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Because after everything burns to the ground I always tend to wander the field of ashes.

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    Hello 32 people who are probably inactive or bots other than the friend follows.

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Right, Wrong, and Humor · 6:06pm Jul 18th, 2020

Hello 32 people who are probably inactive or bots other than the friend follows.

I have no platform, but given that I'm not wasted at TrotCon this year I need to get my annual social energies out in the wild.

I'm exhausted. Life isn't fun right now, fandom isn't fun right now, people are at each other's throats in both. I'm generally non-confrontational, and in fact anti-confrontational. You want your fetishes - some are gross but fine. You want symbology of a fascist regime - nah. People claim slippery slope as soon as you try to take something away, but sometimes things are taken away for a reason. Nazi iconography isn't a fetish, it's treason to the free world that belongs in a textbook as only a memory and a lesson.

Life isn't built around white and black but sometimes you get a shade of grey that's indistinguishable from either. Humor is something that revels in the gray and trying to invert expectations and has it's own realms of rules and there are several people claiming the Nazism on display is only being used as a vessel for humor, but in order to make Nazism funny you have to make it pathetic which is not happening. Someone sad and alone heiling Hitler can be made comedic, sure. But you add appeal to them - maybe just a strong jawline or stance, more confidence. The same picture is no longer pathetic and is instead a glorification, all from subtle contextual changes and subjectivity.

This Marenheit 451 art pack circulating around is a glorification of Nazism plain and simple - and to those that say we can't hate it because it gives to charity need only click this link. Because you can donate to the cause they're supporting directly bypassing all the disingenuous arguments of 'why you hate horses bro?'. I hope DEFHR is a well funded organization that can refute a donation on principal, but they are being unfortunately used in this debacle.

The question that needs to be asked is: What exactly are the supporters of Aryanne arguing for? The 'Paradox of Tolerance' is a semi-well-known thing I just found out about in the past couple of years that is paraphrased and analogized to in a variety of ways but here in this instance we are still expected to accept the symbology of an intolerant regime under the pretense of 'it's just a joke' because... why exactly? A direct quote from the article to consider if you will: "Michel Rosenfeld, in the Harvard Law Review in 1987, stated: "it seems contradictory to extend freedom of speech to extremists who ... if successful, ruthlessly suppress the speech of those with whom they disagree.""

Report Uncr3at1ve · 447 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

You dont have to make them pathetic to be funny. The classic adage Comedy=Tradgedy+time is true. I also think the more horrible something is, the funnier it is. Nazis are blatantly ridiculous and 99% share it because the idea of anyone being stupid enough to believe such ideals is frankly hilarious.

I dont think youll find many actual nazis on fimfiction. The right and far right respectively are a minority of any fanfiction community.

Author Interviewer

Not only that, but they're organizing for a horse-based charity when there are currently hundreds of charities trying to help, y'know, people. Treating horses humanely is good, but horses aren't exactly being oppressed at the moment.

Thank you, Uncr3at1ve, for speaking out. We appreciate your voice.

That isn't a refutation of my point. That post was made in jest on another joking blog. The 'death' part was in poor taste and I do not actually believe anyone should be killed for their political beliefs. That post was removed for good reason and I agree with the moderator who removed it. I stand by disliking Authoritarians however.

Although, if i may, why was this shared to Discord?

Nothing wrong with helping horses, bur I do agree that other charities probably could have benefited more. Send that money to childrens hospitals! ;)


why was this shared to Discord?

Fimfiction doesn't host pictures except PFPs and cover art (and group banners?). I have a server for just myself where I put pictures I want to link in comments. It's a lot easier than getting an image link from Google docs.

Fantastic blog!

You have people insisting that people are just trying to be funny. If that's they case, why are they getting angry and doubling down when people don't find it funny? Why are the people who aren't Nazis rallying to defend the Nazis? Why is the response to get upset at those who are upset?

I never thought of that. Good idea!

The Free Speechers are defending the nazis and percieved nazis becuase they believe they have a right to express their opinion. As reprehensible as that opinion is.

They can keep saying those things. Somewhere else.

I disagree. I think they should be able to spout wherever they want to. We can just call their beliefs stupid and shun them like we always have.

Neo-Nazis today are murdering people.

These jokes aren't like Springtime for Hitler. You know we like those movies, right?

These jokes are "Let's gas some k---s! Kek."

It's like people forget about the guy in NZ that went on a shooting rampage after posting screeds on his belief in "white genocide" and etc

Wonderful blog. Thank you for adding your voice to the chorus!

There was an episode of Night Court where an expy of Andrew Dice Clay was on trial for obscenity I believe. He won, of course, it's a silly charge. But even Dan Fielding the human garbage fire was disgusted by him. He was then offered a stand-up session in the courtroom. He made his edgelord jokes, and nobody laughed. The lights came up and the audience was nothing but the kind of minorities he was punching down at. They asked him to explain his jokes. To explain how it was funny. Personally, I think you can explain humor. But I'm autistic, so I think you can explain anything. Anyhow, he got flustered, nervous, angry. LAUGH! It's just jokes! It's not serious. But it's based on something serious. Deadly serious.

George Carlin, Mr. Freezest of Peach, had beef with the REAL Andrew Dice Clay. He saw he was punching down, and recognized the people that laughed at the minorities he insulted would have little trouble marginalizing and ridiculing him.

Humor is actually a double-bladed weapon. It makes absurd the comically serious, and I maintain that people who take their bad ideas with stony seriousness need to be made ridiculous, the old "if you don't want to be ridiculed, don't believe ridiculous things." But comedy is amoral. It works in all directions. It can be used to make dehumanizing easier. Did Mustache McMethamphetamine start by telling Austro-Germans to kill people? No, of course not. He had magazines filled with inhuman caricatures with giant noses and stink lines. It's about making people think nothing of using Jew as a verb, or having children think of Jews as some kind of foreign creature or imaginary thing like a troll or an elf. They can use them as bad guys in make believe because Mutter und Vater talk about them like trolls and elves. Comedy is the point, and the rest of the sword is made of blithe, banal indifferent mechanistic killing.

Perhaps too leftist, but look up a video by Thought Slime about a Nazi comic artist called Stonetoss and how they use humor to trick, trap, and make footsoldiers out of normal people.

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