• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 6,477 Views, 11,170 Comments

Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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It's About Friggin' Dayum Time

Rainbow Dash didn't have to fly for long. She was only crusing over the treetops for half-a-minute before she discovered the black Lounge transport parked in a tiny clearing between fir trees. Muttering to herself, she angled her wings and dove down swiftly.

Landing on exposed rock, she trotted around the dormant sphere. The doors were left wide open.

"Getting sloppy, Roarke..." Rainbow turned and looked into the treeline. "What in Celestia's name has gotten into your head?"

Thick shadows formed just beyond the crimson swath of sunsetlight against the tree barks. Rainbow squinted and squinted, and still she couldn't catch any sign of movement. So, she held her breath, craning her ear towards the dense wilderness. At last, she heard a steady train of rustling leaves and crackling pine cones. Without a moment's hesitation, she darted into the forest, threading neatly through trees as she zeroed in on the sound.

Soon enough, she caught the unmistakable glint of Roarke's metal braces in the broken afternoon glow. The mare was scurrying swiftly—on hoof—straight into nothingness.

"Roarke?!" Rainbow called out.

No response.

"Roarke!" At this point, Rainbow was frowning. She flapped her wings harder, gliding at a distance parallel to Roarke's trudging gait. "Roarke, for crying out loud! Will you slow down?!"

"I can't, Rainbow Dash," Roarke barked back, her voice uncharacteristically shaky as it ricocheted off the tree trunks. "I... I-I just need some fresh air!"

"Some fresh air?!"

"I need to hunt!" Roarke snarled. "You realize just how damn long it's been since I've reeled in some decent prey?"


"Exactly! I can't recall either!" Roarke panted and seethed, dragging heavy equipment along with her. "I'm getting stiff! If I'm out of my element, I can't be expected to protect the Jury when the situation calls!"


"If I can't be expected to protect the Jury, then I'm about as useful as a dead breeder full of cysts!"

"Roarke!" Rainbow Dash slammed down in front of her, knocking loose leaves and pine needles. "This ends now!"

Roarke gnashed her teeth, then slumped with a sigh. "Rainbow—"

"No more running! No more wallflowering!" Rainbow snarled, marching into Roarke with each bombastic utterance. "No more 'mystery girl routine!' No more silent treatment!" She stomped her hooves again. "Talk to me, dang it! What's gotten into you!"

"I... I..." Roarke frowned, her eye-lenses pistoning as she glance to the left. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do!" Rainbow moved to the left, hissing, "You're not acting normal!"

"Normal?" Roarke looked to the right. "This is the way I always am."

Rainbow darted right. "Not lately, it hasn't!"

"Nnnngh..." Roarke spun about and began dragging her weapons in the opposite direction. "Please, don't lecture me..."

"Who's lecturing, Roarke?! It's a fact!" Rainbow flapped after her. "You've been opening up! You've dined with us in the mess hall! You've reached out to Kera! You've girl-talked with Bellesmith for Celestia's sake!"

"It wasn't girl-talk," Roarke muttered. "She talked about Pilate's sleeping habits and I gave a detailed synopsis of how Searonese warriors properly groomed before retiring with a slave."

"Uhhhh... I hate to break it to ya, Roarke, but that's pretty much 'girl-talk.'"

Roarke stopped in her tracks. "Oh. Well..." She gritted her teeth. "Now I'm going hunting!"

"For what?!" Rainbow cackled.

"For whatever presents itself!"

"You can't just go hunting at random, Roarke!"

"I most certainly can."

"And what if you accidentally shoot and bag yourself a sentient ceature, huh?!"

"If it screams in more than four syllables, then I'll hold fire."

"Dammit, Roarke!" Rainbow hovered in her face, frowning. "Will you just stop and listen to me?!" She pointed. "I know for a fact that you've been opening up lately, and it's been awesome! But now you're doing a total one-eighty out of nowhere and I want to know why!"

Roarke took a deep, deep breath. Next, she frowned venomously at the pegasus. "I don't see how you could possibly be a judge on how my behavior's been."


"Seeing as you were too busy flocking with your bird-chirping friends all of last week."

Rainbow blinked. "Is that what this is about?!" She grimaced. "Our stay in Durandana?"

"Tell me, Rainbow Dash, did you even miss your hammock on board the Jury while you were busy lying around with the pegasi that time forgot?!"

"What...?!" Rainbow slowly shook her head, muzzle agape. "Roarke, you got it all wrong! All I was doing was simply getting the Durandanans to connect with Equestria! They were distant relatives of mine and I c-couldn't just leave them in ignorance!"

"Uh huh..."

Rainbow folded her forelimbs, frowning. "If you found a group of Searonese living out here—cut off from the rest of the world—wouldn't you give your all to make sure they knew about the legacies and the follies of the rest of their sisters?"

"... ... ..." Roarke fidgeted where she stood.

"Well?!" Rainbow leaned forward. "Roarke Most Rare?! I want an intelligent, logical answer to that!"

Roarke spun about. She huffed, dropped her equipment, and trotted aimlessly forward. "I'm not in the mood."

"M... Mood?!" Rainbow almost went cross-eyed. "Roarke, I didn't know that word could even compute for you!"

"Go away, Rainbow..." Roarke stammered, her breaths labored as she trudged through thick bales of pine needles. "I-I mean it..."

"I don't think this has anything to do with me or the Durandanans!" Rainbow said, flying after her.

"I just... j-just need some time alone—"

"I think this has everything to do with you!"

Roarke spun, her eye-lenses instantly pistoning outward. "Me?"

"Beneath all that metal crap, you're still a pony, Roarke!" Rainbow said. "Believe it! And, y'know what? It's sometimes okay to admit to being selfish!"


"So just admit it!"

Roarke gazed at Rainbow. Slowly, she shook her head. "Even after all these months I've known you... all the heroic acts you've performed... all the lengths you've flown... you can be this blind?"

Rainbow touched down in front of Roarke, coiling her wings. "Then talk to me, Roarke! Tell me what I'm doing wrong?"

"What would it matter?" Roarke's nostrils flared. "No matter what, you'll still be the same stubborn, selfless, suicidal east horse."

"Care to break that sentence down, bit by bit?"

"No." Roarke seethed. "I don't care to! Because nothing is going to change who and what you are!"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"You know what would have been a good thing?!" Roarke's teeth gritted hard. "You should have stayed, Rainbow."

"Stayed? Stayed where?"

"In Durandana!"

"Roarke, you really think I'm going to abandon my friends and—"

"Your friends were in good hooves!" Roarke hollered. "But now they are in sick, dying hooves!"


"You could have been at peace, Rainbow!" Roarke barked. "You could have had a piece of home!"

"I can't paint anyplace in the rest of the world and call it 'Equestria,' Roarke! You know that!"

"No..." Roarke slowly shook her head. "All I know is that you prefer dying in a frenzied blaze of glory over anything that you deserve!"

"It's not about what I deserve!" Rainbow grunted and kicked a loose pine cone. "Dammit, Roarke! What's gotten into your head!"

"Val Roa can crumble in ashes," Roarke moaned. "The Dark Side of the world and rust for eternity! There's nothing out there that can give you what you want..." Roarke fidgeted where she stood. "Nopony who can give you what you need..."

"I have my fr-friends, Roarke!" Rainbow exclaimed, red in the face. "Isn't that enough?!"

"It's..." Roarke glanced down at her trembling hooves. "It's not..."

"Well?!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Isn't it?" Her eyes widened, for they were reflecting off of Roarke's lenses very, very closely. "Mmmmmmff?!?!"

Roarke's ears folded back for the first time since Rainbow saw the mare, or smelled her—like the sweating scent of desperation currently wafting up to her nostrils from where their lips made sweet, hot contact.

"Mmmfff—guahh!" Rainbow fiercely shoved Roarke back.

Roarke fell on her haunches, trembling, avoiding Rainbow's gaze.

"Pfft... Feh!" Rainbow wheezed and waved her forelimbs. "Are you crazy?!?" She exhaled. Blinked. She plunged forward, tackling Roarke.

"Mmmm—!" Roarke literally yelped as Rainbow's body sprawled on top of her. Blue legs squeezed the Searonese mare's body so tightly that her metal braces began to bend. There was no pain, no panic, nothing but a rosy-tinted flush spreading like wildfire across Roarke's brown coat as she hugged Rainbow back, deliciously lost in the avalanche of feathers, kisses, and more feathers. A symphony of melodic moans and tiny, dainty gasps filled the fuzzy gaps in between.

"There! I think I see them!" Kera said, pointing off the bow's end.

"Praise the Spark!" Belle trotted up alongside Zaid and Pilate. "Have any missiles flown, yet?"

"Uhm..." Pilate fidgeted from where he stood on the ship's edge. "I'm hearing something, but unless missiles are slippery—"

"Eep!" Eagle Eye's voice squeaked. The Jurists turned to see a furiously blushing stallion rush towards the opposite end of the ship.

"What's wrong, EE?" Ebon asked.

"Holy spit!" a voice barked from the cockpit. "Talk about a squeeze squeeze!"

"Uhhhhhhh..." Zaid blinked awkwardly.

"Oh..." Belle held a pair of hooves over her burning muzzle. "Oh d-dear..."

"Weird..." Kera's nose scrunched. "Nopony's gonna win if they keep wrestling like that!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's enough fresh-air for now, kiddo." Zaid discreetly scooped Kera up from where she stood.

"Gah! Zaaaaaaid!" Kera wriggled in his grip, legs dangling. "But maybe they'll need a referee!"

"Believe me...ahem." Zaid tugged a shell-shocked Belle along as the group made their collective way below deck. "At the rate those two are going? Heh... they'll need no help with a submission move..."

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