"Hate to call you a coward master, but sometimes cowards do survive..."

Well if you know you'd die if you stayed, wouldn't the smart thing to do be leave?

Well considering that Gigan get his head blown up and cut off two times.

Also included kill from both Mothra and Zone Fighter. I could possibly imagine why he so cowardly.:ajsmug:


Good thing he can survive without his head


Also I like that you made it like Megalon thinks Gigan as a brother. Since they are both cyborg Kaiju, It really speaks for them.

The symbiosis thing makes sense because in the movie Godzilla Vs Gigan where the Nebulians appear for the first time, they confess that they controlled it through special audio tapes.

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