
Hello, yes hello I say. To all who are Interneters and Internerter... ... ...
Er, hm. Yes. Of course that very much is the thing isn't it?

Does that second sentence up there, really read as completly gramatical to you.
How would you re-phrase it? An 'x' at the end. An 'is'
at the end. Is there any need for any more words after 'interneters'. Or was there any reason at all to continue greeting after the singular word 'Hello'?

To any that might be able to offer assistence in answering questions like these. I'd be more then happy to reciece any assistence of any kind.

And if you have more of a hands off kind of interest. maybe you might like to give with an eye to read or an ear to listen or a finger tip to touch ect...

Unfortunatly I must ask everyone for some patience. This will certanly not be quick or easy. Given the ever changing landscape of the Internet and language (currently English alone, but definetly many more as well when that becomes more feasable to me). There are always and eternally more ways for us to trip over our word.

So lets keep tring to fill that bucket with the hole in the bottom untill we grap some ice cubesv to plug it with.

I'm trying to help out in my own way and didn't get very far alone so, so some magic seemed neccesary.

Well care to know me better you who I could well already be calling my very best friend?

Regardless my Earth name is not SevenEyes but Robert. Adress me as you will. But beware, for I might just make a bit of a non-binary fuss in your general direction given my mood. But throw some They Thems my way, and all will be well.

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