Original Pairings 495 members · 717 stories
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The Red Parade
Group Admin

Note: The following thread was recovered through waybackmachine. Some of the images no longer function and I don't have access to them. The thread is as-is and was written by the former group owner, I have copied and pasted it word-for-word as it was originally reported.

It's time to officially announce this year's winners for the May Pairing contest!!!

First of all, I need to give a big thank you to everyone who contributed. We had 79 total entries (exactly the same as last year), and this year the entries were all so fantastic!! I can't begin to tell you how many amazing entries we had this year! Another big thank you to Dezmo, whose generosity means that the contest winners get a special reward for their entries! You make this whole website better, Dezmo. Thank you again. Also a special thank you to SilverStar7 for helping me run the contest this year as well as being a judge. Without his help, I'd still be up to my ears in work, trying to get everything hashed out in time, but thanks to him, this year's contest seemed to fly by.

Speaking of which, SilverStar7 had a few words of his own to add.

I'm so glad I got to judge this year's contest. Honestly, I would have read a lot of these stories even if I wasn't obligated to, because I love pairings like these. I believe they enrich this site and help keep the fandom engaged.

On the whole, you contest writers did great. The Featured Box was bustling with stories from this contest for the last few weeks, because of authors who took the time to explore unique ideas in ways that resonate with readers. You all should be proud of what you've written.

Original pairings are often appreciated for their oddity alone, but the winners this year went beyond mere novelty. They wrote excellent examples of fiction with no caveats attached. It was truly a privilege to show you each the recognition you deserve.

The unfortunate thing is, because there were so many good entries, that means there were a lot of deserving stories that didn't quite make the cut. There can only be three winners, and choosing them this year was really, really difficult. Last year there was a consensus winner. This year there wasn't. Last year, we had a pretty definitive pool of the top 5 stories to choose the winners from. This year, we had to go through multiple rounds of cuts just to narrow it down to 12. If you didn't win, I want you to know that we probably still loved your story even if it was an entire freaking encyclopedia on the history of Equestria which I specifically said not to write. When SilverStar7 and I compared our lists of the top 12 finalists, they were in almost the exact opposite order. That being said, we didn't just take the three from the middle and decide to make those the winners either. We discussed it as thoroughly as we could and came to a unanimous conclusion of who deserved to be in the top three.

As you may know, the winners were selected based on the following criteria: how original is the pairing, how creative is the plot, and how well is the story written? There was also the criterion of how well the story was received on fimfiction, but that would only be important in the instance of a tie. With those things in mind, here are some of the honorable mentions before we delve into the contest winners.

Most well-written story goes to...

Romancing the Griffonstone by SockPuppet

Every single sentence this author wrote made the story come to life in a BIG way! I didn't once feel like I was reading a story. I felt like I was experiencing it, like I was right there, in the characters' shoes, feeling what they were feeling, seeing what they were seeing. It also helped me to get a better understanding of each character and love them on a deeper level. For example, let's take one paragraph from the story:

"A large fire crackled in a huge stone hearth, fighting back the cool night outside the windows. Rough-hewn boards, worn smooth by centuries of paws and hooves, creaked under them as they walked. Chairs and benches were covered in deep red leather. A few griffons glanced at them, the noise of conversations of clinking dishes swirling around them."

This kind of vivid imagery is found throughout the entire story, and the characters' voices help bring out their personality in meaningful ways that help you bond with them, to learn to love them beyond what the comics or cartoon give you. This was a no-brainer as the most well-written story in the contest.You can read it here:

TRomancing the Griffonstone
Glenda is Stygian's biggest fan in Griffonstone. (Not that there was much competition.)
SockPuppet · 9.4k words  ·  271  12 · 4.2k views

Most original pairing goes to...

Song and Silence by TCC56

This is exactly what I was looking for in a contest like this. First of all, this is the only story on FimFiction to use both Coloratura and Big Mac in the same story. Second, it blends them in SEAMLESSLY! OK, Coloratura is best friends with Applejack, so it makes sense for Rara to meet Big Mac, but the author doesn't stop there! An original pairing isn't just about how they meet, but also about how they connect. Rara's special talent is singing, so when she sees that Big Mac is the bassist for the Ponytones, that's how they learn to relate with each other in a more familiar way! At that point, it would have felt weird if they hadn't fallen in love. Great job, TCC56! You should feel proud of this one.

You can read it here:

ESong And Silence
When you have to turn your entire life over and start from scratch, it helps to have good friends by your side. Rara is fortunate to have one like Applejack. And the chance to meet her brother.
TCC56 · 4.9k words  ·  58  1 · 789 views

Most creative plot goes to...

How to Farm Rocks (in three easy steps) by mushroompone

I can't begin to tell you how talented this author is. The fact that this story was able to put Princess Cadence (that's my spelling and I'm sticking to it) and Limestone together was original enough as is, but the progression of the story is what really sets it apart. It isn't the pairing or the way the author strings together words alone: it's the journey! The basic gist of the story is that Twilight has been bugging Cadence by bragging about how much she's learning this thing called "earth pony magic", so in order to learn it for herself, she travels to a farm run by earth ponies. A rock farm, and the mare who runs it puts her straight to work. The world building that this author does not only illustrates what earth pony magic is, but also gives us a deeper appreciation of rock farming itself and makes everything that happens important and fun. Terrific story that I think you should all check out!

You can read it here:

EHow to Farm Rocks (in three easy steps)
Cadance journeys out to the Pie family farm to get a lesson in earth pony magic.
mushroompone · 10k words  ·  135  12 · 1.4k views

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for...

It's time to announce the winners of the May 2021 Pairing Contest!

Third place goes to...

Naked With Myself by chokingchicksandsodomy

Last year, someone asked me if it was OK if they wrote a story about a character being paired with themselves, and I was a little sad when it never happened. This one, though, did it perfectly! This was literally the best characterization of Luna I've ever seen. Even though there's two Lunas, you can easily tell which one is which, and neither of them ever break character! It doesn't only go into detail of what she's doing, but why she craves these feelings to begin with. When I read the beginning, I was thinking "OK, why is this happening?" and the fact that the author was able to not only explain it in a realistic way, but to expand (huehue) on it makes it one of the best stories in this contest! Everything is painted perfectly. It's completely unique, and the author did a phenomenal job with it!

You can read it here:

[Adult story embed hidden]

Second place goes to...

As Strong As Marble by Soft Feather

Possibly the best Marble Pie story on FimFiction. Possibly the best Rockhoof story on FimFiction. It's even better how the author puts the two of them together in a meaningful way that doesn't feel forced in the slightest! This isn't just a random pairing. Marble has a reason for talking to Rockhoof, and the whole journey she goes through is beautiful and heartwarming. Plus, hearing somepony as tough and strong as Rockhoof talk about his cutie mark is the funniest thing in the world to me for some reason. :rainbowlaugh: I was worried that the ending would be kinda predictable and take the easy way out, but I was DEAD WRONG! You just have to see what happens. This story is fantastic.

You can read it here:

EAs Strong As Marble
Marble goes to Rockhoof in hopes of finding strength, but he shows her all the strength she needs is inside herself.
Soft Feather · 6.6k words  ·  75  0 · 1.3k views

And now, for the winner of this year's contest!

First place goes to...

Weekend With The Dragon Lord by Scyphi

Wow. Where do I even begin with this masterpiece? When SilverStar7 and I were going through the finalists, we basically had the exact opposite order for which stories we had in mind as the winners, but this one was high on both of our lists. From the very beginning, there was never any doubt that this story would be in the top three somewhere, and we eventually decided that yes, it deserved to take the top spot. Let me start off by saying that I have never--I repeat, never--seen Blueblood's character written this well. The two of them were in a place where it made sense for them to meet, and the way that they start their weekend is hilarious. Plus, you really see how even though they have polar opposite personalities, the two of them work really well together. This author brought out the best of both characters, and the way they bond is both believable and enjoyable. Everything about it is wonderful. Scyphi, you should feel proud for having written such a great story.

You can read it here:

TWeekend With The Dragon Lord
Prince Blueblood ends up having to host Dragon Lord Ember at his mansion for the weekend. Needless to say, damages were incurred.
Scyphi · 14k words  ·  106  1 · 2.6k views

Final words...

Once again, I want to say thank you to everyone who participated in this contest, and I want to emphasize that even if your entry didn't end up winning in the end, it doesn't mean that we didn't absolutely love it. There was a lot of competition, and only three could win in the end. I also noticed that there were a couple stories out there that--while only using two character tags for the two main protagonists--had other characters whose supporting role could have justified a third character tag. The reason why I limited the stories to two character tags was to prevent people from writing stories about Vinyl Scratch and Octavia with Bulk Biceps on the side. Now that the contest is over and the winners have been announced, however, if you feel like your story warrants more than the two character tags you were limited to, you're welcome to add those now. Thanks again to everyone who helped make this year's contest a massive success!! :pinkiesmile:

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