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Stylish: Fix Rounded FimFic Avatars · 11:02pm Jun 5th, 2017

See also:
Stylish: Green the Navbar by Cursed Quill
Stylish: Original Color Genre Tags by Cursed Quill
Stylish: FimFic Character Tag Icons

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("fimfiction.net") {

  .bookshelf-card .avatar,.user-card .avatar,.list_boxes .list .avatar,.comment .avatar,.comment .author .avatar,.feed>li .avatar,.thread_list table td .avatar,.member_list table td img.avatar,.navigation-drawer .profile .avatar,.private-message-list .avatar,.bio_followers ul li .user-avatar,.nav_bar .nav-bar-list>li>ul.drop-down-private-messages li .avatar,.nav_bar .nav-bar-list>li .nav-bar-drop-down.drop-down-private-messages li .avatar,.user-page-header .avatar-container img,.private_messages .previous_message .avatar, .user_cp .tabs img, .story_container img.story_avatar {border-radius:0% !important;}
Comments ( 18 )

How do you install this?

Well, once you’ve installed Stylish (or equivalent) for whichever browser you use, tell it to create a new style (in Firefox, going to about:stylish-edit should do the trick, not sure how they do it in Chrome or Opera), and then paste everything from the codeblock in and put an appropriate name for the script in the Name box and hit Save. It should take effect pretty much immediately.

I’ve already done that. The avatars are still round.

Odd, it made them all square for me, not sure why it wouldn’t for you...

No worries. I actually ended up stuffing the entire stylesheet.CSS file from before the update into stylish and got it working myself.

Additionally, the old style sheet makes the site look quite a bit more like before.

Wouldn’t you mind sharing the old stylesheet with those, who don’t have, yet want to clean some style fallacy?

Thanks very much, this works great!

Cursed Quill has also designed a ‘restore genre tag colours’ style.

Thanks a lot :raritystarry:

Load in it will lag chrome a bit but once its loaded it works fine

You missed one(or they added one) in the editing window of blog: .user_cp .tabs img

This didn’t work for me; then again, I have Chrome, so I don’t know if the coding you wrote acts differently on it.

Added that one to the script now, good catch either way.

Using FireFox here... Just looked into that, found https://github.com/stylish-userstyles/stylish/wiki/Applying-styles-to-specific-sites which states that “Stylish on Chrome does not support @-moz-document rules, but provides a UI with the same rule types”, though it doesn’t seem to give details on that page on how one *does* specify a domain in Chrome other than that mention of some UI... If you do find more out, feel free to comment so other people with the same issue can do the same.

Just found another one to add to it, .story_container img.story_avatar

I'm posting this all over so more people can see it.

Spread it around.

FimFic Character Tag Icons


The Tags are back, bitches!

Added it to the "See Also" list in the post. :pinkiesmile:

Awesome! :yay:

The more people who know, the better.

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