• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
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More Blog Posts88

  • 249 weeks
    All Stories Canceled

    Hello everyone, I apologize for not being as active on this sight anymore as I was long ago. But I figured by the title a lot of panicked comments are already being formed but please read the entire post before making those comments as I will address the most obvious questions at the end.

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    12 comments · 2,372 views
  • 385 weeks
    Hey I'm alive!

    I suppose an explanation is in order of what the hell has been going on with me. Well, to be frank college didn't work out and I ended up moving down south with my family. The hectic nature of moving to a new place has put a damper on my writing and made it difficult to motivate myself to write. So I kept putting off writing as I've tried to get my real life in order. I can't say it's completely

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  • 441 weeks
    Any artists out there?!

    I figure after going several months, Equestria Guardians and some of my stories could use cover art. I can't pay for them because, college, but I will credit any artist who provides cover art. Please, either contact me on PM or tell your friends who can draw about an oppurtunity. I really want to help get Guardians up there.

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  • 464 weeks
    I'm not dead fellas!

    Gosh, I never thought I'd actually get to say that, guess I can cross that off my internet bucket list. Anyways, here's what's going on guys, I've been sick, out of school and just depressed for so long I've honestly lost interest in writing all together. My confidence was totally shot for the longest time. So, I gave you guys a huge hiatus that nobody asked for. For that I truly apologize and

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  • 477 weeks
    Future Side Stories to think on.

    Hey guys, with another case done I feel like we can look forward to the future. Honestly though, the biggest thing for new ideas I'm looking for are side stories. I have a handful in mind though, so check it out.

    Welcome to Ponyville.

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All Stories Canceled · 4:31am Aug 22nd, 2019

Hello everyone, I apologize for not being as active on this sight anymore as I was long ago. But I figured by the title a lot of panicked comments are already being formed but please read the entire post before making those comments as I will address the most obvious questions at the end.

So it is with a heavy heart that I am declaring that I will no longer be writing on this website as of 2019.

Equestria Noir, and Guardians will no longer be updating for the definite future.

Now let me get the obvious questions out of the way first.

Because simply I have fallen out of love both with the show, the series, and my work on this website. I'm far too busy finding paying work/living life to focus squarely on these fanfictions. I was in a far different place when I started to where I am now well over a decade later. I've lost passion for the series and don't feel I could do it justice by continuing to write for something I've just lost interest in.

Does this mean we will NEVER see you update again?
Maybe, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Anything can happen but I don't want to get anybody's hopes up.

Do you hate Noir or Guardians why why why are you doing this?!
No, I don't hate my work, I've just lost interest. Noir had become too big of a beast for me to work with and Guardians wasn't really well thought out to begin with. I'm just not interested in continuing either series as of this writing.

Do you hate MLP now too?!
No, even if I am of the opinion the show had taken a sharp drop in quality after season 5.

So can I continue your work if you aren't going to? Can I write my own continuation/spinoff/whatever?
Yes, I am opening the gates to anyone who either wants to write in my universe or wants to continue where I left off. Go ahead, I can't stop you and I heavily encourage you all to write whatever you want. If my work springboards somebody else to try writing themselves it's a plus for me.

Can I request that you-

Whatever happened to that radio drama version of Noir?
Never got off the ground, life will do that to ya. I apologize in advance to any VAs that got the short end in that project...really sorry about that one.

Can I ask elaborations on any of the above questions?
Provided they are respectful and not in all caps I'll consider it.

Any last words?
Write. Even if it's just a for a show about cartoon horses, write and keep writing and don't be disappointed by your authors not continuing to write fan fiction. We are human and life gets us down the same way it does everybody. If you feel strongly about me leaving then that's fine, I expect it. But don't let me leaving shut down any desire you have to create.

Was it all worth it?
I would not be the man I am today without these works, but at the same time I can't be the same man I was when I started them.

Since a few of your have asked what would've happened had I continued well let me give you a general synopsis of the cases and Guardians and I'll try to put in everything I can think of but naturally I'm probably going to miss some details so feel free to ask in the comments. I apologize for these being brief as I had only a very vague idea of how the details of each case would play out so I'm going to give you the broad strokes.

Case 17 Charcoal
A Spera focused case that would've had him and Sunset be locked in a snow covered manor like an Agatha Christie Novel. Ultimately would've ended with Spera doing a murder on the perpetrator and Sunset realizing she probably shouldn't have joined him.

Case 18 9,10,11
The Doctor meets Private again and gets split into the Nine, Tenth and Eleventh incarnations of the Doctor. Some fun fan service that ultimately would've ended with some cameos from twelve and my version of the thirteenth.

Case 19 Valley of Death
A Pinkie focused case that would've been loosely based on the David Cage game Beyond Two Souls. Would've had the first appearance of Maud in the Equestria Noir Timeline.

Case 20, Fortnight
Evenstar meets his long lost parent ad discovers that he really was abandoned. Lots of Blood vs Choice family drama. Ultimately ended with Even parting ways with his parent and deciding to focus more on becoming the detective Private is building him towards.

Case 21 Fallen Sky
Raiden gets framed for a terrible crime and Private rexamines his longtime friendship with him. Lightning Dust was ultimately the one plotting to ruin Raiden and set him up as a patsy. They get her locked up and Raiden goes free. After getting cleaned up him and Rainbow agree to not run right back into the relationship again, both of them realizing they simply weren't ready for it. (They do meet up again years later and get together, calm down shippers)

Case 22, Explosive Games
The plot of Equestria games but with bombs and international intrigue as Equestria's place in the wider world is discussed. Some plot from Red Snow Fall would have been revisited.

The Kingdom Trilogy,
Spera sets Private up to get kidnapped by Adamus. Revelations are given here, Private as it turns out is a vessel containing some pretty nasty dark magic and Adamus intially hoped that he would have a grandchild that was pure unicorn enough to contain it. Private and Twilight have a harrowing escape but then the Season 4 finale happens. However in this version Spera kills Tirek and takes on the magic that he had absorbed up until now. Private manages to escape but finds out that Adamus had planted a bomb his home, in the hopes of killing Tailspin and thus unleashing the one thing keeping Private from going full dark again. While the battle with Tirek wages, Private reaches his house only for it to explode, with presumably Tailspin inside. (he's fine though, he was out of the house at the time, we find this out later) Private absolutely loses it and nearly kills Adamus and goes full Nightmare on everyone. Leading to a curpstomp battle with the Mane Six (Want to point out they didn't get drained in this version of Season 4 Finale). The Mane Six dedicate themselves to saving Private, but Spera and Sunset manage to get the drop on him, using the snake sword to kill Private and steal the dark magic inside him. Spera goes full nightmare himself and is prepared to wipe out all of Equestria now with no alicorns to get in the way. Twilight uses her alicorn magic to resurrect Private and the two perform union magic (the trick that Voidera and Celestia did waaaay back in case 16)

This leads to Spera's defeat and arrested, Sunset is forgiven for her involvement (she helped the Mane Six come up with the magic to ressurect Private after seeing what Spera was truly like). Private however suffers a nasty injury from the whole affair and now walks with a limp leg.

Private officially retires from detective work and decides to be Twilight's head of guard full time. He passes on the Fedora to Even and Adamus is found by Private. Instead of killing him, Private simply presents all the evidence he had to Shinebadge who as it turns out was investigating the corruption in the Ranks of EPD after pretending to Retire. He, along with the majority of the upper crust are found out as Adamus kept blackmail on each of them to ensure that Private would have trouble this season with getting on cases. Adamus is taken by Celestia to be sent to Tartarus for his misdeeds.

Private and Twilight have four children in the epilogue years later, A colt named Spellblade, a filly named Twinkle, and an adopted filly named Nyx (yes that Nyx) and another colt named Ion.

As for Guardians honestly after a minor arc involving Zecora and arcs involving the various Equestria Girls movies (with a guardian twist of course) I would've had Tirek ultimately be revealed as the big bad and during the final showdown he would've broke the witching hour, causing magic to be flooded into the world and everyone effectively remembers their past lives and gets magic. But that was about all I had for the broad strokes of that story.

So, if you need elaboration please ask in the comments below.

Report Jacoboby1 · 2,372 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

It's sad to hear this news, but I respect your decision to decide to move on. Better to simply let things be instead of trying to force something from nothing. I wish you best of luck wherever the future takes you, and I thank you for the stories that you've given us over the years. Take care.

i loved equestria noir it got me into noir reading evin thou you are leaving i want to say thank you for all the amazing fics you gave us and the wonderful characters thank you

It's kind of a shame that you're leaving, but I respect your decision. Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your Equestria Noir series!

That is very sad. I loved your Noir series.

Good luck with any future projects.

Best wishes.

As a fan of your Noir series from pretty much its inception, I am sorry to hear this decision as I always looked forward to new stories and seeing where you went with them, but I am honestly not all that surprised either; mostly as I figured you were either going through some IRL issues or had just lost the umph to write more since it had been so long since a new case was posted.

That being said, however, I want to give you some massive kudos/respect for 1) knowing when to bow out of the situation, 2) letting us know you were bowing out and why rather than simply disappearing and 3) giving us an amazing universe that was a joy to read.

Good luck in all your future endeavors, your work shall forever have a special place in my memories.

Another good talented writer moves on to better things...it's a bit bittersweet but that is life. I did love you Noir series, and I respect that even though they may not be written, you gave us a way to have an end to things.

Thanks for a wonderful time, and good fortune in your future endeavors. :twilightsmile:

Hey Jacoboby1. I just want to say thank you for all the great stories and characters you wrote for us over the years. I became a HUGE fan of your stories. I’ve read every single one. Hell, I even started an Equestria Noire series of my own. It was your stories that inspired me to write my own stories.

I’ll be honest: I am sad to see you go. However, I can also honestly say that I hope you do great things out there in the world man. I hope you become something bigger than before.

So, again, Jacoboby1, thank you. Thank you for inspiring me, thank you for getting me interested in writing, and thank you for all the great stories you published.

I hope you can read my story and maybe give me some tips on how I can write better. Cause it would be great to get advice from you.

Have a great life in everything you do man. Goodbye and thank you again. We’ll all miss you.

I hate abrupt endings. Ah well, better and simultaneously worse than a permanent cliffhanger. Would've loved to see you at least finish the last few cases. I also found it quite interesting how you tied the series in to Fallout: Equestria in your own little ways. I wish you a good life. Goodbye.

Well I just read this blog and honestly I am dissapointed that guardians of equestria will not be continued. I would ask if I can make my own spin off of it but I got too many ideas of my own and honestly I can't work with it as I don't know where to go with it if I could. If I do have an idea for it I'll send you a message or something. Though some of the noir stories I didn't like and I won't bother saying which ones.

I understand that you lost interest, but I hope you finish the EN series at some point.

If your stories are canceled, you can edit them to mark them as such. Otherwise, they'll remain marked as incomplete and will show up in searches for incomplete stories. It'd be best to go tag them all accordingly.

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