• Published 6th Jan 2015
  • 14,405 Views, 91 Comments

Her Knight In Shining Aria - TheNewYorkBrony

Sonata has a bad dream and asks if she can sleep with Aria on the couch.

  • ...

"Pretty Please? With A Taco On Top?"

Sonata woke with a gasp, her breathing quick and erratic. She looked about herself staring up at the pitch black ceiling above her. She couldn't tell what time it was, but she knew it was pretty late since their windowless hideout was quiet.

She sat up, her body clammy with sweat. Getting on her feet, she went over to the tiny bathroom that her, Aria, and Adagio shared. She stared at her reflection and sighed when she saw the bags under her eyes.

Another sleepless night thanks to her nightmares. She seemed to be the only one having them, since Aria and Adagio slept soundly while most mornings she sat up thinking until they rose from their slumber.

Ever since they were defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, she's been having these dreams of being shrouded in rainbow light, but this time it burned instead of tickled like it had.

Sonata grabbed a washcloth from the cabinet below the sink and ran some warm water onto it before wiping it across her face and body. She hadn't realized how cold she was until the damp cloth touched her skin.

Feeling somewhat better, the Siren wrung the cloth out and hung it out to dry. Turning out the light, she plopped back down onto her sleeping bag, but knew she couldn't go to sleep because she was too scared.

She looked around for Adagio, but she wasn't curled up in the reclining chair like she usually was. Her blanket and pillow were laid neatly on the coffee table undisturbed. Which probably meant she had gotten up a while before Sonata, or went out and hadn't returned yet.

She could hear Aria snore lightly, indicating that she hadn't left with their leader. Which meant Sonata wasn't alone. And that gave her an idea.

She lightly shook the other girl, whispering her name a few times. "Aria....Ari.....Please wake up..." Sonata pleaded softly.

The other Siren opened an eye. "What?" She barked.

"Uh, well, I had a nightmare," the blue haired girl explained, twiddling her fingers. She looked away from Aria with a blush that the other girl couldn't possibly see in this darkness.

Aria opened her other eye and yawned. "Yeah and? What do you want me to do?" She asked. It was very much clear that Aria wasn't even actually listening to her, just humoring her so that Sonata could leave her alone quicker and she could go back to sleep in peace.

"I'm scared." Sonata confessed.

"Tough," Aria dismissed her, rolling over.

"Wha?! You don't even know what I want you to do about it!" Sonata whined, shaking her awake again, much to Aria's annoyance.

"And I'll ask you again. What do you want me to do? Sing you a lullaby? We can't sing anymore, remember?" Aria snipped, facing her.

"I-I know but, Dagi isn't here and she usually comforts me," Sonata sighed.

Now that made Aria sit up. "Adagio? Adagio comforts you? I find that hard to believe." She scoffed.

"No, no it's true! She has a soft side just like everyone else!" Sonata insisted. "She just doesn't show it a lot cause she thinks it's a liability."

"Do you even know what a liability is?" Aria asked, raising a brow.

"It's something that holds you back, right?"

"Well, now we know you're at least smarter than we thought you were."


Aria sighed. "Seriously though, we're wasting precious sleeping time here. What does Adagio do to get you to go back to sleep?"

"She kinda lets me get on the recliner with her. We cuddle up, and she strokes my hair until I fall asleep."

Aria's mouth gaped. "Yeah now I genuinely believe that's bull." She folded her arms. "You really expect me to believe that Miss Im In Control All The Time snuggles up with you and plays the doting mother?"


"Go back to sleep, Sonata."

"Don't you roll over, Missy!" Sonata snapped as Aria started to turn.

Aria let out a low groan that sounded like a cross between a growl and snarl. "Now what?!" She barked, not even opening her eyes. This had been going on long enough and she was too tired to continue this conversation any longer.

"Can I sleep with you? You know, since Adagio isn't here?" Sonata whispered, her voice going soft again.

"Sonata---" Aria started in a warning tone.

"I promise that as soon as we're settled I'll go right to sleep and stop annoying you. I swear! Pretty please? With a taco on top?" Sonata pleaded, sticking out her bottom lip.

Aria sighed heavily. "You're sticking out the lip, aren't you?"

"Mhmm," The blue haired Siren responded.

Aria sighed again. "Fine, get your butt up here before I change my mind." She said defiantly, but couldn't help but smile.

"Eeee! Forrealzies?!" Sonata shrieked, getting on the couch. "Thanks, Ari!" She said, hugging the other girl.

"Don't mention it," Aria told her with a thin smile. "Seriously don't mention it. Like, ever. Not even to Adagio."

"Kay!" Sonata beamed, getting comfortable on top of Aria. She laid herself between the other girls legs and stared up at her with a slight blush on her face.

Aria started blushing too as she felt the heat radiating off of Sonata. She let out a little squeak when Sonata put her hands on Aria's chest and laid her head on it. She watched as Sonata closed her eyes.

"Hey Ari, I can hear your heart beat. It's beating kinda fast," Sonata teased with a giggle. "Is something making you nervous?" It was hypnotic the way Aria's chest rose and fell every time she breathed.

"Nope, I'm good." Aria lied. She watched the other girl yawn and wrapped her arms around her to keep her close. The warmth from Sonata felt good, she had to admit.

"Well okay. Goodnight Aria." Sonata told her, barely able to get the words out before sleep claimed her.

"Y-Yeah." Aria responded to her. "Night." She sat rigid for a while, until she too fell alseep, her head lolling back against the couch arm rest thinking that the warmth of the girl in her arms was better than any blanket she's ever had.

A few hours later, Adagio returned home to find Sonata's sleeping bag empty. She assumed that she must've had a nightmare. She went over to the recliner and found it empty. Interesting. Usually when Sonata woke up she would go straight for her.

Though she guessed that since she wasnt home she decided to do what she usually does until she came home. That is, until she heard the sound of combined snoring.

Adagio turned around walked over to the couch and raised a brow at what she found. In the light coming from the open front door, Aria had her arms wrapped around Sonata protectively while Sonata snuggled up to her.


Those two were never this buddy buddy. Not only that, Aria was the last person she would consider agreeing to comfort Sonata. Especially not in a way that looked so...intimate.

She smirked. Ah, it couldn't be helped. Her little idiots were starting to like each other. She couldn't say she didn't see this coming, but still, it was kind of humorous. She couldn't wait for the inevitable moment when they wake up in the morning Aria would try to play it off as some dumb favor while Sonata hung onto her like a school girl with her first crush.

Adagio closed the door, leaving the room pitch black once again. She stretched before reaching for her blanket and pillow. She chuckled quietly as she curled up in the recliner. One thing was for sure, whether Aria liked it or not, she was now Sonata's knight in shining armour.

Author's Note:

Wow. My first Dazzlings story. Feels weird writing for anyone else but the mane six and the CMC. But I started shipping Aria and Sonata and i wanted to try my hand at a ship fic for them. So? How was my first try?

Comments ( 90 )

nice little one-shot.

Loved it! You aimed high and shot even higher.

Who would you ship Adagio with?

5469238 a lot of people seem to like her with Sunset. So probably her. :twilightsmile:

5469245 Yeah Sunset's my first choice, my second would probably be Trixie.

Hmm. Can't think of much to say about this fic, aside from that it was really cute and I liked it. Part of me sorta wants to see this continued, but I think this is good the way it is. It does the job, and does it pretty well. Continuing this would change the kind of story it is, and I like this kind of story. I enjoyed reading it quite a bit. Nice work.

Needs a sequel for when they wake up in the morning

Oh, darn! I had something along the lines of this going through my head, and you beat me to it! :fluttershbad:

Really cute story, though. Definite favorite. :pinkiesmile:

I'd personally like to see this expanded upon. You have an interesting set-up here.

This was a nice little story. Well done

This... is adorable. Really, truly, adorable. :rainbowkiss: Some light shipping fuel and hints at a possible romance. Sometimes that's all a girl needs in a story. :twilightsmile::heart:

I have to admit, normally I would give someone flak for grammatical mistakes. That being said, I can overlook them because of how cute and adorable this fic was. The pacing was a bit fast for me, and some of the transitions felt rushed, but all-in-all it was a great story none-the-less :twilightsmile:

5469245 Very lovely here. And 'yes' on Adagio and Sunset. ;)


Stop making me ship ships I don't ship!

No! Get outta mah head! I. Must. Not. Ship!!

"Go back to sleep, Sonata."

Masterful inclusion! I smiled.

I'd say you did fine with the Dazzlings. None of them came across as evil, but as they only deal with eachother in the story and their negative energy intake was drastically cut down, some measure of closeness seems like a realistic outcome if they stuck together. :twilightsmile:

"Do you even know what a liability is?" Aria asked, raising a brow.

"It's something that holds you back, right?"

"Well, now we know you're at least smarter than we thought you were."

I always thought Sonata was smart but just like to joke around a lot for humor, anyways such a good read I can see how adagio will make this as painfully as funny as possible just to see how aria will react

I liked this story quite a bit, though it was a little short it was still so cute.:rainbowkiss:

Cute. Final line came off a bit cheesy, but hey she does look like cheddar. :p

Cute moments all around. Hope you build off this in future stories with them.


I think you mean wrung
:twilightsheepish: sorry, can't help myself in correcting

Man, how can you do something so cute like this?!
Sonaria is so cute and then you do this... Your beautiful bastard! :flutterrage: :raritystarry:

5471419 that demi lovato gif :rainbowlaugh:

5471446 I had a heart attack when I read this. You're reading a message from the deads.

Oh, good! I didn't want to be overbearing.

5471494 no no! I like when people correct me, because it makes tthe story a better read for everyone else. And all i really wanna do is make sure that people have a good time reading my stuff. So fear not, you're perfectly fine, friend. :twilightsmile:

Oh good! And I didn't realize I am your friend! :pinkiehappy: YAY!

This was really cute, I hope you do more of these in the future :twilightsmile:

Where does Dagi go? hmmmmmm...:trixieshiftright:

Much d'aww. :heart:

That was pleasantly sweet. :pinkiesmile:

I started shipping Aria and Sonata

You and me both.

Great fic :pinkiehappy:

Aww, very nice! A few typos/missing words here or there.

I love this ship :twilightsheepish:

This was fun distraction.

Very solid first try! Nothing in particular jumps out at me as bad. I wouldn't call it great, but definitely good :moustache:

The only things I'm seeing are things like:

Aria sighed again. "Fine, get your butt up here before I change my mind." She said defiantly, but couldn't help but smile.

Which could be:

Aria sighed again. "Fine, get your butt up here before I change my mind," she said defiantly, but couldn't help but smile.

The story accomplishes its goals competently, so many a mustache to you good sir/and or/madam! :moustache:


The adorableness is off the fucking charts!!!!!

That was pretty fucking adorable. I smiled :)

Aria does have some part of a soft side, just not as great.
Sequel? :P


Cute, fun, good, loved it :heart:
If you make a sequel for this im totally reading it :raritywink:

This tugged at my heartstrings. It was really cute, and it made me smile. :heart:

Oh my fraust that's adorable :rainbowkiss: :heart:X10000

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