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Nacht Der Greyson · 2:00am Jul 18th, 2020

You're the Nazi. You want to control how others think. Even in their porn.

You make me sick. God will punish you for this.

Based and ponypilled.

Who asked you to sugarcoat it, retard? Use your free speech. Say what you mean. Say what you feel. Don't spare my feelings.

"Wolfenstein: The New Order gave me a boner. Because I was killing Nazis en masse. And I loved every moment of it."

This is not meant for humor in any shape of form, but a statement to let our other minorities group on the site know that they are not safe in expressing themselves on this site freely.

Undead Greyson

You become the totalitarian by silencing views you disagree with

Report B_25 · 1,039 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

You make me sick. God will punish you for this.

B_25 #2 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

i already am punished.

some people just wanna stick appendages in ponies

B_25 #4 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

this is the greyson i speak of

Fellas as long as we ain't going out and doing the same things to other animals I really don't see a problem-- it's literally with smut but with ponies lmao. And if you're reading it, you turned the mature filter on and I'm pretty sure it warns you of pornographic content soooo πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€



B_25 #8 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

he has done no such thing soul sister

Not entirely related, but every time somepony says "based" or "pilled" I feel the distinct desire to facehoof so hard it gouges out my eyes.

same, but with 'facehoof' and 'brohoof'

As I have said, I am vehemently against censorship. However, I recognize that Derpi is a private entity, thus not beholden to the 1st amendment. If they want to ban Nazi imagery or Aryanne, fine. I won't say anything...

except that this moral line in the sand Derpi seems to have drawn is hilariously skewed. "Thank god they banned Aryanne! I mean, when I'm jacking my dick to Big Mac fucking the severed heads of the CMC, the last thing I want to see is offensive imagery!"

To be clear, I'm not in favor of banning those either. Derpi has one of the best and easiest tagging and filtering systems I've ever seen. But what they are basically saying is that abuse, rape, murder, torture, gore, drug use, suicide, war crimes, child molestation, and child abuse are A-okay! But a swastika?! Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! Not cool, bro!

be honest we all dream of being in a relationship our favourite MLP mare/stallion

Ok, I am lost and confused, what's going on about this Nazy issue?

Hmm... when you mainline as much caffeine as i do, you learn that nothing truly matters after you start hearing a perpetual high-pitched whistle in your left ear, and that everyone on the internet is nothing more than words on a screen.

Nazis have a habit of co-opting things or their own use. It's better to just stop them.

Free speech may be free speech, but we do not allow libel nor death threats nor harmful forms of it go off unpunished. I see no reason to allow Nazism, an ideology that has literally caused the deaths of millions and the suffering of more to go any further.

You shut it down early and you shut it down hard. Less it corrupts the rest.

Ideas are very hard to kill as they say. And that goes for fascism. Shutting it down does not make you like a totalitarian. Not shutting it down makes you a bystander.

B_25 #18 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 4 ·

and taking this seriously makes you a lil bitch on mlp fanfiction

I have to.

I almost died because I was a *filthy chink who didn't know their place* in a beating. I have had a brick thrown at my head because I'm *already retarded and it wouldn't hurt much anyways*. I called my friend the N Word and he explained to me the weight of that word when he showed me his family line and how it ended after six generations, not because it was new but because all records began with that enslaved african american.

And these aren't even Nazis. They're just a**holes who thought jokes that they learnt growing up were real and fun.

Words and concepts have weight. And the idea of Nazism, dressed up in pone or entombed in stone, will always have that weight of a world war, a near genocide, and fear and anger.

Jokes are jokes until somebody's in the hospital.

So IDK man. Jokes are fine and all. I like a good parody of Nazis too. I love Jojo Rabbit and I love every single Mel Brooks film.

But Aryanne? No. She's not really a joke. She is cute and well drawn and all of that.

But no. She's not a joke. She's a fetish that fetishizes Nazism.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe ther person behind it just want to make fun of Nazism. Maybe the people who wrote that story and the clopfic wanted to have fun with it too.

But from where I'm standing? Living as somebody who hits all the checkboxes to be a Red Triangle in a Concentration camp? I'm not laughing.

Watch your thoughts; for they become words. Watch your words; for they become actions. Watch your actions; for they become habits. Watch your habits; for they become character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny.”

So I'm watching what we put on this site and what we say. It may be a joke for those in the know, but to those outside, it may become an invitation.

And I refuse to lost another symbol to Nazis. We lost Norse mythology to the f***ers who co-opted the mythos and twisted it to their own ends. We lost the Swastika, a Buddhist symbol of reincarnation, to be forever remembered as the symbol of one of history's greatest monsters.

I refuse to let them have MLP.

So I will watch their words. I will, in your words, be a little bitch about it.

Because I've been hurt too much by cowards who feel powerful when crushing others underfoot.

Sorry for being such a bitch about such a heavy thing.

Words are never light though. They carry weight.

And I refuse to carry the weight of such an ideology.

Comment posted by B_25 deleted Jul 18th, 2020

Fine. Have fun with it then, Fuhrer.

So long as you keep an eye on the real world, 'kay?

Stay safe. Seriously man. Stay safe and don't post things on twitter. USA legit has a secret police now and I'm kind of scared.

B_25 #22 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 1 ·

wtf are you on about.

go somewhere else

The FBI is America's secret police dude so idk what you mean by they have recently made one

I knew I liked you for a reason. apart from being a fellow degenerate

Also if we are gonna talk about how ideologies killed people, we should take a look at the communists first cause they killed way more than the nazis, the commies kill count from mass killings at its highest estimate is somewhere around 148 million people or more in a period of around 74 years, at its lowest estimate the kill count is still ridiculously high at 21 million people dead.

That feel when you're trying to meme about nazi zombies and these fuckers flood from nowhere with irrelevant shit.

When you oppress and take away someones speech you only leave them one way "speak out".


"And I refuse to lost another symbol to Nazis." Literally what? The only way you "lose" a symbol is to give it up and say it belongs to them. This is on the same level of the morons saying Pepe or the ok hand sign is now a nazi symbol.

Can this crap go away please? I just want to enjoy the awesome, and sometimes smutty, world this fandom has created.

Glad we agree on that then.

And true that. I just don't want to have this site become infested with them.

Holy fucking shit that’s actually my meme.

I feel honored

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