• Published 13th Feb 2015
  • 514 Views, 4 Comments

Passing Notes - hunterz263

Everypony needs that little something to make their life complete.

  • ...

Passing Notes

A roar of applause filled the concert hall as Octavia Philharmonica bowed her head while the velvet red curtains slowly concealed her from the captivated audience. It was another successful concert for the traveling musician and she sighed contently. Octavia had lost her reputation after the incident at the Grand Galloping Gala years ago, but she finally managed to work her way to the top once again.

Putting her priceless cello back into its case, Octavia strapped it to her back and walked towards her friend Vinyl Scratch. The two mares may have been musical rivals, but they were still best friends.

“Tavi, you did it again,” Vinyl Scratch said while she tapped Octavia’s hoof. Octavia gave Vinyl an annoyed look.

“Vinyl, how many times do I have to tell you this? I do not wish to be called ‘Tavi’ at all.” Octavia closed her eyes and sighed. “You will still address me by that name won’t you?”

Vinyl smirked at Octavia’s admittance to defeat. “You know I never listen to your ‘formal rules’ Tavi.” Octavia gave another sigh, but smiled at her friend and wrapped a hoof around Vinyl’s neck. Despite annoying her, Vinyl was a good friend and always supported the cellist, even when everyone else turned away from her. “You heading back to the apartment?”

Octavia thought for a moment but shook her head, remembering she needed to do some grocery shopping first. “I actually need to go shop for some food. Would you mind taking my cello home Vinyl?” Octavia asked, carefully putting the cello onto the floor for Vinyl.

Vinyl was already strapping it on by the time she agreed to take it home. The two gave each other a gentle hug before departing together through the back.

Canterlot had grown substantially over the years, resulting in new businesses everywhere. Nightclubs were beginning to take in customers, twenty-four hour businesses were swapping employees for graveyard shifts, and the night patrol was out and about. Octavia was walking towards the grocery store in the early hours of the night. Luna’s moon shone overhead, illuminating the path she walked brightly. The cool air of winter brushed against her exposed coat, relaxing Octavia and causing her to smile.

Octavia had reached the grocery store when she heard heavy galloping behind her. A beige colored unicorn was carrying something in his telekinetic field and raced past Octavia. Close behind the runner were two royal guards, bellowing for unicorn to stop. Octavia got out of their way quickly and the guards ran out of sight down an alleyway. Canterlot grew, but so did all its problems. Crime was becoming a major problem for the city. More guards were hired to patrol the streets, but nothing has slowed down burglaries, theft and homicide rates.

Looking away, Octavia went into the store and found two customers inside. One was an orange colored pegasus with blue eyes and a wild blue mane. The other was a tan pegasus mare with green eyes. Walking around the store, Octavia gathered what she needed for breakfast tomorrow morning. Octavia giggled to herself as she thought of Vinyl sleepily demanding pancakes come morning.

“Hey, aren’t you that famous cello player?” Octavia turned around to see the orange colored pegasus smiling at her. “I never had the chance to see your concerts, but from what the Princesses tell me you are amazing.”

“Why thank you.” Octavia replied calmly. “I play for them on a regular basis whenever they throw formal events.”

“I would love to hear one of your concerts some day. Just hope I have a day off so I can go to one.” The pegasus said smiling, but it quickly fell apart into a frown. “If I ever get a day off.”

“Whatever do you mean? You are legally required to get a day off, yes?” Octavia said confused.

“I am, but things are changing fast for the royal guard.” The pegasus’ eyes wandered around the store then back to Octavia.

“You work for the royal guard?” Octavia asked.

“I do. The name’s Flash Sentry. I normally work during the dayshift in the castle, but lately the crime has caused everything to go downhill. Now we’re lucky if we get a day off during the month.” Flash Sentry sighed.

Octavia looked away from Flash, pitying the poor guard. Octavia worked a few jobs before, but she mainly made a living by playing the cello and touring Equestria. “That is such a shame, dear.” Octavia said while she looked back at Flash Sentry. “My next concert will be two days from now at the Royal Garden. Maybe you will be lucky and have that day off?”

Flash Sentry stood there for a moment lost in thought before smiling. “I actually do. What time does it start?”

“It should start at three if nobody is late. Admission is free.”

“I’ll be there. What was your name, miss?”

“Octavia.” Octavia smiled and held out a hoof. “I look forward to seeing you there, Flash Sentry.”

Flash shook her hoof and the two went about their business.

. . . . .

Octavia was walking up to her house when she heard a low drone. “Vinyl...” Octavia took a few steps forward, inching her way home. Suddenly the ground shook beneath her hooves and heavy bass synthesizers blared from her home. Octavia growled and changed through the door. Opening it forcefully she glared at Vinyl doing her mixing. “Vinyl!” Octavia screamed at the top of her lungs. “What did I say about turning up your music at night?! Put on some headphones!” It was pointless though. Octavia’s voice was drowned out by Vinyl Scratch’s bass-heavy electronic music.

Vinyl stopped playing the music, humming to herself before turning around to see Octavia. “Ah Tavi! Welcome home. You got the pancake mix right? Pleeeeease tell me you got the pancake mix. “ Vinyl pouted while fluttering her cute magenta eyes. Octavia took a deep breath, calming herself and nodded silently. She opened her eyes, but found herself on the floor with Vinyl on top of her, squeezing the life out of her body. “Yes! Pancakes tomorrow because pancakes are the best!” Octavia growled and tried to push off Vinyl as the DJ’s fetlocks continued to squeeze her. Vinyl let go though at got up to her hooves, helping her friend up as well.

“Vinyl, what did I tell you about turning up your music at night?” Octavia said with some venom in her voice. Vinyl rolled her eyes and went back to her music equipment.

“Pfft, to always keep it turned down or to wear headphones. Yeah, yeah it’s the same old. But I need the loud volume to hear the low-end frequencies Tavi. You know how it is.” Octavia rolled her eyes and put the pancake mix in the cupboard before standing next to her friend. She watched Vinyl’s computer screen as her mouse cursor created a few notes.

“What are you working on today, Vinyl? It’s rare I ever see you actually play with these programs.” Their computer mostly gathered dust except on rare occasions -- Vinyl used it to make a few MIDI loops or full songs while Octavia used it to record herself.

“I got bored and just wanted to play with this. Nothing special or anything worth keeping.” Vinyl shut down the program and closed the computer. She yawned which spread to Octavia, causing the cellist to yawn too. The two mares walked to their bedroom and got into bed, snuggling tightly into each other.

“Anything happen while you were out shopping, Tavi?” Vinyl asked while she pulled a blanket over her and Octavia to keep warm. Octavia frowned, causing Vinyl to frown.

“While I was walking towards the store, I saw a unicorn running from the Royal Guard. It looked like he stole something.” Octavia gave a long sigh. “I do not understand Vinyl. Why is crime coming to Canterlot? I know the job market is a little though, but places are hiring.” Vinyl pulled her friend closer and started to gently rub her back.

“I don’t have an answer to that. My best guess is some ponies get super drunk and do crazy things like that.” Vinyl said, not knowing if her guess was right. Drinking sure caused a lot of bar fights, but those never affected anyone outside the club. Octavia shook her head, causing Vinyl’s ears to fold down.

“I believe it is just because they want to. But why? What do they gain by stealing, murdering and many more atrocious acts?” Vinyl went silent and just held her friend while she continued to ramble. “I see no long-term gain from it, especially if they are caught. So why do they do it? Why...why...” Octavia trailed off and her eyes became heavy. They slowly closed and her breathing gently slowed until the troubled mare was asleep. Vinyl gave her friend a kiss on the forehead and held her tightly.

“I don’t know, Tavi, but I won’t let them get you.” Vinyl whispered before drifting off to sleep herself.

. . . . .

Octavia was up on a small stage overlooking the Royal Garden. A couple of other ponies playing various instruments joined Octavia, delivering soothing and relaxing tunes to the ponies that were watching and exploring in the garden. Among the crowd was Flash Sentry, who was the first one sitting there eagerly waiting. Octavia smiled at him during her performance and played without a flaw.

After the concert was over and the instruments put up, Octavia walked towards Flash Sentry. He gave her a big smile and clapped his hooves, causing the mare to smile.

“Wow, that was amazing. The princesses weren’t lying at all.” Octavia gave a light blush, but bowed her head politely. “I wish I could attend all of your concerts.”

Octavia gave a light chuckle and looked at Flash with a bright smile. “There is really no need to. If you heard one you probably heard them all. I usually never add anything new to my concerts. It is usually just the same chords, keys, tempos, signatures, progressions an-“ Octavia was cut off by Flash’s laughing, causing the mare to blush. “Ahem, I apologize for that Flash Sentry. I usually get carried away since I live with a musician.”

Flash gave another light laugh but smiled brightly towards Octavia. “It’s okay, Octavia. It’s nice to hear something different that doesn’t involve spears.” The cellist gave a smile and brushed her mane out of her eyes. “Did you have any other plans today, Octavia? I was thinking we could maybe walk to Canterlot Park.” Flash Sentry asked, his cheeks blushing lightly afterwards.

Octavia gave a light smile and nodded her head. “I would love to walk around Canterlot Park, Flash Sentry.” Octavia walked up to Flash Sentry and the two departed towards the park. Along the way Canterlot was busy and moving happily along. Carriages were carrying passengers, ponies were smiling and walking through the city, and everypony was in a good mood. All was peaceful in the city of hidden nightmares.

Canterlot Park was filled with foals playing hide and go seek, parents talking, and joggers exercising. For Octavia, it was a pleasant sight seeing innocence after she saw royal guards chasing after a felon last night. The two sat down at an unoccupied bench and just watched ponies enjoy their lives. Flash Sentry looked at two foals playing tag, running around obstacles and laughing. Octavia saw a foal play in the sandbox with his friend, building some sort of crude structure.

“It’s hard to believe crime is happening in this city when you see stuff like this.” Flash Sentry said while he continued to watch the foals play. “What right-minded pony would endanger any of these people for simple monetary gain?”

“Right... I wonder the same, Flash Sentry.” Octavia said, sighing to herself and looking down to her forehooves. “When did all this start Flash Sentry?” Octavia’s eyes gazed into Flash’s own, beaming sadness, which caused Flash to frown.

The pegasus sighed and looked back towards the colts and fillies playing. “I’m not entirely sure what started this chaos, but some of the castle guards say it’s because of the rise in daring and adventurous business ponies.” Flash Sentry said, looking back at Octavia.

“Whatever do you mean? Isn’t that a good thing for the economy?” Octavia asked.

“It would be, but these ponies probably made some bad decisions which caused their business – and savings – to disappear entirely. They’re probably doing these crimes because they have to, but I’m no expert in the area.” Flash sighs, scooting closer to Octavia. Octavia sighed and looked up towards the blue sky. It was clear, spotless and pure, just like the children playing in the park.

“I miss the old days when this place was a peaceful city.” Octavia said, looking into the sky and reminiscing about old Canterlot. Flash Sentry sighed and looked up towards the sky with her. The two silently watched as a few pegasi pass over them, enjoying the cool winter air blowing past and tickling their feathers. “Perhaps one day things will return to normal though.” Octavia said aloud, focusing her attention on Flash Sentry again.

Flash Sentry turned back towards Octavia before continuing the conversation. “What do you like to do Octavia?”

Octavia kept a calm expression and answered. “Aside from playing cello, I do like to cook, and I enjoy hanging out with the few friends I have. I also like to read a lot, especially when it comes to the history of music.” Flash Sentry nodded his head a bit, listening to the mare. “You, Flash?”

“Oh me? There is nothing much special. I like to go on walks really. Other than that, protecting Equestria and serving it are what I enjoy the most.” Flash Sentry turned his head to Octavia and smiled a little. “At least you have some creativity. I’m just a grunt with no culture.”

Octavia looked at Flash Sentry, deeply into his eyes and peering into his soul almost. “A patriot?” She asked calmly before smiling. “I do admire that really. Such bravery to serve Equestria and protect the ideals it has.”

Flash Sentry put a hoof over his heart and gently bowed his head. “It just feels right to keep fine folks like you safe from danger.” Flash opened his eyes and looked the mare straight in the eye. For a few moments, the two just looked into each other’s eyes as all of the foals, scenery and sensations drifted away

Celestia’s sun was slowly setting across the horizon, filling the park with beautiful colors of gold and orange. The foals outside were running back to their parents, eager to return home. Flash Sentry finally broke his gaze with Octavia and saw the sunset with her. He nudged his body another inch closer to Octavia and enjoyed the sun’s incandescent beauty.

Among the silence, Octavia’s stomach let out a vicious growl, causing the elegant mare to blush and hide her cheek from Flash Sentry. Flash Sentry’s ears flinched at the sound and he let out a light chuckle, only making Octavia more embarrassed. “Sounds like somepony needs to have dinner.” Flash said with an amused smile on his face.

“I could use a nice dinner after the concert...” Octavia got off the bench and looked towards the city. “Where should we eat Flash Sentry? There are many fine choices and I really do not know what to pick tonight.” Flash Sentry also looked at the city and thought. He smiled and looked at Octavia.

“I know the perfect place. You ever flown before, Octavia?” He smirked and spread his wings. Octavia looked at Flash Sentry with a confused look brief moments before, with a lurching motion, everything on the ground grew rapidly smaller

Octavia let out a scream, Flash Sentry laughing as they flew to the restaurant.

. . . . .

“And then he lifted me up in the air, Vinyl! You know how terrifying it was to see everything become small? Oh how I wanted to punch him, but I was paralyzed everywhere!” After dinner, Octavia returned had been telling her best friend about everything that happened. Vinyl was at first calm about the whole thing, but now she was laughing and running out of breath on the floor. Seeing Octavia actually yell and be overdramatic was a rare sight, and Vinyl enjoyed every moment it came out. “I never gave him consent to pick me up and fly! He just took me and flew me through the air! I swear by the Goddesses he was laughing too! Laughing! While I was screaming and begging to be put down!”

Vinyl took in a deep breath and let it all out immediately with another burst of laugher, causing the DJ’s lungs to hurt. “Pfft, hahah! T-tavi stop! My lungs c-can’t take anymore! Hahaha!” Vinyl actually had a tear in her eye by the time she stopped. She took in a few deep breaths, calming her down nerves and hugged her friend tightly. “Pheeew, you are a laugh, Tavi.”

Octavia grunted to herself and hugged her friend back. The two mares broke the embrace and Octavia sat down on her couch, resting her hooves. “I do not find it funny when I am lifted into the sky.” Vinyl chuckled lightly and sat next to Octavia on the soft couch.

“Tavi, you got to lighten up. I’m sure the flight wasn’t that bad at all.” Octavia gave Vinyl a venomous glare, causing the DJ to smile.

“Wasn’t that bad? It was absolutely nerve-wracking Vinyl. What if he dropped me?” Octavia said.

“Oh he wouldn’t drop you Tavi. Flash Sentry is a royal guard for Celestia’s sake. He’s strong and trained for awesome fighting and heavy lifting.” Vinyl said, wrapping her hoof around Octavia. “But, he likes you.”

Octavia looked at Vinyl, raising an eyebrow at her statement. “He likes me? Whatever do you mean, Vinyl?”

“Oh, Tavi, you know what I mean.” Vinyl gave her friend a little nudge, causing Octavia to rub the spot Vinyl hit. “Flash Sentry has a little crush on you and wants to go out on dates. Trust me, I know it when I see it.”

“You have never seen him though, Vinyl. How could you possibly know he has a desire to date me?” Octavia said, looking away with a slight blush. Vinyl saw it instantly and awed loudly, causing Octavia to hide her cheeks with her hooves.

“I knew it! You do find stallions attractive!” Vinyl used a forehoof to pat Octavia on the back. “I’m so proud of you. You grew up so fast.” Much like Vinyl expected, Octavia swatted a hoof towards her face, but Vinyl blocked it. “Trust me, Tavi, I know when a colt likes a mare. I see it all the time in the club whenever I DJ. The shy ones are always the cutest.” Vinyl said, patting Octavia on the back and holding her.

“Okay, perhaps I find him a bit handsome, but I do not have any desire to date him. We are too oppo-“ Octavia tried to continue, but Vinyl’s hoof was shoved into her mouth.

“Ah, that proves it there, Tavi. You’re just making excuses so you won’t admit you do have a crush on him.” Vinyl said while she pulled her hoof out of Octavia’s mouth. Octavia had opened her lips, ready to reply with a no, but once again the mare admitted to defeat and nodded lightly. “I knew it. So tell me, what do you see in him?”

Octavia looked away from her friend towards the wall, staring at it intensely. “Well, he just seems like a gentlecolt. He is very polite, listens and has nice honesty.” Vinyl sat silently, listening to Octavia ramble on about Flash Sentry. “I do desire to see him more often, but from what he said he hardly gets any days off.”

Vinyl nodded her head and lay down on the couch, inviting Octavia for a snuggle. Octavia accepted and got onto her friend and felt Vinyl’s hooves wrap around her chest, pulling so they would be warm for the night. “You said he works days right? He’ll probably have the nights off, so maybe you two could share a few dinners together, or going bowling.” Octavia raised an eyebrow towards Vinyl at her latter suggestion. “Hey, it’s an option. Lots of couples go bowling; it’s fun.”

Octavia turned around and closed her eyes, relaxing every inch of her body in the process. “Perhaps.” Octavia went silent for a few moments and got a little more comfortable in her friend’s hooves. The two remained there, snuggled and warm, for the next few minutes in a blissful quiet. Then she finally asked: “How can I see him again?”

Vinyl nuzzled the back of her friend’s mane. “Well, you could always wait near the castle and wait for him to get off work. I’m sure he’ll be hungry by the time he leaves.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea.” The cellist yawned, causing Vinyl to yawn. The two snuggled tightly into each other and slowly fell asleep together.

. . . . .

Octavia woke up from her nap, frowning and growling to herself. She heard a very annoying and very pesky knock from the door and got up. Her mane was a mess, but the mare stomped towards the door and opened it viciously. She gave whoever was on the other side a glare. “What do you wa-“ She suddenly stopped when she saw who it is. “Oh Flash. I apologize. I thought you wouldn’t be showing up today.”

Flash was a bit nervous seeing Octavia aggravated for a few moments, but his expression relaxed. “I thought I wouldn’t either, but I finished my chores for the day. Sorry, did I wake you up?” Flash said while he entered Octavia and Vinyl’s home. Octavia closed the door and smiled.

“You did, but I don’t mind.” Octavia said pleasantly while she locked the door. “I was about to wake up and practice anyway. What brings you here, Flash?” Flash looked towards Octavia and smiled.

“I got bored and wanted to spend more time with you.” Both ponies blushed and gave each other another hug. “How was your nap Octavia?”

“It was a pleasant nap. Would you like any food? Something to drink?” Octavia said while she walked towards the kitchen, preparing a light meal for herself.

“No, I’m okay. Thank you though. Is it okay if I sit down though? My hooves are tired from walking all night.” Flash said yawning at the long night he had.

“Of course it is okay. Go ahead and sit down please.” Octavia said while she prepared a simple daffodil sandwich. Octavia and Flash had become close friends and started dating just a few weeks ago. Flash was moved to the night shift, giving him the chance to spend more time with Octavia. The two only had a max of three hours a day, but it was enough for them.

Octavia returned from the kitchen, eating her sandwich on the dining table properly. Flash Sentry sat on the cough, sighing as all the tension from his legs was let loose. Flash looked around and saw Vinyl was missing from the house. “Hey, where is Vinyl? She’s usually blasting dubstep by now.” Flash asked while he closed his eyes.

“Vinyl? Oh, she went to go DJ for some wedding.” Octavia said in between bites.

“A wedding in the middle of the day? Interesting.” Flash Sentry was confused by the idea, but he shrugged it off.

“I found it peculiar too, but they paid her a good amount of bits.” Octavia said, finishing her sandwich. She put up her plate and got her cello out. “Do you mind if a practice for a bit, Flash?” Flash smiled.

“I would love to hear you practice, my little maestro.” Flash chuckled lightly at Octavia’s bright red blush from the words he uttered.

“I am no maestro...” Octavia said while she took her priceless and rich sounding cello out of the case. With careful steps, the mare managed to put it up and held her bow in her hoof. Clicks started to play in her head as the mare slowly started to strum out a low drone. Flash watched his marefriend slowly play the instrument, captivated by the way her bow moved across the four taut strings.

Octavia pressed her hoof down on the cello, causing the string she strummed to turn into a different note and ring out slowly in the living room. Octavia slowly played the bass part of a song before stopping. Suddenly, the bow started to strum the string quickly, creating a tense atmosphere for the room. Her eyes were closed and her expression tensed as Octavia focused on the music. Octavia became the melody of the song, moving her bow from one string to another and her hoof up and down the neck of the instrument in rapid succession. Finally, she returned to the low drone and the volume slowly decreased until the song stopped. Flash Sentry clapped and Octavia bowed her head politely.

For the next hour, Octavia played for her one-pony audience, giving a performance filled with very few mistakes that no normal pony would notice. Her songs ranged from suspenseful masterpieces, to gentle pieces that could put a pony to sleep. After she stopped, the mare silently put her instrument up and joined Flash Sentry on the couch.

“How was it?” Octavia asked while she rested her head on Flash Sentry’s shoulder.

“Amazing! You are so talented Octavia. Even when you practice it is a flawless concert.” Octavia giggled at the compliment and closed her eyes.

“I still made mistakes in that performance.”

“You made no mistakes at all, my maestro...” Flash said while he wrapped a wing around Octavia’s body. Octavia had blushed and almost squeaked at Flash Sentry’s words.

“You are too sweet Flash...mmm...” The mare gently scooted closer to her coltfriend and wrapped her hooves around his body. “Flash?”

Flash smiled and looked at Octavia with gentle eyes. Octavia gazed into them and saw a gentle soul in them. She saw everything she ever wanted to see in a pair of eyes. They were the most beautiful set of eyes she ever looked into. Without realizing it, Octavia had started to move her face closer to Flash’s and slowly close her eyes. The mare felt the world freeze around her as her lips made gentle, soft and romantic contact with Flash Sentry’s. His hooves cupped her cheeks and the two held the kiss.

The world seemed perfect for them. The world had stopped for a moment, just so they could enjoy their first kiss in peace. After a few seconds, they both pulled away. Silently, Octavia cuddled tighter into Flash’s chest, hearing his heart beat lovingly into her ear. The mare could feel his hooves slowly running through her charcoal colored mane, causing the mare’s heart to melt – the warmth made the mare smile and tear up. The two were in paradise and nothing was going to break it.

. . . . .

Octavia was waking up, groggy, when she felt a tongue licking the back of her ear. The mare smiled and she started to giggle. “Hahaha, Flash, stop. That tickles. Hahahaha.” The mare blushed, only feeling the licks on her ear getting faster. “S-stooop. Hahahaha!” She begged her coltfriend to stop, but he continued to assault her ear, getting it wet and making the cellist giggle. She finally rolled over, planting a long, deep kiss onto his lips. The mare felt his soft hooves run down her back and she lightly moaned. The two broke the kiss and looked into each other’s eyes. “Oh Flash... I love you so much.”

“I love you too, honey-bun.” Octavia giggled lightly and nuzzled into his chest. The two got out of bed ready to tackle another day in Equestria. Flash went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast while Octavia went to the bathroom to brush her mane. Her mane was wild and messy from last night, but the mare smiled and properly straightened it out. Leaving the bathroom, she walked into the kitchen and gave her love a kiss on the cheek before helping him cook.

“Vinyl still asleep in her room?” Flash asked while he poured pancake mix into a bowl. Octavia giggled and nodded her head silently. “She sure does sleep in a lot. Hehe...” Flash turned towards Octavia and picked her up off the ground. Suddenly, he was giving the mare romantic and pleasurable French kisses, causing Octavia to blush. She kissed back, wrapping her hooves around his neck and closing her eyes. Flash suddenly pulled away from the kiss. “But that does give us a lot of time to ourselves for some fun...” He gave Octavia a wink before putting her on the ground.

Octavia giggled, moving to the fridge to get some eggs. After giving them to her honey, the mare watched him work. “Yes she does sleep in a lot, but I believe it is because of her occupation.”

“Haha, always so serious, Octavia.” Flash said while he cracked the eggs open and poured them into the bowl. “But I don’t mind that. I’ll love you no matter what.” Flash smiled towards Octavia and the mare hugged him tightly.

“I will always love you too, Flash Sentry.” Octavia let go out the hug, plopping onto all fours again. “I should go wake up Vinyl now. I believe she had a show in a few hours.” Octavia gave Flash a quick peck on the lips and departed towards Vinyl Scratch’s room. Inside the mare had her mouth wide open, drooling all over her sheets. Her sheets were a mess and her mane and coat were in disarray. Octavia was appalled internally by the mess, but smiled.

Vinyl rolled, causing her body to fall onto the floor. The unicorn jolted up, looking around for whoever pushed her out of her slumber. Octavia could not help but laugh out loud and she fell onto the floor, expelling air from her lungs uncontrollably. She could feel Vinyl lightly punching into her side, causing Octavia to wince, but that didn’t stop the mare from laughing.

“Oh sure, somepony pushes me off the bed you get to laugh, but whenever I laugh at your story about Flash picking you up and flying, it’s me that’s in the wrong.” Vinyl said bitterly while she rubbed her eyes free of grogginess. Octavia had stopped laughing and got to her hooves, smiling and wrapping a hoof around Vinyl’s neck.

“Oh Vinyl, even after all these years, I never expected you to turn into this: Serious and not laughing at your own clumsiness.” Octavia giggled a bit more and she received a light punch on her side from Vinyl.

“Yeah, yeah.” Vinyl said with a slight roll of her eyes. “What’s for breakfast, Tavi?” Vinyl was walking out of her room with Octavia. The cellist was about to answer, but Vinyl could see Flash making her favorite breakfast item. Suddenly, the DJ was on the soldier, causing his eyes to bulge and his lungs to expel all of their air from Vinyl’s surprise hug.

Octavia smiled at the display and went into the bathroom. The mare turned on the shower, eager to wash up and prepare for another romantic day with Flash Sentry. The hot water hit her coat, making the mare close her eyes and relax as her coat got soaked -- her mane fell in front of her eyes and she moved it aside with her hooves.

Ever since Flash Sentry took a new job, they have had plenty of time to go on dates and be with each other. Octavia loved every moment of it, even though some of the moments ended with fights. The mare did not mind the sour times though, since it made the good moments even more heartwarming. She did have concern for Vinyl though since she made no effort to find a colt or mare for herself, but Octavia could see Vinyl did not mind being single. At times, Octavia and Flash thought Vinyl thoroughly enjoyed the single life style.

Octavia stepped out of the shower and dried her body and mane thoroughly. The mare smelled like flowers afterwards and went into the kitchen. What she saw made her amused. Vinyl was sitting on the floor, sticking her tongue out and looking at Flash Sentry with big puppy dog eyes.

“Pweeease let me have the spoon!” Vinyl said in child-like voice, causing Flash to instantly give up and give her the spoon. The DJ squeaked and started to eagerly lick the spoon, enjoying the taste of the raw pancake mix. Octavia joined them in the kitchen and helped make breakfast.

After an enjoyable and filling meal, Flash Sentry and Octavia left the house while Vinyl stayed to practice for her performance. The day was pleasant and warm. Summer had arrived for Equestria and all of the colts and fillies were out of school and playing. The air was warm and relaxing for anyone outside, and the sky was perfectly clear. No weather had been scheduled for the day besides clear skies. Octavia took in a deep breath of air and smiled. Today was going to be another romantic day with coltfriend.

“What do you want to do today, honey-bun?” Flash asked while he kept a wing around Octavia, keeping her safe and warm. Octavia smiled and looked around Canterlot.

“Hmm...” The mare thought to herself, trying to see if there was anywhere new the two could go. “How about we just walk around the city, Flash? I am certain we will find something interesting today.” Flash Sentry just smiled and continued to walk with the mare.

Canterlot’s streets were packed with ponies going about their lives. Businesses were open and selling to customers, foals were running around and having fun, parents were relaxing, and couples were eating and having a romantic morning. Everything was perfect again for Canterlot since crime rates dropped to virtually nothing. The city, and Equestria, were almost entering a golden age.

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Princesses considering war!” Octavia and Flash Sentry were trotting through a marketplace when they heard the newspaper colt saying the latest headline. Equestria’s problem with crime was solved, but now its relationships with its neighboring kingdoms were falling apart.

Scientific advancement brought some new changes for the country, but none of them affected the country more than gem mining. Gem power plants were being constructed in every major city and plans to build some in local towns were being discussed. Equestria abused the gems though and now the country only had enough to power its cities for another five years. Equestria needed more gems or blackouts would start to occur across the nation.

Equestria at first had good trade agreements with its neighbors, but over time the other kingdoms stopped giving them good deals, claiming Equestria was being selfish and wasteful of every natural resource it had. Tensions started to rise and Equestria created a sizable army for the first time in millennia. Flash Sentry was one of the first to volunteer to join it. The Princesses promised war would not come to Equestria.

Octavia’s heart sank when she heard the headline from the colt. Flash Sentry had already bought a paper and read it after Octavia recovered from her paralysis.

“W-what does it say?” Octavia asked, fear trembling in her voice.

Flash Sentry sighed and pulled Octavia into a hug. “Apparently the Griffon Kingdom refused to even negotiate with the Princesses. Princess Celestia and Luna say we might be heading into our darkest hour in a few days.” Octavia’s face was covered in tears and she cried until the stallion gave her a kiss, calming her down.

“I-I apologize...” Octavia sniffed. “That was very-“

“Shhh...” Flash Sentry shushed in her ear and held his marefriend tightly. “This doesn’t mean I’ll be shipped out Octavia. We don’t even know if we are going to war. The Princesses are considering it, not actually planning it.” Flash Sentry said, patting Octavia on the back. The mare did eventually calm down and her tears stopped rolling down her face.

“Flash Sentry... I... I don’t want to lose you...” Octavia said, grief filling her voice knowing all too well Equus was heading into a world war.

“Octavia, you’re not going to lose me.” Flash kissed the mare, silencing her. Octavia paid full attention to what he had to say. “Octavia... I have something to ask you.” Flash Sentry sat down on his knees and everyone in the marketplace watched. The pegasus pulled something out from under his wing. It was a small black box. Octavia started to tear up and put a hoof over her mouth, covering her shaking smile. “Octavia Ann Philharmonica, will you marry me?” Flash opened the box with a hoof to reveal a pure silver necklace with Octavia’s birthstone in the middle, her initials carved into it.

Octavia lunged at him, giving him a deep kiss before screaming ‘yes’ repeatedly. The crowd – with the exception of the young fillies and colts – awed at the two and clapped, with some of them whistling towards them. Octavia paid them no mind though as she continued to deeply and lovingly kiss her fiancé. Octavia’s heart melted and she let her tears out onto Flash’s face. The world might be heading into darkness, but for that brief moment, Octavia was in a perfect world.

. . . . .

One Year Later

Octavia was sitting at home with Vinyl Scratch, working with the DJ to create a mixture of their two musical genres: Electronica and orchestral. Things sounded strange at first, but eventually the two started to blend together creating a unique sound both mares enjoyed. Octavia’s cello certainly did add tension to the song before dubstep drops and Vinyl’s melodic synthesizers added a missing flavor to the cellist’s sections.

Both mares heard a knock on the door and immediately stopped their work. Octavia walked up to the door and opened it. The mail courier was holding a few letters and Octavia took them. After wishing the courier a good day, Octavia closed the door and sat down on her couch. Vinyl sat down with her.

“Anything interesting come in?” Vinyl said while she watched Octavia’s hooves sift through the pile.

“Bills, bills, taxes, ju..” Octavia looked at a particular letter. Its sender was Flash Sentry. Vinyl, seeing who sent it, ripped open the letter with her magic and unfolded it. The two began reading it.

Dear Octavia and Vinyl

Sorry for not writing you sooner, but our CO wouldn’t give us a break. We always have to be constantly moving according to him. Drives me nuts sometimes.

Don’t worry, I’m okay. Things have been going smoothly for everypony here and I’m grateful for that. If the rumors here are true, we should be home by winter, just in time for Hearth’s Warming Eve. I personally can’t wait to see you two again. You’re always on my mind and always keep me safe whenever things start to fall apart.

Octavia, I love you so much. You are my maestro and I can’t wait to hear the new songs you made while I was gone.

Got to get going now. CO is demanding we move. I love you Octavia.

--Flash Sentry

Octavia put the letter down and smiled. Vinyl hugged Octavia and held her while the cellist silently cried, knowing her husband was safe. It was not easy seeing him away for so long, but Octavia was a strong mare and had faith he would return home safe.

Octavia hugged her best friend and got off the couch.

“Tavi, where are you going?” Vinyl asked while she followed her friend into her practice room. Octavia picked up her bow and cello. After she had everything in place, Octavia looked at Vinyl Scratch with a big smile.

“Making new material for Flash so he isn’t disappointed when he returns home.” Octavia smiled and began to play.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony!

Been a while hasn't it? How are you all? Good I hope.

Sorry it took me a while to get something out. Work, life and music have been taking up my time. You know, distractions always get in the way of doing productive stuff.

But! I got something out. I actually made this for a contest Equestria Daily is hosting called Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest Fanfic Event! I hope you all enjoyed the story. The ending went through a lot of revisions. What I had in mind originally was going to be a lot darker, but I like the way it turned out now.

Leave your thoughts below! Thank you for reading everypony!


Comments ( 4 )

Nice to see Octavia being shipped with someone OTHER than Vinyl. :pinkiehappy:

I mean, have those two even MET each other in the show or the comic?


I think they have in the comic, but I never read all of them.

Author Interviewer

This has some problems with the writing, but I am just SO glad you didn't ship her with Vinyl. :D


Thanks! I wanted to do something a bit different.

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