• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 9,631 Views, 104 Comments

Rarity's Fantasy - FlimFlamBros.

Rarity keeps having dreams about a certain purple dragon, and they're driving her mad, but she loves them...

  • ...

Her Final Nightmare

Rarity stared at herself in the mirror. Usually she adored the mare that looked back at her, but recently she began feeling revolted by her reflection. Her mane was slowly losing control, dark bags were forming under her eyes, and she had forgotten the last time she had brushed her teeth. Her comfy clothes had become her regular attire. She was becoming accustomed to the dreaded t-shirt and sweatpants combo, neither of which had been washed in quite some time.

She went downstairs, stepping over the garbage that littered the floor. She had been quite addicted to this new Japony restaurant that did home deliveries, so she didn’t have to go out into the world. She could just lay around all day and stare at the ceiling until she fell asleep.

Her house was rather quiet. She had kicked her parents out of the house, although it was a joiny decision after Magnum tried to make her drink a miracle cure of squirrel legs and fish tails. Her mother had dragged him out by the ear but still did try to check in on her from time to time. But all Rarity wanted was to be left alone. She scrapped some leftovers from the fridge and headed back up the stairs, but not before hearing a loud knocking on the door. It was probably one of her friends.

It seemed like every day they were at her door, trying to convince her to get out of the house. Rainbow had actually gone so far as to try and drag her out the second story window… that hadn’t ended well. Because her friends seemed hell bent on harassing her, Rarity had gone to extreme lengths to fortify her room from intruders. Blocking out the windows, deadlocking her door. A rat couldn’t even sneak into her room without her knowing about it.

She took a bite of two-day old sushi and fell onto her bed, face first into the pillow with a groan. Her sheets smelt ripe and sweaty, but she hardly cared about that anymore. The silk of her sheets and her pajamas were comforting enough. It was quite easy for her to fall asleep and slip into a dream. She wondered where she would be when she opened her eyes this time…

A few seconds after she felt her body relax, she woke up. She was sitting on a chair in the dark. No, not a chair, a throne. And it wasn’t darkness, but actually a hazy fog of shadows. With a wave of her wand, she moved these shadows away, revealing the stony walls and floor of the throne room. The silver chandeliers above them burned with a purple fire, and the small windows let in a dark violet light. She even noticed that she herself had become something darker in itself, a form she had not seen herself as in quite some time. Her white fur tainted to a near-ebony black, her mane had become wild like the wind, and she felt her eyes had grown dim and milky with a blue tint. Rarity had tried to forget about her time as Nightmare Rarity, but now it felt so right. She felt proud, beautiful, and above all else, powerful. Why she gave up all of this she’d never know.

There was a knock on the door far across from her throne of dark diamonds. Rarity, or actually, Nightmare Rarity smiled, making a little waving motion and the doors began to open. Two globs of shadows slogged into the room, carrying something within their miasma. Whatever it was, it was large and purple, and seemed to be struggling against its captors. Without even having to say a word, the shadow creatures disappeared into thin air, leaving the prisoner at their Queen’s feet.

The Nightmare Queen’s eyes lit up when she saw that it was Spike, handsome as always, adorned in tattered rags and chains. Even as her prisoner, Spike was a sight for lustful eyes. Each dirty muscle along his arms pulsed with a thrilling anger, and she found herself upon her feet, making her way closer to the dragon.

Spike’s eyes looked up at her, tired and teary, begging her to stop. But why should she? She was the one with all the power, she might as well have fun with it.

“Hello, my precious scales,” Rarity purred, dragging a finger up his neck to the bottom of his chin, forcing him to look up at her. “Why so sad? I thought you’d be happy to see me?”

Spike’s breath was heavy, and she couldn’t tell if it was because he was mad, or terrified… not that it mattered. “Rarity, please, you have to snap out of it! Don’t you see? You’re being controlled, manipulated!”

“Controlled and manipulated? Ha!” She laughed, brushing a few strains of her hair back. “In case you haven’t noticed, my dear, I am the controller. There are no strings attached to this mare. I just finally realized how much happier I am this way…” She took a knee down to Spike. “And I know I can make you happy as well. If you’d just let me show you.” Her hand brushed gently against the dragon’s shivering cheek. She wondered why he was so scared, this was something that they’ve been craving for years. “There’s no need to be nervous, my love. It’s still me deep inside.”

“I… I…” Spike tried to say, but he stuttered, getting caught in Rarity’s big blue eyes. His body went limp, and he started to fall under the nightmare’s spell.

Rarity smiled smugly, bits of darkness radiating from her hair and hands. Like little tendrils, they magically wriggled into Spike’s scales and disappeared into him. Soon after, the dragon’s eyes widened, growing darker with a strange milky look. He blinked lazily, and a lustfully innocent look bloomed onto his face. Whatever Rarity had done, Spike’s fine was hers.

“I am yours…” He said with a calm obedience.

“Perfect.” Rarity smiled, leaning into her dragon and stealing a first kiss. Their lips massaged against one another, the vibration of their individual moans titillating each other. Spike pressed up against her, cradling her head with his claw. Spike lowered his queen down to the ground, and she let him overcome her. Between kisses, she managed to speak. “Do you see, my dear? Is it not better to give into your urges? Is this not more desirable than tiptoeing around our feelings?”

“Of course, my queen,” Spike moaned, his frisky claws rubbing against the crest of Rarity’s back. “It’s much better to finally be forward with how I feel for you, my queen.” The dragon’s nails tore against her dress, and she felt it being ripped off her body. Any moment Spike would take her and she’d be in bliss…

“Okay, this ends now.”

Rarity’s ears twitched. That wasn’t Spike talking…

“Rarity, wake up, we need to have a talk.”

“Talk… what do you mean—“

She wasn’t able to finish saying what she was about to say, as for some reason Spike had slapped her across the face. Only, when she looked at Spike he wasn’t… Spike, or a dragon… or even male for that matter. Instead, Rarity found herself being slapped awake by a dark blue, starry maned mare, who she quickly noticed was none other than Princess Luna.

Why she was dreaming of Luna she hadn’t the slightest idea.

With another painful slap, Rarity flinched and opened her eyes. She was back in her room, only instead of her bed, she was being pinned down on the ground while Princess Luna held a power drill. The whizzing of the drill terrified her as the alicorn glared down at her. “Now hold still, this will be over in a second.”

“What? Oh goddess no! Don’t kill me!” she pleaded. This was no longer a dream, this was a nightmare! “Or at least not with a power drill! Can’t you use something less messy? I don’t want to get blood all over the carpet, it’s Saddle Arabian.”

Luna looked confused, the drill still twirling away in her hand. “Kill you? We’re not here to kill you… We just need to get that Cleptopera Beetle out of your skull. It’s beginning to chew on your cerebral cortex. Which we don’t think needs to be explained, but it would be bad for you.” With a swift motion, she jammed the drill into Rarity’s ear. The white mare screeched as she prepared for grueling pain, but the only pain she felt was the terrible ringing of the noise the drill was making, and the sickening feeling of something moving in her ear.

Then, it popped out. A big, fat, scary looking beetle crawled out of her ear and flew into the air. Luna immediately grabbed it before it could get away. It squealed a little before being crushed in Luna’s hand.

Rarity, after a few minutes of preparing herself for imminent death, realized it wasn’t going to happen and opened her eyes. She could see Luna wiping off some green slime on her dress, muttering to herself. “Foul little creatures. If I had my way they’d all be banished to Tartarus.” She noticed that Rarity was staring at her, wide-eyed and nervous. “Oh, good evening, Rarity. We didn’t mean to break into your room, but we had noticed strange dream patterns in your head, and an increasing decaying of your mental state. It is unlike us to intervene this way but considering all you’ve done for Equestria, a little Cleptopera removal is the least we could do.”

“Cleptopera? That sounds familiar… wait, is that that beetle my father was talking about?! That can’t be real though, right? It’s my father! He’s… he’s… he’s a lunatic!”

“We agree,” Luna said. “However, in Magnum’s madness, he does hold some knowledge. You know, if you had just allowed him to remove it earlier, then this wouldn’t be a problem now.”

“I’m not going to allow my father to drill a hole in my head,” Rarity droned. “I’d rather have the beetle living in my head.”

“Wait, he was going to drill an ACTUAL hole in your head?” the princess said. “That’s not right… you’re supposed to scare the beetle out with a drilling noise. They hate it, pisses them off and they leave the host’s skull. Drilling an actual hole in the head would lobotomize you and probably leave you brain dead…”

“Thank dad…” Rarity muttered under her breath. She made a note to have a long talk with her father tomorrow. “But, wait, so all those dreams that I was having were—“

“Correct, the Cleptopera’s influence on your mind. It drowns your mind with pleasant dreams and makes you tired so you can’t feel it eat away at your brain matter. They’re rather nasty but they usually stay underground or in mud. I’m surprised you actually got one in you.”

She cringed. “That’s disgusting… but I did like those dreams though.” She sighed, remembering that last dream she was having. “But if they were all just products by the beetle, then I suppose it’s back to boring nights for me. Although I do feel strangely rested for the first time in weeks, and it would be nice to get back to dressmaking again, make some money. The bills have been building up.”

“Yes, we suppose it would be right for you to get back to your vocational work.” Luna scratched a finger against her chin. “Although… perhaps you would like to have one last dream.”

“Huh?” Rarity asked, not knowing what she meant. “One last dream?”

Princess Luna nodded, stretching out a hand for Rarity. “If you wish to do so, I can take you somewhere very special. I will take you into the conscious world of dreams.”

“You’ll take me to the world of dream?” Rarity asked excitedly, although she was a little hesitant. “Whatever for though?”

“Just trust us,” Luna said, rolling her eyes, and grabbing her hand forcibly. “We suggest that you hold on tight, lest you wish to be torn across reality and fantasy… literally.” With that, her magic grew brighter and Rarity averted her eyes and tightened her grip. She felt like she was getting lighter, and floating off the ground, yet she could still feel the carpet between her toes. Eventually, she braved a peek, and noticed that they were no longer in her room, and instead flying out of body and across the sky. From beneath them, they could see all of Ponyville, and several mystical tethers coming from all the homes. Rarity had no idea what they were but she didn’t care, it was all too much fun for her.

“This is amazing,” Rarity gasped, looking down at the sleeping town of Ponyville. “I’ve never experienced anything like this before!”

“Trust us, it loses its flair after a few decades,” mumbled Luna. She seemed to be looking around for something in particular. “Now where is it again?”

“Where’s what?”

“Ah, there it is!” the princess declared, ignoring Rarity’s question. The two swooped down, heading into a direct course for the Golden Oak Library. The white mare flinched as their ghostly bodies went right through the walls and into the basement, where a sleeping dragon laid splayed across his bed, snoring loudly in nothing but his boxers.

“Oh my…” Rarity blushed, not sure if it was appropriate to be in Spike’s room this late. She was already starting to get bad ideas, especially since he was practically naked. “Umm, Princess Luna, what exactly are we doing here?”

“We’re giving you a gift,” the night mare answered with a coy smile. “Do you see that silver trail of mist looming from Spike’s brain? That is the gateway to his dream. It is through these doors that we can enter anypony’s mind to make sure their dreams stay… normal enough. Although we’ll let a nightmare slip in every now and again to keep ponies humble. Can’t have too many good thoughts, is how we think the expression goes.” Luna waved her hand to Spike’s dream. “Touch it.”

“Umm… okay?” Rarity said with caution, reaching out a finger and, very carefully, touched Spike’s dream. In almost an instant she was somewhere else completely. They were in a rather odd meadow, odd being that most of the flowers were made of rubies and other gemstones. The grass below her feet shined like emeralds, and she could have sworn that the nearby pond was filled with liquid sapphires. There was only one jewel crazy dragon that could have thought this up, and he was lazily snoozing underneath a tree.

Of course Spike would be one to nap even in a dream…

Rarity felt a cold sense of hesitance. She felt a great urge to race over there like she would do in any of her fantasies, but she had to remember that this was no longer her dream, but Spike’s. She had to be careful now that she realized what Luna had given her. So the unicorn slowly made her way to the tree where Spike was sleeping. She figured that he would probably be a little surprised to see her, so her plan was to ease into it, and maybe tell him what was going on. She knelt down over him, and tapped him lightly on the nose.

His eyes shot open immediately, although he didn’t look too surprised to see her. “Hey there, Rarity,” he said in a rather suave tone. “I was waiting for you to show up.” Then he shocked Rarity by doing the last thing she thought he’d do. He leaned up and kissed her right on the lips.

Rarity’s eyes widened as she froze. In her dreams, Spike had kissed her, but only because she was in control of her own mind. This was Spike’s dream now. He kissed her of his own volition, probably thinking that she was just a figment of his imagination. With that in mind, she melted into him, kissing him back. She slowly crawled on top of him, resting atop of his dreamy body, and she knew deep in her mind, that of all the fantasies that she had, of all the conjured worlds that she had thought of, nothing could compare to this. The love felt real instead of fantasized, the emotions were true instead of forged. When she kissed him, she knew that it was him kissing back, and when she opened her eyes, she knew it was the dragon she loved staring back at her.

Eventually though, she had to open her eyes, although it was a pleasant sight to see the loving eyes of her drake staring yearningly back at her. She knew it was all just a dream, but it felt so real, realer than anything else she had felt in a long time.

“This is all going so fast,” Rarity admitted, blushing. “I mean… is this really how you feel? Like, truly deep inside. You love me?”

Spike chuckled a little. “Rarity, I’ve always been in love with you, and I’ve never stopped. That’s a silly thing to ask.”

“Sorry… I just needed to be sure…” She knew what she needed to do. She got up from the tree, leaving Spike a little confused. “I’ll be right back, dear. Just stay put!” With that, she started to skip away from the dragon and down the valley. Once she was away from earshot, or at least she thought she was, she called out into the sky. “Luna! If you can hear me, pull me out of the dream!”

“As you wish…” a voice echoed through her head, and in a flash, she was standing back in Spike’s room. Luna was for some reason sifting through Spike’s comic collection. “That was rather quick. We were assuming you would be, how do you ponies say it today, sexing?”

Rarity’s ears flopped down and she turned red. “Well… no, but I should thank you. If it wasn’t for this little dream adventure of yours, I would never have confirmed that Spike shared his feelings for me. Although I do feel like I was given an unfair advantage, I mean, not many ponies get to sneak into dreams to see if they like you.”

Luna shrugged. “Eh, we do not care for fairness. Besides, the fact that you didn’t know this and needed to confirm it was ridiculous in its own right.” Her gaze turned deadpanned. “Seriously though, we knew about it before you… and we were stuck on the moon for a freaking millennium.”

“Oh…” Rarity mumbled. “Well, regardless, I need you to wake me up now… or whatever it was that you did to me.”

“Waking up works,” the princess said, clapping her hands and approaching her. “It’ll only take a second. Fare thee well, Rarity. I hope you and Spike live many happy years together.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna.” Rarity smiled. “I don’t even know how I’ll ever repay this kindness.”

“You can start by forgiving me for the following.”

“What do you mean—OUCH!” Luna’s slapped Rarity right across the face and she flinched. When her eyes opened up, she was back in her home and tucked away in her bed. However, she knew exactly what she needed to do now. Without another moment wasted, she grabbed her housecoat, slipped on her slippers and headed out of the house.

Through the night she ran down the streets of Ponyville and headed towards the library. Not even caring that it was the middle of the night, she knocked rapidly on the door.

Thankfully, Twilight was a night owl at heart, so the purple mare swung the door open, and gave her friend a strange look. “Rarity, what a surprise… Why are you here, and are you still in your pajamas?”

“Sorry to intrude, dear, but I need to talk to Spike, right away if possible.”

Twilight scratched her head. “Well, I’m glad you’re out of the house and all, but I don’t think Spike’s free to hang out, he’s been asleep for hours.”

“Yes, darling, I know.”

“… You know? That’s a little weird, don’t you think?”

Rarity groaned. “Ugh, I’ll explain tomorrow.” She pushed herself passed her friend. “Sorry to be so blunt about this, but there is something that I need to do right now. Good night, Twilight, and I’ll see you in the morning.” She headed into Spike’s room, closing the door behind her.

Spike’s room was still the exact same way it was a few minutes ago. It was messy, a tad smelly, and had a big sleeping dragon snoring on the bed. Rarity bit her lips with excitement as she took off her housecoat. She tiptoed onto the bed, crawling over him. She poked him a little, being careful not to be too aggressive… yet.

Eventually the drake’s sleepy eyes opened up. “Erraaa… hey, Raritaaaaaoooh my goddess!” Spike gulped, his head sinking into the mattress. “R-R-Rarity! What are you—“

The white mare gently placed a finger on his mouth. “Darling, please… Don’t talk.” She giggled at his expression. “If you’re going to open your mouth…” She leaned in, kissing him briefly. “You better be ready for that.”

“This has to be a dream…” Spike mumbled happily to himself.

“Trust me, Spike…” the white mare said devilishly, reaching over to his lamp and switching the light off. “This is no dream.”

Author's Note:

Last chapter tomorrow.

Sad, I know... but this was never intended to be a long story.