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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)

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  • Sunday
    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

    One of my Personal Principles when posting on this website is that I don't want to waste anyone's time; anything I write -- be it a blog, a story, or a comic -- has to add something to the reader's day. Maybe it'll be genuinely interesting, maybe it'll be a little essay on literature, or maybe it'll be straight up funny. Doesn't matter! It has to actively be worth the effor I ask of the

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    The Lens Through Which We See The World

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  • 13 weeks
    Quickdraw Blog. BANG!

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  • 25 weeks
    It Cuts Like a Knife; It Might Leave You Bleeding

    Story reviews are interesting because, sure, you can use them to know if a certain book will be the right one for you? But I feel they’re more useful when the review is in itself a tool to talk about storytelling in general. You review a book, but the book is a jumping-off point to discuss what it means to have good pacing; stuff like that.

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  • 32 weeks
    A Full Year of Only Mondays

    Good morning. This is, from my point of view, a comedy blog. From the point of view of my family and loved ones, it's a horror story.

    I'm so fucking back, baby. Hi, all. Did you miss me? I know I did.

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Because Twilight Sparkle Asked · 7:46pm Sep 27th, 2020

Comments ( 54 )

I'm surprised I can even see the pages through all the blood, sweat and tears that went into them.

This is my third comic in a row that ends with Twilight About To Get Some, and that's good because she deserves it.

I still get my lesbians!!!!!

I adore the tags ;-;

This is amazing, and I love every bit of it.

I genuinely enjoy these human designs for them more so than the official ones.

Another wonderful comic! I do so love how you write these characters.

Do a comic about Twilight Velvet and Night Light next!

Awesome as always! :twilightsmile:

Jesus Christ, Aragon. Every time I read these my laughs turn to high-pitched squeals. I'm so glad I have my own place. :rainbowlaugh:

Screw it, I'm hopping on board.

Love, they’re joyously romanticizing arson. You literally cannot get more homosexual than that.

Something, something, flaming homosexuality.

Exquisite stuff from start to finish. Technically speaking, I don't think I can accept it as an entry in the contest, but it's still exactly the sort of thing I'm hoping to see. Thank you for it.

Ah, kinetic bombardment. Similar immediate damage to a nuke, but no radioactive fallout to pose a threat once the shield drops.

Also, your Human Canterlot is apparently in Califoalnia? Because that's the only state where you need a license to own a flamethrower (alongside one other state, Maryland, that bans them outright).

*Stares at third panel*

That neck... o_o

The longer the horse, the more powerful they are. In the normal, everyday dialogue panels, I follow the show proportions, but whenever I do a bodyshot -- usually the ones with the intro cards -- I draw them in a more personal style.

The closer the pony is to a giraffe, the better. My friends keep telling me they look like shit and they hate it. Every time they complain I make Twilight's neck longer. I refuse to show any cowardice.

I am stealing "Young blood, old school" as a description for Sunset and none of you can stop me.

Your work continues to be excellent.

This was awesome!! Just as fun and crazy as ever!!

I just wanted to mention that the order of the speech bubbles was much clearer this time!! It felt way more enjoyable to read for me because of that! :twilightsmile:

Also, I like the addition of page/panel numbers! Both for discussion and the fact that I only realized after reading that you made 109 panels for this... That's crazy!!! :pinkiegasp:

This was highly enjoyable.


My friends keep telling me they look like shit and they hate it. Every time they complain I make Twilight's neck longer.

Will this trend also apply to human Twilight? It looks pretty normal here, but if this is the case, I look forward to seeing more human twilight

Have I mentioned I find your brand of bizarrely calm and yet pitch black comedy absolutely hilarious lately? Because I really do.

I found this hilarious.

This is gloriously stupid and sociopathic and I love it.

You told me you were studying!

Spanish law must be a lot different than I thought.

Ok, I like it, but... huh.

This is hilarious and terrifying and there should be more of it someday because you are awesome.

That is all.

Honestly the humor in these is, as always, top fuckin notch and my favorite comedy ever, but the technical craft is really impressive at this point. I spent a while just staring at the designs and poses and outfits just because it's impressive how you convey so much so simply. Wish I had some money to throw at you but unfortunately I live in the US in current year, so I hope the ego stroking is at least something!

Human Cadence: But, the frankly PSYCHOPATHIC levels of cold blood you just showed tells me that whatever it is you have, I don’t want it. So we’ll find our own ultimate happiness.

Pony Cadence: Aww, to be young. And still have an emotional reaction to murder.

Shining Armor: And all we had to do was violently eviscerate a rat to prove love is real! It’s like our honeymoon all over again.

Ah yes, true love. :heart:

This is funnier as ever, so worth the wait. The human designs are great.

*ahem* "hippomorphic"

You're welcome.

Another masterwork.

To EQD with thee!

I love your comics :rainbowlaugh:

Is Twi saving napalm and thermite for the honeymoon or have they just not realized there are greater variations of arson as they haven’t played enough with the previous toys?

Top tier insanity comedy. :rainbowlaugh:

I like Shining Armor in your art style.

I especially love Princess Cadance's reaction to the revelation that her human counterpart's the daughter of a billionaire tech CEO (panel 63).

Author Interviewer

I hate that, as admittedly excellent as you are at the funtimes goodtimes horsewords, I think these would lose quite a lot of something if you had written them. There's just so much to take in!

Another great comic! Loved the character interactions here, and how expressive the characters can be with just narrow eyes and changes to the mouth. Celestia's students just being able to call a nuke strike whenever goes a long way in explaining things. The serious-ish bits with the two Cadance-Shining pairs interacting were done well, too.

Appreciate the ships included here, too, with SciSet and RariTwi (plus canon Shindace... is that the ship name?).

It took forever to load these images. Break them up into parts next time.

The numbered panels really help in getting across just how ridiculously long these actually are. Ever excellent!

The moment Pony (currently human) Twilight referred to her Rarity dating her, Rarity said "APPLEJACK" and I became entirely too familiar with AJ's legs. I had to spray her with water until she admitted that continuity doesn't carry over between these comics.

That was beautiful. I laughed raucously, repeatedly. And your art just keeps getting better.

These are easily some of my favorite things on here, and that's saying something. Amazing job again!

OMG, you are a flipping genius! I love this :heart:

Seriously, it's 11PM, everyone else in my house is asleep, and I'm trying not to suffocate smothering my own laughter while also taking notes! You are very clearly doing something right :pinkiehappy: And I hope that you continue to do so :twilightsmile:

I have enjoyed these more than almost all of the stories on this site I have read in the past few years. The only thing this comic needed was Pinkie Pie and that is only due to how funny she is in your comics.

The sudden rodent monster really made it for me

oh, and the Shining Armor: HIMBO introductions

I always love seeing these long gay horses arrive in my feed, thanks Aragon

I've said a couple times before that none of the comics I've done would work as stories -- which is why I made them as comics; the humor doesn't work in prose, and the pace would be all wrong.

In this particular case, I came up with the entire idea (a videocall between the horses and the humans) literally just because I think it'd be impossible to make this work well in prose. It relies on constant cuts and on characters talking to themselves, with the POV changing between dimensions every other panel; it'd be a fucking nightmare to write it in text without the pacing coming off as utterly schizophrenic.


God; I actually lamented not being able to include Pinkie Pie, but there was a subplot I had thought out for the comic that necessitated Rarity being Twilight's girlfriend, which is why I featured that ship rather than Twinkie.

(For the record, I do like raritwi, I simply am more partial to twinkie, is all).

Said subplot was then, obviously, dropped, because the comic was getting too long. So now Rarity's just there chilling and there's no real reason for her to be there but she's still there. Which is extremely fucking funny when you realize it's not the first time this exact same thing happens to me. There's something about Rarity, I tell you. Helps that she's easily one of the best characters in the show, I guess.

.... There needs to be a method of favoriting posts.

These comics are always such a treat. I have to wonder if there's any continuity to this story, or if it's pretty much 'as-is'.

My sister is so used to seeing me draw these things that lately she's been checking out what I do

Aww maybe she'll even check out your stories!

or anything without a horse in it

Or maybe not...

But if the human panels are the ones your family shows any interest in that could explain why #26 with Twilight seems much more detailed than the previous panels lol. So many wrinkles and folds plus that table!

Okay, this entire thing is entirely too hilarious
I was barely restraining myself from howling out loud


You're like the Jules Feiffer of FimFic


I can't tell whether that's awesome or sad.

(Or which I am for still knowing who Feiffer is)

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