• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 6,251 Views, 122 Comments

Scootaloo's New Family - Wanderer D

The Deathgod of the Muay Thai ring has come to Equestria.

  • ...

Introducing the new family

Scootaloo’s New Family

By Wanderer D

Cheerilee looked around at the destroyed playground and her eyes settled on the filly that had caused it all. By hoof. “Scootaloo!”

“Y-yes Miss Cheerilee?” the filly cringed.

“I don’t care how much Diamond Tiara teased you, destroying the play-fort is not the way to get back at her!” she angrily pointed out, helping the terrified bully to her hooves. “I saw what happened and I will deal with her, but all of this...” she motioned at the devastation around them and the slowly emerging colts and fillies who had hidden away when the fight had started. “Is too much! I will talk with your parents after class tomorrow!”

“Y-yes Miss Cheerilee.”

“And you will clean all of this, after class, today!”

Scootaloo cringed and nodded.

Cheerilee growled, but nodded as well. “Get cleaned up, now. And come into class. Recess is over.”

She had to take a long, deep breath before walking into class. She understood that colts and fillies would sometimes get into fights, and Diamond Tiara had been pushing her luck, but this... she would have words with Scootaloo’s adoptive parents.


Miss Cheerilee smiled nervously at the class, pointing towards the blackboard. “A-and that is w-why t-t-the birds f-fly South in the...” She gulped. “... in the Winter.” Her smile remained frozen in her face for a few seconds. “A-any questions?”

But she knew there wouldn’t be any. All the fillies, colts and family members in class were staring back at the huge form sitting behind Scootaloo, hidden partially from view by the shadows. It’s arms were thick and huge and muscular, like those of the well-known minotaur, Iron Will, but unlike the professional motivational speaker, these... arms were covered in scars that spoke of a thousand battles; those muscular legs seemed made of steel and those eyes... sweet Celestia those eyes.

Besides the behemoth of muscle and danger, Fluttershy smiled sweetly. According to Twilight, Fluttershy was able to wrestle bears into submission, and she had thought the student-turned-librarian-turned-princess had been joking... but Cheerilee had to admit it took more bravery than she herself had to placidly seat next to something that could snap her neck like a twig. What had possessed the kind pegasus to bring an obviously dangerous forest creature of unknown origins as a ‘guest’ would always elude her.

“A-and now,” she said after enough time had passed. “I’d like everypony to introduce their parents and tell us about what they d-do.”

No pony moved. Until Scootaloo’s hoof went up. “Miss Cheerilee? Can I introduce my parents first?”

That brought Cheerilee back into reality. “Oh, yes, Scootaloo! I heard you were adopted just last weekend! Can you introduce us to the wonderful ponies that adopted you?”

“Great!” Scootaloo pranced in front of everypony in the class, and Cheerilee was happy to see that the students were interested enough to stop staring at the creature.

“Well, as some of you know,” Scootaloo said, nodding to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, “I was adopted this last weekend...”


Today was Saturday.

Today was the day she would face the world and finally, after much struggle, wishing and moping, be adopted.

Today, was the day when things would finally change.

Today was the day that Rainbow Dash would pick her up. Or Twilight Sparkle, since she had wings now. Or maybe even both! That would be strange, but awesome!

Or they would have, if she had woken up early.

“I’m sorry, Scootaloo, but you slept in,” Kind Disappointment, an earth pony wearing a tiara with a fantasy unicorn horn and also a pair of fake pegasus wings, said, smiling kindly at the disappointed filly.

“But that’s not fair!” Scootaloo groaned. “That system doesn’t work! Are you telling me that the only way to get adopted is to catch the morning rush? Isn’t there some sort of process to go through? My old orphanage didn’t work that way!”

Kind Disappointment shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Scootaloo, it’s first-come, first-served. Equestria being the perfect society that it is doesn’t require much more than a kind smile and a promise of taking good care of you little ones.”


“Ah, ah!” Kind Disappointment chided cheerfully. “And remember, we do not speak of the old orphanage. You were blessed to be out and about when that meteor hit it, showing us Celestia’s displeasure at us mortal ponies.”

Scootaloo blinked. “But... Celestia herself came to mourn the passing of—”

“We are not here to guess as to the intentions behind the punishments provided by our goddesses.” Kind Disappointment picked up a book and flipped through the pages. “See? Celestia and Luna have been known to do this kind of thing before.”

"But..." Scootaloo stared at the page. "This is a recipe for Aunt Celestia's Homemade Cinnamon Crispy Apple Pie."

Kind Disappointment stared. “You... can read?”

Scootaloo stared right back. “Well, duh. Of course I can!”

“Oh my,” Kind Disappointment shook her head. “This will not do! Knowledge is the enemy of the devout, Scootaloo, I think I should—”

Scootaloo looked over her shoulder, trying to find a way to escape. “Uh... listen lady, I— hey! There’s my new mom!” she shouted, galloping past the orphanage owner and jump-hugging Fluttershy, who was just passing by.

“Your... mom?” Kind Disappointment blinked.

“Mom?” Fluttershy meeped, looking down into the pleading eyes of Scootaloo. Whatever whimpered complaint died in her throat.

“Miss Scootaloo, I think you are choking your adoptive mother,” Kind Disappointment ventured.

“Oh, heh, sorry.” Scootaloo stepped back, allowing Fluttershy to take a gasping breath. “I just got excited because you came for me, Fluttershy.”

“This is Fluttershy?” Kind Disappointment asked in awe. “One of the Elements of Harmony? Redeemer of Luna? Vanquisher of Discord? Defeater of Chrysalis? Scourge of Sombra? Destroyer of our next inevitable villain?”

“Um... maybe?” Fluttershy shuffled away.

“Excellent! I cannot think of somepony better suited to take care of our little Scootaloo!” Kind Disappointment clapped with her hooves. She took one of Fluttershy’s and after smearing it with ink, planted it in a legal document. “I am sure you will be able to remove the sinful lust for knowledge this little one has, after all, you are one of Celestia’s Chosen!”

“B-but... ad-opt?” Fluttershy stammered. “I’m not... a— you... want me to be Scootaloo’s mother?”

“You already are!” Kind Disappointment grinned, showing Fluttershy the document.

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeease... mom...” Scootaloo begged, making Fluttershy’s heart jump. “Can we go? Please?”

Fluttershy looked from the still mumbling, alicorn-cosplaying-fanatic to Scootaloo. She smiled. “Sure, come on but...” she sighed.

“But what?” Scootaloo asked, picking up her scooter and trotting after Fluttershy.

“W-well,” Fluttershy cringed. “S-since you’re my newly adopted daughter...”

“Wait, you mean you actually did adopt me?” Scootaloo’s eyes went wide.

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy looked slightly scared. “Oh! I’m sorry! I’ve always wanted a filly, and I figured I could adopt you and I always thought you would say no to me because I’m not Dashie and then w-when you c-called me m-mom today I was very h-happy and I thought you did want me to adopt you so I said yes I hope I didn’t m-mess up—” She stopped when Scootaloo put a hoof on her mouth.

“I-I thank you, Fluttershy... you don’t know what it means to me...”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and her smile spread.

“...that one of Rainbow Dash’s best friends would adopt me.”

The smile dimmed. “Oh.”

“I mean, I always figured it would be Twilight Sparkle, you know?” Scootaloo continued, ignorant of Fluttershy’s slightly frowny face. “Ponies say that there’s something going on in that library whenever Rainbow Dash goes in there to ‘read’,” she elaborated, using her hooves to do quotation marks. “I don’t really know what the hoof waving is about, but that’s how ponies do it. Anyway, they say there’s no way Rainbow Dash would actually read a book and is probably into some weird footish or something with Twilight.”

Scootaloo looked over her shoulder and finally noticed Fluttershy frowning. “O-oh! Not that, I mean... uh, well, I’m sure whatever it is she ‘reads’ with Twilight she ‘reads’ with you too! I know you’re good friends and—”


“Yes, mom?”

“Hush now.” Fluttershy smiled despite herself at how quickly Scootaloo had called her that. “We’re going home. I need to sort some things out... and...” she suddenly looked nervous. “Um... I-I guess since you are my daughter now, you should meet your new dad.”

“Sure!” Scootaloo cheered, turning around, about to jump into a gallop when the words caught up with her brain. “Waaaaaaait... dad?!”


“Now, you must be nice when you meet him,” Fluttershy whispered as they approached the cabin.

“What, did you marry Angel?” Scootaloo asked. “Is that why he’s always so bossy?”

Fluttershy stopped short for a second. “No! Angel Bunny is certainly charming but not the type of special somepony I would date. He’s... a little too violent.” she admitted. “And he keeps attacking your dad.”

“And he’s not a pony,” Scootaloo added, smirking.

“Well, yes, but—”

“Anyway, when can I meet my new dad?”

It was then that something huge jumped from behind Fluttershy’s cottage and landed, crouching, with a thud in front of them. It slowly stood up on its muscular hindlegs, revealing some kind of clothes that covered it from its knees to its waist, then a shirt of some sort stretched across its massive, muscular chest. It was taller than any minotaur Scootaloo had ever seen, even in the movies. It had no horns either.

It’s mane was cut short and its eyes, much smaller than that of a pony, glowed with an eerie inner light as it faced towards the cottage. It’s patience was rewarded by a white blur shooting out of it, which Scootaloo recognized as Angel.

The tiny rodent attempted several lightning-fast kicks at the behemoth, which, impossibly managaged to stop all the kicks with one of its claws.

“Fluttershy! We need to run!” Scootaloo shouted in a panic when the creature dodged Angel Bunny and, with an almost invisible movement, poked the rabbit behind the head, rendering it unconscious.

The creature’s head jerked up, and it turned to face them. Scootaloo barely had time to scream before she was suddenly picked up in those giant arms alongside Fluttershy.

The creature opened its mouth and Scootaloo closed her eyes tight, not wanting to see the end coming.

The end that sounded conspicuously like a smoochy kiss. Slowly she opened one eye, followed by another when her brain understood what was happening.

Fluttershy was kissing the monster.

Finally separating, Fluttershy smiled shyly. “My, I’m happy to see you too, honey.”


“Apa! Apachai is happy to see wife too!” the behemoth said in a surprisingly cheerful and kind voice.

Opening and closing her mouth silently, Scootaloo looked up from the kindly-looking monster to Fluttershy and back.

“Oh, I forgot!” Fluttershy giggled. “This is Scootaloo! She’s our new daughter! I adopted her!”

“O-our d-daughter?!” Scootaloo stammered, looking up at the monster. “This is my dad?!”

“Apa!” Apachai blinked. “Apachai wasn’t expecting to have a filly so soon!”

“I’m sorry, love,” Fluttershy whispered demurely. “But she’s a very nice filly!”

Apachai looked at Scootaloo in consideration, before nodding once. “Appachai train new daughter!”

Scootaloo gulped.


“And I’ve been practicing Muay Thai ever since!” Scootaloo finished cheerfully. “It turns out I have a real talent for it, unlike some Kenichi pony daddy knew!”

A faint “Apaaaa...” emanated from the back of the room, which prompted everypony to look back at Apachai, who was cuddling Fluttershy.

“Any questions?” Scootaloo asked.

“Miss Cheerilee?” Diamond Tiara asked, raising her hoof. “Can I wake up now?”

The End?

Author's Note:

I just... I— I'm sorry, okay?

Comments ( 122 )

Well. That was an interesting read.

~Skeeter The Lurker

It's apachi. Thats good enough for me.:pinkiehappy:

That was hilarious can't wait to see more.:rainbowkiss:

Hm, came here expecting Sagat, and got something far better. Wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of this.

rEALLY? Appachai Hoppachai? Kenichi Kun! Meet My new daughter! "She's a pony." But she has wings, are they like appa, buffalo wings?"

I just... I— I'm sorry, okay?

Don't be, it was awesome ! :yay:

Wh-what the buck did I just read!?

You wonderful, wonderful man. Apachai is the most lovable muay thai deathgod of all time. I'm not even ashamed to say I cried when that dude punched a hole in his chest.

2612278 I have no clue, I'm going to have to put this on the readlater list because I need to head to bed, night:rainbowlaugh:

it has Scoots, what's not to like? :scootangel:

I was kind of expecting Adon rather than Sagat, but this was an excellent read! :rainbowlaugh:

Okay I could actually see the Kenichiverse as part of the MLP crossover section.

I just... I— I'm sorry, okay?

I'm not. :rainbowwild:


^ me reading this one-shot

I saw Fluttershy first, and I was interested, then I spotted Appachai and I was :derpyderp1: Then I saw who wrote it and, well, here I am. Please tell me he has learned how to hold back by this point.:unsuresweetie:

Here I was thinking he was Sagat... very funny Wanderer, very funny indeed.



. . . . Apachai Hopachai.

Whelp. It's official.

D is the master overlord of the internets.

HAHAHHAHAH.*wheezing cough*

pfffffff oh god

that passage now makes sense with this context, thank you :trollestia:

This is godmode. It needs a sequel. APAPAPAPAPA!

I don't know what I just read, but I love it.

... .... ........ ................ *brain collapses* Apachi from Kenichi married to Fluttershy... adopting Scootaloo... ... ... *reads for a bit more* Okay, why not? *favs*

(This was actually rather entertaining. :D)

On the one hand, this chapter is pretty much pure crack, and I don't really like pure crack.
On the other hand, this is Kenichi, and there are so few Kenichi fics I mentally give any I read a bump up on my likeability list.
On the third hand, Appachi and Fluttershy would actually make a good couple.
On the fourth hand, your grammar's pretty good, and your prose is readable.
All in all... 4/5 stars.

I don't get it!
I keep putting quarters in, but the story won't continue!

So, I go to the Newest Stories, and see a random-sounding title. Lots of Scootadoption going on lately, I thinks to meself. But wait... it's by Wanderer D?!?

And so I read it.

I.....I have no words for this. I enjoyed it. :rainbowlaugh:

Dear Wanderer D,
I fucking hate you.
~Common Sense


Author's Note:
I just... I— I'm sorry, okay?

No you're not. :pinkiecrazy:

I wish for more

The literal lolz.


We need more of these fics where Scootaloo is adopted and raised by different people of the multiverse...

1. Ranma Saotome (Ranma One-Half)
2. Spartan-117 (Halo)
3. Shinji Ikari (or Rei Ayanami)
4. Deckard Cain (Diablo)
5. James Bond (enough said)
6. Seven of Nine (Voyager) OR Captain Picard (TNG) OR Kirk (TOS)
7. Superman
8. Tony Stark (oh gods!)
9. Ghost Rider

Too many others...

Well this was...interesting.

The End?

me: We can only hope!
:scootangel:: For more?
me: NO

Apachi and Fluttershy, Apachi and Fluttershy, best combination ever

Wow. This is one of the only stories on here that made my stomach hurt from laughing so much. Well done, WD-40. Well done. Have a like.

I, for one, welcome Scootaloo's new parents! :trollestia:

This...made sense somehow.

*scratches head*

I'm...loosing it, ain't it? I must be going crazy.

Bless this for being a thing.

2614690 Indeed, but I wish I could have been the one to say it! :rainbowlaugh:

I seriously think you should continue this... Apachi x Shy sounds too cute (and he is good with children)

Well that was entertaining :rainbowlaugh:

2614325 Welcome to my daily existence! :pinkiehappy: I hope insanity treats you as well as she's treated me... :pinkiecrazy:

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