Twilestia is Bestia 3,275 members · 956 stories
Comments ( 43 )
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Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Now with more bad luck! With our revival having ended up a swimming success and the prizes successfully handed out, it's time for us to host the next contest. As always, these contests are open to anyone and everyone, so if you'd like to write a story or become a judge, feel free to join in whenever you like.

Like before, the stories will be focused around a single prompt fitting a theme for our cherished couple. After two months of writing time, the submissions will be gathered up and judged by a panel of three volunteers and then awarded prizes based on their ranking. Without further ado, here's our latest prompt:

The Premise: In keeping with this being the thirteenth Twilestia contest, and the vexing bad luck that has been (somewhat arbitrarily) assigned to this number, the prompt for this contest will be 'Nuisance'. Every relationship has its little irritating flaws or tiny strains, and sometimes a good moment is killed by a third wheel or an annoying turn of events. Sometimes this can be more serious, sometimes more amusing, but I thought after the heavy subject matter inherent in the last contest something potentially more lighthearted could be fun to write around.

Limitations: Any and all content in the fic is legal unless the group rules say otherwise. Please check over the rules thread if you have any worries about content. If it's within the rules, it's fine. As for word count, our lower limit is 1000 so that your story can actually be, y'know, a story, while we will not have an upper limit for word count for these stories. Lastly, the story you write for this contest must be original. This means that you have to have never posted it before. Stories that have been written up but not posted are allowed. Reworks of stories written and posted two months ago are not.

Entering a story: In order to enter the contest, simply add your story in a comment in the thread of the contest. This is important. We once had an author that wanted to apply for the contest missed his chance because he forgot to do this step. If the judges don't know where to find this story, it can't be judged.

Judging: The judges for these contests are chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis, and there are three available judging slots. We do not currently host judging criteria, as in the past doing so has been complicated and invited drama, but we do encourage judges to give feedback explaining their reasoning in either a PM to the author or a comment in the thread. Please comment below if you're interested.

The Judge slots are empty as of now, but will be:

1. Anonymous Changeling

Winnings: As always, runner-ups for third and second place will receive an advert in the form of a group comment post on them. Second place will also receive a group post about its placing, with an optional interview from a willing group member. First place will receive a position in our lovely contest box, but because it's also getting a little crowded up there will more importantly be featured on the front of the group page beneath the description for two months time. In addition, offers of fanart will go to first place, then second, then third as they arrive.

Deadline: Entries will be due by September 15th, giving you plenty of time to write and a nice round date for us to end this contest and start the next one on.

Best of luck to all entrants, and enjoy the show, everyone!

I can't be a judge this time, due to family trouble interfering.

this is a fun topic :D

Decided to give this a shot, so here's the link to my entry:

EThe Third Wheel
All Celestia wanted was to have a nice date with Twilight. Too bad Luna can't help but join them.
Teal · 2.7k words  ·  61  4 · 1.5k views

Just finished the first draft of my entry. Going to comb through it to weed out any little pesky errors it probably has soon. Deadline for entries is in 15 days, so I should have enough time to give it a little polish.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Sure you can! Sorry, didn't see this post as I was on vacation outside wi-fi land at the time.

Alright, here’s my entry: Monster

Twilight has a very serious talk with her wife.
MooseWhisker · 2.8k words  ·  57  3 · 1.6k views


but I thought after the heavy subject matter inherent in the last contest something potentially more lighthearted could be fun to write around.


Almost done with mine, should make the deadline :)

Ohh I can't wait to read your story! I just know its going to be a good one :twilightsmile:

aww thank you!! :fluttershysad: I absolutely loved yours, as I do with your stories in general :yay:

One week left to submit stories or apply for judge.

Thank you, that means a lot! :pinkiehappy:

hi, i dont think i’m going to finish in time :( everything suddenly got hectic to the point i didnt really have time to edit/ change around my story. It’s not at the point i’d like it to be at yet. i hope by some miracle i can submit it today, otherwise i’ll be releasing it (along with a prequel) very shortly. i’m sorry :’)

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

With only two contest entrants, I think we should extend the contest a bit longer to give Fluttermoontree and potentially Foals Errand more time to complete possible entries. We also need two more contest judges in order to have a fair judging, so if anyone would like to apply, by all means.

Let me know if you'd all rather end the contest with just the two entries, but personally, I'd rather see more stories come out before we close up this competition.

I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit for more judges and stories

I say yes to a time extension for Fluttermoontree, other entries, and more judges! :pinkiehappy:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Alright. Thank you both for being such good sports (and writers)! We will be extending the contest deadline to September 30th with that in mind. If anyone wants to judge or submit, let us know in this thread.

wait now i guess I can make it :D thanks for extending!!!!

Comment posted by fluttermoontree deleted Sep 30th, 2022
Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

We still need three editors in order for the contest to close to completion. If anybody wants to volunteer, feel free to do so now.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Okay folks. That'll be it for submission! Once we have two more judges, we'll get their feedback and announce the results! Thanks everyone for participating!

Here are my picks.

1st: Pancakes by fluttermoontree
2nd: The Third Wheel by Teal
3rd: Monster by MooseWhisker

Though we only had 3 submissions, everyone did rally well. I may edit this to add a bit more clarification as to my reasons for my placement, but it is getting late right now.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Sounds good to me!

if you’d like me to, I wouldn't mind judging? I’m a bit of a guest browser on this site but do enjoy twilestia a lot

That’s probably the order I would’ve put them in too lol

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Done! Let us know what order you'd rank them. Thanks for chipping in :twilightsmile:

No prob! I really do love the stories in this group and the competition material. I read on here a lot.

My ranking (it was extremely difficult to choose):

1. Pancakes by fluttermoontree— light, fluffy, but with that slight poetic/ deeper edge to it. I really enjoyed the premise and combination. Cute and beautiful.
2. Monster by MooseWhisker— I really liked the unique interpretation of “nuisance” here, though dark it was very intriguing.
3. The Third Wheel by Teal— Cute, nice exploration of Luna and Celestia’s relationship as well.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Wonderful! Thanks for contributing. Alright, we need one more judge in order to make the results official and break the tie between Monster and The Third Wheel. Does anyone else want to throw their hat into the ring?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Okay everyone, we now have a third judge, Slyvian, who is going to post his judging results later on in the week.

*Clears throat*

1: Pancakes. I am a sucker for light, fluffy, shippy romance and honestly this hit the right spot (and also made me crave pancakes made in the heart of the sun. Curse you for this.)

2: Third Wheel. I like Luna, poor dear needs a hug. But over-all I enjoyed the story, though it felt weaker in the romance department than the other two? At least to me.

3: Monster. I'm putting this here because it was an amazing story and I demand a sequel! But that's also why it's here, not because it was bad, but because it felt like it was a tiny, little piece of a larger that needs expansion for the full effect to hit me, unlike the other two that were pretty well self-contained little snapshots.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Alright, folks! The results are in.

The winners in order are:

1. Pancakes by Fluttermoontree
2. The Third Wheel by Teal
3. Monster by MooseWhisker

I'll be handing out the prizes over the course of tomorrow. Thinking we might do a holiday-themed one up next. Thank you one and all for participating!

yay! I really enjoyed this. can’t wait for the next competition!!

thank you very much and I’m really happy you liked my story :yay:

You are most welcome!

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

I really enjoyed your story and can't wait to see the next one! :raritywink:

Truly, my reaction to Pancakes was simply

I can’t wait to write more! Pancakes is actually in the same timeline of a slightly longer Twilestia story that I’m working on :) and I look forward to the next comp

d’awww :yay:

Congratulations! You definitely deserved the win imo, pancakes was a really good fic.
I’m glad you liked it! Although I’m not exactly sure what I could do for a sequel to it.

Oh, wow! Didn't expect to get 2nd place. Congratulations to fluttermoontree for getting 1st place, and congratulations also to MooseWhisker for their amazing story! Also, thanks to all the judges that participated and for the wonderful feedback you gave.

Can't wait to see you all again in the next contest!

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Given you placed second in the contest, would you like to have your optional interview?

Sure, that sounds fun!

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