• Published 21st Apr 2014
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Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant - Wanderer D

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Loyalty Mission 3: Loyalty Earned

Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant

Loyalty Mission 3: Loyalty Earned

Pt. 1

By Wanderer D

Canterlot News


By Worthy Gossip

Local Celebrities Commander Twilight Sparkle and Captain Spitfire had a heated confrontation this last Monday just outside the high-end restaurant "Le Petit Monde", famous in Canterlot for its international Griffonian Cuisine at the capable claws of Chef Gustave le Grand.

The argument, which almost escalated into a fight between members of the Wonderbolts and Commander Sparkle's infamous retinue of quasi-celebrities—including Urdnot Wrex the Krogan, musicians DJPON3 and Octavia Philarmonica as well as the rising star of the design world, Rarity Belle—appears to be over the Commander's decision to pursue one Rainbow Dash of Ponyville as one more member of her troops.

A witness who has chosen to remain unnamed, has confirmed that Commander Sparkle mentioned at the table her intent to invite Rainbow Dash to join within earshot of the Wonderbolts, who were also having dinner there that night.

While Commander Sparkle and Spitfire's spats are well-documented, this one was reportedly promising to be worse than last year's hoof-fight that destroyed the Hayburger Joint in downtown Canterlot, or even the one from the two years ago where both mares staged a "demonstration" against Prince Blueblood's ColtBand "The Blue Balls" after the one-hit-wonder band had announced its intention to release a second record.

Princess Celestia and Luna, however, interceded and declared that the issue would be dealt with accordingly and not while there was still cake in the premises.

While the fight was stopped, this reporter has to wonder how the Wonderbolts themselves will fare against Commander Sparkle given the Royal Guard's performance during last weekend's secret training exercise. And given the intense relationship Commander Twilight Sparkle and Captain Spitfire have shared throughout the years, we can expect some rejection issues to spruce out.

I for one, intend to stay away until it's all over.

"Wow." Rainbow Dash put down the newspaper on top of some of Wrex's guns, which occupied the whole single table in Ponyville's library. "I can't believe it! Spitfire knows my name?"

"Really, darling?" Rarity looked over her shoulder, stopping her work on designing better-looking armor to raise an eyebrow at the pegasus. "Out of the whole article, that's the only thing you can say?"

"Well, yeah!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and it was clear that if Rarity didn't have her gun strapped to her withers, the pegasus would have added a 'Duh!' to the sentence. "We're talking about the captain of the Wonderbolts here! I've been sending them application letters for ages now and this is the first time she's even hinted at having read them!"

Rarity was about to answer when the tree shook.

The pair looked at each other for a moment before Rainbow Dash had to ask. "Is Octavia visiting? I mean, I have to commend their endurance but it's the middle of the day and Twilight has visitors!"

Rarity blushed as she huffed and turned to her designs. "For shame, Rainbow Dash," she scolded, fanning herself a little. "Twilight is working on something in the basement and, before you ask, it's not Octavia. Or Vinyl."

"Vinyl too?!" Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide. "That filly doesn't waste time, does she?" She shook her head. "I never figured Celestia's personal student for the type to do that."

"Twilight mentioned that it had to do with rhythm..."

"You know what I mean!"

Rarity smiled but didn't answer as she added a note about insufficient protection to the right foreleg with her current design. "Ugh, why must armor not be chic?"

"In any case!" Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "Going back to me, this is my chance, Rarity! It's always been my dream to join the Wonderbolts!"

Rarity nodded. "Why?"

"What do you mean 'why'?" Rainbow Dash asked, hovering over to Rarity and hanging next to her with lazy flaps of her wings. "The Wonderbolts are the most respected pegasi team in Equestria! They get the best gigs, recognition, fame, glory, do the most awesome stunts... they're overall the coolest pegasi in the world!"

"Well, darling, I can see why you would want that... but you can get all of that by being part of Twilight's team too," Rarity pointed out.

"Not to mention," another voice, gruffer and deeper spoke up, "The Wonderbolts are nothing more than a bunch of pyjacks with wings." Wrex picked up the newspaper, glanced at it and snorted before throwing it in the trash. "With the exception of Spitfire, all of them are just pretty fillies and colts that know some cute moves. It's like a dance troupe led by a berserker."

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash was in Wrex's face in an instant. "The Wonderbolts are not a dance troupe! They're part of the armed forces!"

Wrex rolled his eyes and leaned up to butt heads with Rainbow Dash. "Listen, blue jay, the Wonderbolts haven't had a real mission in a longer time than the armed forces themselves. Remember when we fought their best? That's the quality you're looking forward to. A bunch of training camps where they teach you what you already know, and then try to teach you what I can actually teach."

"The Wonderbolts are not the same as the Royal Guard!" Rainbow Dash insisted. "They're useful! They know how to fight! They're pegasi warriors!"

Rarity chuckled, but before Rainbow Dash could lash at her, Wrex shook his head. "You remember those three pegasi guarding the top of the fort during the exercise? Weren't they 'pegasi warriors' too?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, forelegs crossed in front of her. "They were."

"And didn't you fly circles around them before incapacitating them like I taught you?"

Rainbow Dash flung open her arms in annoyance. "So I knocked out three Royal Guards in a few seconds with what you taught me. So what? Wonderbolts wouldn't fall for those tricks!"

Wrex grinned, showing rows of serrated teeth. "Oh, but they were Wonderbolts."

Rainbow Dash's wings stopped flapping and she fell to her hooves as she stared at Wrex. "What?!"

"Fleet Hooves, Winter Charm and some other pegasus I can't even remember the name of. Commissioned Wonderbolts. Shiny himself asked them for help because..." Wrex quoted with his claws, "they are the best Equestria has to offer."

Rainbow Dash had to sit down.

"Like I said kiddo." Wrex shrugged, picking up a shotgun of some sort and examining the weapon. "You can go be a dancer, or you can be a whole pegasus demolition team in one."

The tree shook again.

"Just what is Twilight doing down there?" Rarity asked, annoyed. She slowly erased an errant line that had been drawn accidentally when the tree had shaken.

"Secret project," Wrex said, frowning at the rifle. "I hate to say this, but I miss Garrus. He would make sure all the guns were calibrated. Obsessive compulsive, that turian, and had a stick up his ass, but he was damn good at calibrations."

It was then that there was a knock on the front door. Rarity, after waiting a moment, rolled her eyes and went to open the door when nopony else made a move to do so. When she saw who it was, a smile spread on her face. "Oh, Derpy! I haven't seen you in a while, how is Dinky doing?"

"She's fine!" the blonde pegasus grinned. "Doing well at school and having fun!" her smile diminished a little. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to hang out with you guys as much as I want to, but my job keeps me all over the place."

"Fret not, dear," Rarity said, stepping aside to let Derpy in. "We understand! So what brings you here today?"

"Oh, I had a letter for Miss Dash!" Derpy announced, pulling it out of her courier bags. "It's from the Wonderbolts, so I brought it straight here since I knew she'd be waiting for it!"

A rainbow blur coalesced into the pegasus in question, as Rainbow Dash stood there, grinning like Celestia in front of cake. "A letter? From the Wonderbolts? For me?! How cool!"

Just as she reached for the letter, it was enveloped in a reddish-purple glow and floated out of her grasp. "Hey! What gives?!"

Twilight had emerged from the basement and glared at the letter. Without preamble, she ripped it open and spread the scroll inside.

"Dear Miss Rainbow Dash," she read. "We are proud to invite you to a personal interview to judge your viability to join the Wonderbolts." She ignored Rainbow Dash's squee. "Please present yourself the day after tomorrow at the training headquarters in Cloudsdale no later than noon to speak to Captain Spitfire. We look forward to meeting you."

"That. Is. Awesome!" Rainbow Dash gushed.

Twilight's eyebrow twitched. "Why, that good for nothing bi--"

Whatever else she was going to say was muted by a privacy dome cast around her by Rarity. The group could see Twilight ranting and swearing as loudly as she could as she glared bloody murder at the letter, even stomping her hoof down on the floor hard and making scraping motions with it.

It was clearly a very visceral and angry response. In complete and utter silence. Whatever she was swearing now looked intense, hoof shaking in anger at the air, and was soon followed by ripping motions with her forehooves as well a disturbingly evil smile.

Eventually, Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath before nodding at Rarity, who dispelled the dome.

"Thank you, Rarity, wouldn't have wanted Rainbow Dash to hear what I'm going to do to Spitfire for this."

"Oh, come on, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash whined. "I know I'm an Element of Harmony, but they have seen my abilities an--"

"They saw your abilities because you're working with me!" Twilight almost snarled. "Spitfire is not the type to really pay attention to others unless she's there first hoof to witness an act of awesome in the flesh. And even then, she likes to make it difficult for ponies to join the Wonderbolts. It's her secret fetish: to make ponies sweat and want to be part of her little troupe of winged acrobats. That control freak is only speeding the process for you because she heard that you were part of my team!"

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash looked hurt. "I'm good enough to be part of the Wonderbolts!"

"Yes, yes you are," Twilight acknowledged. "Too good, actually. Too promising. You would need to be put down a few pegs not to steal their thunder. They'd probably make you beg for a couple of years to make you feel almost unworthy to be one of her lackeys. Because that's what you would be." Twilight leveled a look at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash cringed. "I don't think that's how they are, Twilight."

Twilight sighed. "I have known Spitfire for a few years. We were friends at one time."

"With benefits?" Rainbow blurted out, remembering the article. She smiled sheepishly as Rarity gasped and Wrex started laughing.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Of course not. She's just somepony I used to hang out with. She had similar interests as me and Shining introduced us a while ago. There was nothing else."

Rainbow Dash nodded, but she still looked at Twilight dubiously. "I still don't believe you about the Wonderbolts. What if all you want is for me to stick with you? Shouldn't my dreams matter?"

Twilight placed her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and looked at her with understanding eyes. "No."


"Not if they're just going to be used to take advantage of you," Twilight clarified. "If you want glory, fame and recognition, you can get that with us. If you want an actual commissioned officer pay rate, you can get that with us. If you want to make an actual difference in Equestria, you won't get that with them. If you want to go beyond Equestria... you won't get that with them. If you want challenging training and learning how to do the most with your skills... you won't learn that with them. And finally, if you want friends, others that are going to be as loyal to you as you are to them, who will risk their necks for you, who will take a bullet for you, who will stick with you through victory or defeat... you already have that here, with us."

Rainbow Dash looked down at the letter, conflict clear in her eyes.

"If you really want to see what it's like, we'll go with you," Twilight said, following Dash's eyes to the letter. "You can make up your mind then."

Rainbow Dash nodded numbly before turning around and heading for the door. "I-I need to think about it." She started walking out of the library but stopped at the door. "Wait... you guys get military pay!?"

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