Twilestia is Bestia 3,276 members · 956 stories
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As many of you are aware, The Lightning Round is one of our many collab groups here. It's currently hosted by our Skype group where we try to do about one prompt a week. What makes this collab different is rather than having a list of available prompts and choosing one to write at your leisure, we all get the same prompt and have an hour to write for it. Now, the rules allow for some leeway as to when you start writing, but you get one hour to write as much as you can or want to and then you post the results.

From the outset, people outside of the Skype group have participated in the Lightning Round. In keeping with that tradition, the Lightning Round will now also be held here on the forums! The rules need a few translations for the forum, since it's not the Skype group, but they generally hold true. A prompt will be decided and issued, whether it gets posted first to Skype or the forum. For those participating here, once a prompt goes up, make a post stating your start time and then get writing!

Once you're done, post either the story text here like the regular prompt collab or post a link to a shareable document. If you're writing a Mature prompt, you'll need to post a broken link and let us know what kind of mature story it is, and if there are any fetishes it features. Once all that is done, submit your story to this form so I can keep track of it and post it to the collab story (or bug Fuzzy about posting it to the Mature collab).

Anyone is free to come up with a prompt if one hasn't already been decided for that week. To help ward off chaos, prompt ideas should be submitted to this form and before the next prompt is set to expire, I'll grab a set of the submissions and post a link to vote on which prompt to write to next.

Group Admin

Our prompt for this week (from Saturday): I Want In

This week's prompt is Rememberance. It'll expire next sunday, 4/17/16.

Group Admin

This week's prompt: Administer

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