Nightmare Rarity 371 members · 79 stories
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Anybody get some inspirations from this amazing song?

3206156 It makes me think of writing a fanfic about nightmare rarity and her making everyponys life miserable and making them her slaves

3206353 This song could also describe Drowned Ophelia from Brutal Legend.

3206353 What's this fanfic idea that you have?

Comment posted by Pepsi_Al deleted Apr 13th, 2015

3206156 I don't know if this counts as a necropost. And if it does, then I'm sorry. But I couldn't help but share this, considering the topic. Just recently, I have been feeling like making a character-centric Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann AMV, using Endless Mist of Nightmares as the song. I would mention which character, but I don't want to give away spoilers to anyone who hasn't watched that series before. (Though anyone who has watched the series before can pretty much figure out which character I have in mind without any trouble.) Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to laying down the groundwork, but I am taking notes on what to do for the AMV. (Anyone that can offer some help is free to send a PM my way.) Hopefully, I can get around to making it. (Though with the way things are for me for now, I don't know when that will be.)

And sorry for the double comment too. The edit feature didn't want to work for me for some reason.

This song could also apply to Princess Luna during her imprisonment within Nightmare Moon. And boy all Nightmarity songs are a huge insperation for me.

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