• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,708 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 1 "Murder at the Gala" - Jacoboby1

Season 2 of Noir begins with a murder mystery at the biggest party in Equestria. A butler murdered, a secret behind a locked door, a mysterious puppeteer, all are part of the first chapter of Equestria Noir's next season.

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Chapter 5 "Locked Doors Made Open"

Chapter 5

“Locked Doors Made Open”

“What do you mean you know how the killer offed Bastion?” I asked, in shock. “Who did it?”

Fancypants shook his head. “I did not get a good look at him, it all happened so fast. I was finishing up using the um, loo, when I happened to walk by the very hallway where the murder was occurring. I rounded the corner and saw for the briefest of moments, a stallion throwing something out the window.”

“Did you catch a glimpse of him?” I asked, “Anything to describe him at all?”

“I do remember seeing a horn, he was definitely a unicorn.” Fancy affirmed.

“So is everypony at the party,” Twilight pointed out.

“I’m sorry, I turned around when I saw him, believing I took a wrong turn. But, then I heard the scream and ran to inform the guards of what happened. The stallion was long gone by the time I came back.”

“Where were you all this time?” I asked, looking at the gentle stallion. “This could’ve been helpful.”

“I was busy trying to find you both,” Fancy answered. “Do you both realize how quickly you both move around during a case?”

“Right,” Twilight said sheepishly, “Sorry about that.”

“Anyways,” I began, “Thanks for the information Fancy, we’ll go check it out.”

Fancy nodded, “I believe I should aid you in this endeavor, the gardens can be confusing and who knows what we are looking for.”

“We’d appreciate it,” I smiled.

“Perhaps I should as well?”

I looked up and saw Spera standing there, the guards flanking him. Flash spoke up, “He insisted on seeing you, your highnesses.”

“You think you can help us?” I asked the noble pony.

Spera nodded, “Thirty two hooves looking is far better than simply twelve.”

Twilight smiled, “We really appreciate any aid you can provide.”

“Fancy,” I said, looking at the gentlestallion, “You go to the window and stick your head out so we know where to look.”

Fancy nodded, “Very well Private Eye, I shall make it so.”

With a nod to Fancy, we turned to head out as I said, “Come on, we got a killer to find.” I then lead the way outside.


Lord Tabletop’s garden didn't hold a candle to the Canterlot Gardens, but it was still pretty impressive. It held a nicely trimmed, if small, hedge maze, lots of flowering plants, including some that flowered at night, and some very well-sculpted topiaries in both fantastic and geometric shapes. Neat flagstone paths wound their way through the garden to its various outdoor areas, and flower beds cuddled up to the mansion, dressing its walls in greenery and enrobing it with vines.

The three of us were walking around the perimeter of the mansion, in the hopes of finding the window. Twilight was taking the lead, Spera and I holding back.

Spera was the first one to speak up, “Private Eye, indulge me if you will.”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” I asked.

“You owe nothing to these ponies,” Spera pointed out. “Aside from the intellectual rush of solving a difficult mystery, you really gain nothing. You were not hired by anypony here. They are neither interested in learning the truth, nor are they particularly interested in the truth, itself. They’d rather cuddle close their precious little illusions. Princess Celestia did charge you with finding the truth, but there is no monetary gain to be had, nor any praise or popularity from ponies that prefer pomp and puffery. So... What is the point? These ponies, here would find their convenient scapegoat, have them tossed in jail, and go on with their empty little lives. What is in it for you?”

I looked at the stallion, trying to read him.Than I thought a little myself, and simply said, “To be honest, there is nothing in it for me.”

Spera’s green eyes looked as if he was trying to read me as well.

“A long time ago, I only did solve these kinds of cases for the thrill of it all. To prove I was one of the greatest detectives ever. But, over time I came to realize there is a lot more going on than simply a whodunit. The suspects involved have lives and ponies they care about. Bastion probably has a family as well, desperate for answers that are within my power to give. I solve these cases not for me Spera, but so that somepony knows how it really happened.”

Spera slowly smiled. “I was right about you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Spera looked at me and said, “You’re right, you don’t gain anything and that’s what makes you a far better pony than they will ever be. I was wondering whether you solved theses cases just to prove you were smarter, but I can see now your heart is in the right place. It’s... refreshing.”

I saw a moment of sorrow pass over Spera’s eyes. Did he have bad experiences with the police? That would make him distrust detectives? I can imagine he would be curious as to why I do all this. Strangely... I feel I can understand him...

Just, who is he?

“Hey guys,” Twilight called, “I see Fancypants up there!” She pointed and Spera and I looked up to see Fancypants waving from a second story window. That must be where the hallway is.

I took the lead and we came to the area right under the window, mostly there were only bushes and shrubs there. Twilight looked at me. “What exactly are we looking for?”

“Could be anything,” I explained. “Whatever was dropped had to have landed here.”

“Might I suggest looking for anything that isn’t a garden implement, or a shrubbery?” Spera asked.

I got a little laugh out of that, before we all began sifting through the various shrubs. Twilight looked over at me when Spera was out of earshot. “He seems alright. You two certainly seem to get along.”

“It’s weird,” I said, levitating a log out of the way and finding nothing. “He and I just seem to, click I guess? It’s hard to explain but I feel like he’s on our side.”

Twilight smiled, “So, seems you two are beginning a bit of a bromance.”

I rolled my eyes and nuzzled her, “Let’s focus on the mission and not the subject of your next work of fiction.”

“Okay, first of all I was fifteen!” Twilight exclaimed.

I laughed, and then we spread out some more, trying to cover a wider area. I looked over at Spera, his magic was a forest green to match his eyes. He seemed very thorough as well, I was compelled to ask, “You have experience looking for stuff aside from lost house keys?”

Spera’s magic flattened a shrub as he said, “I do have experience, my father used to take me hiking when I was a child. Found all sorts of things there, he always said to look to the earth, for its secrets are a beautiful thing.”

“Somehow I think our dads would’ve gotten along,” I chuckled. “Only dad wouldn’t know his way around a campsite but, he is wise like your dad seems to be.”

“Was,” Spera said, looking over at me. “My, father died when I was five.”

“I’m sorry,” I said sympathetically. “I lost my mother when I was fourteen.”

“So you can imagine how I feel,” Spera said, looking over at me. “It’s, nice to be able to talk to a pony about it.”

“Who was your father?” I asked.

“His name was Double Blaze,” Spera said, and then went back to work.

That, certainly doesn't sound like any noble name I’ve ever heard of. I went back to looking and nearly tripped over something. I bent down as I got a look at the object. It was a gun of some sort, only, it more of resembled a small crossbow. It was so small it could fit into my hoof.

Spera and Twilight looked at it, and Twilight said, “I’m starting to figure out how the needle got into Bastion’s flank.”

“It’s a needle gun,” Spera explained, “Mostly used by zoo keepers, to administer a dose of tranquilizer should an animal need to be moved, or sedated for medical treatment... Though the models used in the zoos are usually... well... larger.”

I held the needle gun and ran a scan on it. I didn’t pick up anything at all from the material. “It’s made from magicite. A material that can’t be picked up by magical scanning spells. This isn’t a gun just made for taking out a baby elephant. This was the weapon of our killer.”

“But, whose could it be?” Twilight asked.

I had a theory, I reached into my pockets... and activated my DNA scan spell...


Perspective: Prince Blueblood

So this is what I’ve been reduced to. Grazing the snack table among uncaring servants, while other nobles wine and dine one another. Botheration, because of those peasant-loving twits, I’m being snubbed. Snubbed. The gall of somepony who calls himself a noble to stand with that hybrid! Oh well. At least the snacks are quite tasty and properly refined. Okay, I will admit the fritter was... Well tasty in a quaint sort of way, but I must have standards... Though, would it be considered fashionable slumming to enjoy such? Not from a stand at the Gala, surely, though it may have been considered ‘donating to charity’

... What am I doing with myself? It used to be that ponies threw themselves at me in order to please my desires. Nowadays I’m the running gag of the nobility. Hearing their sniggers behind my back as everypony recalled that blasted cake. Though... Admittedly, she was quite gorgeous, and decorated my arm in a most pleasing manner. Never mind, she is an up-and-coming fashion designer. Had I known that... Ah, as they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty.

“Pure! Stop, please!”

My wonderfully groomed ears perked up at the sound of my mother’s voice. I looked over to see her and father trying to make for the door. Miss Clean was right behind them, I noticed guards were chasing after them.

Father turned to face my mother. “These accusations are unfounded Fantasia! I’m tired of hearing this!”

“You didn’t do it did you?!” Mother sobbed. “That tramp seduced you! She’s lying about the baby!”

A group of guards, led by that incompetent guard from earlier, got in front of my parents. I soon caught sight of Celestia walking towards them, her expression similar to the one she had when she scolded me. “What is going on here?” she asked.

“Your highness,” Father said, looking to her. “My wife and I are tired, we wish to return home.”

“Have you failed to understand that an investigation is underway?” Celestia asked, her voice showcasing a bit of an edge.

“The investigation is over! Bastion’s death was unfortunate but I will not hear these insane allegations about an affair!”

He... I wonder... Could... But...

“Do not think me a fool, Pure,” Celestia said. “my guards received Squeaky’s pregnancy test, and through my magic, we determined... that the child is indeed yours.”

He... he wouldn’t... No... Father...

Mother’s face looked absolutely in shock. She then rounded upon Miss Clean, her face transformed into a mask of... near-insane rage! Mummy’s face is... really quite frightening like that. “YOU FILTHY DEGENERATE WHORE! I WILL HAVE YOU FLAYED ALIVE FOR THIS OUTRAGE!” I... I think I need to find a broom and dustpan, after this...

Celestia stood protectively in front of Miss Clean. “Fantasia, that is quite enough. Squeaky tells us that your husband willingly forced her into the affair. In the hopes that he would conceive a child.”

“THAT IS A LIE! THAT FILTHY WHORE IS A WORTHLESS LYING SEDUCING BITCH!” Flecks of foam were flying from Mummy’s mouth now...

Celestia turned to that orange pegasus guard, “Flash Sentry, detain her at once.”

“Yes your highness,” The guard then gestured to two of his men, they took Mummy gently by the shoulders and began guiding her away.

This... this cannot... this cannot be...

“FATHER!!” I pushed my way through the crowd, shoving aside a servant in my haste. But I didn’t care! I demand to know the answers! I demand to know why!

I made my way to where father was standing and said, “Father, tell me it isn’t true...”

Father gave me just a cold glare. “So. You seek to embarrass me once again, Prince?”

“Father, just tell me if it’s true!” I cried. “I want to hear the words from your own lips! Why did you try to have a child with Miss Clean?”

Father was quiet for a long time, then his eyes closed, and opened them again as he growled, “It was to replace you.”

“Re... replace...?” I sputtered. No... no he didn’t... he couldn’t have wanted....

“You have become nothing but a burden and an embarrassment to the Blueblood name. Your infantile antics, your bombastic attitude, and your lack of self discipline has done nothing but drag our proud name through the mud. You getting jailed for your rather petty act of vengeance was the last straw. I needed an heir that would be a benefit to the name, not a laughing stock. I need an heir that is not an infant in a stallion’s body,” Father said coldly. “Once the child was born, you were going to be sent on a little... trip... to the Dragon Lands. Preferably drugged, tied, and with an extra-strength inhibitor on your horn.”

Father... wants... to replace me... above that he wants me to die... I did this... I was such an embarrassment that he would do such a thing....

Replace me, leave me to die in some foreign land... he would just do it like that.... as if it had no consequence... as if he wasn’t losing his son...

How...did I ever call him Daddy...?

“Father!” I choked out, “I, I’m sorry. Forgive me, Father, I had no idea I was hurting you so! Just don’t leave me! Don’t let me wallow alone!”

“It’s far more than you deserve...” Father said, his cold glare evident.

“I will change father!” I begged. “I’ll do whatever you want! I’ll never complain again!”

“I grow sick of your whining!” For... the second time today... I was slapped on the face...

But not by a mare who I barely knew after I berated her husband... this... was my own father... Daddy... Daddy... Daddy hit me....

M-my daddy... doesn’t love me... nopony does.... nopony ever did...

They just... tolerated my existence... that mare showed I could be... stood up against and that took the chance when they could....

I’m... alone...

I didn’t realize... until now... that I am very, very much alone...

Maybe... maybe I should change that... and I shall start with Private Eye, and Princess Sparkle. No...her royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Royal Consort Private Phelps Eye...

I stood there, caught in the shock of all that happened. When Celestia was the first to speak:

“Guards, seize him...”

A pair of guards came forward and took my father in their forelegs. They held him back as he wailed against them. I barely listened to what he had to say. What he has to say doesn’t matter, anymore.

“Uhm... Excuse me, Your Highness, but... May I ask why you are arresting Lord Blueblood?” I was curious, but... I can’t find it in myself to actually call... him... my father anymore. Not after that.

Celestia gave me a sympathetic glance and said, “He just confessed to conspiracy to commit murder, Prince Blueblood. “Plus, he has done a great deal of harm to Squeaky Clean’s life. For that, I am obligated to do this.”

“Ah. I see. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Please make sure Mummy’s well cared for... I fear this may have... been detrimental on her mental health. And fear not, I shall make sure Miss Clean, and her foal, are cared for. No more good ponies need be harmed by his actions.” Princess Celestia blinked in surprise. Well it is the least I can do. I have an example of what not to be. Now to take the steps needed to do better, and to distance myself from what I had been before. I smiled a bit at our beloved Sun Princess. She smiled back, and nodded.

“So you went and done it!” I looked over and saw Uncle Tabletop move his way through the crowd, completely ruining the moment. He glared at father, “How dare you do this to my sister and my nephew!”

“If your sister wasn’t such a weak little milksop then maybe I wouldn’t need to replace them!” Father shouted.

“I see you finally get what you deserve!” Tabletop fired back. “You cheated on my sister, tried to eliminate my nephew, Prince, and killed Bastion to cover it all up! You deserve nothing less than death for what you did!”

“I never killed Bastion!” Father shouted back. “He was killed by another! I may have tried to replace my pathetic spawn, but I never killed Bastion!”

“After all you said,” Tabletop glared at him. “Do you honestly expect us to believe you now?”

“Maybe you should.”

Everypony hushed as... Royal Consort Private Eye walked in, Princess Sparkle was at his side, along with that Spera fellow. He walked up to the center of the room. Tabletop smiled at him. “Detective, I see you’re here to witness the firm hoof of justice,” he said.

“I am, though not in the way you think,” Private said, looking to my father. “It is true, Lord Blueblood is responsible for the affair, and the plan to murder Prince Blueblood. But, he... is not the killer.”

What? Father isn’t the killer?!

“But, the evidence speaks for itself,” Tabletop sputtered. “He has all the motive in the world!”

“Maybe,” Private replied, “But, I know somepony who has just as much motive, but failed to kill his intended target.”

“What are you saying?” Tabletop asked, his eyes wide.

“That…” Private looked to Tabletop, “In your attempt to kill Lord Blueblood, you took Bastion’s life instead.”