• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.


Spike's life has always been one of boyish fantasy, lusting after the mare of his dreams and goofing off when not helping Twilight Sparkle. For as long as he can remember, he's always been Twilight's little brother first and assistant second. As an androgynous baby dragon, it's always been assumed that he was male based on what other ponies, namely Twilight, have said. Why would anybody have any reason to say differently?

Following traumatic and confusing circumstances, Spike is left with an enormous question on his hands. How could he have laid eggs? Only one pony has the answer, and it will shatter the basis of his entire life. Ultimately, life is only what you make of it, and it's up to Spike to determine where to go from there.


Edited by: Kaidan, TittySparkles, Abcron, and ReFro
Feature box: 11/11/2013

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 257 )
Vidaldas #1 · Jan 11th, 2014 · · 76 ·

:ajbemused:nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

3767697 Way to be constructive...

3767697 3767706 He's just mad that his brony hero isn't a male he can look up to being.

all the ponies have simply assumed Spike was a male, but don’t really know enough about dragons to know for sure. Even if we assume the ponies couldn’t tell the difference, Im pretty sure Garble and the teen dragons he met in Dragon Quest would. And they reffered to Spike as a male.
Also, his appereance/voice in SomE.
Being raised as a boy could fool his mind, but not his body.
Constructive enough?

lol i'm okey with r63 spike and etc. , but androgynous dragons is really fucked up


I'm fine with men and women, but when I can't tell the difference is when it's bad.

Comment posted by nodamnbrakes deleted Jan 11th, 2014


Being raised as a boy could fool his mind, but not his body.

hence why he's laying eggs


Being raised as a boy could fool his mind, but not his body.

Look, I'm not trying to start anything here, but you kinda defeated your own argument right there. The whole point of this story was the mind being tricked while the body is not. Spike thinks he is male, but the body knows different, implicated by the entire opening segment up until oviposition.

In fact, the entire basis of your issue is that you refuse to accept androgyny in the young of a non-human/mammalian species. Androgyny is generally why you sex your reptiles if you plan on keeping them: so you don't have any surprise hatchlings. It's easy to peg things as male or female in mammals because of familiar biology. Given that without a sexual situation expressing the hemipenis, makes sense that Garble and the other dragons would base their perception of Spike's sex on his behavior.

I'm not saying you are wrong in having an opinion, but it seems like you're unnecessarily harsh when it seems to boil down to it not being your cup of tea.:fluttershysad:

>no interactions with the CMC or any other background filly/colt

insert Twilight Sparkle shrug macro.

Oh well. While this was definitely an interesting read, I feel that it has a lot of room, and I mean a lot, to just grow up and fly away - even just expanded upon, much like WAPC and TAH have. And to those who truly believe something like this couldn't even begin to happen, even with mammals, I suggest looking up the story of one David Reimer.

Bloody Damnation. That...was...so...god damned good. I think I'm going to go bawl my eyes out now. I haven't felt anything like that in a long while. And that's saying something.

3767711 Don't know what you're referring to by SomE.

inb4 you incorporate this into AH.
Not that I'd mind. As strange as this was, it was beautifully written like your other stories.


I used to run one of the local pet departments where I live and that was one of the most asked questions when it came to the snakes. 'Is it a boy or a girl?' Even a trained herpetologist can sometimes make mistakes in sexing pythons, and I was by no means a professional herpetologist. Sometimes we make our best guess and hope for the best.

Also there is a species of lizard in the southern US that is exclusively female, some of the population will start exhibiting male characteristics and initiate mating behavior, the regular females will then become gravid with self fertilized eggs. Reptiles are weird, why not some species of mythological lizards? I've always thought that pegasus laid eggs, it's not like someone can produce one and tell me that they don't.

Anyway, sad but funny sad. There's a lot that could be done with this whole concept.

This was a interesting story to read with a great concept. I enjoyed reading this!

:raritydespair: So basically Celestia ruined Spike's life because she didn't want to disappoint baby Twilight. what a bitch.

oh well i suppose Discord could fix him. if not he might be finally invited to Rainbow Dash "special sleepovers" XD

(or he'll go crazy with hate and grief, turn into Godzilla and wreck everything he sees till the others are forced to take him down)

3769898 For extra enjoyment, you should head on over to Derpibooru, find the cover image [you can get the link by checking the image statistics], and look at all the people arguing semantics on why the story is bad or an epic failure.

3768877 Secret of my Excess. The greed growth episode.

You just shattered my headcanon completely, congrats. Great read, great read indeed.

Wut the fuck dewd, Celestia, that was fucked up gurl.

Okay well, as long as ya don't actually think Spike is a girl, I guess I can like and favorite this alternate universe..

the story all I said was what. the. fuck!

3767709 You're right! Spike 4 lyf, no matter what gender! :pinkiehappy:

ok, that is an oddly interesting story. spike actually being female, unknown to all around him but himself.............. considering reptile phsiology, it seems all the too likely.

Well I'm having guesses people are arguing because its not possible at all for this to happen (even though its fanfic). :applejackconfused:
But (in my opinion) the story is good on the way you portray on how the characters react to this.

3770185 Yeah, there doesn't seem to be much consensus one way or the other. It mostly relies on reptile biology rather than overt/distinguishable sex characteristics present in mammals.

3769909 I know right!
Damn her! Why not ask Discord to fix Spike / Spines?

The answer to this story is to watch Jurassic Park...

3770136 No, fuck Spike, but my point stands.

This was quite good, and I love how you actually did your research when writing this. It really shows, and makes the entire story much more believable.

3770461 Thanks. I see a lot of people talking about how 'impossible it is' on Derpibooru, and it kinda feels like they're stuck applying mammal logic to reptiles. I'm glad that some of my research shines through. Tried to make it as scientifically accurate as reasonably possible while working with mythological creatures..

3770444 ...Fuck you too then you piece'a shit. You must one of the cunts that down vote any story with a character you hate in it to get some pathetic form of gratification, of course, you already write clop, the easiest form of attention whoring, so how could idiotic gratification make you look any worse. :ajbemused:

3770489 :rainbowlaugh: I love how quickly your attitude changed.

of course, you already write clop

I have story spanning just under 300k words that's not focused on clop with well over 1k likes and favorites and an average of 200 view daily. What do you have? I don't need gratification. I'll downvote what I feel isn't a worthy story. It's not like you have any room talk considering you read clopfics and fanboy over everything Spike-related that you see anyway.

Anywhore, this isn't the place for this. I upvoted the story long before your sad ass got here, so you can take your self-righteous faggotry someplace else. :rainbowlaugh:

Losing the veil;
The lie to eart' returned
And so into darkness caste
This is the misery brought on by sin

Excellent work, dear Author.:pinkiehappy:

3770650 Did you write that yourself? It's a wonderful little verse, and very fitting to the story.:twilightblush:

We did, yes.:derpytongue2:
Thank you very much.:raritywink:

The premise reminds me of the Duck Brothers episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog.

"Ah just don' think that the Duck Brothers should be layin' eggs."

"You did it too, ya know."

"It was a moment of weakness. It won't happen again."

3770671 I apologize Lord Parasprite, I beg for forgiveness. :raritydespair:

Inner Monologue:
Huh, interesting story in the front page, but kinda vague short description... better read the full one to make sure.
...Wha- wha- what?! Spike is.... what?! Oh man, now I'm gonna have to read this...

3769946 Finally! I was looking at the episode list for hours trying to remember! Thanks...Secret...Brony...


But the question is, will there be more rage and :ajbemused: icons to follow?

3770798 Nay, fortunately (or unfortunately for you?) I sent a heartfelt, kind and honest personal message, that was likely blocked. :pinkiehappy:


why would i block you
you've hardly talked to me

3770825 Meant the PM, my wording was a bit off there I'll admit.:ajsleepy:


why would i block you
you've hardly talked to me

also what pm

3770838 I sent a heartfelt, kind and honest personal message to Peppy Greyskull, that was likely blocked. :pinkiehappy:

3770848 Nah, he's just not home.

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