• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
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Golden Tassel

Once upon a time, I knew a Ukrainian prince. I hope he's okay



I wrote this story a long time ago. I don't know how to describe it properly. It's filled with the despair of loneliness, the anger of isolation, and the fear of losing one's self in what others want you to be. It follows the narrator who struggles to piece together his own identity while burying a terrible secret from everyone around him who all have their own secrets.

If there is anything I would hope that you, dear reader, would take away from this story, it's that being alone doesn't make anything easier.

It was inspired by Fallout Equestria, but bears little resemblance beyond wasteland and stable and ponies with guns.

Tagged for violence, but not gore, as I don't think I wrote anything quite that graphic. If anyone wants to complain, I will reconsider.

This is the story about a boy who tried to protect his brother by killing their abusive mother.
This is a story about dying in the closet.

This is a story.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 43 )

I was quite surprised by Rake's change in character from the original--I can see the old character still there, but in a compleatly new form.

The quotes I draw from this are just great--empowering even.

(Little Bird, that never gets old)

Of course man is mortal, but that's only half the problem. The trouble is that mortality sometimes comes to him so suddenly! And he cannot even say what he will be doing this evening.

рукописи не горят

And the devil knows this one is no different.

5031977 A friend had to point out to me that you had updated your comment since when you had first posted it. I'm pleased to see that you liked my story enough to give it another read. :pinkiehappy:

Rake is a character I've actually written about 3 or 4 times now. Each time he's a little different, but still the same. In two previous incarnations, he was a red dragon with pyromantic abilities, and one of them was once described as "genghis khan spartacus cannibal hitler." Actually, most of this story comes from something that I had written about previously. The first fiction I ever wrote (all on my own, not as like a school assignment) when I was 12, and it was about a wounded exile in a post nuclear apocalypse wasteland being taken in by a female [military] officer. In a lot of ways, this was a story I had been trying to write my whole life. It just took me this long to figure out what it was I wanted to say and how to say it.

So when I say I'm happy to see someone reading it and enjoying it enough to comment, I really do mean that.

You mention drawing great quotes from this. Mind if I ask which lines in particular you fancy?

(Grift was always one of my favorite characters to write, and especially in this rewrite. :raritywink:)

Dont they no the way of friendship and magic :rainbowkiss: no i gues not :facehoof:

Day sweetie said yes Day said is it ok that you butcherd our mother Sweetie said yes its fine and when you have children you can tell them the same thing Day said :scootangel: . Yeah best way to raise a child :facehoof:.

Brother love always invalves DEATH :pinkiecrazy:

WOW I really was not expeckting this :applejackunsure: good job kind sir but so sad :fluttercry: man I feel so much urg the pain of man love :raritycry:

That ending was just i have to say perfect oh no here comes the fells oh god it feels like my chest is going to explode :raritydespair: also just want to say awesome story Bro hope to see others like this :pinkiesmile:

Don't Do Drugs

Don't do drugs, mm'kay. 'Cause drugs are bad.

2 things:
1. It read like a side story for Fallout: eques.
2. Overall a good story

Wow. So umm... yeah. That was really amazing honestly. Like, I had this hidden away in my read later list, and I finally decided to give it a go. And this story was good enough to qualify for my, "HOLY MOTHER OF THE TWO SISTERS THAT WAS GOOD" bookshelf. Well done my friend.

One of the best-written introductions to a story I have seen on this site.

A theme, a setting, and a catalyst are all set up within the first three paragraphs. Then the transition to the wasteland... stunning... and just short enough so as to avoid ruining the feeling of the scene.

The sense of progress at the end is not unwelcome. My hopes are up for this story.

Against the wisdom of Rake, Lucky Day trusts other wastelanders and remembers his old life. Perhaps he can avoid the same twisted rebirth Rake went through... perhaps.

A wonderful breather this chapter has been after meeting folks like Grift and Rake. It fascinates me, however, how brutal this rebirth of the protagonist has been up to this point and how he keeps much of himself in spite of that.

Lucky Day was really holding back and repressing all those emotions, but the power of symbolism finally let him release.

Talk about a downhill ride toward complete catharsis and eventual acceptance.

Honestly, I was taken back a little by two aspects of the story: the almost comedic incompetence of the stable population (guess when there's no problems, the inhabitants never grow up.) and the sudden revelation of a certain character in the second-to-last chapter.

It was just jarring to see how quickly things blew up. Admittedly, there were hints along the way to ease the impact, and a major theme of the story is confronting one's repressed feelings.

However, the story was undoubtedly well-written, considering how many gut punches and moments of sympathy it could pull out of me. The symbolism was thrown to the forefront more than it should have, but it was nevertheless welcome. And I absolutely loved the portion of the story when Lucky Day takes care of Starry.


It never ceases to amaze me how gems like these get overlooked. Hopefully the signal boost from The Goodfic Bin will help with the views.

Damn, this is exemplary. I'd have more to add, but after finishing this I'm... numb.

7220901 That's the kind of feeling I wanted to leave the reader with.

How did Lucky know Grift's name?

This kept me pretty entertained for the past few hours. I still have questions about Grift though. Why was she following a random raider for multiple days? Was she some kind of town guard? Why did she leave with an ominous "I'll be watching you", then disappear for the rest of the story?

8025511 she's a personification of Death.
Or an hallucination.
Or a changeling...

Little bird...

Every time I find my notes about this story, it wonders me and fills with good memory about the time of reading the "Sweet Nothings". Unfortunately (or not) I was reading an old edition of the story and it seems be heavily remastered now. (For example, I was not able to find the episode with the skeleton's journal — a reference to the «Standing, Still».) Anyway, I strongly recommend reading this story, it's a masterpiece.

I still regret cutting the part with the journal from the beginning, but so much of what went on around that needed to go and I just couldn't see a way to keep it in there. At least not at the time.

Looking back on it now, I probably could have made it fit, and those early chapters could have benefited from a little more time following Day by himself, but it had already taken me something like 2 years up finish the first version and I really just wanted to be done with it.

Ironically, it's years later now and I still have ideas for a sequel. Unfortunately, I don't think that is ever going to happen.

But I'm glad that Sweet Nothings found at least a small audience. It's always encouraging to hear from someone who read it. Thank you.

I've been kicking myself for not asking this before; you mention having notes about this story, and I'm curious what those notes say if you don't mind sharing?

Overall, this was a very well done piece. It floundered a bit toward the end, but I think I can see the reasons behind why you did things this way. We all have our own justifications for the things we do.

Thanks for writing.

Yeah, I'm unhappy about a number of things from the ending (and the beginning... and the middle...), but it'd been difficult to even get that many words onto the page in the first place, and I just needed to call it done.

But I'm happy you appreciated the work my friends and I put into it.

My aim was to keep the story accessible. Though it may press close to the boundary in some places, I never believed it to be quite so excessive that the content tags wouldn't provide a sufficient warning.

If you believe me to be in error, would you care to make an argument for why it should be M?

I waited to die. But as I would eventually come to understand, I had only just been born.

Chills!!!...so Brutal!!!! <3

I've started to love Chrys <3
Nice chapter!!!

First time I think I've heard my writing described that way. lol
But thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

I've loved your cast of characters; How I fell in love with Starry!!!!
Your way of creating scenarios is very good, therefore I'll start reading all your Art.

Thank you.

This was the first story I had written in long time, and the first one of substantial length I had completed. While I can't help but look at it and see all of its flaws, a lot of work went into it with the help of a few friends, so I'm still proud of it and I'm glad to see it still finds an audience all these years later. I hope you'll find the rest of my work to your liking. :twilightblush:

I've seen that one floating around for a while. Never given it a serious look, and these days I just can't be bothered with anything over 100k words (in practice, it's an order of magnitude smaller than that), let alone a million. Thanks for the recommendation, but it's unlikely I'll ever read it.

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