• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 18,962 Views, 1,562 Comments

Then You Saw Her - Possiblydominator

Romance story w/ Ditzy written from the 2nd Person POV. Deals with issues of the heart and of life.

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Chapter 4: What Happened Next

A few weeks have passed since you and Ditzy last spoke after the altercation in the post office. And since then, you have moped around your house, sulking after your crush rejected you. You also were able to get Wingsley enrolled in school in the middle of the year. It took some time convincing of Cherrilee that made her finally concede and allow Wingsley to go to school. In exchange, you were responsible to get him caught up in school work, a tedious and mind-numbing but necessary task. Additionally, you somewhat grudgingly, took Ditzy’s advice and looked into the “Ponyville Weather Brigade” as they liked to be called. Thankfully they had not filled in the position that Nimbus Nine left, you interview again for the job in three days.

As the sun reached its peak and began its descent into the horizon, you left your house and began your approach on the school house. The red school house atop the knoll it was perched on gave off a peaceful surreal look from the air. You broke off from your flight path and began your descent to the ground.


Meanwhile on the ground, Wingsley just finished his first day of school. Mentally exhausted, he relished in the thought of recess. The first school day was uneventful but the young pegasi found comfort in the fact that the ponies here had been nice to him. Not to mention, he made a new friend.

“Wings-LEY! Come on over here!” a filly’s voice calls out from a distance.

“Coming...” he calls back.

You land close to the school house with the grace of a true native Cloudalian. Looking around the one-room school house, you try to spot Wingsley. You squint, trying to find your brother in the mix of colts and fillies wildly running around you, but to no avail. Calling out “Wingsley!” into the crowd grants you a few looks and snears from some of the children. It is obvious you look like a worried parent about to embarrass their child.

After a few minutes of calling you are greeted by a voice from behind you.

“Hey stop shouting, I’m here,” says a particularly annoyed colt. “You know you don’t have to pick me up right as school ends you know.”

“Well excuse me,” you roll your eyes taking the time to draw out the second word, “I guess I just wanted to know how your first day of school was.” There’s no doubt anymore, I sound exactly like a worried parent. Well I guess someone has to be, might as well be me. “But anyway, how was your day?” you say, eager to hear how your brother’s first day was in his new school in his new life.

“It was really great!” he said enthusiastically. “I even made a new friend, Dinky!” motioning to a small purple unicorn filly at his side.

The small purple unicorn jumps into the conversation, “Good afternoon mister, my name is Dinky Doo.”

Wait what? Surely she couldn’t possibly mean... What are the chances? What does this mean? Is her mother here? Will she not allow Dinky and Wingsley to be friends after that time in the post office?

Oh come on, pull yourself together! Why are you getting so worried? She made it clear she wanted nothing to do with you. Just cut it out, and get over yourself.

Thoughts were flying through your head at Mach 5. Your wings gave a small startled flap, but you were able to keep a calm expression saying cheerfully, “It is nice to meet you too, Dinky.”

Winglsey who was hopping in place out of excitement, interjected and asked, “Do we have to leave right now? I want to play with Dinky some more.”

“Fine,” you sigh, “We aren’t doing anything else today, go have fun.” With a wave of your hoof the two kids rush off to play on the playground.


Maintaining an observant eye on them, you find a cool place in the shadow of a large tree to rest and wait while the children were off playing. Allowing yourself a smile, you inhaled the smell of recently cut grass and the fresh scent of apples which were the signature of Ponyville. Finally, Wingsley can live a normal life. Never before did he run around with his friends in Cloudsdale. That being said, he rarely left the house. Your thoughts travel back to your father, wondering whether he received your letter. Will he even respond? And if so, what will he say? Giving a small shake of your head you think, Who am I kidding? Of course he won’t accept, he is too busy wrapped up in his self pity. Being my father, its doubtful he will even respond. We will be lucky to get a letter for Heartswarming Eve. Exhaling deeply, you let your thoughts trail off while you watch the two children enjoying the day under Celestia’s sun.

“It looks like the kids are having fun,” said a familiar voice from behind you; not unfriendly, but not overly friendly either, more quiet and somber.

The voice shocks and unnerves you, as you jump and turn at the sound of the interruption. “Oh! Hello Ditzy,” you say, clearly in shock.

“Hey,” she answers back in that same voice. Motioning with her hoof to the spot next to you she asks, “Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” you say as you scoot over a few inches.

Taking a seat next to you, you both try hard to avoid eye contact. The awkward moment that you share seems to last for an eternity as the tension in the air becomes almost tangible. Suddenly breaking the silence, Ditzy said, “I’m sorry...”

“For what?” you say dumbly.

“You know exactly what,” she says accusingly, “and for what it’s worth, I didn’t mean it. The whole situation drove me over the edge.”

Looking out at the horizon, you nod silently. You ask, “Who was that stallion anyway?”

“Just a pony that likes to yell at me, there are a few more of them in Ponyville,” Ditzy explains.

“Why did he call you Derpy?” you ask, generally wondering about the answer.

“It’s just a nickname that some ponies around Ponyville have taken to calling me. But not all of them say it in a hurtful way, just as many ponies call me ‘Derpy’ as call me ‘Ditzy.’ Its fine, I really don’t care what ponies call me as long as they are not hurtful about it,” she states.

You both sit quietly, watching the children play. You exchange very few words as the day passes on and the two children wind-down after a long hard day of play.


“Mommy, Mommy!” Dinky says exuberantly.

“Hello my little muffin. How was your day?” Ditzy greeted her daughter giving her a small nuzzle.

“It was great! Well, the school part was kinda boring, but I made a new friend!” Dinky said with the same enthusiasm.

“I can see that,” Ditzy gave a small chuckle, “You have been playing for the past two hours. For all you know you have been keeping him from doing important chores,” Ditzy said, giving the classic mother guilt trip.

You chime in with a small laugh, “Oh no. It’s fine, we don’t have anything else planned for today. I’m just happy you were able to wear him down so he won’t run up the walls in the house,” you say attempting to make a joke.

“Well we need to head home, young lady. Your sister is probably worried sick about us. Say goodbye to your friend, you will see him tomorrow,” Ditzy told Dinky.

As the children say their goodbyes, you are able to talk to Ditzy on the side. “Well I guess we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other lately. So, tomorrow then?”

“Yeah, that sounds nice. We can get off to a fresh new start.”

“Agreed. See you later then,” you say with a wave goodbye of your hoof.

Ditzy turned to Dinky, “Come on my little muffin, hop onto my back and hold tight. I’ll show you again the mail route that mommy takes.” Dinky jumps onto her mother’s back and grips around her neck with her forehooves and locks her back legs against her mother’s side, careful not to interfere with her wings. They both give a last goodbye as Ditzy sprung up into the air in a seemingly cavalier and weightless manner and flew off into the distance.

“I take it you had a good day?” you turn to Wingsley.

He said simply, “The best.”
