• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,344 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Betrayal

The heart wants….
What the heart wants

Luna brought herself closer to Spike as she kissed the dragon, her midnight blue lips against his.

As Luna continued to frisk the dragon, there was only one thought was going through Spike’s head as Luna kissed him: This is wrong! This is wrong! This is so bucking wrong!

The stunned dragon felt something push up against his lips. “Is-is that her tongue? She’s trying to stick her tongue in my mouth! No, nononononononononono!

He tried to resist, but the princess managed to wiggle her tongue into his mouth. Her sweet tasting tongue sent a wave of guilty pleasure through his body.

The princess parted herself from the dragon; her breath was heavy as she looked erotically at him. “You don’t have to be so nervous, Spike” she said, as she pecked her way down the dragon’s next.

Sweat was dripping down him as the princess continued to make her advances. It took every ounce of strength he had not to lose control and break down into uncontrollable spasms. “Well umm, this is great Luna but-” he began, before being cut off by the princess’s hoof.

“Isn’t it?” she chimed, as she positioned herself over the dragon, sitting softly on his chest, staring down at him with those beautiful, dark blue eyes. “You know Spike, most ponies would do anything to be in the position that you’re in.”

“I’d do anything to get out of this!” he thought. “Well, that’s great and I feel umm….” He tried to think of what to say, “Honored that you would let me…court you?” he asked, as he tried to slip away from the horny Luna.

She put her hooves on her on his shoulders, pinning him to the bed as her starry mane brushed across his face. “Oh Spike, you’re going to do a lot more than court me tonight,” she said as she pressed herself down on the dragon.

Spike’s heart skipped a beat, as all his senses went into overdrive. His skin became extremely sensitive, the slightest touch from the princess sending shocks through his entire body. It did not help when Luna began to gently rub his chest, eliciting a tickling sensation. It took everything he had to not squirm uncontrollably.

The princess giggled at the panicking dragon. “You’re so weird sometimes, you know that?” she asked.
Spike just shook his head; he could hear his heart beating.

“So….” She said, as she slid herself into the position, grinding herself as she sat on top of his thighs. “Are you ready?” she had a devilishly seductive grin on her face as she let a single drop of drool drop down on the dragon’s face.

“What is wrong with this pony!?” thought Spike. “Actually Princess-”

“Please, just call me Luna” she interrupted. Spike could feel her warm breath beating down on his face as she spoke.

“Luna….. It’s just that I’ve had a really long day and I’m really tired so I was just going to call it and get some sleep!” he quickly blurted out.

She just laughed at him. “You’re so cute when you’re nervous….” She said, as she began to lower her head to his chest. “Maybe I should relieve you of your tension….”

“Oh that’s not good. What am I going to do? Just say no to her. ARE YOU CRAZY?! You don’t say no to a princess! Well, you can’t cheat on Rarity! You don’t think I know that? Oh great, now I’m talking to myself. I’m slowly becoming as insane as Conquest!” He watched in horror as Luna’s had made its way down his body.

Spike swallowed his pride, as he did something he never liked doing, but it seemed like the only way he’d get out of this situation. “Umm, prince- Luna, I have an idea.”

She stopped in her tracks, just inches above Spike’s thighs. “Yes?” she hummed.

“Well…I was thinking that maybe….. We could make things a bit a bit more interesting” he proposed nervously.

“And how would we do that, my sexy little dragon?” the princess purred.

“Umm…” he mumbled. He had only hoped to buy time, but he needed to think of something, some sort of distraction. His eyes darted around the room, looking for something he could use. A telescope? No, that’s stupid. A Book? Something told him she wasn’t in the mood to read. Her dresser? A dresser had clothes….. That could work!

“Maybe you could dress up?” he asked hopefully.

“Dress up?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah…That witch costume you wore last year on Nightmare night was pretty hot. You could try that,” he gulped.

Luna’s eyes glowed with excitement. “Oooo Spike, that’s a great idea!”

She got up and headed to her dresser, opening it up and levitating a skimpy looking witch costume. “Is this what you wanted?”

“Yes!” shouted the dragon, amazed that his plan was working. “Now go into the bathroom and we’ll make a big entrance.”

“You got it, be right back,” she said as she took the costume and headed into the bathroom and closed the door.

The second she closed the door, Spike bolted up and ran to the window.

“I’m sorry princess, but I just can’t cheat on Rarity!” he thought as he opened the window and jumped out and flew back into the night.


It had been ten days since Spike had left for Canterlot, and everypony was getting worried.

Twilight paced frantically around the library, flipping through her many books. “It’s been ten days, Applejack. Ten days and not a single letter!” the frustrated pony said, putting a book back on the shelf.

Applejack was sitting on the floor eating an apple while Twilight ran up and down the room putting away books. “Now calm down Twilight, there’s no need to get all worked up. We all miss the big dragon,” she said. “Some more than others.”

They both looked towards Spike’s bedroom. Rarity had decided to lock herself up in his room while he was away. The two ponies could still hear the faint sobbing of the white mare, crying over the loss of her dragon.

“I reckon one of us should go check-up her,” Applejack said, looking at Twilight.

The unicorn shook her head. “Don’t look at me. Last time I went in there, I almost didn’t come back out!”

The cowpony just rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll go,” she said as she started to trot towards the bed room. She slowly opened the door and entered.

The snow white mare laid on Spike’s bed sniffling as she looked up to see who was entering. “Who’s there?” she asked, wiping a few tears from her eyes.

“Hey sugar cube,” Applejack said as she approached the pony. Rarity looked terrible. Her mane and tail were messy from lying in bed all day, her mascara was ruined from her constant crying, and one of her extended eyelashes was stuck to her cheek. “How ya holding up?”

“Oh Applejack!” she cried as she rolled over on the bed, facing the ceiling. “How does the summer lily stand up against the coldness of winter? How does the glacier hold when faced with an undying heat? How does the-”

“I get it sugar cube,” Applejack interrupted. “Y’all are sad, I get it,” she mumbled.

“Oh I’m sorry!” Rarity cried angrily, “I wasn’t aware that your coltfriend was whisked away in some sort of confrontation just moments after you finally proclaimed your undying love for him! Forgive me for not being so sensitive!”

“Whoa there, Nelly!” She said defensively. “I didn’t mean it like that! All I’m saying is that you’ve been cooped up in this here room for days.”

Rarity broke down into tears. “I’m sorry Applejack! It’s just that everything reminds me of Spike!”

Applejack groaned. “Well, of course! Y’all are in Spike’s room after all.”

“But, it’s the only way to feel close to him!” she moaned, as she pulled one of Spike’s pillows close to her and embraced it. “All I have is this pillow that smells like him.” She pressed the pillow close to her as she inhaled its scent.

“Umm…” Applejack’s voice trailed off as she slowly walked out of the room, leaving the Rarity to make out with Spike’s pillow.

Applejack carefully closed the door and turned around. Twilight was waiting for her.

“Well, how is she?” the purple mare asked.

The cowpony sighed as she shook her head. “I’m afraid it’s worse than I thought.”

“Really?” asked Twilight. “How bad?”

“She’s making out with Spike’s pillow,” she said bluntly.

“Oh,” said the surprised unicorn.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it,” said Twilight as she headed to the door and opening it, revealing a grey pegasus.

“Hey Twilight!” Derpy yelled, her eyes slowly drifting around her head. “I have your mail!” she said as she dug her face into her saddlebag, grabbing a mouthful of letters and handing it to Twilight.

“Thank you Derpy,” Twilight said as the mail mare happily flew away to continue the rest of her delivery.

Twilight started to sift through the mail. “Let’s see here…bill, bill, ad, magazine,” she gasped as she dropped all but one letter. “Spike sent me a letter!”

“He did?” asked Applejack as she peeked over Twilight’s shoulder, who was ripping open the letter. “Well let’s hear what’s he has to say!”

Twilight nodded in agreement as she unfolded the letter, and after clearing up her throat, she began to read.

Dear Twilight,

I’m sorry that it took so long to write back to you. I have to write and send these in secret, as you’re not supposed to know what’s going on. I don’t want you to worry about me, but they are making me train with the royal army. It’s actually not that bad and I’m learning a lot. I was able to complete both the basic and advance training within a week. At the moment, I’m studying on foreign fighting styles. Did you know that a zebra’s war shield is just as deadly as their spears? Anyway, this letter is getting long, and I need to get back to training. Just know that I love and miss all of you, especially Rarity, so please tell her that.

Will write back soon if I can,


“He’s training in the army now?” gasped Twilight as she finished the letter. “Why is he training for battle? You don’t think something’s wrong? Do you, Applejack?”

“I can’t lie ta ya Twi,” she said solemnly. “I can’t imagine a situation where this isn’t something wrong.”

“That’s not good,” she groaned, looking at the door to Spike’s room. “Should we tell Rarity?”

Applejack shook her head. “I reckon that wouldn’t be wise. She ain’t exactly in a stable mind set, and I rather not find out how she reacts to her ‘lover’ getting drafted into the military.”

“I guess your right,” Twilight said as she collapsed on to the floor. “Poor Spike, I can’t even imagine what he must be going through…”


Spike walked into the grand dining hall. It had been modified into a cafeteria for the many new troops that flooded into Equestria every day. Pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies were packed into the room, the sound of chewing, slurping, and talking echoed through the halls. The conversations between the ponies were just common ones about war and which mare or stallion they would do. He mostly ignored it as he tried to find Duster. His bright pink and messy mane stood out from the rest of the ponies and was easy to find. He started to head into his friend’s direction, but was stopped when he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

“Hello Spike,” the sweet voice said to the dragon.

He turned around in shock none other than Princess Celestia.

“Afternoon Princess,” Spike said, “is there anything I can do for you?”

“There is, actually,” she said. “Would you come and eat with me and my sister, we have much to talk to you about.”

“Oh, umm…” he tried to tell her no, but the princess wouldn’t hear of it. She pushed him towards the large table at the end of the hall. There sat a couple of unfamiliar ponies, along with Princess Luna, who smiled sinisterly at him.

He hadn’t exactly told anypony about what had happened ten nights ago between him and Luna, and thankfully she didn’t seem to be mad at him. However, she seemed more eager than ever to get him now, and it had been becoming difficult to avoid her around the castle.

“Please take a seat Spike,” Celestia said, as the dragon looked around for an open seat. Unfortunately the only seat that was free was right next to Luna.

“You can sit next to me Spike,” she said, patting the chair next to her. With a weak smile, the dragon slowly took a seat next to the night princess.

“You see Spike,” said Celestia as she took a seat at the head of the table, “My sister and I would like to know a few things about Cura- Conquest” she said, correcting herself to call her brother by his new name.

“What?” asked the dragon. “How do you know that I still see him?”

“We’re just concerned that he might be getting into your head,” Celestia told him. “He may be insane, but his words still seem to carry an influence.”

“Well princess, I can assure you-” he stopped midsentence, he felt something rubbing against his leg. He looked down to see that Luna had started to rub her leg against his. He took a quick glance at the mare next to him. Luna was looking at her sister, but she still couldn’t help break out in a small smile. One of her eyes darted down, peeking under the table. She slowly lifted her hoof and began rubbing his thigh, the dragon bit down on his tongue to not squeal from the sensitive sensation.

Princess Celestia looked at the shuddering dragon. “Are you okay?” she asked. “You seem to be twitching.”

“I’m fine!” squeaked the dragon; Luna’s hoof had just grazed in between his legs. He shot up from the table. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom!”

The dragon got up from the table and ran out of the dining hall. The bathrooms were just around the corner. He quickly jumped into one of the stall in the colt’s room and sat on the toilet.

“What the hell was that?” he thought. The princess seemed to be extra frisky today, more so than a few days ago, when she slapped his ass when passing her in the hall.

From the stall, he heard the door of the bathroom open. His heart beating heavily as the clopping sounds of hooves made its way closer to his stall. He lifted his legs to try to hide in his stall.

Luna peeked her head above Spike’s stall, a large sensual smile on her face. “Hey there handsome,” she said, “I got your message.”

The dragon looked confused. “What message?”

Luna gave a little chuckle, before magically unlocking the stall door. “You know, ‘Excuse me, I have to use the restroom,’ that’s what you said,” she looked around the bathroom. “Not exactly what I had pictured for our first time, but I’m not picky.”

“WHAT?!” yelled the dragon in his mind.

The princess kicked the stall door behind her and turned the lock. She then pressed her hooves against Spike, pinning him to the wall. “It’s pretty dirty in here,” she said, as she pressed herself against Spike. “And it’s about to get dirtier,” she moaned as she closed the gap between their lips.

Spike’s eyes shot open as he tried to find a way out of the stall, but it there was very little room for him to make an escape. He thought about just throwing her off and busting through the doors, but that would cause a bit too much collateral damage.

Luna pushed away from him. “Why are you always to quiet?” she asked, that sexy, evil grin forming on her face. “Maybe I need to make you scream,” she started to lower herself slowly.

“Crap, crap, crap, crap!” the dragon thought, he wasn’t going to be able to talk his way out of this one. He needed a miracle to save him.

Luckily, his miracle had a full bladder. The door of the bathroom burst open as the unknown pony ran to the urinal, and began to relieve himself.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me!” hissed the night mare, as the two listened to the trickle of fluids leaving the pony. Eventually the sound stopped and the pony left the bathroom. So much for his miracle. “Now then, where were we?” the sultry princess asked, as she nibbled on Spike’s lip, sending shivers through his body.

The door of the bathroom opened again, and this time a voice called out. “Spike? You in here? It’s Duster, everything alright buddy?”

“Thank Celestia!” “Yeah, I’m in here Duster” the dragon called out. Luna looked at him with shock.

The guard pony walked up to the stall and knocked on the door. “You sure you okay in there?”

“He’s fine!” yelled the princess, quickly covering up her mouth from her sudden outburst.

Duster peeked through the door slit of the stall door. “Wait…Is that the Princess!?”

She kicked down the door of the stall, knocking the pony back. Luna walked out, looking absolutely furious. She glared at the fallen pony. “You don’t tell a soul about me and Spike or else!” she yelled, “My sister sends ponies to the moon; I send them to the sun! Do you understand me!?”

“Y-y-y-yes princess,” stuttered the frighten pony, as Luna stormed out of the bathroom in a fit of rage, slamming the door behind her.

Duster looked over to the dragon, who was awkwardly walking out of the stall. The pony got a big stupid smile on his face.

“What?” asked the dragon.

Duster got up and raised his hoof, “You and the Princess? …Nice!”

“Not exactly,” muttered the dragon.

“What do you mean?” asked the pink maned guard. “I’d do anything to be with her.”

“And I’d do anything to get out of it,” mumbled the dragon.

“Really?” blabbered the guard. “Don’t take this the wrong way…But are you crazy?! We’re talking about Princess Luna here!”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m in love with a different pony,” he sighed, thoughts of Rarity popping up in head. He feared how she would react if she ever found out about this. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, was he? They hadn’t done anything more than kiss, and it was never his idea. But the more he thought about it, the dirtier he felt.

“Well, then why don’t you just tell her you’re not interested. I’ll take your place,” Duster joked.

“And get sent to the sun?” reminded the dragon. “I don’t think so.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” smiled the pony. “Come on, lunch is almost over and I would actually like to eat something.”

Spike nodded in agreement as the two headed out and back into the mess hall.


Later that night, Spike headed into his room and locked the door. After what had happened during lunch, he wanted to take every precaution. He jumped into his bed and got comfortable, cause he knew that the second he closed his eyes…


…He would awaken in the darkness of the shadowlands. He had grown use the darkness, and made his way down the same trek to find Conquest, and to see what fresh hell he had planned for tonight. He found the shadowy alicorn sitting by a window that only showed more darkness. Conquest glanced at the dragon and turned back to the window. He gave a heavy and slightly loving sigh.

“I dreamt of Maris again Spike,” he said in a poetic voice. “It was the first time we made love…do remember Spike?”

“Do I remember the first time you made love? No.” responded the dragon.

“I remember it so clearly Spike: the star studded night, the crisp green grass, the way you lowered me on the ground, nipping at my ear, telling me that you were all mine,” he sighed.

“Excuse me?” the dragon asked. “Did you say that I did all this?”

Conquest gave a toothy grin. “Of course, you silly dragon! The way you took me was a moment of pure emotional bliss! Shame of you for not remembering!”

“Sorry for not remembering having sex with you,” he said bluntly, growing tired of this stupid joke.

He sighed. “Sing me our song.”

“I’m sorry, what?” asked Spike, confused at the alicorn’s request.

“You know…I’ll take you to the candy shop, I let you lick my lollipop, go ahead Spike don’t you stop! Keep on going ‘til you hit the bucking spot!” he sang as he quickly poofed next to Spike, his face dangerously close to the dragon’s. “Oh kiss me, you fool!”

Before the dragon could interject, the alicorn locked his lips with the dragon. Spike face flushed red, startled by what Conquest had just done. After fifteen seconds of the dark pony trying to stick his tongue in the dragon’s mouth, he finally parted.

Conquest smirked, his shadowy tongue hanging from his mouth, dripping heavily with dark saliva. “What? No tongue?” he joked.

Spike fell to the ground, gagging and wiping his mouth clean, trying to get any trace of the stallion of his mouth.

“Well, well, well,” a voice called from behind him. He looked behind him to see…Conquest? But, Conquest was right in front of him. “What’s this I see? A dragon trying to make out with me?”

“W-w-what?” stuttered the dragon, looking at both ponies, sure enough, there were two Conquest before him.

The Conquest that had kissed him raised him from the ground and smiled at him. “Now, now Spike,” he said, his voice suddenly very feminine, he fluttered his eyes, they slowly turned from blood red to plasma green as he walked up to his double.

“Confused?” asked the red eyed Conquest.

“A little,” muttered the dragon, still wiping his tongue clean.

“Good,” said green eyed Conquest, as he turned to his other self. The two stared deep into each other’s eyes as they started to kiss, slipping their tongues into the other’s mouth in a mixture of shadowy drool and bliss.

Spike clenched his eyes shut. “This is so wrong!” he complained.

“Hey!” giggled the green eyed Conquest. “It’s not gay if it’s with yourself.”

“It’s basicly masturbation,” commented the red eyed Conquest, resuming the kiss with himself.

Spike clutched his eyes even tighter. “Call it whatever you want, I don’t want to look at it.”

Red eyed Conquest sighed. “I think we’ve had our fun dear,” he said to his green eye counterpart.

He smiled, as his body burst into bright green flames, engulfing his entire body. When the flames cleared, the decayed Queen of the changelings stood by Conquest side.

Chrysalis smiled as she whipped her turquoise hair out her face. “Well, it was sure fun while it lasted,” she giggled, looking at the shocked dragon. “You know, you’re a great kisser Spike.”

“B-but you were? How did- what?” stuttered the dragon.

“I’m a changeling Spike, that’s what we do,” said the queen. “You’re not very bright, are you?”

“No, he isn’t,” sighed the alicorn, twisting and turning Chrysalis as the two danced around the dragon. “I’d say he was dumb as a rock, but I fear he may have the brain of an ant.”

“I’m an ant?” asked the dragon, wondering if he should be insulted.

“Yes,” said the alicorn, dipping the queen as they danced. “You see, a rock cannot think, but an ant can’t think for itself. Much like you, my scaly friend,” the two continued to dance, swaying in circular motion as they seemed to levitate from the ground and higher into the darkness. “An ant is a slave, a peon, always following the commands of their betters, from their rulers, their masters…Their marefriends,” the dragon frowned as the two just laughed at him. “Now Spike, how many times did she let you put yourself in danger for her. How many times did you clean her shop, or run an errand for this so called element of generosity?”

The words echoed through Spike’s head, but he quickly shook it off. “I like being helpful, something that’s lost with you two.”

“Ants are a nuisance, not helpful,” chimed Conquest. “Silly filly thinks too much of himself. That’s why I’d prefer to think like a rock: not at all.”


“Because thinking is boring and no fun at all!” cheered the alicorn. “I may be criminally insane and homicidal, but that’s the price I pay for happiness! And I will happily pay for it every time. Because unlike you Spike, I already know what it’s like to think, to serve a higher power, to serve the bigger ant in a colony,” he chuckled. “Looking back at it, I should have slit my own throat for being such an ant. But, then I was blessed, my ant-like brain was squashed by the rock, and I was free.” He sighed, and he raised his head with a sick sense of pride. “Free to do anything I wanted: go anywhere, eat anything…kill anypony I wanted. Believe me when I say I killed a lot, ironically a few with rocks. And a few with ants,” he grinned grimily at that last part, as if he was reliving that terribly delightful memory.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,” said Spike. “You’re crazy!”

Conquest slowly shook his head as he snickered. “Someday you’ll understand what I mean dragon. Someday I’ll squish your ant with my large and mighty rock.”

“I don’t underst-”

“STORY TIME!” shouted the alicorn, dropping Chrysalis as he flung his hooves in the air with excitement. “Due to time constraints, what with the war and all, I’m going to skip ahead a few years, so to catch you up Spike: I went steady with Symphony, we grew up a little bit, we found the elements of harmony under the couch, I invented chocolate, Discord came, He turned me into a sofa and my sister turned him into a statue, which I later whizzed on, and then I fought in the dragon liberation wars. Which brings us to my return home…”


It was late in the evening when Curator’s shipped sailed in, and it docked up next to harbour where many ponies stood waiting for its arrival. A ramp was lowered to onto the docks, followed by a herd of guard ponies, all happy to see their love ones again. Among these tired but cheerful ponies was Curator, adorned in his royal onyx coloured armour.

He got off the ship and looked around. It warmed his heart to see all the happy couples reunited after years of terrible war and battle. But there was a dark lining to this happiness. For every happy couple he saw, for every reunited family, there was a mare waiting for a stallion that would never come home. It filled his heart with grief as he had to go to each new widow and inform them of their love ones passing. One by one, he watched wives, mothers and children sob and cry as he told them their husbands, sons, or daddies weren’t coming home, that they had lost their lives in the fight for freedom. He watched as the ponies started to leave, either in happiness, or in sorrow. As the docks started to empty, he noticed that there seemed to be no here to greet him. Celestia and Luna knew he was coming today, but where could th- ZAPP.

His flank burned with an electrifying sensation as he jumped up in an undignified shriek of pain. He turned around to see his two sisters, Luna lying on top of a dark storm cloud. She jumped off her cloud and tackled her brother, hugging him tightly around his neck.

“Curator! Oh thank goodness you’re alive,” she cried, tears rolling down her eyes. “I was so worried of you! Don’t ever leave me again!”

“Good to see you too,” moaned Curator, quickly running out of breath.

Celestia just smiled at the two on the ground. “It’s good to have you back, brother. I assume everything went well?”

“It’s war sister,” he said the armoured alicorn, pulling himself up from the ground, Luna still having a hold around his neck. “It never goes well.”

“But did we win, is all I’m wondering,” she asked again.

Curator sighed. “We managed to drive the dragons to the badlands, and I was able to re-work a truce between us, much better than that one our old teacher put together. May we bless his soul.”

There was a moment of silence, before Celestia finally asked: “So how many did we lose?” she asked quietly.

Curator lowered his head and Luna finally let go of him. “Too many,” he sighed. “Do you know the heart breaking feeling of telling a mare that her husband won’t be coming home? The soul crushing sound of foals crying over the loss of their father? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the misery of other ponies.”

“That’s so sad brother,” Luna said, wiping some of her tears away. “But, you’re such a great pony. You saved millions of lives!”

Curator smiled at his little sister. “Thanks Luna,” he said, smiling at the little filly, who smiled right back at him. “Anyway, so how’s Symphony? I’d thought she’d be waiting for me here?”

Luna’s smile faded. “Oh she had a recital last night, so she might be at her house. Why do you ask? I thought you’d spend time with us!” she whimpered.

“And I will!” chuckled the stallion, scrunching up is sister’s starry mane. “But, I have something really important to do first.”

“What could be more important than us?” grumbled Luna.

“This,” he said, as he reached his head into his saddlebag. “I wanted to surprise you guys but I can’t hold it in anymore!” he said, as pulled his head out of the bag. In his mouth was a large shining gold ring, with many jewels in the shape of a blooming flower as the rock. “I’m going to ask her to marry me!” he cried happily.

“OHMYGOSH!” squealed Celestia, a wide grim on her face as she hugged her brother. “I’m so happy for you two!”

“Thank sis,” he said, patting her on the back before parting with her. “Now, if you two will excuse me, I have a mare to propose to!” he said, as he started to trot into town.

He happily walked around the town. It had changed so much in only a short few years. The castle had been finished, the roads had been paved for easier walking, and he had heard that new diverse colonies were springing up everywhere. He truly lived in a great time. He looked back at the ring. When he was in the trenches of war, he realised that life was too short to not spend the time with the ones you love, and he loved Sweet Symphony. Within a few moments, they would be engaged.

He approached her house. It was a normal cottage, just like every other house in town, but once they were engaged she would definitely live with him in the castle. He knocked on the door, his heart racing with anticipation.

The door of her house slowly opened, the sleepy pink mare yawned as she rubbed her eyes. “Who’s knocking at this unholy hour?” she moaned.

“Hey sweetie,” Curator said.

Her heart stopped at the sound at his voice. She opened her eyes and gasped. “Curator?!” she squeaked. “Is that really you?!”

He smiled. “The one and only.”

“I-I-I wasn’t expecting you!” she stuttered, still shocked by his appearance.

“Well, I just got in a little while ago,” he said, “But there’s something really important I need to ask you,” he said, getting ready to pull out the ring.

“Listen honey,” she said, shifting in her spot, “I’m so happy you’re back but can it wait till morning? I’m really tired.”

“It’s really important,” Curator said. “And I think I need to do it now.”

“Curator please!” she begged, “Can we do this in the morning! Go home and I’ll meet you at the castle first thing.”

“Okay?” said the alicorn, confused by the way she was acting. “Can’t I just stay here with you; I’m exhausted, and just want to crawl up next to you tonight.”

“NO!” she screamed, quickly blushing as she realised how loud she was. “It’s not a good time.”

There was the sound of a door opening coming from behind Symphony. “Hey babe, is everything all right?” a voice called from behind her. “I heard you scream.”

“Who was that?” asked the alicorn.

A large green stallion walked through the bedroom door. He seemed to be tired, tired but eager. “Come back to bed, Symphony. I got a new instrument for you to try,” he noticed Curator. “Who’s that guy?”

“I was going to ask you the same question…” Said the alicorn, his voice stripped of all emotion.

“I’m her coltfriend,” the green pony said.

“That’s impossible!” barked Curator, “I’m her colt-” It hit him like a brick wall. He turned to Symphony, who was beginning to break into tears. “You cheated on me?”

“Curator…” she started, her words were broken up by her sniffles as she tried to holed back her tears. “I-I thought you were dead! You said the war would only be a year! I waited every day at the docks for you that year! And when you didn’t show up, I still waited. Years later, I was still waiting for you! But you never came back! I thought you were killed! I thought some dragon had killed you!” she was crying full blown tears by now. “I moved on, Curator…I’m sorry, but I’m with Three Tack now.”

The world was still for Curator, he could feel his heartbeat slow down as each word spoken from Symphony struck him like a spear to the chest. He had waited so long to propose to her, it was the only thing that kept him going when he was fighting the dragons. The thought that there was somepony to return home to, a pony that loved him back, was the only reason to fight. He fought to keep her safe, to keep their future children safe, and their children, and their children after them. He felt a tear roll down his face. He lifted the ring from his bag. Beautiful, just like her. He threw it to the ground, wanting nothing to do with it anymore. He didn’t want to be around anyone, so he ran off. Away from the apologetic mare and her new lover, away from this stupid town, and away from the ponies, and into the Everfree forest.