
Viewing 1 - 20 of 42 results

Irrefutable proof that lampshading is a valid technique · 1:42pm Aug 7th, 2021

I don't know how to avoid tropes. :raritydespair:

good thing the entire point of the title of my story is to address the idea of a stereotype so i can either play into or subvert tropes as much as i want and i'll still look good heheheheh

wait fuck that's just another kind of lampshading


i'm dumb and maybe also ugly · 4:54am Jul 31st, 2021

There's a button that adds a horizontal bar onto the page and I never knew.

Look at that thing. Look at how good it looks. All this time, I've been using a spacer bar made out of dashes and centered. Like so:


I am the biggest fool in the entire world. :facehoof:

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Next chapter's done · 4:34am Apr 13th, 2022

Well, not done, but I finished the writing part. Just needs a paranoid proofread or five and it'll be in your hands, and more importantly: out of mine. :raritydespair:

I want to apologize in advance for its length. I'm not gonna drop the number here, but it's long. I know what that means to some of you, already.

But, surprisingly enough: it's not bad. :pinkiegasp:

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finally finished the valentine's side chapter UHGRGRH · 2:04am May 16th, 2022

So valentine's was like, three months ago, right?

Well I had a side story chapter pretty much ready the day before. A perfectly acceptable thing filled with all the good comedy and denial things that light is so good at, as well as a little dash of sweetness; all it needed was an ending.

an ending.

an ending.

so here we are three months later and it finally has an ending.


5 am thoughts · 8:47am May 11th, 2022

where do i keep finding the first 7 thousand words in a chapter before anything 'interesting' happens

i keep telling myself that it'll be easier to cut right to the point on the next chapter, and then an overwhelming brick of character interaction and reflection clubs me over the head; leaving me insensate and on the edge of death for precisely 10 - 40 days

i have an indiscernible urge to make every possible experience a slow burn and i can't and don't want to turn it off


Need some input; how would YOU like it? · 1:52pm Dec 7th, 2021

Hey there peoples of the world and thereafter, it's me! What a surprise seeing me after clicking on this blog I published, right? :pinkiegasp:

Okay, so it's been a while, yeah? Just about a month, a holiday, and a whole lot of miscellaneous, worldly change. And through all the time, I still haven't put up that next chapter. :twilightsheepish:

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I'm back! Yay! · 6:44pm Oct 23rd, 2022

Although, I hadn't ever really left. In-between last chapter and the one I just put out, I did write an entire story. As well as a side chapter a month after- so really, my period of pure inactivity only lasted two months. Technically my longest one, but I wrote a loooot of notes in the interim~

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The sweet spot · 4:34pm Aug 9th, 2021

Sometimes, when you're writing, you just get into a rut. You're chugging along with a maddening 1k words a day because of inspiration issues, and you're wondering what the point of life is. It all just seems so dull and unoriginal and bland and synonym, and then: bam.

You hit the sweet spot. Creativity flows like a sweet river of molten chocolate that's absolutely free to drink from. 3k words in three hours, easy.

Life is great. :ajsmug:

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bluh bluh huge delays · 9:34pm May 25th, 2021

Hey hey people who have a tangential interest to me and my story!

So the small subset of people who care may have noticed that the next chapter isn't out yet.

That's because of... stuff!

I'm taking some time to flesh out some ideas for later parts of the story, stuff like plotlines and maybe an actual ending somewhere. I've been flying this entire time by the seat of my pants, so I at least want the barest skeleton of a plan to follow.

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The next chapter, involving Applejack. · 3:24am Jul 2nd, 2023

I've had this picture in another tab pretty much the entire time I've been writing the next chapter, because it's just the perfect facial reference, and she's so pretty.[]=1767&sort[]=1255029&sd=desc&sf=upvotes&q=applejack

Look at that mare. Is there any wonder Light's in love with her?

chapter's probably coming out tomorrow


hey so i can't set a good pace · 11:12am Sep 21st, 2021

Alright, no preamble, let's jump into addressing my issues. And by that, of course, I mean just rambling about them for a while until I manage to bring up the 'solution' I thought of while I was away.

Problem #1! Pacing!

Yeah, shouldn't be a surprising place to start if you've been paying attention.

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Retcon? Yeigh or neigh? · 6:40am Oct 23rd, 2022

Mmmmyeah-hi. It's me- I'm back- miss me- my issues- hiatus-

None of that matters. I'm uploading a chapter like, tomorrow, and I'll be putting a blog out about where the story's going someothertime, but i'm tired, and I'm asking this question at 2am for a reason.

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it's done · 7:43pm Jan 20th, 2023

it took two months.

it took over 40k words, most of which were cut and recut over and over again

it took a year and a half to get here

it took 100k words of buildup

i've got a massive headache and i'm badly dehydrated

expect it soon

by soon i mean a few days because it needs a ton of editing first sorry


Next chapter's done! (In the editing phase) · 10:27am Oct 20th, 2023

What it says on the tin! :twilightsmile:

Just thought I'd give a 'lil heads up, since I'm anticipating total completion of the chapter in the next few days. Three, tops. i've said stuff like that before. hedge your bets, 'cause it might take four

I think it came out fairly interesting in the minutia, not to mention I'm dropping a biggol plot bomb! This is going somewhere. I promise, you're gonna get something out of this chapter.

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new story? from MY author? · 3:37am May 31st, 2022

It's more likely than you think.

Check it out?


plans ruined life ruined joke maybe ruined · 10:34pm Sep 28th, 2021

I made plans to finalize edits and have the chapter out by now, but I had tO ENTERTAIN SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED COMPANY. WHY DO I EVEN HAVE FRIENDS ALL THEY DO IS DISTRACT ME FROM BEING ANTISOCIAL? :twilightangry2:

i'm really tired but I'm gonna try to power through and get the chapter out in the next few hours


TSN Chapter 40: Retitled! · 12:45am Oct 27th, 2022

That's right! I'm rereleasing an HD version of TSN for full price with no other additions!

No, wait, I'm just rebranding chapter 40. Where'd that come from? :rainbowhuh:

Yeah so, if you keep in touch with my blogs, you'll know that I recently asked whether I should retitle the disparate parts of the ever-arduous chapter 40, and as one person replied telling me they thought it was an okay idea, I went ahead and did it!

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i wish i wish, upon a fish · 10:20pm Oct 24th, 2022

...That I could go back and redo the first three parts of chapter 40. :T

It's been a general slog althroughout, right? But the first three parts were just so- blegh. I had barely any idea whatsoever about how to take the scene, and rather than try to pen out a clear outline and really think through character motivations, I went instead for heavy-handed descriptors and 'moments.'

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spent two days writing literally nonstop · 10:58am Sep 26th, 2021

next chapter's in the editing stage

look out bitches and or nice people that i love very much


i promise it kicks all kinds of butt

oh also i don't know how long it'll take me to edit whoops


Checkin' in! Also, a small snip of my notes! · 11:32pm Sep 8th, 2023

Hiya! How's tricks? Keeping well? Sitting comfortably?

...I'll assume you're doing okay, since this is an evidently parasocial conversation between me and a completely fictional second party with which I share no apparent you

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 42 results