• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,654 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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104 - Going for Gold

It was the next night, and Rainbow and Spike were eagerly approaching the ring, though there was a bit of stiffness in their step. "Are you sure you used all the healing last night?" asked Spike.

Soft Mane nodded, "And don't ask me to use more today. I'm not going to be running on empty before you get torn apart. Here." She let out a wave of pink energy, chasing away some of the enduring pains, but not all of them. "Are you sure you want to do this again?"

Rainbow shook her head, "What? Of course we are! We only have to win a few more times to get the big prize, and nothing's been able to stop us yet. Don't worry, we got this under control. How bad can the next one be?"

They descended down into the fighting arena to the enthusiastic greeting of the crowd. Most of the crowd seemed quite happy to see them, cheering for their eventual victory. Spike raised a brow, "Who are we fighting that's so unpopular?"

They didn't have to wait very long. They stepped into the ring to see another half-breed! "In this corner, the destroyers of dreams, the dynamic duo of the sky, the newbies with the will to win! They have their eyes on the prize and they're so close they can taste it." The crowd cheered wildly for them, much to Rainbow's delight. "In the opposite corner, fighting on his own -- not that he needs help -- the meat tenderizer with the big mouth! Keep your girlfriends close and your eyes locked on the ring, because this is going to be a fight to remember!"

The satyr advanced. His well defined muscles were on full display, with no shirt or armor to cover them. His fur was very pale, a light greyish color. He had bright green eyes and a red mane, er, hair. "Well if dis isn't a pleasure. 'tis a mighty shame ter trade blows wi' a juicy mare instead av takin' 'er oyt ter bill skinner. Maybe we can chucker dat after oi finish moppin' de floor wi' yisser juicy blue 'ide?"

Spike blinked, "What'd he say?"

Dash shrugged, "I think he said I look awesome, which I do." She spread her wings wide and launched herself at him. He was waiting for her, lashing out with a fist and grabbing one of her wings. With a suddenly yank, the wing popped out of its joint and Rainbow collapsed to the floor.

"None av dat flyin' tin'. We'll keep dis a nice fair match, fists ter fists, or 'ooves. Oi'm not dat picky aboyt it," he said with an almost... friendly smile as he circled her readily.

Spike closed the distance with a roar. He raked cruel claws over the satyr's already-scarred hide, but he scarcely seemed to notice it despite the lines of blood that ran free. "Nigh luk 'ere. dis is a guy dat knows 'oy ter tussle. shame though, i'd bloody lock fists wi' de lady first." He brought up a knee sharply, followed with a dizzying series of punches and jabs that drove Spike back, "But since you're 'ere it wud be rude ter a go yer down."

Rainbow was back on her hooves, reared up on her hind legs and swinging her front, "You want to go hoof to hoof? Fine! Just don't cry when you go down." She lashed out a hoof to thud into his arm. Her other hoof went in for a breaking blow, but he dodged out of the way and brought a fist across her snout with a painful thump.

Spike unleashed the elemental fury in his belly on the springy half-breed, painting his skin with a criss-cross of burns. The strange satyr just laughed as he backhanded Dash with a dizzying strike. She wobbled and fell over, knocked cold on the spot. "Oi guess oi 'av ter finish yer before oi can enjoy any quality time wi' de mare," said the satyr as he approached Spike on springing feet.

Spike wasn't sure what to think. "Can you feel pain?" he asked with rising uncertainty. He lifted into the air and propelled himself at the pugilist. A raised knee caught Spike under the chin. The leg fully extended as it lowered, planting a hoof between his legs as cruelly as Fast Shadow had all those weeks ago. Spike shuddered in pain, but fought through it. Through his tears he got a claw on the brawler's shoulder and left a bloody gash where his body met his arm.

Rainbow groaned on the ground, but remained out. The brawling satyr bounced from hoof to hoof. With a cocky smile he lashed out at Spike. His dangling arm barely slowed him down. Knees, hooves, and even a headbutt were rapid in coming. Spike didn't accept this abuse idly. He sunk his teeth into a furry knee, holding the satyr awkwardly before tossing him to the ground and diving after him. Cruel rakes of jagged claws were starting to have an effect on him.

He kicked sharply, sending Spike sailing through the air and slapping against the ground before he even thought to fly. Before Spike could recover, an arm was coiled around his neck in a choke hold. He thrashed and struggled against the satyr on his back as the cheer exploded with noise. He just couldn't get the pugilist to let go, and things were going dark.

"Let go of him!" came Rainbow's voice just before she popped him in the head with a hoof.

The satyr began to laugh. He released Spike in a heap and stood up, "Gran' so. if oi 'av ter lose, losin' ter a juicy lassy is not de worst way ter chucker it. Oi gie up." As the announcer enthusiastically spoke of his defeat, the Satyr leaned in closer to Rainbow, "So, can oi git dat date? oi nu 'oy ter trate bibe roi." His brows waggled suggestively.

Dash blinked at him, "I have no idea what you're saying. Good fight though." She offered a hoof. Instead of meeting it with a fist, he pulled it closer and kissed the fleshy interior before letting go. Rainbow went scarlet and yanked her hoof away. The satyr walked off with a laugh, seemingly oblivious to his many injuries. Rainbow helped Spike to his feet, and they left the ring to collect their winnings. Two hundred platinum coins awaited them.

The cashier grunted, "If you can win tomorrow night, then you get the rest of the pot, six-and-a-half thousand."

Spike blinked, "Oh, I thought the ten thousand was the grand prize?"

The cashier rolled his eyes, "You don't want the money?"

"'Course we do!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, "We'll be back, bet on it."

They made their way back to the inn, with Soft Mane trying to undo the harm they suffered. "Whatever he did to knock you out, Rainbow, it left you mostly intact." Of course this meant that Spike took the brunt of the abuse, and Soft Mane doted over him with all of her direct healing. By the time they reached their beds, they were sore but ready for sleep.

Applejack frowned at the book of magus skills. "Ah don't get it." She pointed at the book with a hoof, "How am ah supposed to keep a 'hand' free? Ah don't have hands! None of this works."

Twilight glanced up from her book, "You're an earth pony, AJ. You have to do it with your hooves."

Applejack shook her head, "Easier said than done, sugarcube. They don't give instructions for that." She snorted loudly, "Guess ah won't be doing that 'spell combat' thing till I figger out how ta do it with mah hooves. It's a mite frustratin'! Ahm supposed ta be able to make weapons all magic like for a little bit." She shook herself out, "Ah can feel the magic, but ah don't use weapons, and they don't say how to put it in yer hooves."

Twilight looked up at Applejack with a quizzical expression, tapping her chin softly. "We'll figure it out, even if we have to write our own book on it."

Applejack smiled at Twilight, "Yer the best." She looked around a bit, "Alright, it was understandable the first day, and odd the second, but where is everypony?"

Twilight shrugged from within her fortress of books. "As long as they're ready when the week's up, they can do anything they want that doesn't get them killed or thrown in jail."

Applejack gave a less-certain nod, "Ya know, Ah think ahm gonna visit the castle again, see if ah can't talk some sense into 'em."

Twilight gave an agreeable but distracted noise, her nose already buried in books again.

Soon Applejack was trotting briskly to the castle. The guards there didn't let her pass. "We'll deliver your message."

Applejack frowned, "Ya already did that. Ah wanna know what ya'll plan to do about it."

The soldier trotted up to the castle, leaving her partner to stand with Applejack at the gate. The guard returned before long, a paper held in her mouth. She offered it to Applejack, exchanging snouts. Applejack looked it over quickly.

Concerned Citizen,

It is good to see that civic-mindedness is still alive in the Empire. You have our full support in rescuing those taken by the gem gnolls. As a show of solidarity, we have assigned a valuable city employee to aid you. Go to the address listed and present this letter.


There was no name, just a fancy wax seal. Applejack shook her head with some confusion, but gathered the note back up and set off to find the address. As she approached, the squeal of excited foals began to reach her ears. The building was brick on the outside and smooth tile on the inside. A sign hung over the door 'Municipal Swimming Pool'. "Fancy," she said to herself, "But what worker here is gonna help?"

She trotted up to the front desk and dropped the letter, "Ah was told to deliver this?"

The older stallion leaned forward and looked it over before snorting loudly. "Is that it? Well, you'll find her at the pool."

Applejack raised a brow, "Alrighty then." She trotted through the building's narrow hallways and through a locker room before emerging into the bright sun beside the pool. She looked around carefully for who she should approach, but none of them seemed a good choice.

"Hi there," came a friendly voice. A rather aquatic-looking and blue pony stood before her in a swim suit, "First time? I can show you how to swim if you don't know how! It's fun!"

Applejack shook her head at the mare, "Appreciate the offer, but I was supposed to find a city worker to come with us."

"I work for the city," said the blue mare, pointing at herself. "I'm the only worker out here... Gosh, I better get someone to take my place if we're going somewhere." She trotted on light hooves into the building with Applejack trailing after her. The stallion at the front desk grunted at her and said something about everything being alright.

"Go on," he said finally, pointing to the door.

"If you're sure," said the blue pony before she looked to Applejack, "You're familiar..."

"Don't reckon we met before. M'name's Applejack," introduced Applejack with a smile.

The blue sea pony gasped, "Like no way! You're not that Applejack, but you look kind of like her... but a pony? This is amazing!" She suddenly leaped forward and wrapped her forehooves around Applejack's neck, hugging her. "Are you from Equestria too?"

Author's Note:

Sonata returns from retirement! Surely with the peppy reformed siren, the group can't fail.

That satyr hit so hard, some of the letters fell out of place, or was it just his accent? We don't even know!

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