• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 26,538 Views, 1,719 Comments

Changing Views - lllWarHawklll

One moment I was enjoying life, the next... well, I'm not so sure, though I was hearing voices. Now, however? I'm the last survivor of my race. I'm not even human anymore...

  • ...

[X] Scrambled (Slightly late non-canon Easter special)

In case you don't know what non-canon means, it means that nothing in this chapter will be part of the actual story itself.

Twilight awoke early.

Very early, if the night sky that she could still see from her bed through the window was any indication.

Just as planned.

Recently, she had been closely monitoring the resident changeling queen's daily routines in the hopes of figuring out one pattern in particular. While the process had taken quite a few more weeks than she would have liked, she knew that something like this would require a large amount of patience and subtlety. However, Twilight finally believed to have found what she had been looking for and, based on her observations...

Today would be the day Artemis would lay another clutch of eggs.

The mere thought of being the first pony ever to document such an event gave just enough energy to the lavender unicorn to allow her to get up at such an ungodly hour. Letting out a cute yawn, she let go of the foal-sized body next to her and stretched herself in preparation of whatever would occur in the following hours, finally opening her eyes fully as she threw away the bed covers and stood up from her bed.

Only to greet a pair of red eyes that were scant inches away from her own.


"AAHHH!" Twilight yelped, scrambling to her hooves. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROO—Mmph!"

"Whoa, calm down!" the intruder—whom Twilight quickly realized was a changeling—shushed her after shoving a chitinous hoof in her mouth. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to be quiet at night? You might surprise somepony!"

One of Twilight's eyes twitched.

She spat the hoof away and shook her head, taking a deep breath to both calm herself down and properly assess the situation.

Exhaling, she simultaneously performed the motions that Cadance had taught her to relax. "Okay... okay," she said more to herself than anypony, tiredly staring at the changeling right afterwards. "Just... could you please tell me why are you in my home in the middle of the night?" she asked almost pleadingly.

The changeling perked up. "Mom asked us to keep a close eye on you!"

Twilight tilted her head. "Us?" She turned to look around...

...and spotted a tiny changeling that was pouting at her from the other side of her bed.

"Hi!" yet another voice cheerfully greeted from the ceiling.

Twilight didn't even bother to look up, groaning and holding a hoof to her forehead. Of course Artemis would know of her plans and take extra precautions to keep her away from wherever she would be laying the eggs.

'No matter!' the unicorn thought, straightening her posture in determination. 'I will figure out a way to lose these three, and then I'll have a few hours all to myself to find out where Artemis is hiding!'

She faced the first changeling, frowning from a stray thought. "How long have the three of you been here, anyway?"

"Ever since you went to bed."

Twilight blinked. "You... you've all been staring at me while I slept this entire time?!"


She took a step back while wrinkling her muzzle. "...Don't you think that's creepy? Haven't you ever heard of privacy?"

The changeling gave her a genuinely confused look. "Huh? Why would that be creepy?"

"I mean, why would you ever not want someling to stand guard and watch over you while you rest?" the one on the ceiling said.

They all suddenly looked sad, as if a thought simultaneously went through each of them.

"Do you not like us?"

Twilight's eyes widened as she waved a foreleg in a placating gesture. "No, no, that's not it! I meant that... ugh," she groaned again, taking a deep breath.

It was way too early to be giving lectures.

"I'm sure that you all find comfort in the presence of other nearby siblings whenever you go to sleep," Twilight began, "But the same thing can't be said for us ponies when we have what would essentially be 'strangers' enter our bedrooms without our knowing. In fact, most of us would rather go to sleep in private, if not near members from our immediate families, or with our special someponies. There are exceptions, such as when sleepovers occur—"

"Is this what Mother meant when she warned us about Sparkles liking to talk a lot sometimes?" the changeling on the ceiling stage-whispered to the largest of the three.

Twilight took another deep breath to calm herself at being unwittingly interrupted.

"I think so," was the equally whispered reply before they all returned to giving the unicorn their full attention.

Said pony sighed. "Never mind," she tiredly muttered as she trotted towards the library's kitchen with her head held low, both from a lack of energy and from exasperation.

The three 'visitors' also followed, to her dismay.

"Are you sure you don't like it when someling sleeps nearby?" the oldest changeling asked while Twilight rummaged through her food supplies, searching for anything that would make her more awake. "You sure were clingy with Mirage while you slept."

Twilight stuck her head out of a cupboard to face him. "Huh? Who?" She then registered what he claimed she did. "...What?!"

The unicorn yelped when a small weight suddenly landed on her back, and she afterwards spotted the little nymph in question as the miniature changeling moved to hug her neck, settling herself comfortably upon it.

"Warm!" happily chirped the tiny one she assumed was called 'Mirage'.

"We hope that it's okay with you that we brought her along," the 'lead' changeling said while Mirage nuzzled Twilight. "She's been overfed a little bit, and Mom thought that taking her out of the hive for some time would help her spend all of that excess energy."

"...She seems pretty calm to me," Twilight eventually stated with a quizzical stare when the nymph gave a long, tired yawn.

"You should've seen her before she played with those games you have down in the basement."

"Oh. Okay." Twilight absently nodded, pouring herself some coffee that she quickly warmed up with her magic, taking a sip of it.

Ah, she already felt much more awake!

She took another calm sip—


Only to spit-take when she realized what he had said, galloping to the door that led to the basement and slamming it open.

All of her compiled notes on changelings, all of her expensive machinery imported from Canterlot's institute of magical research, all of the changeling samples contained within the earthen walls beneath the library's soil...

All of it was on fire.

Twilight stared at the blazing inferno for a moment as the results of months of research slowly burned away into nonexistence, eventually closing the door and taking a deep breath.

She exhaled.

The unicorn then swiveled her head around to stare at the tiny changeling that was still lounging on her back, doing her best to keep her expression neutral.

The nymph was happily looking at her with a wide smile and sparkling eyes.


Twilight faced forward, closed her eyes and took yet another deep breath.

She swore that she could still see the fires flickering in those adorable red orbs.

A strand of her mane stuck out, and she briefly giggled as she calmly trotted back to the kitchen.

"Erm... are you alright?"

"It's okay, Twilight. You wrote down those notes once, you can do it again!" Twilight cheerfully muttered to herself with a totally normal grin while she poured more coffee into a much, much larger mug.

"I mean, you're sort of laughing, which I'm pretty sure I was told was a good thing..."

"Can probably ask Princess Celestia for replacements to everything else," the unicorn continued with another giggle, ignoring her present company as she added extra extra sugar to the drink. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind paying a few thousand bits for equipment that was destroyed by her grand-niece!"

"...and you're smiling kind of weird right now, but it's still a smile, which is something that normally happens when you're happy..."

"Besides, look on the bright side! Now I know that the fireproof and anti-smoke wards in the basement work!" Twilight merrily charged her horn and began heating her beverage. "Now I know to fireproof all of my research in case anyone suddenly decides to touch delicate and expensive machinery hidden away in my locked basement while I sleep, without knowing what any of it does!"

"...I also don't know what that constant eye twitching you have going on means, or if your hair is supposed to look like that, but what I'm really trying to say is—"

"And it's so early that the moon is still up in the sky! What else could possibly...! Ugh," Twilight groaned, downing the entire enormous mug of steaming coffee in one go. "...And now I burned myself so much that I can't feel my tongue. Or my mouth. Huh."

"—you taste funny," the changeling finished.

Twilight whipped around to face him with the happiest grin she could muster.

"So! I have one question for you, mister...?"

The changeling pouted. "How can you not remember? It's me, Haze! I talk to you almost every day!" He hmm'ed in thought. "Well, not in my base form, I guess..."

"You all practically look the same. Anyway—"

"That's racist."

"—Could you tell me where Artemis is? I need her help with a project."

Haze shuffled nervously. "Wellll..." he trailed off. "Mother is kind of busy, or rather will be really busy soon, so I don't think she could do much for you today. And for the rest of the week, in fact." He perked up. "But we could help! What do you need?"

Twilight's expression faltered for a moment. "B-but it won't take long at all! I just want to... check something with her!"

Haze shook his head. "Sorry, but—"

"We're getting a whole bunch of new sibli—gnmph!"

"—Mother is going to be very busy," Haze hastily reaffirmed after shoving his hoof into the overly cheerful changeling's mouth, giving Twilight a smile that was just a tad too wide.

In response, her eyes twitched.

...And she quickly teleported herself outside, right in front of Sugarcube Corner.

It was obvious that she would not be getting any information on Artemis' whereabouts from those two, and Mirage was... well, probably too young to even understand what she would be asking.

She didn't have a single moment to lose.

Thus, Twilight decided to start with her initial plans of getting into contact with those who constantly interacted with the Queen, in the hopes that they would be able to tell her about anything they'd know of the changeling hive's location.

Starting with Fluttershy.

The shy mare often did foalsitting jobs for Artemis every now and then, and Twilight was almost certain that the pegasus contributed one way or another in helping the Queen whenever she laid her eggs. And, even if Fluttershy didn't have any information for her, perhaps she could still help her search for Artemis!

After all, the element of kindness always enjoyed seeing those adorable little nymphs scurrying about.

Before the lavender unicorn could even take a single step towards Fluttershy's cottage under the cover of the night, however...

"Mmmhh... Luv... mommy..."

Twilight froze when something lovingly rubbed against her neck.

After a quick inspection of her back, she unfortunately realized that she had accidentally teleported Mirage along with her.

The unicorn groaned. She couldn't just leave the little one alone outside in the middle of the night, and she didn't want to lose any more time. She had no clue when Artemis would lay her eggs, besides that it would be happening on that day.

The miniature changeling appeared to be deeply asleep, at least.

Still, there was no time to lose, therefore Twilight begrudgingly carried Mirage along as she made her way to Fluttershy's, the nymph mumbling and letting out a few content chirps in her sleep as she clung to the unicorn.

As the seconds ticked by, however, Twilight felt the effects of the coffee she had taken become more and more prominent. Her walk hurried into a trot, and her trot promptly evolved into a gallop from how much energy she felt she had, which was only accentuated by how excited she was about the impending discovery and documenting she would be doing today—

"Um... Twilight? I don't mean to pry, but, did you... get any sleep at all?"

Twilight turned around to see just the pony she was looking for, approaching from an adjacent dirt road.

"Yup yup! Of course I did! Woke up full of energy and drank enough caffeine and sugar in one go to last me the whole week!" She set both of her forelegs on the pegasus' shoulders. "But that is not important right now because I have questions and you, Fluttershy, have answers!"

"Oh, um... okay?" Fluttershy shrank back a bit from Twilight's crazed normal expression.

"Where is Queen?"



"Umm... she's at her hive, I think, but I don't think now would be a good time to go see her—"

"Actually this is the perfect time!"

"Twilight, you don't understand—!"

"No, Fluttershy, you don't understand!" Twilight affirmed while shaking the Pegasus like a doll. "Today is the day Artemis will lay eggs!"

"Exactly! That is why you shouldn't—"

"This is the perfect opportunity to watch the whole process and take notes on everything! Think of all the papers I could fill!"

"No, Twilight! Think of the children—"

"Changeling eggs! Can you imagine what they'd look like?"

"Oh, I'd love to see some, but—"

"Besides A.K. Yearling, nopony has ever observed one, and she refuses to comment on the subject!"

"Nopony has ever seen one because Artemis—"

"For too long has Artemis kept secrets from us, but that ends today!"

"Twilight, please listen! If you—"

"Where's hive!?" Twilight finally asked with another shake.

"I don't even—"

"HEY! IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! PONIES ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" a tired pony angrily exclaimed from a nearby house.

"Frankly, I don't know how anypony could sleep at a time like this!" Twilight immediately shouted back.

Fluttershy looked up at the moon hanging right in the middle of the sky.

Houses began to light up around them from the commotion in the meantime, causing more and more ponies to slam their windows open in irritation at the unwelcome wake up call.

"Why the hay is everypony shouting!?"

"You woke me up from the perfect dream!!" another pony wailed.

"The horror!"

"I had asked for the Queen's hoof in marriage! She said yes, and she was about to—!"


One pony finally noticed Twilight in the middle of the street, as well as her disheveled state.

Lyra sighed and inhaled deeply. "NEVER MIND EVERYPONY! TWILIGHT'S JUST HAVING ANOTHER ONE OF HER EPISODES!" she bellowed out, calmly going back to sleep afterwards.

Things went quiet for a moment, before windows started closing and lights turned off with various mutters of "oh, okay," as every pony returned to sleep.

Twilight snapped her attention back on Fluttershy, whom was looking at the snoozing changeling on the unicorn's back.

"You're lucky that this nymph inherited Artemis' sleeping habits," the pegasus told Twilight. "If you wake them from their sleep too fast, they tend to bite the first thing they see."

Twilight's eyes twitched on realizing she had a living tranquilizer primed on her neck.

"I'm assuming you're talking from experience?"

"Oh no, I would never wake a foal from their nap! I'd much rather watch them sleep and try to guess what kind of cute dreams they're having." Fluttershy sighed. "Angel bunny, however... You'd think that he would learn from Queen Artemis, back when she was just a nymph and was as small as he is, but..."

Fluttershy's eyes gained a curious look to them. "Why are you carrying this adorable little ball of cuteness, anyway?" she asked, pawing at the ground. "If you don't mind telling me, that is."

An idea formed in the unicorn's head.

"I was bringing Mirage back to her Mom!" Twilight proclaimed with a wide grin. "That was why I actually wanted to go see Artemis! Not because of the eggs. That would be laid today. That I've asked Artemis for permission to see every day for the last five months and twelve days. Totally not important compared to bringing Mirage back home. Yep!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh my, we can't just keep the little one away from her Mother!" she exclaimed significantly louder than usual. "Did you just find her all by herself?!"

"Uhh, y-yeah, sure, let's go with that—where's the hive?"

The demure pegasus shuffled nervously. "I... I still think we should wait a day or two first, Twilight. Don't worry, I can take care of the nymph in the meantime. Mirage, was it?"

"So you do know where it is!?" Twilight closed in on Fluttershy with an overexcited grin.

Fluttershy slowly backpedalled, though Twilight advanced to maintain the distance. "Um, yes, I think? I mean, I'm not sure, but—"

"Please! I want— no, I need to know where it is!"

Fluttershy realized that there was no getting out of this now that Twilight knew that she knew where the hive was. "Alright, fine! I'll tell you!" She conceded. "But only because I know you're friends with her, and because I trust you to not do anything... too crazy."

Twilight answered with an even wider grin and a twitch of her eyes.

The pegasus glanced around at the empty streets to make extra sure that they were alone, whispering the location to Twilight. "There's a tunnel next to the hollowed-out tree near my cottage. It's hidden by an illusion of a rock with strange markings on it, but the entrance only opens if there's a changeling nearby..."

Twilight was suddenly happy that she had brought Mirage along, mentally reviewing the landscape surrounding Fluttershy's home to try and figure out where the hive's supposed entrance would be located.

"But Twilight, I really meant it when I said that you shouldn't look for her today—"

"There you are!" Haze called out from a distance with the other changeling that Twilight had ditched at the library in tow, both of them quickly trying to close the distance. "Why did you leave us!? We're supposed to keep an eye on you, and we can't do that if we can't see you!"

"Alright great thanks a lot Fluttershy I'll see you in the morning!" Twilight rapidly said, charging a teleport to get out of there.


And she reappeared in front of an inconspicuous rock that indeed possessed, on closer inspection, an inscription on one side.

Unfortunately, it was in English. Not that Twilight knew that, or that the message read: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

Giggling to herself from sheer excitement, Twilight trotted up to it. True to Fluttershy's word, the relatively large boulder was ethereal, and her hoof phased through it when she attempted to make contact. She still couldn't see any entrance of any kind, however; even when she stuck her head 'in' the rock, seeing nothing but dirt on the spot it laid on.

Perplexed, the unicorn fully stepped into the illusion, noting that she was still able to see the area surrounding the rock while standing within it.

The ground suddenly opened up from under her after Mirage briefly glowed.

Twilight yelped in surprise and found herself freefalling down a deep, dark and wide tunnel, screaming all the way before her fall was finally cushioned by some sort of rubbery slime that made her bounce on the spot a few times, until all of the momentum from the drop was gone and that the unicorn was left there; each of her legs splayed out on the gelatinous surface as she tried to catch her breath from the abrupt scare.

Somehow, Mirage was still asleep and clinging to her neck.

Upon trying to make out her surroundings, Twilight noticed something.

She couldn't make out anything.

...Save for the fact that she was in an enormous cavern, if the echoes of her screams were any indication.

Additionally, the only light source available for... wherever she found herself in, came from the opening she had fallen from. But even then, there was only so much that moonlight could illuminate, and as such she could see nothing past her hooves.

However, a pair of glowing red lights made their presence known, somewhere up on what she assumed was a wall.

And then another pair.

And another one.

...And another.

Soon, dozens upon dozens of red lights were visible, and it took a few seconds for Twilight to realize that those were, in fact, eyes.

"You should not have come," a large multitude of voices declared in perfect synchronization, each of the red orbs seemingly glaring at her while the sound of buzzing wings steadily increased in volume.

Twilight was starting to think that she had maybe, just maybe, arrived at an inopportune time.

...She waved that thought away.

"Hello!" she happily greeted, shakily getting back on her hooves. "Could I see Artemis? I want to check something with her. And take notes while I'm at it, if you don't mind."

The buzzing of wings stopped.

"...Mother knows you are here," the amalgamation of voices replied after a few tense seconds of silence.

"Oh, okay. Should I go meet her somewhere?" Twilight cheerfully replied.


A distant tremor shook the cave momentarily.

"She is coming."

Twilight beamed a smile. "Great!"


The tremors intensified.

"Leave while you still can."

"...What!?" Twilight cried. "But, b-but I just got here!"


The unicorn struggled to maintain her footing from how much the ground shook that time.

"This is your final warning, Sparkles."

Twilight audibly groaned. "For the four hundred and thirty-sixth time, my name is Twilight! Twi. Light. Not—"


"SPARKLES!" a single dual-toned voice roared out.

Twilight went quiet and gulped as a bead of sweat rolled down her face.

Even in her current state, she could recognize an angry shout when she heard one.

And, amidst the smoke and miscellaneous debris surrounding the newest opening in the room, Twilight finally spotted Artemis; if only because the large changeling in question had her horn glowing with enough power to nearly light up the entirety of the enormous room.

"Umm... H-hey, Artemis," Twilight nervously greeted, taking a cautious step back when the Queen's furious gaze instantly snapped towards her. "...Nice day we're having...?"

Since the cave was now somewhat illuminated, Twilight could see that a large number of the changelings clinging to the walls were giving her sympathetic looks.

It was only when the much taller changeling started running towards her with an absolutely enraged expression and bared fangs, however, that Twilight realized:

She fucked up.


"Whoa, calm down!" a nearby voice shushed her after shoving a chitinous hoof in her mouth. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to be quiet at night? You might surprise somepony!"

Twilight flailed about and tried to keep screaming. Her gaze frantically traveled everywhere to take in her surroundings in order to try and find a way to escape the irate Queen and her paralyzing fangs, and... her terrifying gaze...



...She was back in her room?

"Are you okay, Sparkles?" Haze asked, looking concerned. "That looked like a pretty bad nightmare."

"...What? But... hive, Artemis, and..." Twilight mumbled, rubbing her eyes and glancing at her room's window in disbelief to see that it was still the middle of the night.

'I was dreaming the whole time!?' she thought.


"Huh?" Twilight replied, startled, turning to face him. "O-oh, it's just you, Haze. And, y-yeah, I had a pretty scary nightmare..." She shuddered.

The changeling did a double-take. "Whoa, how'd you know I'm Haze?"

"Uhhh..." Twilight blinked. "...Lucky guess?" She shook her head. "Anyway, do you think you could tell me where Artemis is, right now? I need—no, no, I just... want to check something with her."

Haze shuffled nervously. "Wellll..." he trailed off. "Mother is kind of busy, or rather will be really busy soon, so I don't think she could do much for you today. And for the rest of the week, in fact." He perked up. "But we could help! What do you need?"

Twilight pursed her lips as a strand of her mane stuck out.

She sighed.

"Alright, I'm going to get some breakfast before I do anything else," she tiredly stated while getting up, trotting towards the kitchen while the others followed.

She didn't even turn around when she felt a small weight land on her back, followed by Mirage's happy exclamation of 'Warm!'

Twilight did pause to take a peek at her basement though.

Yep, still on fire.

She calmly closed the door and began preparing herself some coffee.



Twilight had teleported away from the pair of changelings once again, with Mirage sleeping soundly on her back. She found herself next to the large rock that hid the hive's entrance, preparing to enter it.

Because last time was only a dream. Artemis could not possibly become that angry just because she entered the hive.


They were friends after all!

...Sort of.

She nodded to herself and walked towards the boulder—


—except the object in question was most definitely not an illusion, as proven by the fact that she smacked her face on it when she tried to 'enter' it.

"W-what?" Twilight muttered in disbelief.

She reached out with her magic to levitate the boulder, effortlessly setting it on the side, and she stood on the spot it previously occupied.

Nothing happened, even after a full minute.

"But, but...!"

The unicorn stepped back and used her magic to grab a whole chunk of the land where she knew the pit was located at, ripping the ground from the earth and throwing it away.

All that did was create a crater.

There weren't any signs of a hive anywhere she looked.

Her eyes twitched dangerously.

"SERIOUSLY!?" she shouted, throwing her forelegs up in the air. "Everything happens just like in my dream, but the hive isn't even—mmphnmgph!"

"Whoa, calm down!" a familiar voice harshly whispered after shoving a chitinous hoof in her mouth. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to be quiet at night? You might surprise somepony!"

Twilight looked around.

She was back in her room.

Birds were chirping.

The sun was starting to come up.

And she had made no headway whatsoever in her search for Artemis' hive.

"AAARRRRGHHHHH!!!" Twilight snapped.

A hoof was shoved into her mouth.

"Whoa, calm down!" Haze quietly muttered to Twilight in the middle of the night...

~~~Meanwhile, in the hive mind~~~

"Are they there, yet?"

"I know you're really excited to have more little brothers and sisters, Chipper, but no, not yet. Soon."

"...How about now?"

"Look, sweetie, I'll send a message to everyling when they'll be ready, alright? It's almost time."

"Aw, okay. Can I name one?"

"...We'll see."

"Uhhhh... Mom?"

"Yes, Haze?"

"You know how you asked us to keep an eye on Sparkles and tell you when she wakes up?"

"She's already up? It's, like, the middle of the night!"


"I knew she'd try something today! Just make sure that she doesn't find or come anywhere close to the hive, alright? I don't want a repeat of the last incident."

"I... umm... I don't think that she'll be a problem, Mom."

"I wouldn't be so sure. She's a smart pony, and she probably has more than a few plans at the ready."

"...Sparkles kind of shot straight up from her bed, looked at us, muttered something about us not being real and giving up, and just... went back to sleep again."


"She also grabbed Mirage and is currently cuddling with her."

"...This has to be a trick of some kind. She's been trying to get one of my eggs ever since I laid my first one. Even my aunts know this."

"She did look like she was having nightmares for a good while before she woke up. Sparkles looks kind of fine now, though."

"Are you sure she went back to sleep? Will... will I really not have to worry about her for once?"

"Mom? Auntie Luna has a message for you!"


"She says: 'You're welcome'."

Author's Note:


Get it? :trollestia:

Because Twilight is an egghead, and, and, okay I'll shut up.

Comments ( 216 )

She swore that she could still see the fires flickering in those adorable red orbs.


cvvvrt #2 · Mar 31st, 2016 · · 5 ·

TBH all the Twilight-bashing is getting tiring.

[Changing Views updates]
[it's an eXtra chapter]

Well that didn't work?


My hopes were up so high. :applecry:

7079300 Huh. Bashing Twilight isn't really what I was trying to do ever since I started the story, but I guess I did do quite a bit of it, as unintended as it was.

I'll see about adding variety, next time.

7079306 I've been working on the next canon chapter ever since I posted the last one.

This extra chapter took me nothing but three days to write. Somehow.

As I wrote in the author's notes, however, I'm around 9500 words into the next chapter, and I'm getting pretty close to having it ready.

Go with Blueblood bashing. It's always a crowd pleaser :trollestia:

This was a good but weird chapter. I have a changeling group that you are welcomed to join, it based on my changeling Shadow Hive. If you want to know more about my hive let know ok?

this was absolutely hilarious! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

[reading the chapter]

7079374 Blueblood bashing isn't terribly imaginative.

7079300 I don't see how this is Twilight bashing. She's tired, really tired, of course she's not 100%! Plus Luna's messing with her dream. .

To put it another way, while twilight's negative traits are being amplified, there's a clear and obvious in-story reason why they're being amplified.

One pony finally noticed Twilight in the middle of the street, as well as her disheveled state.
Lyra sighed and inhaled deeply. "NEVER MIND EVERYPONY! TWILIGHT'S JUST HAVING ANOTHER ONE OF HER EPISODES!" she bellowed out, calmly going back to sleep afterwards.
Things went quiet for a moment, before windows started closing and lights turned off with various mutters of "oh, okay," as every pony returned to sleep.

:rainbowlaugh: Only in Ponyvile. :pinkiecrazy:

"Are you sure she went back to sleep? Will... will I really not have to worry about her for once?"
"Mom? Auntie Luna has a message for you!"
"She says: 'You're welcome'."

This was absolutely perfect! Great work!

cvvvrt #16 · Mar 31st, 2016 · · 1 ·

The way the narrative seems to gang up on her. She's cast as a villain, her virtues are diminished, her flaws are magnified, she becomes the butt of jokes and is made to suffer both spontaneously and continuously. Cadance gets it too, but not nearly as badly. Shining is just a helpless victim; he suffers but has no agency.

In this case, the other characters literally ganged up on her.

True, but it doesn't change the fact that bashing him is a crowd pleaser :trollestia:

Love it! I just could not stop laughing! It was a wonderful retell in got that dream in a dream gag. I love it.

twilights fun to mess with it why discord does it as well

"She did look like she was having nightmares for a good while before she woke up. Sparkles looks kind of fine now, though."
"Are you sure she went back to sleep? Will... will I really not have to worry about her for once?"
"Mom? Auntie Luna has a message for you!"
"She says: 'You're welcome'."

Wooooooo! Awesome.

So... Whan's the next cannon chapter?

7079373 ... Damn. I don't get it.

But I'm sure I'll...



sees new chapter*
Sees that it's a side chapter*
Awwwk it's still an update.

Why is this inside this story? It seriously should be it's own story.

Unfortunately, it was in English. Not that Twilight knew that, or that the message read: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

Why does this remind me of 'Dante's Inferno'?

Trolluna strikes again!

The comedy is eggscellent. *I formally challenge all who dare face me to participate in a pun off* *The comment section shall be ruined forever by our various tastes in comedy BWAHAHAHAHA*


WE NEED TO GO DEEPER! *Inception horn plays*

Twilight stuck her head out of a cupboard to face him. "Huh? Who?" She then registered what he claimed she did. "...What?!"

The unicorn yelped when a small weight suddenly landed on her back, and she afterwards spotted the little nymph in question as the miniature changeling moved to hug her neck, settling herself comfortably upon it.

Did I miss something, or should that say "alicorn"?

7080977 It's a shame that this comment section will be ruined, but I guess you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. Man, Twilight's brain must have been super scrambled at this point. As for Artemis attacking Twilight, I'm sure (s)he is just a total softy under her shell. You all know eggxactly what I mean, right?

Today would be the day Artemis would lay another clutch of eggs.


Also, would this as an Easter egg hunt? That's the joke, right?

7081524 Ha! Really funny yolk, but now I'll take a crack at it. It's a shame Twilight couldn't just wait to see the whites of their eyes to judge when to leave. If it weren't for Luna, Twilight would definitely have been walking on eggshells. Too bad Twilight will never know which came first now, the changeling or the egg. But hey, now she knows why the changeling crossed the road. Twilight should have already known considering she's an egghead. Now Twilight will know to view things sunny side up in the future. Good thing too, I personally thought she was getting too hard boiled. Twilight was getting way to close to having one of Artemis's eggs poached. Now have we reached an understanding? Caquiche? Caquiche.

7080251 I'll do my best to try and have it ready by next Thursday, though I can't make any promises about that, as much as I'd want to.

7082327 I think having it be next weekend would be fine too.

Since the delay between chapters is so long, will you add a "previously" section to the beginning of each new chapter?

This is my favourite story on fimfiction then diaries of a madman but mostly this

NOPONY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION and nopony expects Edge to return

Good to see that Artemis is working towards the "Mother of thousands" thing.

Things would get very awkward if her wife ever catches wind of this.

7082157 Is this what search overload has done to us? I guess searches can make things over easy. After all, computers can shell out information in less time than it takes to fry an egg. Whomever hatched the idea of search engines is a genius!

BTW, I can't help but wonder if all changelings are equally well-behaved. I'm sure there are a few bad eggs here and there. I suppose anyone in Equestria could find out by cracking open a book or two.

Sometimes it gets so hot, you could cook an egg on the sidewalk. They don't taste all that eggcelent, though.

Tell me, do you like eggs?

I do I do I do-oo.

7082464 I could do that, but anyone can just as easily skim through and/or give a quick glance to the previous chapter to remember what happened previously.

Besides, I'd rather use that little section at the start of each chapter to give a quote, or little snippets like I've recently been doing. :trixieshiftright:

You can't do this to me now. I need my fanfic crack...

I kid you not

That was brilliant and I will applaud it.

Well played Princess, well played.

Luna, you did something great today.
You managed to discourage TWILIGHT from doing something that she's been trying to researchstudy for ages.

It was only when the much taller changeling started running towards her with an absolutely enraged expression and bared fangs, however, that Twilight realized:
She fucked up.

You killed me here bruh...
This is the cutest, most awesomely bodacious tale I have read... Looking forward to future updates :D

*Clap, Clap, Clap* - Oh good, that's still working. :trixieshiftright:

Fun chapter! :pinkiehappy:

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