• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
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Private's Grandfather invites him to attend visit the family in New Orneigh for the first time in over a decade. Private's mother's side of the family has always been distant from the detective following Sparrowheart's death. Private and Twilight venture to New Orneighs and discover that all is not well for the Hearts. Somepony is trying to make sure that Blueheart never recovers from his recent illness. Private will find dark secrets in his family, betrayal, and old grudges before the day is up...

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 75 )

The ending description about the Hearts sounds like a recipe for mayhem; good though to see the other half of Private's family.

Nice chapter. I nearly died when I read this.

“Hey, if you won’t dress up as a skimpy galactic princess turned Huttle slave, I’m not going to dress up as some hundred year old wizard.”

You just had to throw in Star Wars. Nice job. I really am looking forward to this case. Good luck. Maybe we can even see some zebra Voodoo.

I recently visited New Orleans, so I am very impressed by the details you placed into this chapter. I believe Twilight would love to take one some of the historical tours, but then ridicule the spooky tours they have there.

Tailspin dreaming about Scootaloo = WIN.

4896651 I have visited New Orleans but you really have to thank Kitty for the details.

4896806 Sweet. I will talk to her then. Thanks. Good luck with the next chapter.

4896877 You're welcome. I tried to make them as authentic as I could.

4897086 It definitely showed. A lot of designs match to reality. Also it is very hot and humid down there. Not fun.

Move aside Eye clan, let's get a good look at the Hearts (really excited about this. Just saw Princess and the Frog, so New Orleans is on my mind).

4896636 Don't you mean *Ahem* Hayhem? I'll show myself out.

4897175 I live in the south. I know all about the humidity.

4897734 Near the coast? Because that is the worst. I was I'm from the central west, so I don't know much of humidity, then I lived 2 years in Veracruz, Mexico. Now that was hot and humid. Then I when to New Orleans. My family was surprised at how well I was able to adapt there. It was a lot of fun.

Men, why must both side of Private's family has to be so messed up? So much hate and anger all because of racism...seriously, most of the villains in this series always has racism within in their motives...

*quack* YEA! WELCOME DOWN SOUTH TWILIGHT! you got this down south boy liking it already :pinkiehappy:

4901174 Sweet. That really helps explain your experience with humid weather.

4901392 I STILL live in Mississippi. So yeah. I know ALL about humidity. So our Yankee writer has a gen-u-ine Southerner helping him get the fiddly little details right about Southern Life.

4902207 I'm glad he has great editor/co author as yourself.

Yay, the pegasus side of the family!
Also, its been way too humid here in Indiana. Stupid Indiana weather logic.

Tailspin's dream was absolutely precious, as was the Star Wars reference there for Twilight, all in all, I like the start here so let's see where this goes! :twilightsmile:

I can not put into words how much of an EPIC WIN this series has been although.......

you could say it is full of....*Shades* Heart


no but really I adore Equestria Noir and congrats on your 75th story Jacoboby1 and may you continue to be awesome for all of eternity:pinkiehappy:

agreed theres no way to put in words how awe-striking this is.

Yeah!!!! An Update. Thanks. That was funny with the potato. Also the part where Tailspin have to play with the other foals. Good luck writing the next chapter.

Well Tailspin's in for some fun. Also liked when Twilight volunteered to help cook.... although that's also terrifying.

And I was right about the racism card. Honestly, I expected this from Private's paternal side of the family (what with Adamus and Cross) but with his maternal side? Good lord, the Eye-Heart family has racists up the wazoo!

Not that I am complaining...it's just seems a bit over-done.

I am intrigued and a little scared to see where this is going.

when were you going to tell me about the WILL!?

Rule number one about the will...you're not in it. :trollestia:
At least, that's what my grandmother's policy was.

Well, this probably means that somepony is going to be arranging for Grandpa Blueheart to pass away even sooner now. Relatives...:facehoof:

4989796 If you have to ask you aren't in it.:trollestia:

I feel for Tailspin in this one....but that was still hilarious

okay first I was searching through FIMfiction when I notice EQNoir has a new chapter posted and I'm like:pinkiegasp:


“You know Eagle is our family doctor and he’s never steered us wrong.”

Why do I have sneaking suspicion the doctor is gonna be the killer :trixieshiftright:

And thus the plot appears. Why do I have a sinking feeling that somepony's going to alter the will and then off the Heart patriarch?

Another great chapter can't wait for the next one the ending to this chapter has me at the edge of my seat. :twilightsmile::eeyup::yay:

I like how this story is starting to shape up. I wonder who tried to kill Grandpa or will he or she try again. Thanks for the update, I was starting to wonder if one would ever comeout.

Ponies and a will? This can't end well especially with the attempted murder of Grandpa Heart.

...Shit, things are gettin' more serious. And then we meet the racists of the maternal side. Nice to know that racism isn't one-sided in this family.

A part of me want to think that Hawk and Robin are behind this, but then again, it could be someone completely unexpected.

.... Hawk... Robin... Hummingbird... You are now my least favorite ponies in this series. Right behind that old geezed up son of a bitch who Private calls his 'Grandfather' if he even DESERVES that title.

You just keep making more people for me to hate don't you?

Well, we have three obvious suspects and then a fourth that I can see.

5078421 Have to agree there. Who knows maybe it was all three working together. I doesn't make much sense though. We can rule out Grandma though, she was with Private. I do wonder who. Also I want to know how that lady is related to grapes.

Racism. So much of it. I thought Equestria was all about acceptance of who you are, so why is there always a different racist involved in every single case?

5079321 Simple, the candied colored let's all be happy world doesn't exist in a realistic sense. Everybody has baggage, and not all of my villain characters are racist. Some are evil because they were wronged, and just choose to take it out on a certain group of people or ideology.

5078769 I'm apparently good at making villains to hate I guess...blame Rowling honestly.

5081481 J.K. Rowling, her making Umbridge and several other really hateful villains helped mold my writing into what it is.

5081921 I hate Umbridge so much! :twilightangry2:

But yeah, you have a lot of racists in the series. And not just from Unicorns. So...I take it Adamus was inspired by Voldemort or something?

5081921 Oh so your basing your character's personalities traits off of other characters in other forms of media... that's pretty clever I have to remember that

5082848 It's not uncommon really, every good writer uses their own life experiences to create their work in some form or another.

I'll just leave this here.

And yeah. Honestly, though, it's kind of a thing in the South, being somewhat... Less than PC, especially when it comes to people they don't like. We may be all genteel and hospitable on the surface, but we Southerners have nice sharp claws and fangs.

And nobody notices Grapes' relative showing up as a neighbor. Guess the Earth Pony side of her family having lots and lots of relatives must not be remarkable.

This just proves that when it comes to Private, nopony fucks around with Tailspin

BTW I know you already have the rest of the cases planned out but wouldn't it be awesome if we had a case where either

1. Private went to somewhere outside Equestria say Nieghpan or the Griffin Kingdom

2. Private had to work with Daring Do

3. Private got sucked into the comic book world and had to help the Power Ponies

4. Private had to solve the murder of Spera's father

5. Private gets sent into the Past/future in order to help solve cases involving his ancestors/desendants

6. Private has to help track down the Mane six's parents who got kidnapped

7. Rainbow Rocks....nuff said

8. Skyla gets kidnapped and Private has to track her down

9. Private and Twilight get sent back in time to find out who killed Starswirl the bearded

OR 10. season 4 finale EQ Noir style

I'm just saying that you still got a lot of ideas for cases that you've yet to explore. You may not think it but you are an excellent mystery writer and I think it's a shame that you're deciding to end Private's run after only two seasons. now if it's becoming inconvenient for you to write these then I understand but with so many story ideas left out there I feel like EQ Noir is, in a word, incomplete. I don't know I'm just bummed that's all but if you can please consider continuing Private's story Okay Jacoboby1?

why does this smell like family business gone bad. Like the way I see it the two aunts and uncle were behind what just happened in the room, yet there seems more at play here.

can't wait to see how this turns me for a loop

Nice closure. Although, I do have to say, the ending seems a bit... rushed. Not to be negative or anything, it's just I remember your stories being much longer with twists and turns around every corner. Ah, well, winners can't be choosers. Keep up the good work.

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