• Member Since 19th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


Just a guy who loves to write stories. I hope you enjoy some of them.


Loré scroll is tossed out of her boring life of research papers and history studying the day she discovers a shared connection with King Sombra. Now the grumpy and downright hateful unicorn has to leave the comforts of her safe job to fulfill a destiny that she’s not even sure of herself, but it has the promise of ultimate power though.
Follow along as she journeys through the many different areas of Equestria, happening upon one danger after another, including one mysterious phenomenon known as “friendship”. Luckily for her she meets a strange Hippogriff to help her discover what it actually means to have friends, and that being hateful isn’t as useful as she thinks it is.

The wonderful art for this story is done by my dear friend Namworth, who is also the owner of the OC I'm using in this story.

Also, a lot of thanks to my awesome editor: MasterFrasca
Featured as of 5/27/2014

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 111 )

Her... hieratic running... "Hieratic, Adjective: Of or concerning priests. Noun: A shorthand for Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs... Hieratic...."

that was suppose to be erratic :twilightsheepish: no idea how that got in there instead of it :ajbemused:

Cos I was like... is that a typo or a word that I simply dont know. And it turned out to be both. :derpytongue2:

Anyway, cool story.

I guess so :rainbowlaugh:
And thank you, I'm glad that you like the story so far :twilightsmile:

Lore sure is a Jerky Mc'Jerkston.
I await for more of her jerky shenanigains. :twilightsmile:

That she is :rainbowlaugh:
I hope to have chapter 2 done by next weekend, hopefully releasing it on next Saturday :rainbowwild:

Sweet, two things I'll be looking forward to next saturday.:pinkiehappy:

Aaaww, you are too kind :twilightsmile: I'll do my best to not disappoint you then! :pinkiehappy:

Interesting. I look forward to seeing more of Lore's adventures. That mare could only say "give me character development!" louder using a megaphone. Needs a little work with the commas, but it doesn't really detract from the story itself.

Nicely done :twilightsmile: Sorry it took me so long to get back to it, but it looks like people enjoy it, so that is a plus. I will definitely keep watching this as well, so best of luck to you.

Alright! I just read this, and it is definitely a good start. Let's cover what looks good here in chapter one. Your descriptions of the events and the setting feel natural, like you can actually see the story as it's unfolding. Your premise is also original so far as I'm aware, so that is another definite plus for you. You mentioned that you don't speak English as a first language, but apart from a couple word confusions, like 'tomb' instead of 'tome' at the very beginning for instance, you write better than most people I know who speak it for their only language.

The dialogue so far should be your main point of concern. Once it begins, your description of the environment around the speaker or speakers and how they interact with it seems to disappear. That will change, however, with practice and time I'm sure.

Do you write the text in English all at once, or do you write it in your native language and then translate it yourself? Either way, I'd suggest that you should get an editor to help find and fix the minor errors in the text. You might also want to find someone who knows your native language and English who can help you get a more natural feel for the language. To try and put it more plainly, I can speak and understand a little German, but I don't understand the subtle euphemisms and syntax like a true German would. In short, your English is good, but it doesn't feel natural in the larger sections of dialogue. You can make it less obvious by integrating the background with the character's dialogue like I mentioned earlier, which would change it from being just a wall of quotes to a full experience in literature

I hope I haven't accidentally been too harsh, but I just wanted to help you as much as I can think of how to help.

Well, I'm glad that you like the story so far, and don't worry, you haven't been too harsh on me :twilightsmile:

I actually write everything in English. I don't write it in Danish and then translate it. The weirdness of the dialogues is most likely due to me speaking very differently than most English speakers. I got a more old fashion grammar structure :twilightsheepish: I don't have a real editor yet, only a few proofreaders who've helped me some :pinkiesmile:

Also, I'm normally a very descriptive author, this chapter was kinda a test on how well I could write the chapter while being very minimal on descriptions :twilightsheepish: I am not very good at dialogues, it is something I need to improve, and it's something I'm trying actively to improve on. I don't think finding someone who speaks Danish will be able to help me understand English more. I don't have any problems with understanding the meaning of words, and sadly (I do know the difference between tomb and tome, that is just a weird mess up on my part XD), I'm in the top percent of English profeciency in Denmark. I do however need someone who can actually show me WHAT is weird about my sentence structure. Several people have told me it is odd, but never tell me why or how it is odd :rainbowlaugh:

I really wish I could help you with more than just the generalities I've been spewing, and I wish that I had more time to go in depth about it, but I've got a story of mine own to write, and I'm helping a friend with his story as well. I can't dedicate as much to you as I wish I could, but let me quick see if I can pick out the more obvious things you might change.

“The matter that I looked into was my family lineage, for as long as I could remember, my two colored horn had stood out from everypony else. It was partially why I began researching history. So, I thought I would look into my family history while being in Canterlot, their population records are quite extensive. What I found out filled my heart with glee! I finally had an answer for my strange horn. If you trace my family far enough back in time, then you’ll see that my ancestors came from the Crystal Empire! This connection can’t be denied, the dream and my history can only mean one thing. I am related to Sombra.”

Lore's attempts to be dark individual not withstanding, this probably isn't how I'd envision someone who grew up in Dodge Junction sounding like. With the urbane way that the town's citizens speak, they might be better suited in a city rather than a middle of nowhere town. Maybe it could be somewhere like Vanhoofer, Seaddle, or some other equally pun-y place.

This is how I might write Lore's dialogue:

“The matter that I looked into was my family lineage. For as long as I can remember, my two colored horn has stood out from everypony else's. It was partially why I began researching history in the first place. I thought I would look into my family history there in Canterlot, since their population records are quite extensive. What I found delighted me. I finally had an answer for my strange horn! If you trace my family far enough back in time, then you’d see that my ancestors came from the Crystal Empire! It's not just anyone that I'm related to, though: I am related to Sombra! With my dreams of him speaking to me along with my bloodline, the connection is undeniable.”

I can't speak for everyone else, but most people when they are in the company of friends, or in Lore's case 'ponies who stick around for whatever reason', they don't speak as formally as she and Amber Page are here in the chapter. Contractions of words are very common as well, as people want to speak quickly. Maybe she doesn't use contractions around Amber because she isn't comfortable around her? Just a thought. It might be something to play with, as Lore does used contracted words with Petunia. It's your call.


Hhmm okay, I'll mold it over in my head and I think what you've said is very helpful :twilightsmile: I have been told before that I speak very formally, but sadly that is just how I speak and think in real life. Kinda hard to not do it :rainbowlaugh: Either way, I'll do my best to improve on this matter! :pinkiehappy:

"Mister Baggins! Where are you going!?"

"Sorry! I can't stop! I'm going on an adventure!"

Sorry~ I couldn't resist :twilightblush:
Good start though.


*Snickers* I'm glad that you couldn't resist, for it is a subtle nod to that particular line :rainbowlaugh: glad that you like the story so far :twilightsmile:

Wow. Namworth must be rather nice to put up with all of Lore's insults. Poor guy, to have to live in the Everfree and all. Was he banished or something?

Actually, this takes place in the White Tail Woods :twilightsmile:
Namworth is a mixture of niceness, doormat personality and naiveté. You'll get to learn more about Namworth as the story goes on, so I won't say anything about why he was where he was :rainbowkiss:

For some reason, I have this weird liking for White Tail Woods. I like this new character and look forward to learning more about him, as well as learning about the mane character's history. Good chapter.

Glad that you enjoyed the chapter :twilightsmile:and no worries, you'll eventually learn more about the characters and their past :pinkiehappy:Though, next chapter will be more about the funsies :rainbowkiss:No idea when I'll get that done as I start my university classes tomorrow. But I'll get it done when i can :pinkiehappy:

Wait.... Wait a minute.... That dream....
Oh my. By a strange coincidence, it looks like you and I may have thought up a similar history about King Sombra. I can't be sure, of course, until we (the readers) learn more about the subject. Reminds me that I need to finish that story, though.

Anyway, I rather liked this chapter. I'm enjoying the dynamic between these two. I have a sneaking suspicion that somepony just might wake up to find themselves being snuggled. Question is, would she like it? On the surface, of course not... but beneath that rough exterior?

I'm just realizing that Loré is making for a good anti-hero. Or will she be more of an anti-villain before this is all over? Only time will tell.

Oh? that sure is strange if we got the same idea :rainbowlaugh: I guess we'll have to wait and see for when I give more info about it all. I am interested in what your idea is though :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad that you enjoy the chapter :twilightsmile: Maybe it'll happen, only I would know, for I know precisely what will happen between those two :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah, she is suppose to be either of those two, depending on what she actually does with the powers of darkness.

Huh, after reading the first four chapters of the story, finally seeing your characters in a picture is odd. Not how I imagined them, but nonetheless, I like it! Keep at it, my friend. You've got something good here. :pinkiehappy:

Aaww, I'm sorry that my descriptions weren't good enough to match up with the awesome pic my friend drew for the story :rainbowlaugh: But it does make sense since they got clothes in the pic, and they first get that in chapter 5 :rainbowwild:

I'm really glad to hear that you enjoy the story and think I got something good here :D

If Loré Scroll was voiced, what would she sound like?

I've actually never thought about that before :rainbowderp: hhmmm, I think she would be a bit tomboyish.

A new set of chapters to read!:yay: You've really improved your style even in these last two chapters. The dynamic between Namworth and Lore is heading into adorable territory now. I only really caught one mistake in this chapter, and I expect that was because you were ready to get this chapter out.

Though Namworth did he[a]r it, he didn’t answer her; he was far too busy avoiding the many charges of the bull.

No worries though! Was the Aatxe something of your own creation, or was it inspired by some mythical creature? It sure is interesting to say the least!


I'm glad to hear that you still enjoy my silly story, and that I'm slowly but surely improving :rainbowkiss: Though, a big thanks to my editor for helping me make these better! So, it could overall just be him :rainbowlaugh: I'll fix the mistake right away! And you think they are adorable together huh? Glad that you think so, for there is going to be a loooooooooooot more dynamic between them in the future. I got a strong feeling you'll enjoy next chapter, especially the scene with Namworth, Loré and Rarity :rainbowlaugh:

And for the creature, it's an actual real life myth from northern Spain :twilightsmile:

Huh, you know what Namworth. You aren’t half as pathetic and annoying as I thought you were. How about I make you my junior assistant? I do need somepony to carry stuff for me.

Shouldn't King Sombra's daughter be calling him slave?

Well, she is his great great great (a total of 38 greats) grand daughter. And, there is actually a subtext reason for why I chose that title for her to give Namworth :rainbowlaugh:

If Namworth was voiced, what would he sound like?

A rather feminine guy :rainbowlaugh: Why are you so curious about their voices? :twilightsmile:

Another good chapter with more good development. Can't think of much else to say other than that I'm loving this so far. It's got a good groove going, and it holds my attention. So far, so good.

Aaaww :rainbowkiss: you are far too kind :twilightsmile: I hope that will be the same for the rest of it. I got a lot of themes and things I want to convey throughout this novel, so I hope I can get it all down right :rainbowlaugh:

Either way! next chapter was what I originally had planned for chapter 3. It's time for PONYVILLE! and interaction with some of the mane six :pinkiehappy: Next chapter is also going to be the longest of the five, hope you'll enjoy it :pinkiesmile:

3861711 I like to narrate the voices of characters in my head when I read.

Fair enough. I hope my answers have provided you with some kind of voice for their narration :twilightsheepish:

Hmm.... I was wondering where that last scene would lead. Not really surprised, considering what we know about Loré. The more I learn about these two, the more I want to know. Great job with that, by the way. So, now we just have to see how well Loré can perform that spell to attain the forbidden knowledge of how to cook Crystal Berry Pie.

Aaww~ I'm glad that you are still enjoying it and want to know more :rainbowkiss: I still got a fair long way to go, so there will be plenty of time for you to get to know more about them :twilightsmile: Yes! She'll learn how to make the yummiest crystalberry pies in all of Equestria! But... in a dark way :pinkiecrazy:

I think the portrayals of Rarity and AJ were pretty good. I find it a little hard to imagine Rarity using the term "fella," but that might just be me. Anyway, it looks like friendship may be starting to infect somepony. I may have said it before, but I like these two lead characters more with each passing chapter.

Friendship is too strong Lore! You will be assimilated.

One of us. One of us!

"...And for where I’m going? Well Miss Print.” Loré turned around, one hoof firmly planted before her as she gazed off into the northern horizon, wind blowing through the long locks of her dark purple mane and a determined smirk on her face. “I’m going on an adventure!”

Adventure time!

... Oh, no....

She wants to get stronger. This can't lead anywhere good. Not at all.

Have I mentioned how captivated I am by these characters today? No? Well, I am.

4333005 Glad you still enjoy my characters :twilightsmile: And you are right, it won't lead to anything good, at all :pinkiesad2: If only Loré knew~

Ah, so that's how this all started. Neat new opening chapter.

her latest research project, the truth of the love poison.

I have a sneaking suspicion about what that particular story may entail. :duck:
If I'm right, it's one I hope to see you explore sometime in the future.

I don't understand how this doesn't have more views...

4465533 *Shrugs* my guess is it's just not that interesting or maybe it's not written well enough for people to want to read it :rainbowwild:

4465581 but it may be because there are so many chapters and some people get discouraged to read it because they have so much catching up to do?

but seriously, it's very well written and it's really intresting, so don't say stuff like that about your own story:pinkiehappy:

4465590 Aawww, glad that you enjoy it :twilightsmile: There will be more of it to enjoy in a few hours when I release the next chapter :rainbowkiss:

Maybe it is because it's a bit long, the finished product should be around 70k, maybe then more will read it when they know nothing else is being added to it :rainbowlaugh: but if anything, I just think it's because people generally aren't interested in OC focused stories :twilightsheepish: It doesn't deter me from writing this to the finish though. I enjoy my story and is proud of what it is :pinkiehappy:

Geez, what could have possibly happened to turn her into such a sour puss?

4466569 Well, just keep reading and you'll find out :rainbowkiss:

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