Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

Our library has a few forum rules, listed below:
1) No self promotions outside of the Shameless Fanfic Promotion thread. I'd recommend the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau for that.
2) No asking for a proofreader, editor, artist, co-writer, or generally for another person to do work for you. There are plenty of other places for this. If you have a question about an issue with something you are writing, think of a more general way to ask where the discussion would benefit everyone.
3) Please keep things civil. No meta or troll threads, and no thread spamming.
4) Writing prompts are fine, as is asking opinions on a story idea, as long as it doesn't turn into asking for help on a story you are already writing. See rule 2.
5) Please don't ask us to add your fanfic. The library folders are closed.

If you violate these rules, you will be warned, and the thread may be locked or deleted at the staff's discretion. I'll also note that if a thread is technically in violation of one of these rules, but an interesting, useful, or entertaining discussion is taking place, the staff may choose to ignore the rule in question, as long as no one is being hurt, and no site rules are being broken.

Consequences for breaking the rules:

The consequences are going to vary depending on the offense, and your previous history in the group. We won't generally jump to an immediate ban except in serious cases, and would normally start out with a warning. The more times we have to deal with the same people, the more serious the consequences, but it is at staff discretion, and may take your previous history on the site into consideration.

Just keep the rules in mind and use common sense when posting, and you should be fine. In the meantime, enjoy your stay!


Comment posted by Csquared08 deleted Jan 31st, 2015

5) Please don't ask us to add your fanfic. The library folders are closed.

Dang, really. Pourquoi?

Everyone Mentions Meta EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! What In Tartarus' Name Is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

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