Human in Equestria 16,879 members · 17,076 stories
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Group Admin
Kaffeina #1 · Apr 5th, 2018 · · 2 ·

General Rules

1. No impersonating administration.

2. Asking for suggestions or sharing story ideas is fine, but we aren't an editing group. In addition, do not use something inherently undetailed. Threads that are obviously just there to show your love for a popular show or whatever have a high chance of being locked. If you are concerned about the contents of your posts violating this rules, you can ask an admin on the Human in Equestria Server or visit the Thread Posting Behavior Guide.
Violation Example:

Pinkie Pie: Wow this story about a human becoming Gummy would be so cool! What if we throw in Naruto and that guy from One Piece

3. Debates are allowed, personal attacks are not.

4. Do not post NSFW content. Cursing is fine, but in particular keep graphic sexual content away from this group.

5. "For fun" threads are allowed, but threads that clearly belong somewhere else may be removed. In addition, 'for fun' threads that are a repeat of the last ten 'for fun' threads will also be removed.
5.a. This includes notably low effort posting, incomprehensible jargon, unnecessary formatting, and so on. Feel free to make it nice, but bold red 84pt font does not count, for example.

6. If you are looking for a story, either by name or by concept, post in the Looking For Storythread.

7. Shitposts must have a point related to HiE, either parody/satire or to promote discussion. Off topic posts will be locked, all may be deleted.

8. Don't revive dead threads, if nobody has posted for more than a week or two you are probably better off making a new post.

9. Threads making suggestions in so-called "improvements" to the site, calling someone out, referring to any illicit activity on the site such as spamming, and so on so forth are henceforth not allowed. If you have a question, see: The Group Discord and contact an admin.

The Strike System

1.First Offence - Warning. This will be in the form of a PM describing the specific infraction and suggestions on how to rectify the offending behavior.

2. Second Offence- Temp Ban. This can be anything from a one-day ban up to a week. Bans will be recorded in a thread located in the HIE admins group.

3. Third Offence - Perma Ban, unless you either have a really good reason or are a really good smooth-talker.

Keep in mind, in serious cases Admins may jump straight to either point 2 or 3 depending. This behaviour includes posting NSFW pictures/media, for example.

The admins are not here to let you all be the Post Whatever We Want Group, but we will let minor things slide as long as it will not become a larger problem.

If you have any further questions feel free to post in the Questions or Concerns Thread or pm one of the active admins:

PM One of Us If a Violation Is Unattended

Reuploaded and refreshed for a smoother rundown of the rules!

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