• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


The one German who is lazy for real.



The truth isn't always easy or pleasant. Something Twilight Sparkle has to learn. After she fixed her friends cutie marks with help of the element she has to learn that lesson.

//This short story is based on a theory I had a while back. Don't take it to serious, but I think some things make more sense this way.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

I have seen various fics pertaining Twilight's parentage, but I have not seen one that has Cadence as her mother (I have seen one that has Shining as her father... that one got weird). Without the twist this was one of the better interpretation of Twilight's Ascension, and with the twist... there is more to be told. I'm not sure how much of her relationship with her (grand)parents, Shining and Cadence will change but I think in equestrian terms Cadence was her dam, Velvet was her mother.

Look forward to more.

Complete? :raritycry: No, you have to make more! :fluttercry:


Holy wow. :pinkiegasp: I really want another chapter, like, yesterday.

Interesting. I assume the reaosn it ends as it does is because we know what happens next ;)

If you watched the season 3 finale, then yes ;)

Well it's a very interesting theory and take on that scene. I enjoyed it quite a bit :pinkiehappy:

You know I was actually tossing around this idea. Well it was more of a 1 line thought.

What if Twilight was not velvet and nightlights daughter but was cadance's and Shining's daughter.

you played it off smarter than I did I thought it would be because they were to young but you really put a better threory behind it.

I must say I would like to this continued. Honestly I think this would be a far better reason for Twilight becoming an alicorn than is given in the episode.

Really need to have a new chapter or something to add on to this story it would make a good series

So close to down-voting simply because it hangs like this! This deserves more! :raritycry:

You're not the first one mentioning that. But I don't know how, to be exact.
All my other stories took months of planing. Journey for example. I started to make notes for that story back in summer 2012, I started writing early 2013. But this was never planed as a ongoing series, so I have no further ideas.

I could write how Twilight is facing everyone after that, but after that I would be without any plot. It would be simple day to day life. One quick idea I just got in this moment would be to write a alternative "Equestrian Girls", based on this story. (A no Human version): Like Twilight will be crowned as new princess of the Crystal Empire, but a day before that her crown (The Element of Magic) will get stolen. But thats only a quick and rather unfinished idea.

OK, I said enough. Take it as a maybe and that I'm considering.

I love this I was thinking celestia was her mom damn was I wrong.

Is there gonna be a sequel with Twilight confronting her real parents?

this could almost be a sad or dark story. "Oh by the way, your whole life is awfully damned close to being a complete lie, other than that how's your day been?" definantly a slice o' life story

Even if you only concluded with Twilight confronting her family and nothing else I would still be glad just for that much more.

Oh crud :rainbowderp: didn't see that coming. Cadence and Armor must've been like fifteen or something. maybe younger! I mean, if Twilight can live on her own, she should be at least eighteen. Even if Cadence was pregnant at 12, she'd be at least thirty! :twilightoops: Maybe there's an age illusion spell I didn't know about. :rainbowhuh: Whatever, good story! :twilightsmile:

Kind of wish that you could continue this story it is good

2828553 Fifteen is like the youngest possible age, or close.. or whatever.

If you look at the wedding episodes Shining was clearly around Twilights age when he joined the guards, if you go by how tall Shining Armor was. (When he and little Twillight are saluting in her flashback) Lauren Faust said that the age of the mane6 is between 17-25. (That was back in S1.) So I think Twilight is around 20-22. (Pinkie is the youngest, then Fluttershy, Rainbow, insert Twilight here, AJ and as the oldest we have Rarity.) In most countries you have to be 16 or 18 to join the army. So Shining was at least 16 in the flashback. But we never saw a teenage pony in the show. He was younger yes, but as big as he was in the present (I compared) so I would put him around 25. Twilight was as tall as the crusaders, but not Celestias student, so 6 would be a good age. Most kids start primary school at that age. That were my thoughts to the age issue.

I read the IDW comics a while back now and the last comic explained why Cadance was foalsitting Twilight. But it was a rather weak explanation with lot of holes. But the comics are great in general.

You think. I could write a sequel to this if you let me

If you like feel free to do so.

Where would I find who did the pictur so I can ask their permissions to use it

The souce is shown if you hover over the picture. But here it as well:

I REALLY LOVE this story :pinkiehappy::raritystarry: is there going to be a sequel:twilightsmile:

A few errors here and there, but otherwise great! I like it.

It's not a bad theory, but I feel like Twilight would have dwelled much longer on the fact that Cadance and Shining Armor are her real parents before ever thinking about the fact she was an alicorn whose true power was stifled.

This needs to be continued

few things, first off this need more chapters,
second off there need to be more story like this one, ie twilight being the daughter of Shining Armor and Princess Candace,

Interesting idea but need polish the big reveal, and the build up seem rushed and over all poor grammar hold this story back, on a more personal note I dislike the ending or lack there of in this case as the story just stops. I know it's most likely meant so the reader can have there own idea of what happens but it feels unfulfilling to me, especially with the potential this idea could have, with Twilight confronting her family, the interactions with her friends and with season 6 now out Flurry Hearts now Twilight would be a big sister instead of an aunt. Overall neat idea not so great application, but good potential.

reread this story and i still love the idea of Cadance and Shiny Armor being Twilight's parents but have to hide it, to me this is a great idea that need to be expand on or be use for the base of more story, hell i love to see story where Twilight knew the truth and was told it already and help keep it a secret

Old as Equestria itself. One being that no ordinary, how my dear nephew likes to call it, may court a noble.

The only "noble" i remember was prince Blueblood. Celestia and Luna were asked by Starswirl to rule Equestria and before that they weren't nobles. That means they are not nobles.

The nobles unsettled and such a scandal would have shaken Equestria to the core.

I always find this as a nonsense, because someone as longlived, powerful and with great influence as Celestia would never alow such rules in her kingdom.

7874740 these rules could have been made in a diffrent time when she was just becomeing a ruler and was probs not the leader that she is now and would agree with these rules and at one point started to dislike them bit is unaible to get rid of them.

Good story, but the ending was kind of lazy, in my opinion. I know you could go for the whole "I left it up to your imagination!" cliche, but it just doesn't feel that way to me. It seems more like you were afraid that readers wouldn't like how you wrote those sections if you actually committed something to paper (i.e. "Twilight wouldn't act that way!" "Her parents should be more ashamed!" "Why isn't Cadance mothering her more?" "This is boring, needs more drama", ad nauseam).

Still, it was pretty well written, and I liked it. Reminds me of those "Sweetie Belle is Rarity's daughter" fics. Best of luck with your future writing!

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