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Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams

More Blog Posts157

  • 3 weeks
    New cover art for How the Tantabus Parses Sleep

    Recently, I decided to commission some new cover art for How the Tantabus Parses Sleep, and I think Harwick did an excellent job of it. I did some resizing and added some text for the actual cover, but I'd be remiss to not show the full version from

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  • 4 weeks
    Urban Wilds art commission (Content warning: blood)

    A while ago, I commissioned Moonatik for some Urban Wilds art, and I think it turned out great. But fair warning: it's pretty bloody, taking place shortly after Amanita kills her two attackers, so only open this post if you're okay with that. (I checked the site's rules, and it fits in the postable "borderline" category".) Got that? Good.

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  • 6 weeks
    New Hinterlands sequel

    I've been working on another sequel to Hinterlands for over a year, and it's finally ready to be published! Check out the continuing adventures of our hapless necromancer and her bounty hunter friend in the great white north:

    TDeath Valley
    Hostile lands. Frigid valleys. Backwater villages. Shadowy forests. Vicious beasts. Gloomy mines. Strange magics. And the nicest pony for miles is a necromancer. A royal investigation of tainted ley lines uncovers dark secrets in the Frozen North.
    Rambling Writer · 112k words  ·  136  1 · 648 views
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  • 6 weeks
    Barcast: Last Call, Last Mini-rounds, I'm on Tap

    As you may have heard, the Barcast interview group is sadly closing its doors. But before they do, they're having one last stream: a series of rapid-fire five-minute interviews this Saturday with as many people as they can manage. And guess who decided to sign up?

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  • 63 weeks
    Hinterlands / Urban Wilds fanart

    Recently, Moonatik decided that Hinterlands and Urban Wilds were somehow good enough to merit fanart and drew a picture of Bitterroot and Amanita. I think it's neat!

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In Which I Suffer Through New Moon: Chapter 12 -- Intruder · 2:05pm Mar 26th, 2018

Hearing something scratching at her window, Bella freaks out, thinking it’s Victoria. No, it’s actually Jacob, climbing a tree to try to get into her room. Bella opens her window to let Jacob in, which brings up lots of bad emotions.

I’d cried myself to sleep over this boy. His harsh rejection had punched a painful new hole in what was left of my chest. He’d left a new nightmare behind him, like an infection in a sore — the insult after the injury. And now he was here in my room, smirking at me as if none of that had passed. Worse than that, even though his arrival had been noisy and awkward, it reminded me of when Edward used to sneak in through my window at night, and the reminder picked viciously at the unhealed wounds.

CM + 1

Also, he’s shirtless. Get used to that.

Jacob apologizes and tries to tell her what’s going on, but finds himself physically unable to. It’s not his secret to give. He does his best to get around it, telling her to think about the stories he told her that day on the beach way back in the first book. However, the only story Bella can remember is the one about vampires. Both of them get frustrated by the lack of progress, so Jacob decides to leave in the hopes that sleeping on it will churn Bella’s memory. He had to sneak out and doesn’t want the others knowing about it. Before this all happened, he and Bella had the wrong idea about them; it’s not any of their faults, what’s happening to him, and Sam was actually cool. He still advises Bella to stay away, as it’s dangerous.

Bella dreams about Jacob turning into a wolf and connects the dots as soon as she wakes up. She remembers the stories about Quileute ancestors being wolves that turned into men, and about werewolves and vampires being enemies. Ding: Jacob’s a werewolf. As Bella tries to grasp it all, we get a paragraph that’s a pretty concise description of the weirder side of Equestria:

What kind of a place was this? Could a world really exist where ancient legends went wandering around the borders of tiny, insignificant towns, facing down mythical monsters? Did this mean every impossible fairy tale was grounded somewhere in absolute truth? Was there anything sane or normal at all, or was everything just magic and ghost stories?

Bella puts more pieces together and realizes that Sam’s gang isn’t a gang, it’s a pack. Desperate to see Jacob again and make sense of it all, she rushes downstairs to drive to La Push. She runs into Charlie in the kitchen, who advises her to be careful. There’s been another attack by the wolves, with the hiker involved just disappearing. The rangers are going all-out, taking hunting parties into the forest to try and catch some of the wolves. He’s going along with them.

Once he’s gone, Bella ponders her conundrum: her father’s going out to try and shoot her best friend. She’s split; on one hand, she thought she knew Jacob and would’ve doubted he’d do anything like this. But on the other, all the evidence points to the werewolves killing hikers, after all (although there’s also the little matter of Victoria, the vampire roving around who wants to kill Bella; somehow, she never thinks about that).

Jacob was my best friend, but was he a monster, too? A real one? A bad one? Should I warn him, if he and his friends were… were murderers! (Sic on that exclamation mark.) If there were out slaughtering innocent hikers in cold blood? If they were truly creatures from a horror movie in every sense, would it be wrong to protect them?

Sounds like the Cullens, especially since Edward’s admitted to being a murderer. To be fair, Bella sees this connection, too, and starts drawing comparisons. The biggest one is that the Cullens try to be better than they are, but she has no evidence of the werewolves doing the same. Bella’s split: try to save her best friend or let a monster die?

Interesting ethical problem, right? Too bad it gets resolved in the very next chapter.

Clinginess Meter: 42 x 3

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Comments ( 3 )

Was there anything sane or normal at all, or was everything just magic and ghost stories?

This girl has a depressingly narrow definition of sanity and normalcy. After all, there is no truly supernatural force, merely extra-Horatian ones. That which is not dreamt of in our philosophy still exists to be studied and tested by it.

Sorry, kind of went all science-mage there. :derpytongue2: In any case, darn shame about that ethical cliffhanger. I guess any complexity got left behind with Jacob's shirts.

Did this mean every impossible fairy tale was grounded somewhere in absolute truth?

As Bella watched a dragon flying overhead, she wondered how the supernatural had ever managed to hide in the first place.

Author Interviewer

Oh my god, it's almost like she has intelligence or something. :O

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