• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Sir Hat

Comments ( 421 )

I reached out of the shower and hit the button. The lights came off and I went dead still. "Oh my god...." I felt the color drain away from my face. "Oooooh Jesus Christ--"

lights came on...they were already off

Sir Hat #2 · Mar 19th, 2015 · · 1 · Jar ·

5754672 typos are fun, aren't they?

I remember a blog for this image...haven't read YET, but the image looks like a mare.

zel #4 · Mar 19th, 2015 · · · Jar ·

finally something i can get behind


5754717 crap, how did you find out?/?????

Taxes #8 · Mar 19th, 2015 · · · Jar ·

no matter whare
no metter when
a typoe will come
and put yore wordz to an nd


Still, that "YEAAAAAAAAAAH" was funny.

Amen or Yeah, yes its nice to see Red getting some backup.


Red swallowed hard as she hid in her hoodie. "They just fell off...." Her voice was high and quivering. "I wasn't ready for that...."



which is another reason I love reasonable Luna ship fics.

I tell you right now if I have sex with a girl and later found out she was a he, I'm going to jail I will kill that dude no joke.

Uh huh...cool.... Do go on.

This was good...um, :yay:

I'm not all to quite sure what I just experienced...but, ok.

it's really late where i am so sorry if this is a stupid question that was explained but i missed
is red m2f or f2m

Air Raid is best trap.

It was different, and that in itself, is a good thing.


These comments're already becoming funner than the story thanks to the "totally straight guy who jerks off to cartoon ponies" types.

Was still hot as shit though. :heart:

i reread the end and found where my confusion came from
i misread potion as protein
red is m2f

You could say that 'surprise' for Mr. Protagonist at the end was...
(puts on sunglasses)
...a "pain in the ass".

I'll show myself out.

Also wanted to add my own "YEEEAAAH".

On a serious note, this is an intriguing story and anyone who got squiffy over the content needs to toughen the fuck up 'cause its really not that bad. I gave it a fave and like so HA!

69 likes... perfect.

5755648 Missing the one in front of that zero right there...

You get a down vote because of no trigger warnings, that is very impolite. Just think about how you would feel if you wandered into something you found was just not to your liking, for example foalcon tentacle porn. No warnings is just rude.

Well... i had a feeling about it when i started reading, TRAP... but!!! it's not a bad trap... actual story, and the guy did the "right" thing... lol... now you know its fiction, and dude in his place "OH SHIT... IM OUT OF HERE"
the Boss in his work place was a nice twist.
have to say didn't see a lot of storys with this idea in them, not that i can recall anyway

5755854 The description made it clear as day what was going to happen.

5755854 :rainbowlaugh: Trigger warnings? God, kids these days. :facehoof:

Hell, it isn't my bag personally but points to Hat to going there. Would read anyhow. :rainbowlaugh:

Nice job Sir Hat, going places most don't go when it comes to fics on this site lol. Very nice story in such a short amount of time ^_^

nice one :)

If only things were so easy in reality...*sigh*

5755854 Go fuck yourself. If you don't like what you are reading then you click on the many different icons and links to get out of here.

The only trigger warning that is needed is for anything associated with rape. Otherwise it isn't a goddamn trigger. It just makes you go "Oh. Ew. Okay next story."

Unless you were raped by a pony who just lost her balls, literally. Then you can totally have a cause.

You've got issues man.

"Use me, make me your mare
... I wrote a story titled that. As alucard would say "the return of the why boner. With avengance!"
Or did you do that for lil' ol' me?

First thought:
Retired. Extremely. Dangerous.

Anyone else got a stupid idea when they saw the title?

This is an interesting story actually... Wow, I mean... Holy crap Im drawn in

...just to be clear, are we talkin' futa here? :trixieshiftright:


Well someone's not secure in their sexuality.

5756216 I wouldn't be here if I thought it was futa.

Anyway, interesting story, Sir Hat. Came for the cute picture, stayed for the story about finding yourself. I'm interested to see where this one goes. :twilightsmile:

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