No Author Left Unnoticed! 247 members · 2,601 stories
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Group Admin

The rules of this competition will be simple. Participants will write a story no more than 3k words long in the Adventure, Comedy, Drama, and/or Slice of Life genres. Stories should not be of the Mature variety, but otherwise are open to whatever you want to write about, so long as it incorporates our Writing Prompt.

Oh yes! A Prompt! Said prompt shall be your guide, your North Star in this competition. The prompt shall be given in the third and final post for this competition, which will be posted tomorrow. Please be sure to publish your story to FiMFiction and drop it off into our new Competition Folder.

Please comment below if you wish to let us know you're entering!

All entrees must be in by the cutoff date and time, 12:01AM on October 4 2019 PST, one week after the final announcement post, which will drop here on September 25.

Stories will be judged by the Group Admins based on the following criteria:

· Grammar and Structure – Because a story that can’t be read, can’t be judged.
· Rules and Procedures – How closely did you follow the word count, genre limitations, Prompt, and other guidelines.
· Creativity – What it says on the tin. How unique is your story?
· Enjoyment – Subjective? Perhaps. But then, does it matter how well-made a story is if it appeals to no one?

There will be a First Place, Second Place, Third Place, and Honorable Runners-up mentioned in a Winner Announcement Thread, which will go up within One Week of the competition’s close, unless literally the entire site decides to enter, in which case a delay might be announced.

First Place will receive both eternal glory and the jealousy and murderous ire of their fellow contestants. The Admins will also create an Author Spotlight Thread in the Forum and leave it stickied for a whole month so that you might lord your success over us mere mortals.

Second and Third place will receive bragging rights in accordance with their placements, and will have the right to honorable combat with the First Place winner, to the death. Assuming you guys can find each other and not get arrested.

Honorable Mentions will be granted to those who just missed the coveted First-through-Third place positions.

The Contest Rules in a Nutshell:
· 3,000 word fic
· Adventure, Comedy, Drama, and/or Slice of Life
· No Mature stories
· Must Follow the Prompt
· Story will be judged on grammar, following the prompt, creativity, and how much enjoyment the story gives to the judges

Tomorrow, September 25, the prompt shall be released. Until then, be prepared.

3k is a little much, and I have a project or two. I would still like to take a quick shot at something


One week and two days only, that's probably not do-able with the writing plans I already have. I was thinking there would be more time, like a month, as other contests do it.

Can’t 100% guarantee anything until I actually see the prompt, but I’m very interested in participating.

Stay tuned. :)

Group Admin

That's unfortunate to hear, but Toriandthehorse and I both agreed that a week-long timeframe made it a challenge, and we'd like to stick to that.

Prompt will be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned!

I guess I'll give it a shot!

I'm interested, but can't quite finalize a decision until I've seen the prompt. Otherwise, this competition looks intriguing.

I believe I can do something with this.

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