• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.



This story is a sequel to Quorum Sensing

(unrelated to Scootaloo's Second Skin)

Things sure have changed for Scootaloo, now that she can fly. Rainbow Dash is finally giving her lessons, her secret hasn't come out yet, life is good.

Except... Rainbow Dash isn't teaching her everything, and instead keeps telling her to pair up with Rumble for some reason.

Not that that's a problem; it's not like Rumble doesn't want to hang out with her, even if he does already have a girlfriend. A girlfriend with bat wings, that is. And with the upcoming holiday just for special someponies, that girlfriend is starting to get more and more clingy, even though Rumble claims there's more to it.

Turns out Scootaloo isn't the only kid in town who's... 'complicated'.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 78 )

Ooooooohhhhhhhh! Dayum! I am totally going to read this!

Hmm. No sign of mysterious bat-winged fillyfriends as of yet. I look forward to seeing where you go with this.

I'm totally confused right now.

Okay, I'm even more confused now. It sounds like Rumble is being forced to be Chitters coltfriend by his whole family, what gives? Also, where are Rumbles parents? I get that Thunderlane has moved out, but it seemed like Rumble was alone in the house there.

Hmm. I look forward to getting more information about Rumble's situation. It seems like this is going to be very complicated indeed. Chitter probably has her reasons beyond clingy jealousy, so I'm deferring judgement until I know more. Still, that drain was probably all the more effective because of Rumble's feelings.

Also, it's always nice to see Scootaparents, no matter who they are.

I was getting very confused here.
Perhaps a link somewhere to one of your blog posts to say this is an alternate sequel when compared with Second Skin?

I'm not sure if I want to stick around, as I did really like Second Skin and I'm a little worried I'll mix up events there that don't happen in this story at all. Or even vice versa, despite the other story being complete.

I'll stick around for now. The stories are probably different enough, aside from the existence of Rumbloo, and you have a proven history of writing good changeling-Scoots stories.

Arranged marriage?
Sucks to be the kid...

There is definately something morally wrong with whatever is going on with Rumble and Chitter. The worst part of it is that everyone seems fine with it, except maybe Twilight and Rainbow.

The amount of folkloric drift around Luna is very interesting, especially since it implies she was among the tribes long enough to stick in their memory, yet was absent long enough for the idea of her to warp and diverge across generations of retelling. And given that the story is over a millennium old, her banishment doesn't work as an explanation for that absence. Curious...

The story of the Blue Moon Bloom is familiar, though it has a much happier ending, fitting the better intentions of the instigator. Well, a happier ending for most of the characters. Stories change in the telling, Cheerilee.

As for Rumble and Scootaloo, they clearly have a lot to teach one another. Speed and maneuverability are far from mutually inclusive. But, between pride, Scootaloo's issues, and whatever social obligations Rumble has, it's going to be slow going. Still, whether or not anything romantic happens, both will clearly benefit.

It is looking like an arranged marriage situation, probably as some sort of cultural consequence of the Blue Moon Bloom tale.

“It’s just a story, Miss Cheerilee: depending on what pony you ask, it’s all made up.”

This reminded me of the blurb on "Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?"

"This is an imaginary story. Aren't they all?"

I don't think Cheerilee's reaction to Rumble's extra knowledge fits what a teacher like her would say. Rather than outright accusing him of making it up, I would expect her to ask him either whether he made it up or where he's learnt that part.
Similarly, I don't find Rumble's reaction to fit what a child (or teen) would likely say. Perhaps more likely would be to nervously say he was told the story by a family friend, or just family if that is the case.

6194338 Something like that, but I get the feeling it's more messed up than that.

Cuddling concomitant with a talent for nonlethal takedowns? I suppose that makes sense.

"Rousettes aren’t ponies"? Well, that raises quite a few questions. And Chitter's actions in the rest of the chapter paint a strange and somewhat disturbing image. I'm not sure what's going on here, but it doesn't look at all good. And Thunderlane seems to have greatly underestimated the potential fallout of Rumble flaking out on Scootaloo. The blue-coated, rainbow-maned fallout.


I'm not sure what's going on here, but it doesn't look at all good.

It's quite easy: Rumble and Chitter are betrothed. They seem to be in an arranged marriage, and while Chitter seems to accept it, Rumble is chaffing.

And Thunderlane seems to have greatly underestimated the potential fallout of Rumble flaking out on Scootaloo.

He probably just doesn't care. Arranged marriages are about the families, and the affected individuals don't matter.

What the hell is going on!? I am so confused right now. Is Chitter messing with his emotions through this draining thing? Sure seems like it. Whatever the hell is going on I hope Scootaloo puts a stop to it.

No. I don’t know if I want to give any pony… anyone a flower. It’s complicated, okay?”

Does he know? It sounds like rumble's family is in thrall to some vamponies but the relationship is a lot more casual and friendly than you'd expect.

So say something more complicated than ‘It’s complicated’, for peat’s sake!

Scootaloo says what all the readers are thinking.
Also, what the bloody hell is going on!? I have no clue, but I'm starting to develop a distinct dislike for these rousettes. Seriously, when the rest of ponykind was united, they were cursed, has anyone stopped to think that there might be a reason for that.

Tiny scraps of information and an ending that, suitably enough, is as sickening as chugging blood. (Though I mean that in a good way.) Of course, given that that red stuff is never explicitly identified, you could be playing with the audience's expectations. Still, whatever should be happening doesn't seem to be for Rumble. I wonder if part of that is because he isn't quite a grey little colt no one cares for.

The rousettes' is certainly interesting, but unless there's more at work than I realize, saying you aren't equine doesn't make it so. Of course, there's the matter of that curse...

Also, I'm going to need to remember "for peat’s sake." That is a fantastic spin on the usual idiom, probably one that originated in earth ponies.

Also also, Fluttershy likes hoopy froods. Good to know.

6240081 Stop the bats! Stop the bats! Make them go and not come back! :applejackconfused:

6240686 Hah! I didn't even think of that. Nice one.

other pony why really goes there

um drop the why with who lols

A theory I came up with after the previous chapter: Rumble's dad was one of the ponies rousettes pulling Luna's chariot in Luna Eclipsed.

Still waiting for the part where I'll no longer want to bring fiery death to all rousettes. I know it's got to be coming, Rainbow wouldn't tolerate this if they were all bad. Also, what is the truth with his parents? And and I the only one who wants to punch Thunderlane in the face?

You could always just write a few one-shot side stories or something.

Interesting that pegasi are especially adept at magic draining. I suppose energy currents aren't too different from wind currents.

There's a lot we're not being told here. Still, the promise of the truth is a very enticing one. I just hope Chitter doesn't butt in...

In any case, definitely looking forward to what you do reveal, whatever that may be. If you can find a way to convey the other information, that would be fantastic.

but she is a girl, and you can’t change that

um bring on the pain for this but...scoots, changeling, depending on what you read, yes she can in more ways then one.
oh god y me!

“Scootaloo, I need to tell you something.”

God damn just setup a tent on the cliff why don't you! settle down And contract a house to be built right there hanging off the edge.

If I hear "it's complicated" one more time. I swear. Straight to the moon.

Is the title supposed to be spelled like that?

"Dreamworks Syndrome" what is that exactly?
hmm well given the way this is going rumble a rosetta kinda like how scoots is changling anyone?

Kind of breaking my radio silence here, but...
No, and it's corrected, thanks. With how long this thing has been in storage and how often it's been edited, I'm surprised it even has basic grammar at all.

Dreamworks Syndrome is when you have a story that brushes along characters and plot points that are so interesting and compelling they should be the focal point of the story or at least a story, but in actuality they're only a minor part of the main plot. This is especially a thing in Dreamworks movies, hence the name.

Road to Eldorado was kind of based on that problem, seeing as the main characters fit the stereotype of funny guys who are more interesting than the actual hero in that type of story.

In Kung Fu Panda, you had the Furious Five who barely did anything as individuals (how many lines does Monkey have? Barely enough to know who his voice actor is). In the Dragons franchise, how much time is spent with the other kids? They only get their dragons at the end of the first movie, and the second movie... well, long story.

The Shrek franchise: Puss in Boots, anyone? The Madagascar franchise... well, you get the idea.

Dreamworks Syndrome is basically: you try to write a movie, and by the time you're done you realise you should be/have been writing a spin-off series. In this case, that series would be about Chitter and Rumble, or rousettes in general, even though they're only there to provide contrast to Scootaloo's situation. Since, you know, they have the whole 'we're not ponies' thing going for them. At some point, Scootaloo's going to have to decide whether she feels the same way. It also brings up the question of whether or not considering yourself a 'not-pony' actually makes you such in some way. Rousettes certainly seem to think so, but does that make it true? Those are things that kind of require a good example to induce.

But yeah, now rousettes are so defined and there's so many different characters lying around they can get their own stories. And that's kind of a mixed bag for me and my handful of sequels that still need writing.

Also no, Rumble's not a rousette like Scootaloo is a changeling. That would have been too obvious. It's actually worse.

Nectarine does not sound like a rousette name to me. Of course Thunderlane gets to have the girlfriend he wants to have.

You fricking tease. Well, at least we'll get some answers next time.

Also, very cool expanded explanation for the origin of changelings. The various cutie mark diseases actually sound incredibly fascinating. Horrifying, but fascinating. Another bit of Dreamworks Syndrome, I suppose. Still, it seems that Starlight Glimmer was born several centuries too late. Oh, and very neat to see that there are pantribal countermeasures against unicorn magic.

As for Rumble... I don't even have a guess. I'm sure this will all come together in the end.

I might end up expanding on some of those diseases some day. It's not that hard to come up with examples, considering how many parasites influence their hosts' behaviour. Heck, look at regular rabies.

Oh, very neat to see that there are pantribal countermeasures against unicorn magic.

There would have to be. Remember Rarity picking up Scootaloo in Sleepless in Ponyville? Imagine any child predator capable of doing that. Just Twilight's 'Want it, need it' spell is a parent's worst nightmare waiting to happen. I'll grant you that we haven't seen that spell used since, so it's probably either limited or really hard to do, and even harder to conceal. But child snatching unicorns are a real possibility. Heck, doesn't even need to be that: imagine a kid with Shining Armour's talent turning into a bully. He could make life Hell on any pony that can't burst a force bubble. So, basically, if kids are being taught basic self-defense, as they are in this story, defense against unicorn magic has to be part of the curriculum. Sort of like the defense against genjutsu in Naruto, actually, which Rumble's technique is based on, btw.

Speaking of Rumble... yes, it'll all come together in the end. So far, no one's guessed the big reveal yet. The clues are all there, though, but it's 'blink and you miss it' sorta stuff.

Huh. This really was obvious in hindsight. Still, it turned out adorably and intriguingly. Now that I know what I'm looking for, there's this fascinating undercurrent of cultural isolation and assimilation. Granted, the minorities here are genetically enforced, but Rumble provides the classic kid whose simple desire for happiness struggles against the restrictions of his culture. And to choose Scootaloo over his family... That's actually quite romantic. Not that either of them will acknowledge it at any point in the near future.

Looking forward to finding out about this guy Scootaloo knows, and actually hearing from Rumble's parents. I'm not sure how they're going to feel about the situation. To say nothing of seeing if Scootaloo's third option works out. After all, even if she does find Rumble a new flying buddy, what's going to happen to the two of them?

6318194 I'm guessing the guy Scootaloo knows is herself in a different shape?

That is so obvious that I feel ashamed of not thinking of it myself. :facehoof:

And then scootaloo disguises herself as a bat pony and gets wedlocked to rumble muwahahaha

You spending time with somepony very different from you taught you some crucial skills you didn’t realise you needed.

from you, taught you some crucial skills. if you cant see it add coma

in other news "SHE"S WHAT!?" well that explains a lot. (I think Celestia would be going up in flames over this lol tradition or not) consider me intrigued.

Huh? Well, that was unexpected. I was right about one thing though. There is a good reason the other pony tribes excluded them in the early days, they're a bunch of racists. Seriously Rumble should just tell them to buck off and go live with someone else.

I'm not that worked as a final chapter.
Final scene, yes. Final chapter, maybe.

It's more of an epilogue, really. Remember, in the original version, the previous chapter would have been the last one. This last one just provides some more clarity. But since it doesn't fit as neatly into the previous chapter, it became a one-scene final chapter to wrap this one up. Again, this thing took forever to write and edit.

absolutely brilliant, and eagerly awaiting your future work.

Well, that turned out fairly well. Thunderlane may not truck with Rumble spending time with strange fillies (for a given, highly restrictive definition of "strange,") but he can't complain about this. And if he does find out, he'll probably have some more pointed objections than the gender of his brother's training partner.

I do have to wonder about that "Colts come and go all the time in Ponyville" line. Is there just a big turnover rate as families decide the schools and convenient proximity to Canterlot aren't worth living next to an unnatural hell-forest, or is it something else? Whatever the case, looking forward to part three.

...Okay, what happened at Blue Moon Bloom?

planning to make a little pic of Rumble and his future lifemate in wedding clothes.

...Dammit he's not going to stand up to his family is he? I bloody knew it.

Good story, dude.


...Dammit he's not going to stand up to his family is he? I bloody knew it.

Give Rumble a break. This is like his family being some of those super-Christian Yank nutters, and him wanting to come out as liberal, atheist and/or gay. Not bloody likely, or at least not until he's no longer living at their home.

6324486 6324548
Part of the reason I wanted to write a part 3 was because I didn't want Rumble's parents to come off as one-dimensional, terrible individuals. I wanted to give them some reasons, and give the tradition of wedlock itself some background. I ended up wanting to give them screentime, basically. I can't do that within the confines of this story, so some changes were made here and another sequel was made.

That said, before either of you get upset for things being one way or the other, I'd like to point out Rumble and Thunderlane's parents haven't actually shown their faces in this canon yet. Neither has Thunderlane's lifemate, for that matter. Another issue I had with ending the storyline here is that... Chitter is the only bona fide rousette in this entire story who gets any dialogue, and remember she didn't think him drinking the Blood Cup was a good thing, either. It's not even fully established what that ritual was supposed to do, what it does for rousettes. Rousettes need some background as a race and culture for things to make total sense.

There's only been one actual rousette who has voiced their opinion on this thing, and she's only a child. The ponies who know (note the plural), stay quiet as a rule. So not everything is clear-cut.

If you really want everything spelled out before I publish the sequel, I'll gladly PM the whole background, before it gets explained or implied in part 3. But I prefer to have my readers think about it and try to figure things out on their own. Things like: wouldn't this sort of situation have popped up before in other families, and why is Rumble's case so special?


I do have to wonder about that "Colts come and go all the time in Ponyville" line.

It's a slightly meta remark about the fact that in the show, boys aren't shown consistently on screen. Heck, Cheerilee's class looks to be all-girls first time we see it. Lickety Split, Featherweight, Rumble himself, they don't tend to pop up on screen as often as the random girls. Heck, Hurricane Fluttershy or Flight to the Finish from the perspective from poor, permanently upstaged Rumble are both stories in and of themselves.

My take on it is that boys in Ponyville have their own hangouts, their own code of honour, and their own social circles beyond city limits. Or, like in the Filly Cupcakes fic, they're just all in afterschool clubs.

6324627 Okay, that still doesn't tell me what happened at the Blue Moon Bloom. The way Thunderlane talked it was like he did something wrong there.

I don't think I'll be reading part 3, this story aggrevates me too much. I am curious as to the background of all this though.

Rumble was supposed to meet up Chitter someplace, since they didn't have a babysitter. He did, in fact, not show up and -- horror of horrors -- went about in Ponyville on his own accord.

And if you don't want to read more, that's cool. I ain't one to force people. If you've got any questions or want to use any of the headcanons, you can always PM and I'll try to reply as clear and concisely as I can.

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