• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago


Particle Physics and Pony Fiction Experimentalist

Comments ( 28 )

I really like the subtle reversal of the eclipse theme.

Really enjoyable and heartwarming! :twilightsmile:

The sun is the real star in an eclipse.

I'm not sure if I should laugh or groan.

In any case, stories involving the diarchs and an eclipse are always enjoyable, with or without warning the populous. Thank you for this one. Celestia not knowing what to do with non-prodigies is a very interesting idea; I don't think I've ever seen it before.

So modest. Truly Celestia is best princess. :D

Excellent bait and switch. Color me impressed!

Haha nice little story, I like it! :pinkiehappy:

Anyone see the eclipse today?

Pure d'aaaaaw.
Wonderful oneshot. 10/10 Points.
Fav'd, like'd, put into 'Golden Slice'

Watching the moon move across the daytime sky I wonder if this was such a good idea. We are going to have to face the music when we get back to Canterlot. The castle Public Relations Office do not like it when we have the sun and moon in the sky at the same time. This will make them hit the roof—the first eclipse in Equestria in over a thousand years and we ‘forgot’ to warn them in advance. I picture the despairing look my PA is going to give me. The retired officers and civil servants in suburban Trottingham and Hoofington will have a field day writing letters to the papers. It will probably cause a stock market crash in Manehattan, and we will have to send a cake-laden peace envoy to Griffonstan and Muledavia in case they take it as an act of aggression.


Now that was just delightful.

This was much adoracute

That was really sweet! I love that you made it into a loving gesture of Luna for Celestia. It kind of reminds me of the fandom; Luna gets a lot of love as the 'best princess' and Celestia often gets overshadowed at best due to her prominence in the actual show. I love little bits like this that show the sisterly love that was in the series premier. And you did it with some neat science, too. :D Wonderful job, well done!


Though isn't staring up at a solar eclipse directly in itself harmful?

Beautifully done! I very much enjoyed this. Loved seeing Celestia shine a bit at the end because of Luna - very sweet. :twilightsmile:

She tops every childish ‘Best Princess’ poll.

As well she should.

Thanks for all the nice comments.

Maybe I should have called her a superstar


isn't staring up at a solar eclipse directly in itself harmful?

It's okay once the sun is completely covered by the moon. And you would be missing quite a sight if you didn't look then.

Now that was an adorable and heartwarming story. :twilightsmile:


Maybe I should have called her a superstar

Tch. Celestia may be huge, but she is no VY Canis Majoris.

I reviewed this story; you can find my review here.

Oh wow, that is cool. Really well done. Thanks

This was a beautiful story, and I can't believe I missed it when it first came out. Bravo!

...any chance of a comedic epilogue chapter where Celestia discovers Luna did inform everyone before hand but with orders to not tell Celestia, in order to keep her gift to her - the post eclipse talk - a surprise?

Beautiful story, beautiful descriptions. Thank you for writing this.

This was as always, a beautiful blend of science and gentle sweetness. I love Celestia's POV, it really helped make the story shine.

Not reading this just yet to avoid cross-contamination, but I had realized that eclipses could be engineered and that such eclipses would be very useful from an astronomical perspective. I've got a story partially complete that involves that, among other things. Once I finish the blamed thing I'll go back and read this. XP Both nice to see that I'm not the only one thinking along these lines, and annoying that it undercuts my sense of originality. :P

I'm tardy to the party but hot damn if this wasn't a magnificent reversal of roles and emotions. I need a Dramamine after that ride.

Adoring the story all over again. Just got back from the eclipse. Awesome.

I can see why Georg recommended this story. I like it.

I imagine this is the reaction of everyone else on the planet>

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