• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 10th

A Hoof-ful of Dust

You can't see the forest...


"What's it like to fly?" Fluttershy considers her non-flying lifestyle.

Written for EQD's Writer's Training Grounds #004, with a word-count of exactly 1000 words.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

I like this. A nice look into Fluttershy's head, and Fluttermac is always appreciated.

I liked this fic...Although it wasn't very clear that this was a Fluttermac story. If I didn't know their cano personalities so well I wouldn't be sure who the characters were at all.

But other than that, terrific job and I hope to read more fluttermac soon. :pinkiehappy:

Aw... That's so romantic! :yay::heart::eeyup:

A good story.Though I can't say exactly why, I do like how you write.

I like the idea behind her answer! Flying isn't just flying, after all. And someone like Fluttershy would be less inclined to fly any higher than she needs to, because she knows the limits of her strength.

> “ … If there’s a cloud in your way, then just barrel through it; … ”

Because of the risk of collision, e. g. mountains, pegasi, flying contraptions, dragons, et cetera, one should fly through a cloud only if one has no other choice. The important thing to remember about clouds is that they are opaque. The clouds themselves can be dangerous:

Stormclouds are dangerous. Apollo 12 traveled through harmless-looking clouds and received 2 lightning-strikes —— ¡the Saturn Ⅴ, the bestest rocket ever, never lost a payload!

Interesting, it almost felt like there should be more to it. but still a nice piece.

Author Interviewer

with a word-count of exactly 1000 words.

1,002 words total

*dubious horse noises* <.<

Full review here, but in brief: some interesting Flutterthoughts, though the word count does restrict it. Not sure the 2p POV either helps or hinders here. Like-worthy regardless. :twilightsmile:

A good small story, this is so accurat to the characters as far I know, it could be canon :D

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