• Published 11th Jul 2014
  • 30,337 Views, 692 Comments

Winds of Change - ClanCrusher

A deal between rulers, a bargain that seems too good to be true, and a unicorn caught in the middle of it all. Between Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis, how is anypony supposed to stay sane?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Paranoia

Celestia let out a small sigh as she looked out at the newly risen sun. The previous night had been Chrysalis' second visit, and while she would have rather been at her student's bedside, Equestria needed its princess and there were other qualified unicorns that could give Twilight the examination to make sure that Chrysalis hadn't tried to unduly influence her.

“Announcing Captain Stalwart Stallion,” said a voice behind her. Turning from the balcony, she watched as the white-coated unicorn stepped forward, snapping off a salute with his foreleg in place of a bow.

“Your majesty, Queen Chrysalis has been secured in her quarters for the day. She has made no further requests of our guards and has said that the hive will be able to sustain itself with the resources we have given her.”

Celestia nodded. “And what of our efforts to unmask possible changelings?”

“The entire magical division is working non-stop on the project, but none of their spells work for long. The unicorns say that it has to do with their changing magical signatures. They will be sending you the full report shortly, but there is little progress.”

“And what of the queen herself?”

“Flawlessly accurate. Every pony she's accused was revealed in short order. Currently she claims that the spies we've uncovered are from other queens who are seeking to gain a foothold in Canterlot and the surrounding villages, but we haven't ruled out the fact that they might be her own changelings planted in advance.”

“You haven't managed to take any alive?” asked the princess tiredly, already knowing the answer.

Stalwart briefly looked ashamed. “We...have tried numerous times, but they always seem to have some way to...end their lives before we can get anything out of them. Right now we're assuming it involves magic that the queen of a hive might lay upon her subjects before they go on such missions, just in case they're caught.”

“What do you think, Captain? Do you think Chrysalis is playing this game with us using her own people?”

The stallion looked conflicted. “I...don't have enough information to go on at present. We've been monitoring her hive day and night and nopony gets in or out without us knowing, and those that cross the border get a personal escort as well. Most, if not all of the changelings were taken care of after Shining Armor's wedding when Cadance used her power against them, but-”

“Stalwart, I asked for your opinion,” said Celestia gently. “Do you think Chrysalis would throw away her subjects’ lives in such a way so that she may bargain from a position of power?”

“Well, I wouldn't put it past her, but...” He hesitated before shaking his head. “No...I don't think she would. Not right now.”

“And she remains tight-lipped about how she herself reveals them?”

“She claims that it's not something she does consciously or can teach, but even if she could, that information is her best bargaining chip. She wouldn't relinquish it so easily.”

“Then our situation remains unchanged for the moment. Who was the latest to be exposed?”

“One of the nurses in the Canterlot Medical Wing. Apparently, it had been feeding off of the weakened ponies who came in with injuries. Speaking of which, it's going to take Flash Sentry a further two weeks to return to active duty.”

The conversation turned to more mundane subjects now that the issue of Chrysalis was behind them. There were discussions about improving security, funding for equipment and training, and concerns about the possible unrest of the pony population should news about the changelings get out. Thankfully, it seemed as though the remaining changelings were content to keep a low profile and go unnoticed. The last thing Stalwart needed was ponies accusing one another of being changelings.

The captain was just finishing his report when the guard at the door announced the arrival of Princess Luna. She appeared calm, but Celestia easily saw through her facade. “You continue to be a credit to your position, Stalwart. Shining Armor chose his replacement well.” The stallion didn't let it show but Celestia could feel his pride as he gave her another salute and walked out of the throne room, leaving the two sisters together.

“I assumed you would be in bed right now, sister,” said Celestia, letting herself relax in her sibling's presence.

“And leave you to rule all day, worried and anxious over your favorite student?” she teased.

Celestia only smiled. “I am guilty as charged. How is she doing, if you do not mind my asking?”

Luna paused for a moment as she looked for the proper words. “She is...unwell. Her sleep tonight was plagued by rather potent nightmares. I managed to subdue the worst of them, but whatever Chrysalis did last night left a very distinct impression.”

Celestia was curious, but she knew better than to ask. Dreams were often deeply personal matters, and Luna was always careful to avoid abusing that knowledge except in the most extreme circumstances. “I feared something was amiss when her report didn't show up on time.”

The lunar princess gave her sister a small smile. “That would be my fault again. After I soothed her nightmares, I made sure she would get a proper night’s rest.”

“I'll have to be sure to send her a letter insisting that she delay her report until tomorrow,” said Celestia with some amusement. “If I tell her not to worry about it, she'll feel guilty and push herself into finishing. It saves quite a bit of paper and ink if I simply give her a royal order to turn something in later than intended.”

The two sisters shared a small laugh over the thought. “Twilight is a very special pony,” came Luna's voice, a bit quieter than before. For a moment both were quiet, but the look they shared said enough.

“How would you recommend we proceed from here?”

Luna gave the question some thought. “I do not think we need do anything just yet. Twilight is shaken, but her friends will be there for her. Of this I am certain.”


My eyes snapped open suddenly as the sun came in through the window. It was late in the day. Too late. Focusing my magic, I searched the area and smiled as I felt Luna's magic signature around my room. She hadn't been able to keep the nightmares away entirely, but she had been able to give me a restful night all the same. Rolling out of bed, I shivered as I felt cold sweat on my body. Flashes of my bad dreams came back to me, about my friends turning into changelings, morphing right before my eyes into the black, blue-eyed insects while still casually talking in their normal voices.

“Shower...really need a shower...” I mumbled to myself, hoping that a torrent of warm water would help put my mind straight.

Logically, I knew exactly why I was acting this way, but that didn't make coping with it any easier. With a casual and frightening ease, Chrysalis had imitated my friend, talked with me in much the same way Rarity would have done, and had accomplished this even after blatantly showing me her powers and telling me what they did.

How was I supposed to rationalize it away when I couldn't even trust my own thoughts?

I felt a little better after the shower. Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do today, there was work to be done. My notes needed organizing, my reports were due, and several other small things just needed doing for the sake of unraveling the enigma that Chrysalis had presented us.

The conversation was painful to read. It seemed to highlight my oversight as I transcribed the dialogue properly with the correct spelling and grammar. Thankfully the work was soothing and I slowly began to relax, letting the questions spinning around in my mind simmer on the back burner. Part of me wanted to curse the shortsighted idiots who had curbed this field of magical research, but at the same time it was probably born from an earnest effort to stop ponies from abusing the type of magic that Chrysalis so easily wielded.

I had just finished the initial draft and was double-checking it when a dainty knock jarred me out of my thoughts. Placing my work aside, I answered the door, stumbling over the greeting once I saw who it was.

“Good afternoon, Twilight, I was afraid you weren't going to wake up at all today,” came the calm, cultured voice of Rarity.

My body trembled and my eyes widened. Her mane was curled perfectly, her coat shone in the sunlight, and her cutie mark stood out nicely against her white fur. This was Rarity, or at the very least my mind was telling me this was Rarity.

“Is something wrong?” came Rarity’s voice once again, this time with a hint of concern.

Snapping myself out of my daze, I reminded myself that Chrysalis was in Canterlot under guard. “N-no...sorry, come on in, Rarity, I was just finishing up some things for Celestia.”

“Really? So late in the day?” said Rarity with mock surprise. “Whatever are we going to do about that spa visit? It's far too late to reschedule.”

I winced. I'd forgotten about the appointment with all of the chaos that had been happening over the past couple of days, and right now the idea of spending time with Rarity just...

“I, um...well, I'm sorry, I kinda overslept,” I stammered. “A-and I really need to get these reports to Celestia-”

Rarity smiled and activated her magic. I stared intently at her horn, noticing the soft blue color as if for the first time, daring it to change. It took a gentle prod from the unicorn to bring my attention back to the scroll she was trying to give me.

My Dear Student Twilight,

Due to some unforeseen circumstances regarding the day court and certain diplomats, I will not be at the castle to receive your reports today. Please have them ready for me first thing tomorrow.



I breathed a sigh of relief and let the scroll rest on the table. “Well, I guess I have a little more free time now,” I said weakly, giving Rarity a smile. I hated leaving projects unfinished, but Rarity had planned for this outing far in advance in an effort to relieve the stress Chrysalis was likely to bring. It wasn't her fault that merely being around her right now was stressful for me.

“Good,” said Rarity firmly. “This whole business with that changeling queen has you all wound up. This will be a perfect opportunity to relieve all that tension.”

“Right...yeah,” I said hesitantly as I locked up the library behind me, trailing behind the other unicorn. Unfortunately, Rarity quickly noticed my reluctance.

“Twilight, is something wrong?” she asked, worry evident in her voice. It was quite clear that she wanted to ask about Chrysalis but was carefully avoiding the topic until I was comfortable bringing it up.

“I...can't do this right now,” I said, my voice wavering slightly.

Rarity looked a bit crestfallen and searched for something to say. “Should I...come back later?”

“Yes...no! I don't...I'm sorry!” I said, panic welling up in my mind. My horn glowed, my magic flared, and in the next second I was wrenched out of my spot and zipping through the magical ether, appearing near-instantly on the border of the Everfree Forest.

“Nice one, Twilight,” I grumbled to myself, already picturing what was happening. Rarity was probably panicking. She'd be looking for my friends soon. Considering how high-strung the guards were, it was very likely they might get involved as well. It was a toss-up whether or not everypony would think I was a changeling or under Chrysalis' control.

I wasn't sure how long I rested beneath the tree while lost in my thoughts, but my solitude was finally interrupted by the sight of a bright rainbow trail streaking across the sky. Rainbow Dash had great vision even among pegasi, and could probably put a gryphon to shame, so I was certain she'd already seen me. I'd half-expected another tackle and an interrogation, but instead the pegasus gently glided down next to me and lay on the ground.

“Chrysalis?” came the question after a moment's pause.

Glumly, I nodded. “Chrysalis.”

“She mess with your head again?”

I nodded again.

“What a bitch.”

My eyes widened and my breath was caught somewhere between a laugh and a cough. “Rainbow!”

The cyan pony grinned at me. Unable to help myself I let out a small giggle. “Okay, maybe a little bit,” I agreed. That got a chuckle out of her as well.

“Rarity is a kinda panicking right now,” said Rainbow. “She's good at hiding it, but I think she's wondering if she did something wrong.”

Guilt welled up inside of me. “I...I didn't-”

I was cut off suddenly by a hoof wrapping around my barrel and giving me a squeeze. “Well duh, of course you didn't! It was Chrysalis, remember?”

“Right...” My body had tensed at the contact, the other part of Chrysalis' conversation replaying in my mind. Chrysalis disguised as Rarity had given me advice. Was it any less true despite the form she had taken? Or was this just another mind game designed to coerce me into seeing my friend that way? Sucking in another breath, I pushed all of that down. I didn't want to deal with these thoughts, or theorize where they came from, or think about...how nice her fur felt right now-

“Rainbow, can you do me a favor?” I asked, slamming the door on my thoughts. “Could you tell Rarity that I'm sorry and let the others know I'm alright?”

“Really? You don't seem alright to me. I can feel you shaking.”

“Hnnh!” I tried to squirm away but Rainbow's leg was suddenly tight around me. “Rainbow!” I protested, trying to dislodge the stronger pony. The panic and paranoia I had been experiencing earlier had given way to embarrassment and maybe something more that I didn't even want to acknowledge.

“Alright, Twilight, here's how it's going to go,” said the pegasus, sticking her muzzle close to mine. “Either you tell me what's got you so scared, or I'm gonna hold you here until everypony else arrives to help me guilt it out of you.”

“I've got teleportation magic, you know,” I threatened.

“We've got a Pinkie.”

I gulped. No amount of teleportation could trump Pinkie's hide and seek skills unless I wanted to cross the Equestrian border. Letting out a long sigh, I loosened my tongue. “She...took Rarity's form. She did it right in front of me, and even though I saw it happen, with her magic I couldn't...tell the difference.” Honestly, it had felt like my mind had been violated.

Rainbow's grip slackened and her wing moved to cover my back in a comforting embrace, no longer pinning me to her side. “And when I saw Rarity this morning, I just...panicked a little.”

Rainbow was silent for a long moment. I wasn't sure what she was going to say or even if she could find the right words. Heck, before today I hadn't really considered her the comforting type.

“Wow...that sucks.”

I let out a strangled laugh. “Yeah...it does.”

“Look, Twi, I know I'm not really good at this sort of thing, but what about your brother?”

“Shiny? What about him?”

“I mean, he went through the same thing you did, right? Maybe he could tell you how he got through it,” she suggested.

That was a surprisingly good idea. Shining had been under Chrysalis' control far longer than I had. How had he reacted to the real Cadance once he was free from her? Did he have trouble looking at her, or was this just me? Actually, come to think of it...

“Didn't he take the train back already?”

Rainbow snorted. “You thought he wasn't going to check up on you after Chrysalis' visit? I heard the lunar guards had to stop him from trying to spy on you in the library.”


House arrest?” I asked incredulously.

“Luna's orders, Ms. Sparkle,” said the lunar guard with some discomfort. “He kept refusing to stand down and stay away during Chrysalis' diplomatic meeting.”

I sympathized with his unease. It couldn't have been easy restraining his old captain, and by extension, his old boss. “Can I go and see him?”

With a nod I was let through. Inside the room and lounging on the bed was my brother with his muzzle in a book titled 'A Millennium of Kingdom Management' written by Princess Celestia. With his new duties over the Crystal Empire, he'd been forced to play a lot of catch up on the nuances of being a prince. Fortunately, Cadance and Celestia were kind and patient teachers and he was always eager to learn, if only to help ease Cadance's burdens.

“Hey there, B.B.B.F.F.,” I greeted.

“Twily!” Grabbing his bookmark, he pushed the thick text aside and trotted over to give me a hug.

“I heard you got arrested,” I teased. “I didn’t even know you could do that to a prince.”

“Well, I'm not technically in trouble so long as I don't try to leave until my train comes,” he said bashfully. “You're not angry, are you?”

“Not really...” But it's a damn good thing he didn't see anything, otherwise I might have teleported into an active volcano. “Listen, can I talk to you about Chrysalis?”

A guarded look came over his face. “What about?”

I knew then and there that I was probably tearing open an old wound but I'd come this far already. “What was it like being under her control?”

There was a brief flash in his eyes and a haunted look that passed in an instant. “Twily, what did she do to you?”

“Just answer the question...please,” I insisted.

Shining gave me a long look that told me this conversation was going to continue later, but for the moment he relented. “It was...relaxing. Horrifically so. It started out simple. Looking back, there were several things that should have clued me in, but they didn't seem important at the time.”

I nodded, familiar with the sensations he was describing.

“As time passed, it got worse. She began to assert herself more and more into my mind. Following her commands and being around her was like...an addiction. When she...” He hesitated but eventually pressed on. “When she took complete control, it was like being trapped inside my own mind, only able to look out and watch as-”

“That's enough,” I said quickly. “How did you get over it?”

“Over what, exactly?”

“Being with Cadance again...the real one.”

He flinched, visibly. Another old wound. “It was thanks to Cadance, actually.” He let out a hollow-sounding chuckle. “Probably the worst honeymoon she could have imagined. I kept making excuses and practically avoided her the whole time, until she finally put her hoof down.”

I winced at the thought. Cadance was the best foalsitter in the world, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a kinder mare, but there had been times when 'Princess’ Cadance took over, and she had a rather impressive Royal Canterlot Voice. The first time she unleashed it on me, I didn't touch ice cream for a week.

“And after that?”

“She used her own magic. Made me remember my love and reawakened my trust. She showed her love for me as well...pretty much drowned me in it. She spent her entire honeymoon caring for me, and the very second we got back to Canterlot...”


“Sombra,” he agreed with a sigh.

Perhaps it was depressing to him, but the fact that Cadance was willing to go so far for him reassured me that those two were meant to be together. “When you were with Chrysalis...as Cadance I mean, did she ever give you any love in return?” I asked curiously, a theory starting to form in my mind.

“I can't actually remember,” said Shining, slightly puzzled. “I can't imagine it would be anything close to what Cadance shows me every day, though.”

I smiled at the thought, but my mind was already racing. Could changelings give emotion as well as take it? Would they do so even if they could? My head spun with the possibilities and I was already compiling a list of things to ask Chrysalis next time...next time? I guess I already knew there was going to be a next time.

“Thanks, Shiny,” I said sincerely. “I'm sorry to be dredging up old memories like this.”

“All in the name of protecting ourselves from the changelings, right?”

“That's right. Hopefully we'll never have another near-disaster like Canterlot happen again.”

We said our goodbyes and I left my brother to his guards, telling him to give my best to Cadance. My old foalsitter was like the antithesis of a changeling, and her abilities might just be the key I needed.


For Cadance, using magic to inspire love and friendship in others came as easily as breathing. For me it was a grueling task, filled with trial and error, as I drew on my memories of seeing her magic at work. In a way, Cadance's magic was very much mental manipulation, albeit of a more benevolent kind. She wasn't forcing emotions into somepony, but rather helping them focus on positive emotions and reminding them of feelings they already had.

I couldn't replicate it exactly, but I was close enough. The next part of the spell involved something rather dangerous, hence the protective shield I had already put in place around me. Focusing my thoughts, I drew upon my memories of Chrysalis and her own magic, slowly working it into the spell, holding my breath and hoping it worked.

There was a blinding flash of light and a squeak that I think came from me and the shield vanished, leaving me wobbling unsteadily. That had been intensely draining.

“Twilight, did your magic explode again?” came a voice from the stairs. I looked up and saw Spike, but at the same time I saw more than just Spike. I could see his worry hidden beneath the sarcasm, and the familial bond I shared with him. His emotions shone as a brightly lit aura with a vast array of swirling colors that was hard to look at directly.

“Hehe...no, Spike...everything is great,” I said cheerfully, nearly running into the door on my way out of the library.

“Right, I'll send a letter to Celestia all the same,” he replied, but I was already outside.

Walking around Ponyville was an almost-blinding experience. Chrysalis hadn't been kidding when she'd mentioned how open other ponies were around here. Happiness and contentment were abundant, though mixed with a dash of melancholy here and there. Concern was clear in some of the ponies, as more than a few witnessed my staggered steps and near-misses. I wondered if this how Chrysalis saw the world all the time.

When I finally got to Rarity's shop, the effect had faded from vibrant hues into more subdued colors. Even without looking inside, I could sense at least three of my friends in there, including Rarity. Hesitantly, I knocked on the door and heard the muffled conversation stop.

“Twilight?” came Rarity's puzzled voice as the door opened. She was conflicted. Fear tinged the edge of her aura that was a mixture of worry and doubt. A bit of discomfort crept in as I continued to stare at her, watching the layers unfold to reveal the underlying generosity that was a core part of her values, and beneath that...the bond of friendship I shared with her. It was reaching out to me like a welcoming hoof. There was no doubt in my mind now that this was the real Rarity, inside and out.

“Rainbow Dash has been telling me what ha-”

“I'm sorry,” I said suddenly, throwing my forelegs around her. The fear and anxiety she had been feeling was replaced instantly with relief and warmth, and she returned my embrace in short order.

“Well...thank you, Twilight, but it really isn't-”

“Yes, it is,” I mumbled before releasing her. “But Chrysalis isn't going to beat me. Not when I have friends like you.”

A pink pony entered my vision before Rarity could respond. “Yay! I'm going to throw a Twilight Shows Up the Meanie Changeling Queen Pa-”

“Ahhhhh!” I fell backwards, hooves over my eyes.

“Twilight? What is it? What'd I do?”

“So bright...so many colors,” I moaned out, my head spinning as the afterimage danced behind my eyelids. “Too much emotion...”


“How long do you think we have?”

Chrysalis looked up from the book she had been reading into the concerned eyes of Dusk. “Oh, they mobilized quite a while ago,” she said nonchalantly. “Just days after I surrendered.”

“Do you think the risk to us is worth going against the others?” he pressed, worry prominent in his voice.

“If there had been a risk-free option, I would have taken it. Celestia was aware of us, and our people were near starvation. That left us with the very risky prospect of finding a new feeding ground, or reconciliation with the ponies.”

The changeling still looked uncomfortable. “But the others of the hive...when they learn that you went against the elders-”

“They won't have a choice,” said the queen dismissively. “I've already revealed their agents to Celestia and shared some of my secrets with Twilight. My punishment is death and the hive will share in my fate.”

Chrysalis stood up from her crudely fashioned throne of crystal and walked to the edge of the platform upon which it was raised. Below, hundreds of changelings were at work using magic and claws alike to mold the crystals and shape them properly, slowly and steadily building themselves a new home. Watching them were a contingent of thirty stallions, alert and attentive, as they sat behind the shield that covered Chrysalis' new home beneath Canterlot. Once, it had been a prison for Cadance and Twilight. Now it was a home for her people.

“My mother, Chrysalide, impressed upon me the code of the changelings; the need to keep our abilities and our very existence secret. However, there was one thing that overruled even the elders. Can you guess what that is?”

Dusk shook his head.

“‘The hive...our family...should always come first.’ I will ally myself with Celestia. I will give Twilight every last secret I have. I will go against our laws and the elders. I will do everything I can to preserve my people, because that's what's important to me. We may be prisoners, but we are fed. We are enemies of all changelings not of our hive, but now there is an army between us and them.” Slowly, she walked back from the edge and retook her seat on the throne. “And frankly, Twilight and Celestia have a great track record when it comes to overthrowing monarchs.”