The Goodfic Bin 1,253 members · 1,297 stories
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Group Admin

Since the last thread was getting a tad overcrowded, I’m implementing this brand new Self Submissions Thread (the revengening). We’re also taking the opportunity to update our Self Submissions system to make it a bit more efficient. Don’t worry: any stories still in the pending review folder will not be affected by this change. Only the submissions to come.

Here at The Goodfic Bin we’re aiming to get as many good stories for people to read as possible. However, since our story approvers are only human, we’re aiming to filter out the stories that most likely aren’t going to be much good. This is why we require you to stick to this submission form. If you do the format a bit differently, that’s okay, but it must include all the points below. If you, the author, can’t come up with stuff that makes your story sound good, chances are we can’t either.

1) Title: (Link if the story is non-mature)

2) Description: (As seen on the story page)

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: (Overall objective. A story that’s gripping/scary/entertaining/goofy, or some other objective you had in mind whilst writing the story)

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: (Why would I pick your story over a different one? What does your story do that no other story has?)

We do not take public reception into account. If other people liked it so much, they can always submit it to our ‘submit other people’s work’ thread. If you’re here, then they haven’t. Stuff like ‘it’s my most popular story’ doesn’t fly.

Make sure your grammar is presentable when submitting. If it’s particularly atrocious, your submission will be ignored.

Only submit one story at a time. If your story is already in the Pending Review folder, we won’t accept your submission until it’s either accepted or rejected. This may take a while, but that’s just why you should only submit your best work!

If the last two points aren’t all that impressive, your submission may get rejected, so put as much thought as you can into them.

If your submission is accepted, it will be moved to the Pending Review folder. If, for some reason, it doesn't show up there, feel free to comment or PM me, and I'll check it out. All stories in the Pending Review folder will eventually be reviewed, and a decision will be made to let them into the group folders proper.

Have a good one, and good luck.

4702814 I think I was out of it when I wrote that. What I think I meant is the universe the stories based in isn't very story heavy and only giving tidbits of information as to what happened. I'm going more in depth for this universe from my perspective based on what I've seen in the game and what I think.

Group Admin

4702894 Original submission (for convenience's sake): Reason you think your story is worth reading? I believe my story is worth reading because it is a crossover of a game called Nuclear throne that has a great universe with the base details to a story of tragedy that I use in it to help make a story many may enjoy. I believe so even more because of the little writing or attention it has received.

-> Reason you think your story is worth reading? I believe my story is worth reading because it is a crossover of a game called Nuclear throne that has a great universe that isn't very story heavy and only giving tidbits of information as to what happened. I'm going more in depth for this universe from my perspective based on what I've seen in the game and what I think. I believe so even more because of the little writing or attention it has received.

Okay. What does this mean for the story? So far, the most I can tell from this is that the game is pretty decent, according to you. That's great, but I'm not reviewing the game. All I know about the story is that it's centred around giving more depth to the game (which, incidentally, is not MLP related in of itself). I'm not really sure how that makes it a good story. Is it good depth? Or is it just adding some lore for the sake of adding a bit of lore? What is the reader supposed to take away from this?

4702922 I guess i'm just adding lore to it because I feel like people would enjoy what it already has to offer with what i'm adding. It's not the conventional apocalypse story where it's a lone survivor in the end and all that but it's also not something quite like FoE. That's why I think it should be added, it's unconventional in the terms of the everyday apocalypse stories.

1) Title:
From Your Most Grateful Admirer

2) Description:
He didn't deserve another chance after what he did, but he got one. He got the forgiveness he never expected, from the last pony he ever expected to get it from. In gratitude to her, he writes her a letter, thanking her and her friends for everything.

His mind and heart laid bare both to himself and those who read it. He has the freedom he truly wanted.

But you know what? Just a letter isn't enough. No, he must tell her himself.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story:
My overall purpose in writing this story was to just do a little character piece. Something short and sweet that would flesh out a bit more of Discord's character in the aftermath of Twilight's Kingdom. In the end I also ended up throwing in a bit of headcanon and sequel bait.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool:
I've been told that I have quite the talent for Discord's voice. His lines are extremely easy to read in his voice, and his behavior well in line with the show, while still reasonably showing a new facet. While I'll admit that I haven't done anything truly groundbreaking, that's not really the point of the piece. It's all that I want it to be in its simplicity and its genuine presentation. I hope eventually I can work up the inspiration to expand from this into a larger saga of stories, but until then it's got one chapter of a sequel and that's it.

Group Admin

4718416 Sounds good to me.

V2 thread a success!

Adding to the list-o.

4718475 As the story description might imply, I originally wrote this story as nothing more than a letter, but pretty much adapted everything I wrote in said letter into actual interaction between him and Twilight. I even still have the original letter version hanging in my Gdocs. (Linked in the author note)

1) Title: To Fill The Sky With Lights

2) Description:
Princess Luna, returned to her sanity merely a fortnight ago, arises from her slumber to find herself an unwitting player in a national holiday...

...much to her displeasure.
She takes it into her hooves to remove the holiday from existence, and to set right the misconceptions surrounding her.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story:
I sought to write a story about Luna, to fill in some missing history, and to experiment with evoking emotions, using as little story as possible.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool:
It is a very short story, so I can't say too much without giving things away. But hey, in most Luna fics, she is either "pre-NightmareMoon", or "post-season-2-reveal". This story takes place in the season 1 interim, when she still has yet to recover her original form. Oh, and there are Fireworks. So fireworks, comedic travel sequences, and best princess.

Title: The lone stallion


It was supposed to be just another night watch, but fate had other plans for our favorite princess of the night. A new foe arises from the depths of Tartarus and threatens to lead Luna back to her Nightmare ways. Who is this mysterious beast and what are his treacherous plans for Equestria?

What I aimed to achieve with this story:

Well, since this is the first installment of my 'Tartarus Wars' series I wanted to achieve two major things with this fanfic. The first one was to introduce the main protagonist and antagonist of the series and the second one was to dwell deeper into Luna's character and give my interpretation of the ruler of night.

What makes it unique/special/cool:

I presented Luna in three different forms: as a sister, as an individual and as a ruler. Also I introduced the idea of an actual civilization living in the depths of Tartarus and presented each of their standpoints through my protagonist and villain. Without giving out too much, i will just say that this fic will leave you wanting for more and the mystery behind the protagonist is definitely worth taking a glance. Also there's a bit of Equestrian politics that a few people told me is funny, so there's that. Hope you enjoy!

4702814 All right, I've cleaned things up from before I got an editor and if I wait til the darn thing is finished, some poor reviewer's going to have even more to get through, so here we go!

Title: The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots!

Description: "A cute robot pony. A mysterious origin. A princess who believes anyone can learn friendship, even a cold, logical machine. A journey of self-discovery and self-awareness begins..."

What I aimed to achieve with this story: I wanted to write a story that others would find funny, but still be touching. I felt like there was no story that was quite like the idea I had in mind, so I wanted to fill a gap in the FiM community by coming up with something different, but with a familiar feeling. I wanted a story that could be enjoyed by just about everyone.

What makes the story unique/special/cool: Equestria is a national anachronism. It has no cars or jets or computers, nor even telephones, but it seems to still have refrigerators and turntables. What if this wasn't merely due to over-reliance on magic? What if something else happened in Equestria's history that averted an Industrial Revolution?

And then, in the midst of this, insert a walking, talking, fully-independent robot who Twilight names "Turing Test." The story follows her journey as she becomes more self-aware by making friends while slowly revealing a larger conspiracy looming in the background. The adventure/slice of life story deals with themes of the nature of consciousness, the role of technology in society, and how friendship can shape the way we view the world.

Also, it has a scene where Rarity says the word "robodonkadonk."

Hope it meets with your approval when you get around to it! I'm especially hopeful that you get to be my reviewer, Hap, since it deals with engineering and such and I know that's something you enjoy. But whoever takes it on, I'm interested in hearing their opinion. Until then! :moustache:

I'm submitting this for both myself and Miss Spectrum

1) Title: Music for the Mare in the Moon[/ur]

2) Description: For the nocturne of the Royal Dream Service, the night is the time when their purpose as ponies is fulfilled. By traveling through the Dreamscape, they are capable of delivering dreams to sleeping ponies across the world.

Once each year, one deliverymare is chosen to carry a most important dream--tonight, that mare is Night Whisper. By all rights, it should be a delivery like any other.

A routine delivery. A dream identical to that of each past year, delivered to a mare who lived each day identically to the last.

But nothing can be called "normal" when flying to the Moon.

Written with
Miss Spectrum for the Write my fic for me group's first contest
Pic used with permission from enigmaticelocution.

3) What we aimed to achieve with this story: Earth ponies keep the earth running and grow plants. Pegasi ("aubade" pegasi in this story, the word referring to a song evocative of the dawn) manage the weather. Unicorns moved the heavens. But what is the role of bat ponies in Equestria? I wanted to create that for my nocturne pegasi (more of you will be familiar with "nocturne" as a term for music of the night), and to establish what their relationship to the Princesses might be. Miss Spectrum thought it was a good idea and was willing to work with me on it.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: I don't think anyone has ever depicted bat ponies as the reason ponies have dreams (although this is only from my own experience), and I think we did a good job establishing the unusual nature of a species that lived halfway in the Dreamscape. And even stories that specifically call out alicorns as having the traits of all pony races rarely address where the bat pony side comes in.

Group Contributor

1) Title: Thy Little Filly Twi'

2) Description: 'This mare is not the mare I asked to be with me during my free time. I ask to be free of bond, and not to be force fed whatever gack they feed me. I'll escape, and I'll show them.'

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: After nearly two years of writers block, I finally wrote something. I aimed to make this story unique in its own special way by adding a special tone to it that'll make you run for your dictionary and see what it has in store with the power of infant knowledge.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: While flawed, the story provides an interesting tone with the character Twilight as a baby. We take a look into the eyes of an infant, and read how she sees the world. With Cadence as the giant, big brother as her savior, thoughts of power, and feeling imprisoned within a crib, this story shows a child's active imagination.


I'm quite happy with this oneshot, and was curious to know if it'll make the grade to joining the GoodFic collection. :twilightsheepish:


Smelting a Cutie Mark


Oh look! Another escapade involving the Cutie Mark Crusaders and a recipe for disaster. In this edition, the filly-three approach their local blacksmith, who has a rather peculiar way of working her craft.

Will this mare help them get closer to their cutie marks, or will it simply be another example of the status quo at work?

Honestly, your guess is as good as mine!

What you aimed to achieve with this story:

I wanted to flesh out a rarely touched upon background character, Mjolna. I also wanted to play with some world building elements presented in the show, and have the CMC learning from past experiences. I wanted to do both of these in an entertaining way, and I like to think that I managed at least that much.

What makes it unique/special/cool:

Mjolna. I had a fun time thinking and presenting her character, her history, as well as showing her quirks. I also liked writing the CMC. Season five made them really 'click' in my head, so it was a fun writing experience all around. Also, the way I built up towards something, only to subvert it, was really satisfying, but I won't spoil it outright for you. :twilightsmile:

Excepted or not, I hope you enjoy it, at the very least. :pinkiehappy:

1) Title: Black Lotus

2) Description:
Twilight Sparkle conducts an experiment and succeeds in obtaining an unusual flower with some intriguing properties.

What it could teach her, however, might prove to be more than she bargained for. She finds herself having to face surprising—and maybe frightening—new possibilities about the universe. How does it work? What is 'real', exactly? And why are these suddenly such uncomfortable and challenging questions for her?

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: The goal of this story was to explore a simulation hypothesis and look at the impact that its suggestions about out perceived reality may have on individuals.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: There's a combination of philosophical exploration with examination of real-world impact on the thoughts of the characters involved. This story is 'smart' without skipping on being character-driven.

Comment posted by DrakeyC deleted Oct 7th, 2015


1) Title: Cutie Mark Crusader Magicians, Yay!

2) Description: [Comedy] [Slice of Life] After another failed attempt to get their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stumble upon a wagon in the woods with a familiar unicorn showmare inside. In awe of Trixie's presence and her tales of travelling across Equestria, they decide she may just be the unicorn to help them get their cutie marks - in stage magic! And it may just be the most difficult trick Trixie's ever attempted.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: This story is a comedy through and through of the CMC getting into silliness with Trixie as their hammy guide. But, I'm also including character development and backstory. Trixie ultimately has an important lesson for the CMC that's yet to be revealed, and there's a reason why it's going to mean coming from her than, say, one of the Mane Six.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: I think I characterize the main four very well. Trixie is obviously more humble and friendly in the aftermath of Magic Duel, but still maintains her hammy charisma and adorable egotism that we love her for. The CMC's lessons are built off of what came in Twilight Time, and again, I think I characterize them well.

The climax, which I'm reaching shortly, is intended to tie everything up nicely, followed by the reveal of Trixie's lesson and her true intentions in deciding to train them. It's hard to say which I'm more excited for, the climax or the reveal, but I think readers are gonna really enjoy both of them.

1) Title: The Silver Standard

2) Description: Once upon a time, Silver Spoon's life made sense. She had the right friends, the right house, and the right school for a young lady coming up in the world. Once upon a time, Silver Spoon lived amongst proud towers in a vibrant, bustling city that never slept.

Now she lives in Ponyville. Not so terrible once one gets used it it. Silver's learned to appreciate some ponies, harbor grudges for others, and tolerate the rest. But sometimes, she wonders if one pony in particular is as popular as she thought.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: A complex character study of Silver Spoon, her maneuverings through the social circles of the schoolyard, and the nature of her friendship with Diamond Tiara. How do these characters tick, and why do they do what they do?

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: There are no villains, saints, or monsters here. Just little girls trying their best to do what they think is right with what they have. Sometimes they do the right things for the wrong reasons, or the wrong thing for the right reasons. I also think the way I write Silver is noteworthy: a meticulous old-money Manehattanite raised on the importance of reputation, now struggling to adapt to the new rules of a new lower-class schoolyard. There's nearly never a moment where she's not thinking about how to get or keep her social standing; if you like her, then it's because she wanted it that way. Additionally, I don't think we see many stories about how Silver or Diamond interact with ponies besides the CMC; plenty of other background and secondary foals get fleshed out, too.

Title: My Name Is Floyd Damn You!

Description: "Well, hello there! The name's Floyd, Pink Floyd. You know, like the band? Anyway, I used to be just a guy named Floyd but now I'm stuck inside of Pinkie Pie. How you ask? Discord. It's always that jerk's fault. Anyway, better get on with this before I go on a tangent. So, I'm a film student, trapped in Pinkie's body. You all got that? Good. Now why don't you pull up a chair and listen to how my life got flipped-turned upside down. I promise, you're gonna like it!"

What you aimed to achieve with this story: A story about a man who loses himself and who he is, and rebuilding that identity. A story about how we are always changing, never the same as we were just the moment before.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: There are a lot of body swapped stories out there but what I think Floyd himself is the main draw. He doesn't try to be Pinkie, he just wants to be himself. He's not a foul mouthed, speaks his mind and to deal with the heavy burden of the fact that, he's stealing Pinkie Pie's life, even as she smiles and tells him she's okay.

Title: Memoirs of a Magic Earth Pony

Description: My name is Starswirl and I am an earth pony. This is a collection of stories about my life. As I reflect on the events that have brought me to this home by the sea, I can only hope for one thing; that my life be viewed as ordinary and plain, but my work in theoretical magic be held the highest regard. I placed so much effort into my studies in theoretical magic that it would be a shame to let my work be lost somewhere in the sands of time.

What you aimed to achieve with this story: My goal for this story was to write a series of memoirs about the life of Starswirl that is relatable, authentic, and highly personal to both the character and the reader. I wanted to make the powerful godlike character of Starswirl the Bearded and make him a personal character. Also, I wanted to pursue the idea that Starswirl the Bearded wasn't the super powerful unicorn we believe him to be, but rather make him a humble earth pony with an incredible talent in theoretical magic.

What makes it unique/special/cool: What makes Memoirs of a Magic Earth Pony unique is that it breaks Starswirl down into a relatable character and puts him through several unique struggles. It's a first person narrative in a set of Memoirs about his experiences that he is writing at the end of his life. As far as I know, this is the only time this subject has been explored this in depth (both Starswirl being an earth pony and focusing on his entire life) and I would really appreciate a spot in the goodfic bin.

1) Title: Broken on the Wheel

2) Description: With only a broken wagon, seventeen bits, and a shattered reputation to her name it seemed that the world could not grind The Great and Powerful Trixie down any further. When an old friend offered Trixie the opportunity to start again, with a heavy bag of bits to help her back on her hooves, she grudgingly accepted. All that was required was a little magical assistance; no schemes, no cursed amulets, no risk of getting banished to the moon.

They never told her the ritual was to summon the Nightmare back to Equestria. Now, as the Nightmare’s new host, all that stands between Equestria and eternal darkness is the determination of Trixie Lulamoon, a mare who already lost everything for the sake of power. In her quest to maybe save the world, and certainly save herself, Trixie will explore the depth to which power can corrupt and the lengths ponies will go to possess it. It’s that, or break on life’s wheel.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: This story is an attempt to tell a far darker Trixie story than the norm, while still hitting the key themes of MLP. Its focused on, not the strugle between good and evil, but the choice and what drives people to chose either one with the best of intentions. This is all bundled in a fast paced adeventure story where the fate of the world rests in the hands of a cast of charters who really shouldn't have that kind of responsibility.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: Broken of the Wheel sets out to make Trixie a solid character with the depth to justify her struggle to chose between good and evil. It has a large cast of orginal and canon characters all caught between this central issue of light and dark. It's fundementally a story about power, the lengths people will go to possess it, and what they do once they have it.

Group Admin


Also, I wanted to pursue the idea that Starswirl the Bearded wasn't the super powerful unicorn we believe him to be, but rather make him a humble earth pony with an incredible talent in theoretical magic.

I did it first, tho.

By a whole week!

4793894 Added to the listy!

Group Admin

The Encounter


One moment he was in his bedroom, trying to get to sleep. The next, he's in a dark forest, with a moon that's twice the size it should be.

An ordinary man finds himself lost in a place with no memory of how he got there, thick darkness all about him and no idea where he is. Now he has to find food, shelter, and somehow a way home.

This is a very Dark tale in which I introduce a Human into the world of Equus, and I've tried to make the ponies' initial reactions to him as realistic as possible. To that end this is very much an Adventure, as to my way of thinking a completely alien creature would have a very hard time of it. Also, he does not speak the language, which I hope has added intrigue and mystery to the tale. Finally, even though this is a Human in Equestria tale, the Human does not remain the central focus. Events transpire that shift the reader to other major viewpoints, some of which the protagonist plays little part.

Unlike a great majority of HiE stories, this one deals with the very real circumstances that would occur if one was suddenly taken against their will to an alien planet. I do not believe any creature would be immediately accepted; in fact the initial reaction is fear. Try to imagine how you would feel if a Sasquatch or some other unknown creature knocked on your door in the middle of the night and started speaking. That's the mood I've tried to convey. I have tried to keep the canon cast in character, but there are times when they may do and/or say things that may surprise the reader. It is also my hope that the reader will find my protagonist both likable and relatable.


Group Admin

4800595 'Tis a historic day! A story approver submits his own story!

It just so happens I have actually already started reading that one. If it was decent, it was supposed to be a surprise as a kind of 'thank you' for your hard work.

I guess now I have double the reason. Added to the list.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

From Dat Place to Dis Place

He's misanthropic, anti-social, lazy, shallow, and kind of a jerk. He's also not very bright. So why on Earth -- any Earth -- would a complete stranger expend the magical energy necessary to shove him into another reality, give him unfathomable power, and grant his every last wish?

Why indeed...

My goal was to write a story that parodied the entire "displaced" sub-genre of stories on this site.

What did I do that no one else has? I made a "displaced" story that's actually entertaining. :trollestia:

Group Admin

lol...thank you very much!

Words can bring joy.
Words can bring pain.
Words can bring knowledge.
In the hands of the right pony, they can bring all of these things at once.

In the lands outside the fledgeling Equestria, one such pony has tracked a newfound fable back to its source, and she has a few choice words of her own prepared, because words... words have power.

Hard Link:

This one is definitely a story first. I have long been someone who has gotten used to being in a politically minority position, and I wanted to show people how different the world can look when you're used to stepping past initial assumptions and common beliefs. I took The Boy Who Cried Wolf because it's a safe bet that everyone will know the story going in, and I wanted people to leave wondering what other beliefs they might do well to think twice about (but without being so gauche as to challenge a specific belief).

Though many have drawn parallels to Grimm's Fairy Tales, what I like to think makes this stand above other stories of its type is that it needs no fairytale setting or supernatural element to work. This is as much a classic anthropomorphic story as any of noteworthy fame and uses the setting as a means to and end, rather than the purpose. It is not a pony story, and yet is is as much of a pony story as any other; it uses the medium of ponies to speak of the real world in ways that actually matter. Though it takes it's time building to a point, that point hits home like a juggernaut, unfettered by minor details such as race or creed. I don't know if it stands above it's peers because I have seen nothing else like it either before or after.


1) Title: Razzmatazz Road
2) Description: S.E Ponetti, a loosely moral freelancer, has to liquidize an asset, while partaking in chardonnay and cake. In the rotten town of Los Pegasus, he plans on doing some interesting damage. A survival story about a pony who cannot and will not be defined.
3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: Noir isn't a very popular genre here on Fimfiction. I am hoping to add some spice of culture onto the audience.
4) What makes it unique/special/cool: Well, as mentioned above, this story is a noir, surrounded by mystery and hard choices. This is a survival story about living in Los Pegasus, a dirty and corrupt town full of lowlifes and elite members. You can't tell who is who, though.

1- "Just a Crazy Old Woman"


With the Friendship Games having come to an end, peace has returned to Canterlot High. The aforementioned peace has been accompained by a pressing question.
"Why did Principal Cinch chose to strenghten her legacy in a way that put one of her students' life in danger? What brought her to such perfectionism and harshness?"
According to some of the Rainbooms, the answer is contained inside Principal Cinch's house. And so Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are sent to investigate on Abacus Cinch's house, while she is away from home on a self-proclaimed "recovery holiday".
The answer, however, isn't quite what the two girls expect it to be.

3- I tried to give out my own idea about Principal Cinch's past and the reason for her actions, without going fully in ph-so-hated pathetism.

4- Aside from trying to show Principal Cinch in another light than the one we've seen in "Friendship Games," it's also an attempt to tell a story with several clues scattered across the story.

Okay. Let's try this one more time.

1) Title: Story of Our Lives

2) Description:

A ghostly Pegasus who'd found redemption. A tortured writer saved from his own demons. A soldier drawn into a lewd position against his will. A young stallion with anxiety—and hormone—issues. An autistic foal without a cutie mark, or a care in the world. And a colt who learned, in the nick of time, that bullying can be a vicious cycle.

Six ponies, all characters exclusive to the world of the fans, gather just outside of Ponyville and discuss where their stories have taken them since being created. They talk about the perks, and the dangers, of having been made unofficial parts of the Equestrian mythos, and what being given life and place means in a harsh world. Philosophy, psychology, comparisons, and emotions are taken apart and studied, and it may all lead to the true meaning of being an original character.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: I wanted to reach people in a special way regarding original characters, and how no matter what they look like, how they act, or what they do, they are all special, and they are all worthy.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: I've seen no other story done this way. It's a crossover in its own way, incorporating six of my own OCs as the guinea pigs of a philosophical/social experiment in addressing the meaning of existence for OCs. I tried to pose psychological and philosophical questions while I wrote it, and answer them at the same time in a satisfactory way.

And I put my all into this story. I put true effort into making this story noticeable. I only hope it can be someday.


So I can only put one of my own stories and I have to wait until this gets reviewed and either is accepted or rejected? Well, I do not feel so confident in this story that I want to promote considering that I'm still a novice author at that, but if this does get accepted, then I should be very proud of making a story worth your attention. if rejected, I will feel sad, yet at the same time, will accept that I am still far from my best in writing... Well here's go...


From Forgotten to Rembrance

Description: [Sad] [Slice of Life]

It was after they got their cutie marks, that the Cutie Mark Crusaders get the chance to go to Canterlot with their families and celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve. A time full of fun moments, chatting with friends, and many more activities. For Luna however, it is a reminder of all of those positive plus one negative she will be the only one to remember.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ever so curious, follow her through the whole castle avoiding a few obstacles along the way but what they discover will forever change their understanding of what Hearth's Warming truly means to the Night Princess.

What you aimed to achieve with this story:

To be honest, I've no idea what I wanted to achieve at first. Over time, as I got further into the story I slowly realized that I was making a rather heartwarming story for myself. Originally, this story's existence came from a contest that I wanted to attend to, the link to the contest thread is in my fic so no worries there. However, once I finished it, I couldn't help but be happy for this story's existence considering that this is the first CMC-centric fic I've written. so in better terms, I guess what I aimed to achieve with this story is a connection with the CMC as they learn about Luna's old friend.

What makes it unique/special/cool:

To be fair, even I'm not so sure of myself. I think I've never seen authors convey what I was trying to do here. It was originally made as a way to see how Luna's perspective of Hearth's Warming affected her with the CMC as they find out about this and it probably still is. I made the story as heartwarming with some silly moments as possible though I still feel less confident about this story. All in all, what's make my story unique, is... well a love for friends old and new I guess. Sorry, I'm not so sure on how to put this in words at the moment.

Group Admin

4846596 There are entire sentences in the description I frankly don't understand and numerous grammar errors across the submission.

Also, we tend to avoid reviewing stories the author 'do(es) not feel so confident' about. This is because if you are not confident in it, we see no reason to be either. You are free to return whenever you feel more certain in your abilities: this will save both you and us time.

As it is, your submission doesn't meet our standards. If the same grammar and writing issues are present in your story and you do not feel confident in it, I'd recommend finding a proofreader/editor.

Also, regarding the Submit OTHER People's Work Here folder: in order to prevent people submitting their whole libraries, we limit submissions to only two per month. Please indicate which two you would like to keep, or we will remove all the submissions except for the first two.

4846609 No worries I already deleted all but two of my choosing...

There are entire sentences in the description I frankly don't understand and numerous grammar errors across the submission.

That's to be expected from my lack of confidence, I tend to slur in my typing (Am I using the word right?) and can feel a bit clunky at times.

Also, we tend to avoid reviewing stories the author 'do(es) not feel so confident' about. This is because if you are not confident in it, we see no reason to be either. You are free to return whenever you feel more certain in your abilities: this will save both you and us time.

Understandable, I won't lie and admit that this is actually somewhat of a reaction with me. The book I've submitted is, for my case, very well-written and I'm fairly certain that you might enjoy it, emphasis on might. But I have a habit of being not so confident fairly quickly especially when the reviews come to be. Sure, the reviews are there to give constructive criticism and I love to be criticized so long as the critique is within my understanding. Just every damn time I want a critique for my stories, I shrink back, sorta like what Fluttershy would be sometimes. Ugh, I hate my lack or bravery right now...

As it is, your submission doesn't meet our standards. If the same grammar and writing issues are present in your story and you do not feel confident in it, I'd recommend finding a proofreader/editor.

No worries about any spelling errors or grammar issues, I always double check my works just in case of misspellings, grammar mess-up and what-not, even odder with the fact that I have no editor or proofreader of my own, so I'm basically checking my own work all the time. I tend to have a lack of trust with people especially with those I do not know so it's kind of there.

Sorry if this did not go as planned. I would love to get this reviewed no lies about that, but this is just not fair for me to shrink back like a coward especially since I actually got a fairly decent amount of favorites/likes with that one story.. It's not much but it makes me happy to see people liking my fic there... Curse my lack of bravery... :ajsleepy:

4846609 Hey Hap, could I retype my self promotion or are you considering it? I've gotten more confident about this story now and even if you do reject it, I'm would be at least proud to have it reviewed :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4847386 Give it 48 hours. I'd recommend you go over your story and description again if you felt so insecure about it the first time around. I kind of doubt you can do that effectively in under that span of time, and I'd rather you come back with a really solid story to share than a story I'm more likely to reject than not.

4847423 I only felt insecure because well, I feel like that most of the time and I'm a bit stressed out at times. Sure! I'll triple check it then and probably by then, I'll retry this whole thing... :twilightsmile: I do hope you review what I submitted because those are damn fine books at least from my perspective...

Daaaaaang! You've been busy! Look at all these reviews. I can hardly keep up with my library. I'm afraid to read your reviews because I may add more stories to my already massive piles of "To Read" stories. That's still not enough to stop me, though. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, I have a short comedy for you to look at if you have the time:

No longer spreading chaos, Discord has a bunch of free time on his lion's paw and eagle claw. He decides to open up shop in Ponyville. It's not like he's going to sell anything that would spread disharmony, right?


A novelization/adaptation of sorts of my first 24-hour comic that I started September 27th, 2014, and I've been working on ever since. :twilightblush: The longest 24 hours ever!

I hope you enjoy this silly story!:twilightsmile:

what did I hope to accomplish?
To make people laugh! Plus to finally finish writing this story.

Why is it worth reading?
Well, it's silly for one! My editor and I laughed quite a bit putting this together. Plus, you can see the comics I got done in 24 hours (not complete, though. I overestimated how much I could get done).

4702814 Salutations HapHazred! Remember the last fic I tried to submit? Well that's going through some proofreading by around tomorrow so I'll see how it fares. Right now though, there was another book I want to self-submit. This one I'm actually confident about, though I only want a critique about it. If it gets accepted, well, call me pleased. If not, well, I got a long way to being okay :twilightsmile: Okay then, take two on self-promotion!


A Battle Retold

Description: [Dark] [Sad] [Tragedy]

A prophecy once foretold that on the day where the Sun and Moon intersect during a war between the Solar Empire and the Lunar Republic, the inevitable battle between the two bodies will decide the fate of Equestria and of their futures. Journey into the unknown as the fated battle shines a new light revealing concealed details that the public lay hidden wanting this part of history forgotten...

What you aimed to achieve with this story:

What I was aiming for when I got started on this story was to recreate the battle scene in the show, because while awesome, didn't leave a good impression on me. Ever since seeing Fall of the Crystal Empire, seeing the ambiguous ending on it, I found a decent starting premise I could think of to recreate the banishment and battle scene in the show itself, the main problem was on how... Then the fully made Lullaby for a Princess animation (Thank you WarpOut for completing and finishing that!) came out and seeing the battle within that animation, I finally got the full idea of the premise I needed. The recreation took some time due to me being lazy, but I managed to get it done.

What makes it unique/special/cool:

On the unique category, I don't think it is unique since lots of people have tried to tackle this before. On the special/cool however, it may exceed others in the idea at hand. What was special about it is that there is a scene in the book that is a tribute to a wonderful scene in a game that was known for its gorgeous story-telling and very detailed cutscenes from beginning to end being able to convey all the emotions and do some good Shakespearean dialouge. It's sad that this said game will never be known to the market since its been years its been known to the public and the company has been bought by Square Enix.

Bah, I'm getting off topic here. What was cool about it are the battle scenes I wrote. Although only a one-shot, I put a lot of effort into the battle scenes trying my best to convey the emotions felt, though whether I succeeded or not still is left ambiguous. Adding to the fact that those battles scene were the first ones I've written and I've yet to known if I did pull them off well. I can imaging a battle scene in my head like I was watching TV, but recreating it in words is not easy.

I think that pretty much sums up this story. I would love to see how you think about it and whether it was great or it sunk in the effort :twilightsmile:


1) Title: The Equine and the Immortal

2) Description:
Aelion, home of the immortals, those chosen few whose eternal life allows them to stand in defense of their world no matter how many times their enemies strike them down. Up until about five seconds ago, I was not one of them. Now I'm standing outside of some crumbling castle under the light of a total eclipse with only the voice in my head of the being that stuck me here to tell me what the **** is going on.

Leere's to-do list (for me):
1. Go into castle.
2. Help those inside.
3. Drive off impending invasion from The Reapers of Death.

...I think he missed a few steps.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: HiE done right+Break away from the Displaced and start something new.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: Since the crossover chosen is new and not very well known, I am working under the assumption that my readers aren't familiar with the source material and as such have explained much more than if I was.

The quote I used to open the first chapter hopefully sets the mood for the entire thing:
"If you gaze into the Abyss it will start making faces at you."
Void Fiend Psychology 101

As for the HiE done right:
1. I've saved a lengthy forum of people's most hated cliche's and tropes in the genre and am on purpose avoiding or making fun of them.
2. The protagonist is not perfect: he has already been extremely wrong at least twice and I'm not even past 20,000 words yet.
3. I've finally gotten the OC balance right: he has both an interesting past and an interesting present. Previously I've only pulled off one or the other.
4. The human has a goal and a purpose that's connected to the overarching plot. While due to its nature it won't always be in the foreground of the story, it's going to guide his actions the entire way.
5. If he doesn't have a reason to be involved in an episode, he won't be. The world does not revolve around him.
6. To make sure you're not reading the same stuff all over again, every episode and villain will be given a big fat dose of common sense, and nothing more. Example: Nightmare Moon shot Twilight during her big speech.

Final point: I have nine stories published. Of those, this will be the third I have put up for approval. The other six will probably never be submitted for various reasons. The previous two I entered have both gotten in, and I would not be adding this one if I didn't believe it could join them.


1) Title: Tale of Lord Barleycorn

2) Description: The Harvest family has hit hard times. Rabbits and crows are destroying the crops, the yield won't be that great even if the animals weren't snacking on them, and the entire farm itself has seen better days. Corn Crib, the youngest of the Harvest clan happens to meet a scarecrow on the road that walks and talks, claiming to be the King of Autumn. This Lord Barleycorn talks big, but can he do all that he says or is he just full of hot air?

3) It's intended to be an entertaining, light-hearted tale, and a different take on the HiE story. A human doing good through slight of hand and acting. Its also got a little world building concerning Everfree superstitions.

4) Not many HiEs have a human pretending to be a forest god, and promises to help a dying, isolated hamlet of ponies purely because one little filly told him how bad things are in her town, which sits on the edge of the Everfree.
The human has no magic, no strength... he's just a talented liar with a good heart. It doesn't help that the Filly's family is a branch of the Apple family that doesn't get along with their progenitors.

4702814 Alrighty, here goes nothing.... :twilightsheepish:

1) Title: Forgiveness Follows

2) Description: Feeling bad about how they used the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get to Princess Twilight Sparkle, mean fillies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon try to make it up to her.

... Although, it may come off as a bit "questionable".

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: With this fanfiction, my objective is to make someone at least smile a bit upon reading it.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: There aren't that many stories (at least what I've seen) that plays with the idea of Twilight's fame as a princess of friendship. So, I've decided to tackle the idea myself. Plus, I wanted to portray Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon something besides the antagonistic bullies they are.

Title: In the Dark of the Night

Description: Only a small number of bat ponies remained in Equestria after the disaster of Nightmare Moon. The majority fled, not trusting the nation after being betrayed by their own Princess. But with Luna's thousand year exile having come to a close, it is time for them to rejoin the fold, and no pony is better suited for negotiating that task than the Princess of Friendship herself.
However, when the captain of your escort is Indigo Zap, who suffers from a severe case of Lust At First Sight, and has an ego to put Rainbow Dash's to shame, things get a little more complicated than merely healing millennium-long tensions.

What I aimed to achieve with this story: This is my first significant foray into a romantic story, and I tried to show the transition between initial attraction to genuine affection over the course of the story. I also wanted to mess around with some headcanon ideas.

What makes it unique/special/cool: My story is one of the very few Twilight x Zap love stories, and at the moment it may very well be the only one where both Indigo Zap and Twilight are ponies. It features a seductive Indigo Zap and an adorkable Twilight, two things I don't think anyone could (or rather, should) resist. I believe that I've taken a stance on bat ponies being separate from Equestria that not many other authors have, and my alicorns are... different. I feel that it is overall a story that will stand out from the crowd.

Comment posted by Star-Form deleted Jan 2nd, 2016
Group Admin

4956101 I actually strongly approve of people sticking up and doing their best to make their work sound as good as possible. I don't even really mind if your claims are accurate, because at the very least, I find that people who have positive things to say about their story are often more likely to have something worth reading. However:

Make sure your grammar is presentable when submitting. If it’s particularly atrocious, your submission will be ignored.

Not adding to the list. If the level of writing found in your post is maintained in the story proper, then your story will be rejected. Please do mind how well you present the story if you want us to consider it for approval.

Comment posted by Star-Form deleted Jan 2nd, 2016
Comment posted by Star-Form deleted Jan 4th, 2016

4702814 Alright then. This is my first time doing this. But here it goes.

Title: My Preening Husband

Description: Romance, Slice of Life

When Cadence gets into an accident she has to wear a cast around her neck. As the days go by her wings do not do so well and an itch has developed on her wings, making it unbearable for her. Shining Armor, seeing her plight, then offers his aid in helping her, even though he himself is a novice as to how to properly Preen.

What I aim to achieve with this Story: I wanted to create a fun story between these two characters. I wanted to set the early romance that they have when they are younger and I wanted to portrayed it into an interesting scenario that has not been used much. I wanted the story to be fun and enjoyable story and present it in a way that everyone could relate to.

What makes it unique/special/cool: What makes this unique is because the story focus around Preening. Now, normally, we seen other preening stories focuses on other characters and Cadence has been featured in a number of them with Twilight, or Princess Celestia. However, what nagged me was that there was not one single story that feature Cadence and Shining Armor in this type of situation. So because of this the story was made. This is a unique story that many will happily enjoy. Some may deem it questionable but the overall result will have you smiling in the end.

That is all I have. I hope this will meet the proper criteria and I await the review.


1) Title:

Essenza di Amore (The Essence of Love)

2) Description:

Orphaned as a filly, a young pegasus named Kaviyayu is raised by an adoptive Earth pony family in a secluded, peaceful village. When a strange unicorn drops by the village, Kaviyayu and the other foals are captivated by her tales of the world, as well as her various spells and illusions for their amusement. But there's something about the way she doesn't speak of her own family... how she never removes her traveller's cloak... how she seems to take a very strong interest in Kaviyayu...
Who is this mysterious mare, what does she seek, and just what is so special about that pendant she wears?

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story:

This was my attempt at creating a (somewhat) believable, far more fleshed-out origin story than that which was minimally supplied in the children's novella, Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. Cadance has long been one of my favourite characters, and long had I sought to weave a great coming-of-age tale for her lovely self. I truly believe this is my best effort yet when it comes to writing; Essenza represents to me just how much my writing has improved over time.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool:

Every chapter in Essenza shares a name and lyrical themes with various songs from Nightwish's sixth studio album, Dark Passion Play, the major source of inspiration for the story. It has its own chapter art (all located in a gallery after the final chapter) and it also has its own theme song courtesy of fandom artist The L-Train. I wrote it in such a way that it could feel like a two-part episode of the show proper.

I guarantee that you have never, nor will ever, read an origin story quite like this.

Comment posted by Star-Form deleted Jan 4th, 2016
Comment posted by Star-Form deleted Jan 4th, 2016
Comment posted by Star-Form deleted Jan 4th, 2016
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