• Published 10th Feb 2015
  • 36,695 Views, 1,416 Comments

The Whittler - ROBCakeran53

After the defeat of Tirek, a special letter arrives with news from a secluded town in the middle of Nowhere. Now the main six are tasked with finding out what happened there, and who this Mister Baker really is.

  • ...

It's not Love they're After...

Author's Note:

Hello, and welcome to the not totally dead story The Whittler. If you're a returning customer and are confused by the sudden tone shift and tag changes, please refer to our latest revisionary blog post stating what's going on and why.

Also if you're unhappy with these changes, feel free to speak up about it. Anyway, here... we go.

Normally, when Spike awoke from a nap, he would feel quite rested and ready to tackle whatever disaster Twilight had brought upon their home. Or simply cook a meal, which if Twilight had already begun to do, was a disaster in itself.

This time, he felt… strange. Wrong, even, like his body was fighting off an illness and was reluctant to wake up in the first place.

Groggily, he raised his head from the hard stone he’d been sleeping on, and looked around himself. This was not his room, or the Castle of Friendship like he’d figured the cold stone would have implied.

It was dark, only a few torches lighting up the area around him. Three walls of rock, and the fourth rusty, iron bars.

With a defeated sigh, Spike sat up and leaned against a wall. It was slowly coming back to him, and honestly he wasn’t even surprised. He remembered changelings, the guard Gilded fighting the best he could, and Spike assisting with fire blasts. And then suddenly Gilded went down, Spike got distracted, and now…

“Hey, you’re finally awake.”

Spike looked across the way into a cell similar to his own; slumped in the corner was Gilded, stripped of his armor long enough for the enchantments to wear off, returning his coat to a blue color. It was difficult to make out with the poor lighting.

“So, they got us,” Spike stated.

“Yes. Unfortunately. I failed you, I’m sorry.”

Spike shrugged, then realizing the pony might not see him as easily as he could see with dragon eyes, he coughed.

“Hey man, it’s alright. We tried. I’m just kinda bummed.”

“Just bummed?” Gilded asked with a questioning look.

“Yeah. I had a ruby in my case I was saving as a snack. Wish I’d not have waited so long, and now…”

For the first time since meeting the stallion earlier that day, the guard let out a low chuckle. “You’re strange. I take it you’re used to this sort of thing?”

“Yeah. You kinda get numb to it after a while. Still scary though.”

Gilded nodded. “Other than with Tirek, my job has been relatively peaceful. Out in Oasis, however...”

“Well take it from a veteran like me. Either you’ll figure it out on your own, or you have amazing friends that will be there to save you before too long.”

Another snort of laughter. “I’m guessing you have the latter?”

It was Spike’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, six of them. We just need to hold out long enough.”

“Well I’ve also got a friend, and if these changelings are who I think they are-”

“We should be drawing in quite the audience before too long, yes?”

A new voice rang through the cells; both dragon and earth pony looked off to the side, where two changelings flanked a much larger one.

Spike was about to curse her name, but then hesitated as his eyes adjusted. The body shape was wrong, more masculine to match the deep voice.

“Wait, you’re not Chrysalis?”

The taller changeling chuckled. “That old broodbug? No, although some of her former hive have joined mine. Weak little grubs, but bodies are bodies.”

“So who are you?” Spike asked, then, “And what do you want with us?”

He looked at Spike a moment, and then shifted towards Gilded, completely ignoring the small drake. “Oh, young Gilded Top, how you’ve grown since last we met.”

Spike shifted his attention to the guard, and could see him shaking, forcing his jaw closed.

“What, don’t have any words for me? After everything I did for you and your father?”

Apparently that was the trick, as the stallion charged at the bars holding him in.


The larger stallion hadn’t even flinched from the outburst, instead shaking his head. “Tsk tsk, we do not wear a pony’s skin, we change to look like them.”

“You fooled us!” Gilded screamed. “You waited for her weakest time and… and…”

The larger changeling leaned down to match Gilded’s eye level. “Yes, what did I do? Your mother was on her deathbed. She was practically dead already when we showed up, so I decided to show you some compassion.”


“No, disease murdered her long before you ever stepped into Oasis. I simply released her from her suffering. And then I gave you some more time with her, so that you’d have a fonder memory of her passing. Less gruesome than what she had coming.

“Sadly, we both know how that ended.”

He then turned to look at Spike.

“Except for you. You don’t know, but that’s okay. You will learn soon enough, if Gilded here does not share with you.”

Spike gulped. “I-I asked you, before, what do you want with us?”

“Hmmm… hopefully, striking two birds with one stone. Or should I say eight?” He rolled a hole riddled hoof. “Alas, I have more preparations to make, and with any luck, you two should make a decent meal for a time.”

He then turned around to leave. In the torch light, Spike saw a sparkle of a golden band around the middle of the changeling’s horn. “Now, you two play nice with our meals. Milk them for what they’re worth. We’re gonna need it.”

The two smaller changelings nodded, and one took each cell, looking at the occupants.

“What?” Spike asked with an eye roll. “What’re you supposed to do? Take love from us? Please, I’m used to this. What possibly could you do? You can’t fool us, we know who and what you really are.”

They continued to remain silent.


The young drake looked over to Gilded, who stared at him with a worrying expression.

“I’m not sure about the changelings you’ve encountered in the past, but these ones… something changed them, years back, so now they feed off of a different emotion.”

“Not love?” Spike asked.

Suddenly the changeling facing Spike grinned, showing his fangs.

“No. Worse.”

Before them, the two changelings flashed in green flames. Standing at Gilded’s cell was a mare Spike did not recognize, however the one upon his own cell was very familiar.


She was still giving him that predatory grin, although minus the fangs. From her magic, something floated over towards them, and he realized it was a large knife.

“W-what are you doing?”

“Spike. Where I come from, everyone is fairly miserable, yet we try to find some happiness and love mixed in. Just think about what makes you happy, what you love. Don’t think about the bad.”

Spike watched the earth pony mare before Gilded bring out the guard’s own sword, handle in her muzzle as she pointed the tip of the blade to her chest.

“I don’t understand, Gilded, what-”

Slowly, ‘Rarity’ brought the knife up to her own neck, pressing the blade against her fur and skin, enough to see the tension upon her jaw.

“What are you doing!?” Spike shouted.

“Spike! Remember! Love, don’t hate. Don’t fear. Don’t let their games get to you!”

The young drake couldn’t remove his eyes from ‘Rarity’s’. “W-what is she doing?”

With a glint in her eyes, she slowly began dragging the blade along her neck, and deep red blood began falling down her chest.

Spike’s eyes were wide with horror. No way, that couldn't be real. This couldn’t be real. That wasn’t Rarity, that was a changeling tricking him. He knew it, with every step back of his padded feet, until he was up against the back wall.

Blood, fake or real, was just running down “Rarity’s” chest and forelegs, the knife still held in her magic as she grinned manically at him. He swore he could hear Gilded scream for it to stop, not again, but Spike’s own heartbeat was thumping in his ears so hard he felt dizzy. The last words he could remember, before things changed, was Gilded’s own screams.



With the usual amount of zest that could only put a snail to shame, Trixie Lulamoon scrubbed and cleaned dishes in the sink like she was drowning somepony in the soapy water. She couldn’t tell exactly why she felt this way, or more specifically, for which reason she felt this way the most. Usually it was easiest to just blame Thomas for it all and move on, however the things Rarity had said to her, told her, left her more confused and upset.

But… upset at whom? There was no doubt Thomas was partly to blame, but who else? Rarity? Herself?

In the six or so years she’d been coming to Oasis, she only interacted with the human maybe a few days at a time, with monthly gaps in between. Usually it was bickering, fighting, drinking, sex here and there, and then she’d leave. Come back a few months later, rinse and repeat. She hadn’t felt any real attachment to him, because well, who could really do such a thing? He was an ass, if anything about last night was obvious.

Then again… she didn’t really try to stop it, did she? Rarity had even… urg… invited her to join, if the harlot wasn’t joking that is. Would that have really made any difference? Or changed anything about the whole situation?

“Wait. What situation?” Trixie asked out loud, to which Bob, who was drying her cleaned dishes beside her, gave her a look. “Trixie has no situation with that drunkard. Why does any of it matter?”

Bob’s only response was a shrug. What the mare hadn’t realized was she had been talking out loud for most of this conversation with herself, and so Bob, the ever silent observer, listened.

“It has never bothered Trixie before what he does with himself, so why should it bother her now?”

Bob tapped a plate on the counter twice.

“No, Trixie does not have any sort of feelings for him, or anypony.”

A single tap.

“How would you know?”

Bob waved his hole riddled hoove in front of her face.

“Bah, you’re just an emotion eating bug, what do you know about love?”

Taking Trixie’s head in both of his hooves, he forced her to look out the serving window at Sunny Side who was busing a table, hips swaying and tail wagging to a song on the radio.

“Pulease, Trixie knows you only do it because of free food.”

The changeling promptly bopped Trixie on the head with a spatula.

“Yeesh, testy today,” Trixie rolled her eyes, but returned to her dish duty.

Hesitantly, Bob did the same, but he kept an eye on the magician. Eventually, Trixie couldn’t take the look he’d been giving her anymore and huffed. “Fine. I… don’t know what I’m feeling.”

Setting down his drying towel, Bob sat on the floor beside Trixie, giving her his full attention.

Another huff, then a sigh left Trixie before she tossed her sponge into the sink. “It’s hard to explain. It’s not like I’ve really had feelings for him, but for some reason, when we are together? It feels right. Even with the arguing, the bickering, the… well, everything. These feelings aren’t alien to Tr-me, but feeling them about him?

Trixie scratched her head with a hoof. “I’m so confused. And that damned mare last night teasing me, then what they did, the whole time hearing it from the other room?”

Bob tilted his head, waving his ears independently.

“I suppose it’s none of my business what went on, but she told me it wasn’t anything personal.” Trixie let out a deep sigh. “And… I believe her.”

Placing his hoof under her chin, Bob brought Trixie’s muzzle up to face him. His other hoof tapped his chest, and then he pointed behind them, presumably at Sunny.

“Yes, I know, you two have helped me… more than I care to admit over the years. It is just hard for me to accept it. I hate this job, but… it’s better than no job between shows.”

Bob smiled, then patted her on the shoulder.

Gulping, Trixie looked behind herself, then back to Bob. “Do… do you think me and him… that we are-”

Trixie was then interrupted by the slamming of the entry doors.

“Where is Bob!?” called out Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Bob and Trixie looked out the serving window at Sunny, who looked to the entryway with alarm.

Getting over her initial shock, Sunny’s voice called out, “H-he’s in the kitchen with Trixie, doing dishes before the lunch run. What-”

There was the sound of magic, and suddenly a pop as Twilight teleported before the two.

Bob jumped, nearly falling over, while Trixie rolled her eyes, muttering “showoff.”

Twilight took two long steps, standing before the cowering changeling.

“Bob. We need to talk,” she looked to Trixie, “in private.

Trixie opened her mouth to protest, but halted, noticing the freshly crowned alicorn’s looks.

Her mane was a mess, tail just as bad. There was dust still covering parts of her coat, and her eyes were beginning to look wild, bloodshot and the pupils shrinking.

“I’ll… go,” the magician didn’t even try to argue, quickly and quietly stepping out of the kitchen and into the main room with Sunny, who was currently surrounded by the rest of Twilight’s friends.

“What has her tail in a bunch?” Trixie asked, nodding her head back towards the kitchen.

“Nothin’ good, I’m afraid,” Applejack said.

Suddenly, Bob stormed out of the kitchen, a very serious look on his face. He marched over to the only customers still left over from breakfast, the Old Koots, and pointed at the door.

“Whassat, Bob? You want some privacy?” asked Windslor.

Bob gave only a single, firm nod.

“Alright, ya lady killer you,” he replied, then started packing up the cards on the table, much to the disappointment of the other two stallions.

Bob then gave a single, loud stomp of his hoof.

Sunny and Trixie gasped.

The three stallions’ eyes grew in size.

Twilight’s friends looked on in confusion, soon followed by Twilight herself stepping out from the kitchen, although with a more serious look.

Forgoing the cards and chips, even their cigars, the three stallions marched out quickly. The changeling followed close behind, then locked the doors behind them.

“What’s going on!?” Sunny suddenly called out, looking at Twilight.

“We need to talk privately. Securely, in case there’s…”

Bob suddenly appeared before Twilight, his muzzle dangerously close to her own, and sniffed her. Seeming satisfied, he then moved about all of Twilight’s friends, doing the same, with each mare giving him varying expressions, however with the thick atmosphere none spoke a word.

He then checked Trixie, and lastly Sunny, before looking at Twilight and nodding.

“Can we talk in a room?” Twilight asked.

A single nod from Bob, and he began marching towards the stairs. Rainbow took to the air, planning to fly up, but they all noticed the changeling make for the small door leading down below, where Thomas had gone previously to check the electrical breaker.

He opened the door, and waving a hoof, motioned for all the mares to begin filing down. Sunny Side led the group, with Twilight behind her, and the rest following. At first Trixie stood still, unsure if she was even part of whatever was going on, but a wave from the changeling told her to follow along.

The narrow stairs went down several yards, until they found another door. Opening it with her hoof, Sunny allowed Twilight to enter first, and the alicorn froze in place with a gasp. Her friends were quick to join her, and looked on in stunned silence.

The room was massive, carved into the ground, with each wall being dug into making shelves. All of the shelves held within them books. Many newer, but some showed the age of their bindings.

“Welcome to Oasis’ Library, owned and operated by Bob,” Sunny said, storming past the six mares, with Trixie close behind.

Bob was the last to enter, closing the door.

Sunny abruptly turned around, hooves grinding into the dirt floor. “Now, ya’ll better get straight to the point. I ain’t seen Bobby this upset in a long time.”

“It’s simple, really. We went to pick up Spike and his entourage,” Rarity said.

Pinkie jumped in place. “Yeah! The train showed up, but it was missing a car and caboose! Twilight flew to find them, and then suddenly Road Rage was there with his wagon!”

“So we hopped in and went out until we found the car,” Applejack added.

“They’ve been foalnapped!” Rainbow hovered in the air, close to Sunny.

“It was.. Was…” Fluttershy cowered slightly, while Rarity hugged the shy pegasus.

“Changelings,” lastly, Twilight said.

Sunny blinked. She then looked to Bob. “Honey, what do you think?”

Bob marched forward, and held out a hoof to Twilight, who brought out a small vial of goo and placed it into the waiting appendage. He uncorked it, poured some out and gave it a sniff. His ears instantly fell, and slowly he turned to face his wife, and nodded solemnly.

“No…” Sunny whispered, her eyes large and pupils shrunk.

“It’s not a problem, Sunny Side. We’ve dealt with changelings before, we can do it again. We just need-”

Suddenly, Sunny Side shot forward, gripping Twilight’s shoulders with her hooves.

“No! You don’t understand! You can’t go!” she began shaking Twilight.

“Hey now! Easy goes it there, Sunny!” Applejack grabbed the earth pony, pulling her back from Twilight.

“You… you can’t go. Can’t go back. I won’t go back. No… no…”

Bob quickly pushed Applejack away, and hugged his wife tightly, rubbing her head with his muzzle.

“Wait, what is happening now? Trixie is lost.”

“Urg, weren’t you listening?” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. “Spike and Gilded got foalnapped by changelings. We need to go and kick their butts. Simple as that.”

“No! Not simple as that!” Sunny screamed, Bob hugging her tighter.

“Bob, you need to tell us, or show us, where the hive is. Road Rage said your old one was abandoned, but surely you know where the new one is, or can help us find it? After all, you are a…” Twilight’s lips grew dry, unsure how to continue the line of thought before she offended.

Bob looked down to his cowering wife, and then shook his head.

“You must! Our poor Spikey Wikey needs us!” Rarity cried.

Applejack stepped forward. “And ain’t they got one of yer own? Copper Top’s son?”

They were answered with a very stern look from Bob, who quickly shot Trixie a similar look. He then pointed up.

“You want me to take them back upstairs?”

He emphasized the motion again with a stronger arm thrust upward.

“A-alright, fine, if Trixie must.”

“Bob, wait, please, we need-”

The changeling’s demeanor changed instantly, from one of sorrow and compassion for his wife, to outright anger and snarling as he looked at the Princess of Friendship. Trixie quickly grabbed Twilight’s tail with her magic and began tugging.

“Now is not the time, Princess.

After a few seconds, Bob’s expression softened, looking back down to his wife in his forelegs as she silently wept. Hesitantly, Twilight followed the rest of her friends out of the cellar slash library, Trixie waiting at the doorway.

All seven mares took slow steps upwards, then into the main room, forming a circle of concerned mares that didn’t know what to do next.

“What was that all about?” Twilight asked, breaking the silence, as she looked to Trixie.

“Trixie has no clue.”

“You’ve been coming here for years, how don’t you know anythin’?” Applejack asked.

“Because Trixie mostly stays to herself, she does not go around digging into other’s pasts.”

“Hah!” Rarity let out a very unlady like laugh, which even seemed to surprise herself.

Trixie shot forward in an instant, muzzle to muzzle with the white mare.

“Do. That. Again.

“Woah, easy there Sally!” Applejack quickly got between the two, pulling Rarity from the enraged unicorn. “Now that there was uncalled for Rares, and ya know it. Apologize.”

Rarity huffed, but then cleared her throat. “Yes, you’re right. Trixie, I’m sorry, that was uncouth of me.”

Applejack then looked to the magician. “And you?”

“And me what?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Never mind.”

Twilight approached Trixie. “You have to know something. Thomas told me a little about how he and Bob met, or at least, became friends.”

“That was before Trixie’s time here.”

“So you’ve heard nothing?”

Biting her lip, Trixie looked around the room.

“It… all Trixie knows is something happened a while before she started coming here. Involved the settlement, and several of the residents here. Trixie was never part of it, and was always left out of discussion of it. However…”

“However, what?” Applejack asked.

“Whatever it was, it involved Bob’s hive, and a lot of ponies went missing, or dead.”

Several gasps came from the mane six, except Applejack removed her hat to place it upon her chest. “Golly…”

“The lucky ones died quick.”

Everypony shot looks to the stairs, where Sunny Side stood, Bob close behind her, as if he was trying to keep her away from the group of ponies.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Copper Top’s wife. Farmer Jack’s daughter, Windslor’s wife. And my… fiance before them, to name a few. They were sick, grim even. The second time, Bob’s hive, they came and infiltrated our settlement.”

“Your fiance? But, you’re married to Bob, so what…”

Rarity’s gasp cut Twilight’s train of thought off, as they looked to the changeling, head downcast, ears flat, and eyes glossy, not in the moment.

“The second time?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes. The first time, Bob murdered my fiance, took his place for almost two years. Fed off of my love, returning it to their hive, a solo mission. His guilt, however, had started to crawl in his mind as he developed his own feelings for me. One day, he confessed what had happened, who he was. I was devastated, all I could do was scream and cry.”

“Then he returned to his hive, and eventually…”

“I found him.”

Everypony jumped, looking at Thomas Baker, sitting on the floor and fixing a bar stool leg.

“Land sakes, Old Tom, how long have you been there?” Sunny asked.

“Saw the Old Koots running out of here in a hurry, knew something was up so I let myself in.” He then looked to the six mares who’d become his pain in his backside. “So, are we having that conversation already?”

“I’m afraid so,” Sunny said downcast, to which Bob hugged his wife tighter.

“Fine, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner than later,” Thomas said, setting down his screwdriver as he leaned his back on the bar, much like he’d done with Twilight the other night.

“I’d been here for a couple years, maybe slightly less. None of the locals really cared about me, left me mostly alone while I worked with Mister Fixit, since he was the only pony to take me in. The only other pony I ever interacted with was Short Circuit, and that’s when I found Bob…

“And how we discovered the magical abilities of some of my stuff.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I had been giving some of my useless stuff to Circuit for some of his… experiments, and on that trip he needed some gold. So I gave him my old wedding band.”

“Wait, hang on, ya’ll were married!?” Applejack took a step back.

“Yeah, but that’s for another time,” Thomas continued, “so on my way back from the dam, I found a changeling on the brink of death. I didn’t know at the time what had happened with Sunny’s fiance, but I also had no exposure to changelings so I just figured it was a really weird looking pony.

“I brought him back to town, begged, pleaded for one of the townsponies to help. Old Doc, not Holiday, outright refused, saying he wouldn’t help a creature Tartarus bent on doing them harm. By this time, Copper Top had been our sheriff I think less than a year, his wife and their son had only recently showed up in town, confused. The old mayor, shit what was his name even?”

“Business Savvy,” Sunny said.

“Right, that jackass, and I mean that both figuratively and literally, tried to rally the town to hang the changeling, jail me for being a sympathizer and because he was racist and hated me, and interrogate the two new ponies because possible spies or what not. It got confrontational, Billfold stepped in, at the time his assistant, and pleaded for everyone to calm down.

“He wanted Top to jail not just me, but his own sick wife, and his young son because he was too stupid to look over the stack of bits he’d been embezzling from the town’s taxes. I told him to shove it, and then that corrupt jackass kicked me. Tried to bring me down to his level, well I retaliated and made him eat sand.”

“Ya dang near killed him,” Sunny interjected.

“I know, but thankfully that’s when Billfold took over the situation, I was temporarily deputized, and after weeks of mock trials and interviews and what not, Sunny forgave Bob, we kicked Savvy out, Bill took over, Top stayed sheriff, Doc reluctantly cared for Bob, and we now had a mute changeling living in town.”

“Wait, so really that’s it?” Rainbow asked, hooves crossed as she hovered off the ground.

“Not quite,” said a new voice.

Everypony looked to the door, where Mayor Billfold and Copper Top stood.

“Doesn’t anypony know what it means when a door is locked!?” Sunny shouted, facehoofing.

“Old Koots came and got us. What’s going on?”

“It’s story time, come have a seat. Hope you brought a snack,” Tom said mockingly.

“Okay, so what did you mean by not quite?” Rainbow asked.

Tom continued, “As Sunny had said previously, that was only our first encounter. Our second encounter, while not direct at first, started several more weeks later. We got a telegraph from the dam. Swift wasn’t our postal pony or telegraph operator yet, before his time here. Missus Billfold handled it, and told us she got a S.O.S from Circuit. Myself, Billfold, Copper, and Bob jumped into my van and we drove out there to see what was happening.

“Going inside, the place was a disaster. Machines busted, tables turned over. We found Circuit in the middle of his room, bleeding from his forehead, and my gold ring beside him. He used the last of his magic to send the S.O.S, and passed out. We rushed him back, got him to Doc, and learned his horn had been overloaded by an emotional, and magical, backlash.

“Doc said he’d never perform magic again. We took Doc out there, and he did some scans, and said my ring held some huge… magic whatever, but basically it stored in it my emotions, which surrounded my previous marriage that were…”

“Very, very bad,” Trixie said.

“Yeah. So, I tossed it into the water just outside the dam, and we moved on.”

“Okay, so NOW are we done with this lame story?”

“No,” Copper Top said.

“Of course not,” Rainbow grumbled.

“The following months, ponies started to get sick,” Copper Top said. “My wife had already been fighting her immune system disease, and when this hit it nearly killed her.”

“As well as a quarter of the town’s population,” the Mayor added.

“What we didn’t know, however, was the water supply was being tampered with,” Copper Top noted.

“And then Bob made an unsettling discovery, because during this time he had taken on a new disguise so ponies wouldn’t be unsettled by him. So when I got sick myself, nopony realized what had happened to me.” Sunny said, and started to visibly shake.

“Bob discovered his wife was a changeling, when one morning she kissed him, and he felt no love,” Thomas said as he began to stand up. “They fucked up, thought they were tricking some random stallion, but had they looked closer, he was one of their former own.”

“It was quickly discovered that other changelings did the same with ponies. They took them out, took their places, to feed off our sorrow for them as we watched them die.”

“Watched them die?” Rainbow Dash gulped.

“Sorrow?” Twilight questioned, then, “Changelings feed off of love, that makes no sense.”

“They did, but at the time we didn’t know of this change. We were clueless, figuring it was our love. But something didn’t sit right, why continue to pretend to be sick, on the verge of dying? Just barely hanging on?” Copper Top removed his hat, pressing it against his chest.

“They took us to their caves, where they tortured our already sick minds and bodies,” Sunny added.

“And then I discovered Mister Fixit had been swapped, and I was pissed,” Thomas said, fists rolled and ready to punch.

“I loaded up a few of my weapons, went down there from guidance from Bob and company of Top and Billfold, and I had a little… discussion with them.”

“Violently,” Billfold added with a shudder.

“Okay, but you still haven’t explained the love drainig. You all keep saying sorrow, or pain,” Twilight asked.

“Because, up until the end where we rescued who we could, their leader showed up, with my wedding band over his horn.”

The mane six gasped. “But wait, you said-”

“I know what I said, but apparently, he figured out how to use it to his own advantage. I left them a warning, said if they ever tried this shit again I’d personally kill them all, and we left.”

“We lost 19 ponies,” Copper Top whispered, “one being my wife.”

The room was deadly silent for several long seconds, Twilight and company trying to digest the flood of past information given to them.

“So, let me see if I understand this correctly,” Rarity began, taking one long hoof step at a time towards the human. “Spike, my little, sweet Spikey Wikey, is in the clutches of changelings that feed off of sorrow, pain and the like, somewhere in the middle of the desert.”

“Yes, with my son,” Copper Top said solemnly.

“And probably being tortured as we speak,” Thomas added.

The clack of a shod hoof striking jaw was a unique sound to only four of the mares in the room, and Rarity didn’t even notice or care, her appendage shaking with rage, yet her face on the brink of tears.

“You cannot tell a lady something so harshfully painful like that.”

“Would you rather know now, or find out and be horrified later?” Thomas asked.


“Well, too bad, also that hurt.”

“I’m not sorry in the slightest.”

“If I’d known you were into rougher stuff, last night I’d have-”

This time, it was Trixie’s hoof that slapped him, sending his face the other direction.

“Okay, I deserved that.”

“You think?” Trixie asked, all the while Rarity stood there, shocked at the showmare’s sudden rescue.

Suddenly, the windows began to rattle, causing everypony to look out.

“Winds are picking up? That’s odd,” Mayor Billfold stepped up to the window.

“Yeah, no warning from the station of a possible sandstorm, right?” Copper stepped up beside him.

“Normally Nowhere gives us a day or two heads up before something rolls in.”

“Who cares about a stupid old sand storm? We need to go rescue our friend! And your son, remember?” Rainbow shouted, still hovering.

Applejack took the mare’s tail in her teeth and pulled her to the ground. “Now simmer down there Sally, we need to plan what we’re gonna do. If these changelings are different now, that means we can’t treat ‘em like the ones from b’fore.

Rotating his jaw and rubbing it with his hand, Thomas didn’t realize Twilight was standing in front of him until she sat down and huffed.

“What can you tell us about them? You said you met their leader?”

“Briefly. He was taller than the others.”

“He?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah? Why, is that weird?”

“Normally the leader of a hive is a queen, such as Chrysalis,” Rarity added.

“I don’t know about that, but it was for sure a he. He was very calm, not upset I’d basically gone full COD on them underground, getting ponies out of there. In fact, he almost seemed happy, which was kind of a tip off as to what emotion they were sucking.”

Bob let out a grunt.

“That is to say, what Bob had felt. He was the one to tip us off that something wasn’t right about them.” The human then turned to his friend. “Bob, I know this is gonna hurt… but can you help guide me there?”

“You!?” Twilight and Trixie both shouted.

Reluctantly, Bob nodded his head, causing Sunny to hug him tighter yet.

“Yeah, me. I went there once and fucked them up. I’ll be damned if I don’t do it again, especially if they got Gilded.”

“Then you know I’m coming too,” Copper Top said, stepping forward.

“I wouldn’t expect any less, Duke.”

“Duke?” Rarity asked.

Copper Top rolled his eyes. “He calls me that whenever we are doing something serious.”

“Can’t help it, John Wayne was an inspiration to me growing up,” Thomas chuckled, then began to sit up. “Mayor, I’d imagine the missus would be upset if you tagged along. You’re a lot older now.”

“And wiser. I know when to pick my battles, and those are fought using quill and parchment. I’m sorry, Old Tom.”

“No worries. That’s three versus… a lot, good odds.”

“Um, hello? Forgetting someponies?” Rainbow flew to Tom, hovering just in front of him.

“Oh, you’re all going?”

Rainbow folded her forelegs across her chest, looking unamused.

“Right, national heroes and such. I keep forgetting that. So nine to infuckity.”

“Hey now, don’t go counting me out!”

Everypony looked to the open door, where Road Rage stood with a grin on his muzzle.

“You? Kid, this is gonna be actually dangerous,” Copper Top said.

“Not to mention you are not driving my van,” Thomas added.

“Oh come on you guys, I never get to do anything fun!”

Before anypony could comment, Swift Delivery abruptly shoved Road Rage out of the way, his golden mane and tail a mess, and his gray coat covered in perspiration and clumps of sand.

“Swift? What’s up?” Thomas asked.

“Not good! Just got back from Nowhere. They warned me about a possible sandstorm flaring up, said they’d send a telegram when they had confirmation. I haven’t even been in my office, but I saw it, and it’s getting bigger and bigger! Like, it’s unnatural how fast it is growing. Already engulfed the dam.”

“What? Fucking Christ on a pogo stick,” Thomas rubbed his face.

“So what? It’s just a sand storm,” Rainbow said.

“No, not out here,” Applejack commented.


“If it’s anythin’ like what Appleloosa goes through from time to time…”

“They can last days, maybe even weeks,” Mayor Billfold said.

“Worst one we had was over a month,” Copper Top added, then, “Damn it all, what timing.”

“I’m sorry, Top, but you gotta stay here,” Thomas said.

“I know. Rage! Get yer coach hooked up, head for my daughter in law’s, help her get Betts loaded up and brought into town. Work your way in the usual emergency pattern.”

Copper Top looked at Swift. “Son, start in the opposite direction. Head for Jack’s, make sure the grump is okay and try to drag his flanks to town. Loop around and let others know, then meet up with Road Rage.”

Swift saluted with his wing, Road Rage saluting with his hoof, they were about to run out of the doorway when Thomas hollered.

“Hold up, you two.”

Everypony looked at the human.

“My guts are churning, this seems too coincidental.”

“What are you saying?” Billfold asked.

“We get two kidnapped, then a sudden, mysterious sand storm hits from nowhere?”

“You don’t think-” the mayor was then cut off.

“I don’t think, that’s the point. My gut is telling me this whole thing is some sort of set up. You two, use caution when approaching anypony. Make sure you ask them something personal, only they’d know. Who knows if this is all one big trap.”

The two younger males shared a glance, then nodded and went on their ways.

Thomas looked to his friend. “Bob, get things started and gathered up. Check ponies as they come in. I’m gonna go grab Missus Fixit real quick, get her and those damn cats out of harm's way.

At the mention of the felines, Fluttershy stepped forward from her hiding spot behind Applejack.

“I’ll come too,” she said meekly, then, “If, um, that’s okay.”

He smiled. “In fact, that would be appreciated. Those damn things hate me, only tolerate me cause Fixit is around.”

“If that’s the case,” Twilight looked to Rarity with a pained expression. “Rarity, we will go rescue them, but-”

“I know, darling, I was thinking the same thing.”

“What’s that now?” Thomas asked.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight began, “go catch up with Swift. He knows where to go, you know what to look for in a changeling. Help him out.”

“On it!” She saluted, then bolted out the swinging door.


“I know, I know, go after that young buck with the carriage. Who knows, it might be a fun ride!” She said with a laugh, then trotted out the door.

“Fluttershy, you’re going with Thomas, that leaves us three to help the immediate town prepare.”

“Trixie shall also join Tom and the shy one, as she is familiar with those pussy cats.”

Thomas let out a snicker, only to receive a glare from the showmare.

“Fine. Okay, everypony, we will meet back here as quickly as we can.” Twilight nodded to everypony, then seeing Thomas giving her a queer look, folded her ears back. “I mean, that’s to say-”

“You know, I think this is the first, genuine time, you’ve actually looked like a ruler. Good job,” Thomas walked past, giving the alicorn a pat on her mane, then continued out the door, with Fluttershy and Trixie close behind.

Copper Top let out a low whistle.

“Wow, a genuine compliment, from Old Tom himself,” Mayor Billfold looked on with intrigue.

“Maybe we actually are rubbing off on him. In a good way,” Sunny said with a smile.

Then, the earth pony clapped her hooves. “Alright, I need two volunteers. We gotta take a quick inventory of what we got, and start making rations and portions, planned out for a worst case scenario.”

“I can help with that,” Twilight said.

“Great! Bob, get the windows shutters locked up, then you can work on gettin’ ready for… your adventure.”

With a peck on her cheek, Bob nodded and headed for the outside.

“Mayor, let's get to knocking on doors,” Copper Top said, and the stallion nodded in agreement.

“Oh oh! I’ll help!” Pinkie, who’d been strangely quiet the whole time, jumped in place.

“Darling, why don’t you stay here and help set up the main area, and some of the other rooms? I’ll go with these two and knock on doors.”

“Okie dokie, Lokie!” Not even protesting in the slightest, the party mare began bouncing her way up the stairs.

“Was… did I hear actual spring sounds?” Mayor Billfold rubbed at his left ear.

“Don’t fret over that, darling. Now, lead the way.”

As the last three ponies exited her establishment, Sunny Side stared at the swinging door, watching the winds picking up more, and bunches of sand blowing almost horizontal. Thomas wasn’t the only one with a bad feeling in their gut, and Sunny knew, in her heart as well, that something bad was about to happen.


Trixie and Fluttershy followed Thomas into his shop, where he didn’t hesitate to make his way up the stairs. Both mares followed, although when he turned into his bedroom, Fluttershy was struck by a very distinct odor, and she blushed.

“Figures he didn’t even clean up their mess yet,” Trixie said, walking past the flustered pegasus.

Thomas already had the long plastic case thrown onto his bed, while he searched in his closet, tossing blankets, sheets, and random clothing to the ground.

“Where the fuck did I put it?”

“What?” Trixie asked.

“My thirty eight.”

“Thirty eight what?”

“Urg, never mind. Ahah! Here it is.”

Thomas pulled out from under a stack of dust covered sheets a small black device, which as Trixie watched him fiddle with it, perfectly fit in his hand’s grip.

With a flick of a small lever and guidance from a finger, a cylinder moved to the side, where Thomas looked in to confirm he saw six little brass ends with nubs in the center, and satisfied, flicked the gun to the side. The cylinder clunked into place, and he ensured the cylinder was locked.

“What is that?” Fluttershy, finally overcoming her bashfulness, had entered and also watched the display.

“Colt Cobra in thirty eight special. My uncle gave it to me, said he bought it in a bar for five bucks back in the eighties. Probably hot, but then again, most guns you bought in Detroit were.”

“None of that made any sense, Tom,” Trixie noted.

The human paused. “Right, you’ve not been here when…” he sighed, then looked at the long case on his bed. “Listen, whatever you do Trixie, do not touch this,” he pointed to the Colt Cobra in his other hand, “or those,” he then pointed to the closed case, “with your magic. Ever.”

“Are those more of your magical items?” Fluttershy asked.

“In a manner of speaking. I actually don’t know about the long guns, but this one… well, even Bob feels sick when he’s near it. So best to be safe.”

Tom then removed his blue button up shirt, and reaching into the closet retrieved a strange article of clothing. Almost looking like suspenders, he looped the four ends through his belt, then holstered the revolver into a spot just under his left armpit. The right side held two small pouches.

Replacing his blue shirt overtop of it to hide it, he then began to tuck his shirt into his pants, something that he’d almost never done before.

“So it is a weapon?” Trixie asked.

“Yes. Deadly, too.”

Fluttershy cowered behind Trixie, who herself felt a nervous twinge in her belly.

He then opened the long case, and the two mares could see two objects, long, both with wood on them, and tubular ends.

“More weapons?” Trixie asked, now actually nervous.

“Yeah, although the Ruger is useless, no ammo after me and Matchbox Jr. had our fun years back in the hills. He still owes me for helping find that damn bubbling crude. Jed Clampett would have been proud.”

Thomas picked up one of the contraptions, and pulled the wood piece on the middle back.

“Shotgun. Remington 870. Actually I bought this one legit, and it came with two barrels. The 20 is fuck knows where, but at least I got the 12 gauge one on it.” He closed the empty receiver, then walked back to the closet, pulling out two small boxes.

“Alright, let's go to the van.”

Both mares gulped, but followed the human down the stairs, around the back, and to his van.

“Mister Baker? Do you really think these weapons are… necessary?” Fluttershy asked.

Opening one of the back doors, he placed the shotgun and two boxes of ammo on the floor, then paused to look at the mare.

“If you’d seen what I saw eight years ago… you’d wanna damn nuke in the center of that hive.”

At both mare’s confused looks, he closed the door.

“Basically, a borderline world ending weapon. We used one against our own once in history.”

Once again, Fluttershy found herself cowering behind Trixie, the showmare herself visibly shaking.

“If you’d read the big book of bullshit, you’d have known about it, why it was used, and its justification as a deterrent to never use one again. Anyway, enough about that, let’s go.”

He opened his drivers door, and knowing what to do Trixie jumped right in. Following, although hesitantly, Fluttershy mimicked Trixie and jumped in, sitting in the middle.

As Thomas started his van, and began to drive down the small gap between buildings, Trixie looked at the human. His face was stoic, expressionless as he concentrated on the apparent task at hand. Not the first time she’d seen him like this, but usually each time she did, the aftermath was messy.


An hour later, the winds had picked up even worse, and the sand was starting to dwindle visibility to only within a couple hundred feet.

Thomas parked his van next to Road Rage’s coach, ensuring the front end was being blocked from the violent winds and pelting sand to ensure the radiator didn’t become clogged again (Trixie had to use her magic to blow it out twice on their trip). Thomas helped Missus Fixit out of the vehicle, while Fluttershy and Trixie held several of her cats on their backs, the pegasus using her wings to protect them, while a small shield wrapped around Trixie.

No one spoke until they entered the now boarded up building, Copper Top holding the door open for them, then bringing it closed behind them.

Sunny Side’s Inn and Breakfast was more packed than during Thomas’ party. Almost everypony in town, and from the outskirts, were there. To Fluttershy, who shied away from loud noises, thought it was so strange at how quiet everypony was being.

“How are you doing, Missus Fixit?” Copper Top asked, helping her remove the cloth protecting her face.

“Bah, I’ve been through worse. Once we’d had the entire house almost buried in sand, you remember that one.”

The earth pony chuckled. “Yeah, I do. Tom was flippin’ his lid trying to unbury the front door.”

“Don’t remind me,” Thomas said, removing his own face covering, “I had sand coming off of me for weeks after that one.”

Sunny Side approached, with a couple of sheets. “Here you go, ladies. Stand over these and shake out what you can.”

“Thanks,” Trixie said, then set out the two sheets for herself and Fluttershy, who did exactly as told.

“So what’s the count?” Thomas asked, dusting off his own clothes.

“Swift is stayin’ in his office, to keep in contact with Nowhere. Billfold and his wife are staying too to keep the rattled stallion calm and collected. Princess Twilight’s currently with them, trying to get a message to Canterlot and try and get some guards and weather pegasi out here.”

“What good that will do, considering the last time we tried that it took them over a week to get out here,” Thomas took his handkerchief he’d had around his face, and blew his nose into it. “By then we’d already cleaned up most of the mess.”

“I told her as such, but figured let her do her princessly thing. Rainbow Dash, after she was done, said she was gonna go fly into the storm and see what she could do.”

“That sounds absolutely suicidal.”

“Said the same thing, to her face. She just grinned at me and acknowledged it before flying off.”

“She will be okay, she’s used to flying into danger,” Fluttershy said with a brave smile.

Thomas rolled his eyes. “Okay, I saw the coach out front. Everything go alright with them? All good there?”

At that, Copper Top’s ears drooped. Before he could say anything, Applejack stepped forward.

“We… they were takin’ Golden Amethyst as we got there. They saw us ‘nd started ta make a break fer it. Road went after ‘em, I managed to get the foal. I loaded her inta tha coach, went after Road, found him knocked out.”

“Mother fucker!” Thomas said, then kicked one of the barstools he’d previously repaired.

Thankfully, it didn’t shatter, but it didn’t sit quite correctly upright.

“Rainbow said when they’d gotten to Jack’s, he had two of ‘em hog tied, waitin’ on somepony to come. Got ‘em locked in the jail. Jack stayed behind, said they’d send more, and he’d have ‘em tied up waitin’ fer a cart to pick them up,” Copper Top continued.

Then, solemnly, “Old Tom… Thomas, they got my son, and now my daughter in law. If they’d gotten Betts…”

Thomas knelt down, and in a move that surprised Trixie and Applejack, he hugged the sheriff.

“Top, we’re gonna get them back.”

“You mean you are. I gotta stay here, help out the folks. Keep ‘em calm.”

“I know.”

Sunny looked around themselves, then back to the group. “Everypony seems to be settled in alright. Is anypony else missing, or unaccounted for?”

“Yeah, just their friend Rainbow Dash, and… well…,” Copper Top said, hesitating.

“Who, Short Circuit?” Applejack asked.

“Don’t say that! He’s like Beetlejuice. Say his name three times and he appears, so just don’t say it at all,” Thomas half whispered, half shouted.

“Sorry, partner. That feller weren’t right, but I’d expect ya’ll to be at least somewhat worried. He’d be safe in the dam though, wouldn’t he?” Applejack asked.

“He should. Only comes to town once in a while, and he’s stayed out there through some of the worst ones we’ve had,” Thomas said.

“Who’re you talking about?” Rarity joined the group, her coat looking immaculate, unlike everypony else.

“Short Circuit,” Fluttershy said, then immediately found her muzzle covered with a light blue hoof, Trixie’s eyes wide as saucers.

“Fuck, that’s two,” Thomas said, looking around nervously.

“Seriously, this town is so bucked,“ Applejack cursed, removing her hat.

“At least with him out there, he helps ensure the power stays on, so it’s for the best,” Thomas said.

Suddenly, the lights overhead went out. The radio died instantly, and everypony looked around. The previous blackout had no pony worried, but with a pending storm upon their town, murmurs and hushed tones began.

“Well, great, this can’t get any worse,” Pinkie Pie appeared from nowhere.

“PINKIE!” Almost everypony shouted.

“What? I’m just saying, not like that Short Circuit pony can’t get power back on or something, right?”

Suddenly, the front door swung open as a three legged step, followed by a metallic clunk, echoed in the large room as a peach colored pony stepped in, his yellow mane barely poking through the wrappings on his head. Slowly, he removed the cover, showing a sizable, almost unnatural grin, crazed eyes looking about the packed space.

“You,” Thomas began, pointing at Pinkie, “are no longer best pony.”

Comments ( 45 )


And this is why I don't remove fics from my tracking list.

What a genuinely pleasant surprise. Never count a story out until it's out.

The makings of a horror film are condensed in this chapter alone, and bad of Thomas to not have offed the King back then when he had the chance.

It is also very curious that his belongings have powerful--if of the harmful sort--magic embedded in them.

This chapter left me biting my nails from sheer anxiety, so good job on conveying the horror of that particular brand of changeling!

Divine excrement, IT LIVES!

And what an update! the intrigue! The danger! The horror!

I am thrilled to see this story get updated.

*Excitable screeching*

Hmmm I don’t know if this is my kind of cup of tea chief. I think I will have to drop this story.

Don’t get me wrong it was fun while it lasted. But well the tone of this story has shifted to a place I don’t feel comfortable with. And so suddenly as well.

Then again I have not re read this story at all so maybe there have been hints at this darker tone through out that I’ve either just plain missed, don’t remember, mis remembered or just misinterpreted.

Whatever the case I’m sad to say that this is where I have to leave the ship.

I came for a story that as far as I remember was about a broken man trying to get compensated by the crown for his rebuilding efforts for the town he calls home after Tirkeks rampage.

But this super evil changeling plot that at least to me with my knowledge feels like it’s come out of left field for me.

Like I said I might have missed something. Or maybe not.

What I will say is this. I hope this does not put you down. I’ve read your blog post. And I understand why you made the changes that you did.

It seems that many are okay with this change. And it seems you are too.

So while I can no longer enjoy this story. I hope that you and the other readers can. I’m sorry that I can no longer read this. But I have my limits to the kind of stuff I'll read and this hits it.

I will not down vote this though. I don’t believe in down voting a story purely because I don’t like the content.

I’m sorry if this feels like messy word vomit but that’s because it is. I’m just typing what spilling out of my head.

And I really hope that no one is offended by this. And that if I did know this. I did not do it knowingly nor did I do it maliciously.

I hope you guys all have a great time with the rest of this story. And I hope you guys all have a wonderful day.

This is BFBL singing out(of this story) for the last time.

Holy cow you're not dead ? Like another said, I'm glad I keep stories tracked even when they are dead. Now if I had a nickle for everytime a suppose dead story came back to life just about within a hour of each other id have 2 nickels which is really weird.

Hope you continue/Finnish up the story I gotta reread her but I though it was a pretty good story just a shame it was cold and dead for 4 years but I'm assuming covid kicked your ass on keeping stuff up to date.

Oh shit they made by the same authors I didn't even realize that. Crazy small world.

Its alive, praise the sun.:trollestia:

The authors alive?

Quick! Someone poke him to make sure!

well this is a nice surprise, im excited to see the continuation

The start of this chapter is a train-wreck worth of exposition, but I don't mind because we finally get some backstory we've badly needed. I also don't mind the movement toward a more action-filled story. I think it will eventually serve the plot's original goal of allowing Twilight and co. to judge the town, and Thomas, appropriately.

Pinkie is sus in this chapter. Can not tell if author is just playing with writing styles, if Pinkie is 4th-wall aware and acting different for Reasons, or if Pinkie got replaced by a changeling.

Author, all is forgiven from the extra-long wait... as long as you keep updating regularly! Once a month or something like that. I care because these characters and this story is good.

Also use a spell-check. I noticed at least two errors.


As for me?
This reminds me of Canterlot Wedding, where we were promised a season finale chock full of amusing references to the real world Prince William Royal wedding - and suddenly changelings!
Also came out of left field without our knowledge.

It was good, and I enjoyed it.
I expect I'll feel the same for this.

See you guys in 2028!

It's alive! Huzzah!


Okay yeah, definitely a bit of a change in tone from before. But I'm still all about that action and drama. Chapter's a little on the rough side but I can't really think of a different way to fit in exposition for the transition. Anyways, it's still believable, I'm glad to see the story update after a long time, and I'm looking forward for what's to come.

running out of her in a hurry, - running out of here in a hurry,
Applejack crussed - Applejack cursed

Yeah, I'm kind of with Born-From-Black-Lightnin on this. I still love the story, and I'm not gonna drop it yet, but I'm not too sure about the direction the tone has taken... I'll just wait and see how things will go.

I did love Trixie's little monologue as she tries to figure out her feelings. That was adorable.

Eh, this kind of a MASSIVE tonal shift in a story that's already as long as it is, AFTER 4 years of hiatus... not a great writing decision. Kinda like if "Fellowship of the Ring" decided not to mention anything at all about the Rings of Power or Sauron until halfway through the book.


Okay, that last scene was perfect.

Almost forgot about this one, glad your back on it. 👍





Yeah all valid points. I think the issue is that, when I first started this story, I was misleading with tags and such. Because this is actually the direction I'd planned the story to go since the beginning. What held me up for an update for so long was actually trying to change this and keep it more SoL like I'd advertised. But sadly, nothing came to me, nor did any discussions with others about it that striked my fancy.

I get people are gonna abandon ship, and that's fine. This story is old, and I just want to finish it so I can move on.


Thanks, got those two taken care of. Also thanks for sticking around. NO worries if this story ends up not being yours, or others, cup of tea from here on out.

“You,” Thomas began, pointing at Pinkie, “are no longer best pony.”

I have to agree with what some others have said. This story has never been a particularly cheerful one, however this chapter feels markedly darker than the previous ones. The shift is a bit too sudden to be entirely palletable. I'm not giving up on this story, but this chapter certainly made me pause and ask "Am I really reading the same story as before?"

I completely forgot Spike was kidnapped

All that build up and worry and this was good. Very good. Worth the wait. I hope your muse is now happier and you will finish this because you like it... like we ALL do. Which is why we were following it! :pinkiehappy:

I waited four year!

D48 #36 · April 4th · · ·

Well, now that I finally got time to read this, I'm not sure what to think. The tonal shift isn't necessarily a problem for me since I enjoy a broad range of styles and the long update delay mitigates the whiplash some, but you kinda went overboard with making these changelings extra evil to the point that it starts wandering into edgelord territory (and makes not killing the lot of them earlier seem like stupidity). Besides that it's well written, and I particularly liked Trixie grappling with her feelings so I see no reason to drop it (although real life is eating a lot of time these days so no promises :derpytongue2:).

For what it's worth, last chapter was really the point where you committed to this direction. If you wanted to stick to a lower stakes slice of life story, the right answer is to go back and delete the entire changeling abduction plot from the story. Without that, the one night stand would have set up the story's climactic conflict and the eventual resolution between Thomas and Trixie would have wrapped things up nicely. Throw in the award before the girls go home, satisfied with a job well done, maybe tack an epilogue onto the end, and you're done.

That said, if you really wanted to get Spike and the changelings in there somehow, you probably could have twisted the abduction into a short comedy B-plot, but I think it would have done more harm than good at the end of the day.

whoo whee, update! Quite an intense one at that!

Interesting story. Can't wait to see what will happen five years from now

Jog #40 · April 6th · · ·

holy moly an update,,, honestly happy that it got another chapter. Here's hoping the next one won't take so long. :3

Even with the change of direction it's still great. Good to see you alive :twilightsmile:

okay so it's been a bit, for me being actually active on this site and this story updating, so i've elected to re-read the story. I keep seeing people saying this is a tonal shift but it really isn't. Tom has been avoiding certain topics, actually clamping down and not even acknowledging the subject since like chapter two. the only change is the story is now exposing backstory instead of giving hints hidden behind fluff.

but hey it is what it is, and i'm personally glad this story will continue

Interesting turn of events.
I'm eagerly looking forward to what's to come.
That said, I guess with us just past the exponential bend on postings, this means the next chapter should show up between 16 and 64 years from now. :twilightsheepish:
See you then! :pinkiehappy:
Or maybe the alicorns will. And Guinan. Q. The Organians. Trelane..... A few other long-lived folk.... :trollestia:

11891229 There may or may not be multiple clones of me positioned in strategic places all over the globe... :derpyderp1:

“Hey, you’re finally awake.”

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