• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,014 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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Surprise! Sunset Shimmer is Angry in This One!

Sunset Shimmer stormed up to the Dazzlings’ front door, her long red-and-yellow hair fluttering behind her as she wore a scowl that seemingly scorched the very air in front of her. She hammered a fist against the door and for good measure stabbed at the doorbell with an index finger. “ADAGIO DAZZLE!” Sunset shouted as she waited outside the door. “Open this door, RIGHT—”

The door opened up, revealing Adagio’s smiling face.

“— NOooow…” Sunset finished, the wind falling from her sails a bit as she looked over Adagio. Rather than wearing one of her many ‘rock-star’ outfits, Adagio was dressed rather professionally. Okay, that skirt is definitely on the ‘mini’ side, but she’s at least wearing stockings and she’s even buttoned up to NOT show off her cleavage?! What the heck is going on?!

Still smiling, Adagio spoke to Sunset and a soothing tone of voice. “Oh yes, Sunset Shimmer, light of my life? What can I do for you?”

Sunset glared and grit her teeth. “Don’t you light of my life, me!” Sunset said in an irate tone. “You know what you did!”

Adagio winced. “Sunset, please! Such hurtful words!” Adagio gave Sunset a faux wounded look. “‘Who I did’,” she corrected. “Believe it or not I always pay close attention to who I do for paternity reasons.”

Sunset groaned. “This isn’t about anything like that.” Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Unless it is.” She sighed. “Oh, who am I kidding, it probably is…”

Still smiling, Adagio rolled her eyes and motioned into the house. “As fun as it is to stand in the doorway as you be vague, would you like to beat around the bush inside?” Adagio grinned slyly and batted her eyelids. “Or are you finally going to go right in for the prize?”

Sunset raised her hands to her temples and messaged them as she walked into the house. “It’s always just one thing with you, isn’t it?! You just can’t do anything like a normal person!”

Adagio lowered her head slightly as she stared out at Sunset. “First of all, I’m a siren turned human who’s centuries old. Second, I can’t help feel you’re not in much of a position to judge.”

Sunset frowned heavily. “Hey, at least I’ve made an attempt to blend in.”

Adagio raised an eyebrow as she walked into the Dazzlings’ living room. “You mean after the whole demon and mind-controlling the school thing.”

“Okay, now I’m not sure who the pot and who the kettle—”


Sunset was soon interrupted as Sonata excitedly got off the couch and threw her arms around her, the blue-haired Dazzling squeezing hard as she happily rubbed her face against Sunset’s.

“Oooff… Hey, Sonata…” Sunset greeted. “Uh… What’s with all the excitement?”

“It’s been sooo long since I saw you last! Far too long!” Sonata explained.

Aria flopped down on the couch Sonata had just abandoned, quickly grabbing the remote and reaching for a video game controller on the floor. “Sonata, you saw Sunset like… two days ago at school.”

“Far too long!” Sonata repeated.

With a sheepish grin, Sunset worked her way out of Sonata’s vice-like grip.

Aria nodded in Sunset’s direction as she began to press buttons on her controller. “‘Sup, Sunset. What brings you here?” Aria grinned slyly. “Ready for a one of many rematches?”

Sunset turned to look at Adagio again. “Oh, I think my reason for being here should be quite obvious.”

Adagio grinned. “Yep. Women, men, and the technicolor rainbow in-between, no one can get enough of Adagio Dazzle,” Adagio said as motioned to herself with her fingers, swaying them starting at her head and ending at her hips.

With a heavy sigh, Sunset fell back onto the couch, Aria moving her legs out of the way and sitting up as she hammered buttons with her fingers and stared at the screen.

Sunset fixed Adagio with another irritated glare. “Believe it or not, this isn’t a booty call.”

“I choose not to believe it,” Adagio said.

Sunset grit her teeth. “I’m here because you’ve been skipping school, and that has Principal Celestia worried so, of course, she’s forced me to check up on you.” Sunset glanced at Sonata and Aria. “And when I asked these two they say you got a job traumatizing children.”

Adagio shot Sonata and Aria an irritated glance as the two snickered to themselves. She turned back to Sunset. “And you believed them?”

“Well, normally I’d think that was farfetched, but it is you, sooooo…”

Adagio motioned to herself. “For your information, I have a proper job, the type of job one usually goes to school to get. So now that that’s settled, there’s really no point in me pursuing education either higher or lower…” She frowned slightly. “Besides, at my age it’s pretty ridiculous for me to go to school.”

Aria looked over in interest as Sonata’s eyes lit up. Sonata smiled wide. “Does that mean—?”

“No!” Sunset interrupted.

Sonata let out a whimper as Aria turned back to the TV.

“You two are still idiots,” Adagio pointed out. “I don’t think school will solve that, but at least you’ll be halfway educated idiots.”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Or if worse comes to worst, we can always sleep our way into getting a job.”

“Ah-HA!” Sunset said triumphantly as she leveled an index finger at Adagio. “I knew you didn’t get your job from actually having marketable skills!” Her triumphant look immediately began to drown in a face of deep concern. “And the fact that you’re still pursuing it has me deeply concerned.”

Adagio threw her hands up in the air. “Okay, I may have been accepted to this job using my feminine wiles…”

“Feminine wiles?” Sonata said. “I thought you got this job by doing the crazy monkey dance with someone!”

Sunset turned towards Sonata just long enough for Adagio to grit her teeth and wave her right hand in front of her neck in a ‘stop it’ motion.

Sunset returned her gaze to Adagio giving her an unamused expression.

Adagio threw her hands up. “Look, it doesn’t matter how I got the job! The point is I got a job that would make going to school a complete waste of time!”

Sunset folded her arms across her chest. “And when you get older and you’re not attractive enough to do this—” Sunset air quoted “—‘job’?”

Adagio smirked. “Not that kind of job.”

Sonata smiled. “So it is a job where you wear a costume!”

“Oh, mascot!” Aria exclaimed. “I knew it!”

“Hurray!” Sonata shouted. “Free food is awesome!”

“Ugh, you two morons are hopeless!” Adagio half-growled, motioning to Sunset. “As it turns out, I got a job even Ms. Picky Pants here will approve of.”

Sonata grinned widely at Sunset Shimmer. She began to rock back and forth on her heels excitedly. “Oh please tell me your name is now ‘Ms. Picky Pants’ for realsies and that’s why you wear pants now! Oh please, oh please!”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “That’s not my name.”

“Aw…” Sonata said in mild disappointment as she stopped rocking.

Sunset smirked and turned back to Adagio. “And you actually get a real job, that’ll be the day.”

Adagio’s smile suddenly grinned from ear to ear. “I’m an accountant.”

Sunset’s smile dropped and her turquoise eyes began to stare off far, far in the distance. “Well… this is the day, I suppose.”

Aria looked up from her game. “Whoa… Really?! You got a job that requires thinking and you’ve kept it?!”

Adagio put her hands on her hips, her wide smile still plastered over her face. “Ooooh yes…” She purred. “I spent a long time keeping us financially secure while making sure not to draw too much attention. This job is a breeze and it pays well to boot.” Adagio leaned down and ruffled Sunset’s hair. Sunset said nothing and continued to stare into space. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” Adagio said as she walked off. “I have a very important business meeting to attend.” With that, Adagio walked out of the living room and out of the house entirely.

Huh…” Sonata uttered. “I didn’t think jobs like Adagio’s happened on Sundays…”

Aria piped up, “Pretty sure Adagio meant a very different kind of business meeting.” She continued to hammer away at the controller on her hand as she spoke. “Adagio said a lot of her clients liked the business suit look on her.”

Sunset’s eyes suddenly focused and she leapt up to her feet. “WHAT?!”

Aria shrugged. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”

Sonata tapped her chin a couple times. “But I thought McLain’s died hard… And that’s why they often come back as ghosts!”

Aria’s lips curled up as if she had just tasted something sour. “I hate that I followed your logic enough to understand that…”

Sunset suddenly bolted out of the room and out of the house. “Adagio! ADAGIO! COME BACK! BEING EMPLOYED MEANS YOU DON’T HAVE TO SELL YOUR BODY ANYMORE!”


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