• Member Since 25th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Empirical Deduction

Please, call me Ed. Click here to support!

More Blog Posts9

  • 122 weeks
    Still alive for now; now accepting donations & comissions.

    Hello everyone.

    For all those who have been waiting years for the next chapter, and for all those who are just tuning in: thank you for reading. I'm really glad that my silly little stories are something you enjoy. I'm also quite sorry that it has taken so very long for this chapter; I've not been the most prompt poster from the start, but this is a new level.

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    9 comments · 511 views
  • 241 weeks
    And On it Goes

    Well, I've finally caught up and just watched the last episodes. At long last, I don't have to work to dodge spoilers anymore! And I'm...content, I think. I rather liked it; they played to form, had some fun with their bad guys, and had mad shipping in the epilogue because why not? I'm going to be a little wistful for a little while, but honestly I think this was going out well.

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    3 comments · 583 views
  • 255 weeks
    Update when.

    Without going into too many details, settling into a new position and a new city took more out of me than I thought. Right when I thought things were settling down, new aspects of my project rose up and demanded that I deal with them. Still, I'm about as happy as can be expected; it's work right at the intersection between my experience and the field I want to break into. I'm having to learn

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    1 comments · 419 views
  • 307 weeks
    Staying Existential

    Hello everyone; I've got two quick announcements.

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    7 comments · 560 views
  • 333 weeks
    And Now for Something Completely Different...

    For anyone who noticed In an Effort to Stay Evil and thought "hey, didn't this guy say he'd be doing a Dr. Strangelove crossover next?" the answer is yes - and I still am. I just found myself inspired, and decided to bang the first chapters of this out first.

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    2 comments · 377 views

Still alive for now; now accepting donations & comissions. · 11:17pm Jan 26th, 2022

Hello everyone.

For all those who have been waiting years for the next chapter, and for all those who are just tuning in: thank you for reading. I'm really glad that my silly little stories are something you enjoy. I'm also quite sorry that it has taken so very long for this chapter; I've not been the most prompt poster from the start, but this is a new level.

So, what's up with that?

In short, the previous chapter pair was posted as I was settling into a new job, and it unexpectedly got more lively since then. I ended up with a lot more work than I expected, a deepening of a personal relationship, and then the epidemic. I'm sure that others have been just as busy, or just as stressed, but that's the long and short of it; I always had a lot to do, and I simply wasn't able to make time for more silly horse words. Things progressed, but slowly, and they never quite got to the point that I'd want to submit them. This was compounded when, in the midst of last year, the funding for the project I'd been working on dried up - and right as things were getting back on an even keel at that. I found myself crunching to try and get as much done with the time we had left, and since then have been looking for work and volunteering my time to get more done. This is a downside to academic science; publish or perish, as they say, and we had to work hard to do just that.

I am still looking for a new position, but I've obtained something temporary that will carry me and mine in the short-term, and thanks to that I've found the time and the willingness to put together the last couple of chapters - which you've just read, if you got here from the Author's Notes.

What next?

Well, have no fear, the story will go on as I find the time. That said, I don't feel like I can reasonably dedicate much time to it while I'm still keeping the power on and looking for a more suitable job. I don't expect it'll take years, but I'd say I'll be fairly slow to post at least until my financial woes are solved. Once I'm solvent and settled again, I expect I'll put out a pair in celebration.

And, with the present troubles in mind, I'm adding a donation button via Ko-fi.

I want to stress: donations are not required. I will continue the story regardless, just as soon as I can. That said, if you want to help out a bit, buy me a coffee or whatnot, I certainly won't say no. And, moreover, I've put a chapter-goal up! While finishing the recent chapters, I noted the amount of time an effort I spent on them in writing, touch-up, and editing - and compared that to a reasonable wage. Based on that, I determined that the amount of time I'd probably need to put out another pair, and so here's the simple deal: if my Ko-fi donations hit $300, I'll put out another pair of chapters within a week of that point. That would make it financially feasible to spend time on alongside, say, job-searching.

Now I'm not expecting much; lots of folks are struggling, I have no delusions about being "horse famous" or whatever, and I don't expect to turn writing into a career. Well, at least not now. But I figure, why not? I won't turn down aid or appreciation, and if it means enough to you fine folks to toss a few bits in the hat I'm happy to write more.

And just for fun? Commissions are Open.

For relatively "quick and dirty"? $35 per 1000 words.
For something more polished or involved? $40-50 per 1000 words.
"Special orders", lewdity, or extreme quibbling may cost extra but are not off the table.

So, if there's something you want me to write and you are willing to donate to the Ed-doesn't-go-homeless fund, send me a PM and we'll discuss the details. As I'm sure you expect, I reserve the right not to take commission for any reason I see fit and a donation does not oblige you to a commission (anyone mistakenly trying to pay for a refused commission will be refunded).

And yes, In an Effort is already priced on the latter scale. If all you want is more Forgath there's no need for a commission; you can donate to the Ko-Fi goal. And for clarity: no, commissions won't count towards that goal.

Thank you all, once again, for your support and for reading my silly fics.

Comments ( 9 )

Best of luck to ya, laddie.
sadly, i cant donate...

I'll take the luck if you're offering!

Ill sell it for uh....
5 seconds of your time Muahahahahahahaahaha!

Let us know if things get bad. I can signal boost a donation call if you're in significant need.

Honestly, that would be most appreciated. Things are bad at the moment; we are in the red and don't yet have solid prospects for getting out. The temporary fix I mentioned is looking shakier than I thought and we're having to seek cheaper housing.

Without meaning to be grim, anything you can do would be wonderful - and thank you for going out of your way to help!

I'll do it tomorrow, then. I just posted my weekly contest and I don't want the contest to overshadow the boost. :pinkiesmile:

Good luck!

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