• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Ninja Kraken



Celestia and Iroh share some afternoon tea and sagely advice over a game of Pai Sho.

Credits for original idea and editing go to my good friend Cthulhu.

Credits for the picture go to itcamefrom4chan.

Iroh is a character from Avatar: The Last Airbender, in case anyone didn't know and was wondering.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 406 )

I kind love of you right now okay

Iroh and Celestia...talking?

Prepare to be thumbed up to oblivion! :pinkiehappy:


Well, after I heard about some of the more... shudder-worthy crossover matchups (Some of the matchups are... just wow.), I decided I'd give a shot at it, and either show them how it's done, or fail spectacularly in the attempt.

Awesome story


Well alright then. :derpytongue2:

2782811 haha
I accidentally a word
fixed the comment
it should make sense now
point being, awesome story

2782813 2782742

Ah. Thanks for the compliment! :pinkiehappy:

Though, I don't know think I'm in love with you... :applecry:
I hope we can still be-
Wait, Reg, come back! :raritydespair:

Celestia and Iroh?:pinkiegasp: AWESOME!:pinkiehappy:

2782825 friendzoned again ;_;

This is very well done, seeing Celestia and Iroh meet is awesome. They are somewhat alike, and I think this has one of the better takes on Celestia's explanation for Twilight's Ascension.

Ya know, I was just rewatching Siege of the North earlier today and wondered what an Avatar/MLP crossover would be like. You have my interest

Minor point: it was a general who proposed that plan, and it's implied that it probably would have been rejected. The reason Ozai challenged Zuko to Agni Kai was that he had disrespected Ozai by speaking out of turn.

That aside, the interaction was quite nice.

2782901 I've wondered that myself, I've only seen MLP doing Avatar not MLP/Avatar crossovers. I wonder which characters would relate to one another. Katara and Twilight, Sooka and Rainbowdash the possibilities. Someone do it.

I enjoyed the story (though it was sort of a douche move on Celestia's part for thinking she could have related Luna's incident to Lu Ten's death since... you know, Luna didn't die :rainbowlaugh:), and I fully commend you on your daring attempt to write about Pai Sho. I mean, seriously, whoever invented Pai Sho needs to take some Prozac for his OCD.

Faved, and watched, buddy!

A few errors in the story (If you want to leave your grammar as it is, just ignore this half of my comment :pinkiesmile:):


It's in the second paragraph I believe. I think you meant "someone".

"On one of them, he made a very foolish decision. My son decided that he would mark the six hundredth day by truly taking the walls of Ba Sing Se. There was already a plan in place that would allow us to push through the gates once and for all, but it was meant to be taken slowly, with precautions. Instead, he and a group of elite soldiers he had befriended manage to find the attack plans, and foolishly decided to use the already dangerous strategy and attack the gate under cover of night.

I suppose they were lucky, at least at first; they got past a very impressive number of soldiers through a combination of stealth and ferocity. From the reports I received on the morning of the six hundredth day, he was very close to gaining the honor he had desired. But instead of glory, he was met with a boulder that had been clumsily thrown by an inexperienced and terrified soldier while scaling the city's outer wall. My own son meant nothing to the insatiable bloodlust of war; he was only another meaningless death.

After my only son met his end in an effort to gain my approval, I became disillusioned with that pointless war, and had no more will to continue leading it. I left for home the next morning, having failed both my country and my family. "

I believe if the dialogue is separated in paragraphs, each paragraph of separated dialogue from the same person has to be enclosed by quotations marks. The final paragraph of a dialogue from a person should be completely surrounded on both ends by quotation marks, but the beginning and middle dialogue should only have a quotation mark at the beginning of their respective paragraphs (in order to signify that the dialogue from the same person has continued.

All in all, I loved it. Anyone that characterizes Iroh realistically I would trust with my bank account number (Errr... just trust me on that, and don't actually ask me for it please).


Mako's death

Don't you mean Lu Ten, Iroh's son?

Mako was Uncle Iroh's original voice actor.

Moving onto what I originally was going to say…

For your impressive characterization of best pony (also known as Uncle Iroh), I wish I could create a billion accounts just to favorite this story a billion times.

(EDIT: Who in the Tar Nation decided to dislike this?)


I believe if the dialogue is separated in paragraphs, each paragraph of separated dialogue from the same person has to be enclosed by quotations marks.

Not quite. It always gets the opening one, but only gets the closing one if the person is done talking. So:
"Blah blah blah.

"Blah blah blah.

"Blah blah blah."


Sorry, my brain's confuzzled today. For some reason, I always called Iroh's son Mako (not the cheating Mako in the Korra timeline) ever since I saw Iroh's first VA's tribute at the end of "Tales of Ba Sing Se" while Iroh mourned his son's birthday.

Again, thank you for catching that. :pinkiehappy:

This story is nothing but a stroke of brilliance! Awesome job! :pinkiehappy:

This is wonderful! You've combined two of my favourite things so beautifully; there were so many routes you could have taken with a concept like this, but you took the one that made it something really special.

Excuse me, good sir, but I feel under an obligation to inform you that this concept has already been done, and, in my opinion, at a much higher level of quality.

2783386 Well, I just recently watched/finished Avatar: The Last Airbender, so it's still fresh on my mind. :rainbowwild:

I do hope I've not missed anypony.

So has pretty much everything. And besides, this is fanfiction. It's all for fun and practice and the love of the art! I mean really, out of all the best stuff to hit the feature box, how much has been ideas that were not done before? Maybe, what one in ten or twenty, tops? But people did it anyways, and that's great! Everyone who works with a concept can bring something new to it, I think.

Just chill out. Take a break. Have a Kit Kat Chunky.
Some day, you may perhaps be worthy to join the ranks of the Shark Sirs. :moustache:

Also, I did a search for Celestia and Iroh on this site, and got nothing, so if it has been done, it's not been done very often at all.

That's good to hear. :pinkiehappy:
It's great hearing that I was able to make an execution worthy of the idea.

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

My inner Grammar Nazi approves.


Danke mein freund :pinkiesmile:

2783428 No, thank you, good sir. :moustache:

That is, for not being lazy in writing stories about best pony.


Excuse me kind sir, but I am sorely tempted to be offended at your blatant disregard for assumption-of-quality and why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover - a lesson you of all people should know. Fluttershy Has Tea With Jesus was a highly successful story that achieved praise from both Christians and those of other beliefs, and was (Although my opinion is unfortunately biased in this regard.) a story of high quality.

I challenge you to honorable fisticuffs, followed by a duel to the death, and then a rousing game of chess!

I do hope I've not missed anypony.

So has pretty much everything. And besides, this is fanfiction. It's all for fun and practice and the love of the art! I mean really, out of all the best stuff to hit the feature box, how much has been ideas that were not done before? Maybe, what one in ten or twenty, tops? But people did it anyways, and that's great! Everyone who works with a concept can bring something new to it, I think.

Just chill out. Take a break. Have a Kit Kat Chunky.
Some day, you may perhaps be worthy to join the ranks of the Shark Sirs. :moustache:

Also, I did a search for Celestia and Iroh on this site, and got nothing, so if it has been done, it's not been done very often at all.

That's good to hear. :pinkiehappy:
It's great hearing that I was able to make an execution worthy of the idea.

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

My inner Grammar Nazi approves.

Sorry about that, and anyone else who got offended. I was under the impression that it was terrible due to some miscommunication I had with a friend.
I've actually deleted the comment, now.

I accept, good sir!
As for the duel, for my weapon, I choose salamanders! Huzzah!
You shall taste scaly defeat! And then death! And then wooden-chess-piece defeat!
And then a whipping lecture!


Heh, good to know the work is appreciated.

Iroh is one of my favorite characters from any franchise. Ever.

Comment posted by Ninja Kraken deleted Jun 27th, 2013

Mine too.
An epic badass and a sage rolled into one.

I knew this would be good. Fav and thumb up to you sir.

Glad I didn't disappoint!

2783180 What was on my mind as I watched The Siege of the North was the whole War and the Sun/Moon impacts on bending and how the princesses respond to that

This... This is one the best things I've read today!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Iroh and Celestia.

Drinking tea and playing Pai Sho.

BEST THANG EVAR !!1! :pinkiehappy:

Ahem. Now that my fangasm has passed, I never really considered how similar these two are. It was an interesting dialogue. Also, we need more Avatar crossovers (the cartoon, not either of the movies).

I find it strange that up until now I have never stumbled across a crossover between MLP and the last air-bender...

please some one remedy this... or point me to one that exists. because this one is good enough to make me want more.

Bravo! I'm a Huge fan of the Last Airbender, and Iroh was Definantly my favorite character! Pair him up with Celestia, and you've got 1 Hell of a good story!
Damn good job! :ajsmug:

By the gods, yes.

This this this this this this this this this this--

Sorry, I told myself to get to bed already, but then I saw this in the featured box. I WILL read this, you brilliant person you! :heart:

I believe that Laichonious might be referring to my story, Cthulhu is a Pretty Cool Guy. It's the same premise, but with Cthulhu, and your friend even commented on said story that I just linked. But like you said in your reply to Laichonious, every idea is unoriginal theses days. Hell, he might not have been even referring to mine seeing as it's a rather simple concept. All we can hope for is to alter them enough so they are worthwhile to read. Put on read later so I can, well, read it later when I have the time.

I read all his lines in his voice.

Cthulhu is your friend? That scares me more than this story intrigues me.

I could hear all of Iroh's lines in his own voice. You are awesome. Excellent story! :twilightsmile:

Loved it! This was awesome I am so glad you wrote this!!! :pinkiehappy: It actually gave me a few good ideas for my own Avatar crossover I'm doing. :moustache:

where the HELL did you get all of those sayings??? what philosophy book did you smoke to get some deep words?

My favorite character in the Avatar series talking to Princess Celestia?

My friend, you've earned a like and a favorite.

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