• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 12,460 Views, 342 Comments

Choose Your Own Adventure: Lyra’s Quest - Wanderer D

A Semi-CYOA starring Lyra with others as secondary characters.

  • ...

Babylon 5

“This place is amazing!” Twilight said in wonder, looking at the completely different races of being walking around and eyeing them curiously. The amount had diminished once Zack had taken them to the ‘Green Sector’.

“With so much technological advances... it might be just possible to get what you want, Lyra...” Octavia whispered.

“You mean what we want, right?” Lyra replied, looking at the strange contraptions on the walls.

Octavia hesitated, looking at Zack’s hands. “Y-yeah... I just hope they look... well, nicer...”

Zack raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment and pretended not to hear. They were almost at the Captain’s Office anyway.

“Hey, what happened to the box?” Spike asked.

“It’s okay, Spike, my dragon!” Vinyl grinned. “I got it in my saddle bag!”

“But how did it even fit there?!”

“It... became smaller?” Vinyl scratched the back of her head with a hoof.

“But... how?”


Zack snorted, but to his surprise, the little reptile nodded. “Oh, okay.”

“This is what I get for accepting this job,” he murmured by himself as he felt a headache coming. “I should have stayed out of command, why did I do this?”

“Hey, Zack!” A bald human came up and patted the security officer on the shoulder, looking down at the Ponies. “I heard about it, but I couldn’t believe it. My Little Ponies... In Babylon 5.”

“You know what we are!?” Lyra asked, eyes wide, looking at the new human *squee! Humans!* in surprise.

“Well, that’s because...” he leaned in conspiratorially. “I’m in the know.”

Lyra’s smile brightened the whole place as she looked at the others. “Oh, I like him!”

“That and you resemble a species that live in our planet, only... cuter and a cartoon from the late 20th Century,” the man chuckled. “Well, go ahead, don’t let me stop you.”

Zack gave the other man a look. “You’re not coming chief?”

“Zack, this is your turf now,” the man said, “And I don’t want to get in the way. I’ll see you all later!”

“Who was that?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“That was my boss, or he used to be, Michael Garibaldi,” Zack said. “But he’s... doing other things now. Anyway, we’re here.”

The metallic doors slid open and they were lead into an ample office. They could hear voices, one of which they recognized as Ambassador Mollari.

“And I assure you, Captain that my intentions were nothing but friendly to our new guests.”

“I understand Ambassador, I will let them know.” Another man’s voice replied. “But a public confrontation with my Chief of Security is not going to earn you any points.”

“Confrontation? Bah, it was nothing more than a simple exchange of words, my dear Captain.”

When the ponies were in line of sight, the Captain, a man with brown hair and blue eyes glanced at them, then quickly turned to face the screen where the Centauri Ambassador was looking back at him.

“Well ambassador, as I said, I will pass your message to our new guests, but for now, I’m afraid I must let you go.”

“Captain I-”

“Good afternoon, ambassador.” The Captain said, turning off the screen. He sighed deeply and smiled warily at the group as they walked into the office.

“Captain Sheridan,” Zack spoke up. “Here are our new guests. Allow me to introduce you to Lyra Heartstrings, Twilight Sparkle, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and Spike.”

“Welcome to Babylon 5,” he said a bit formally. “I’m sorry about Londo, but he is the type to take advantage of a situation. As it is I’ve already received several invitations from other governments to have you visit their representatives.” He sighed. “It is odd to suddenly have a first encounter situation on the station... we did not see any of your ships approach and, I hate to say this, but the war doesn’t help matters with trust right now.”

“War?” Twilight repeated worriedly. “We were not aware of that!”

The Captain shook his head. “I assumed as much, you all seem as surprised to be here as we are to see you... so, where do you come from? And how did you get here?”

When Twilight hesitated and turned to glance at a corner of the room, Lyra took a step forward. “We come from the land of Equestria,” Lyra said. “And I think we got here by magic.”

“Magic?” Sheridan blinked and looked at Zack for confirmation. The Chief of Security just shrugged.

“Well, it’s the only explanation we have...” Lyra said after hesitating for a moment. “I mean, it’s not that far fetched, right?”

Sheridan massaged his brow. “Just... out of curiosity, what is the level of technology in your world like?”

“Well... we have a train...” Octavia spoke up.

“And... there’s the air cabs...” Vinyl reminded her.

Octavia made a sour face. “Don’t remind me.”

“Flying chariots? That’s not bad...” Sheridan nodded.

“Yeah, but the pegasi pulling them charge a lot! And then they expect tips!”

“Pegasi,” Sheridan sighed. “So, you have unicorns, pegasi... uh, normal ponies and...” he looked at Spike.

“Dragons,” Spike said.

“Right, so you can spit fire? And the Unicorn’s horns have magic?” Sheridan asked after a moment.

“Yeah!” Spike grinned. “It’s not as much as a grown up dragon, but I can show you if you want!”

Sheridan chuckled. “Don’t worry, I believe you,” he slumped back in his chair. “Well, it seems that we don’t have to worry about ancient technology coming back to haunt us again...” he leaned forward. “I would like to talk to one of you further about your culture, but the rest of you could just get a quick check up at Medbay and take a look around the station. I’ll have someone I trust go with you and show you around...”

Twilight frowned and looked back at the captain. “But, what about the ambassadors? Didn’t they want to talk to us?”

Sheridan sighed. “In this political climate, Miss Sparkle, it’s better to see what’s happening before you talk to any of them. Babylon 5 serves as a neutral ground for all species, but everyone here, alien and human has their own agenda. So... look around, and the guide I’ll send with you will be more than able to answer your questions and, if you want, introduce you to the other races.”

“Well, I want to see the station,” Lyra said firmly. “I might find something that will help me with my final mission!”

“And what is that?” the Captain asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Hands!” Lyra grinned.

“And I would like to listen to what the music is like here!” Vinyl said, rubbing her hoofs together.

“As do I,” Octavia nodded. “Although perhaps, Captain, you could tell me where I could enjoy some peace and quiet?”

Sheridan, who had been staring at Lyra shook his head to clear it and looked at the gray mare with the cello case attached to her back. “I can think of a good place,” he assured her.

“I’ll stay here,” Twilight said. “I’ll be glad to talk about this place and about Equestria with you, Captain.”

“Aw...” Spike groaned. “Do I have to stay? Are you going to be sending a report to the Princess about this, Twilight?”

Twilight smiled kindly at the dragon. “It’s okay Spike, I don’t know if you your dragon fire can actually reach the princess from here... I believe I heard somepony say that we were in a space station, that means that were hundreds of millions of miles away from home.” Her eyes sparkled with intense curiosity. “Oh, the things I could learn!”

“Then it’s decided,” Sheridan said. He brought his hand up and spoke. “Marcus, if you could come over to my office, I have some guests that could use your help.”

“On my way, Captain,” Marcus replied.

“Now, all we need to do is figure out exactly where you want to go and-”

Sheridan was interrupted when another man, tall with shoulder length hair and dressed in a different uniform strode in. His clothes were more like robes, but still designed for easy movement.

“And here I am, Captain!” the man said cheerfully, then suddenly stopped. “Captain, there’s unicorns in your office.”

“And a dragon, thank you very much!” Spike growled.

“And an earth pony!” Octavia sighed.

“Um, my apologies, my lady,” Marcus bowed to Octavia. “I am simply not used to seeing unicorns around, but I must say, to ignore a lady such as yourself with such a lovely voice is a crime onto itself.”

Blushing, Octavia looked away. “I... it’s okay, good sir, it was a mistake, nothing more.”

“Marcus, please show them around the station while I talk to Miss Sparkle,” he indicated Twilight with a slight inclination of his head. “Zack can take Miss Octavia to the gardens, so you don’t have to run all over the place.”

Marcus nodded, indicating that everypony should follow him.

Once they were gone, Twilight looked back at the captain. “Captain, before we continue... could you tell your friend to come out of hiding?”

Someone chuckled as a being unlike all the others Twilight had seen in the station was suddenly there. His head was long and high, he had a long moustache and eyes that were ancient... even older than Celestia or Discord.

“You are very perceptive, Miss Sparkle,” the alien said. “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lorien.”


Outside of the office, Lyra, Vinyl and Spike looked at Marcus.

“Well, what now?” Lyra asked.

“I want to party!” Vinyl said. “I want to listen to the latest music!”

“I want to eat!” Spike added.

“And I want to shop around! Maybe I can buy hands!” Lyra said giddily.

Marcus raised an eyebrow. “Well... I don’t know about hands, but after we visit the good doctor, where what would you like to do first?”

1) “We could go to the Dark Star, if you really want to listen to what’s new...” Marcus said after a moment’s hesitation. “I am assuming you are all adults? Because that place is... well, a bit uncouth. But it has the latest music.”

2) “If you’re hungry, there’s no place like Doug's Dugout,” Marcus said. “It’s a sports bar, but they have a really nice selection of dishes for all tastes!”

3) “If you must insist on shopping first... well, there’s the Zocalo. But I’m afraid that unlike the other two places, the shopping we cannot put on the Captain’s tab.”

Voting has ended!


1: 14 Votes - “We could go to the Dark Star, if you really want to listen to what’s new...” Marcus said after a moment’s hesitation. “I am assuming you are all adults? Because that place is... well, a bit uncouth. But it has the latest music.”
2: 13 Votes
3: 1 Vote

Also, if you feel like commenting, please do so! XD I'd like to read your thoughts on how the story is going!