• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,773 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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A More Elegant Resource Run for a More Civilized People

Falling asleep was easy when your mind transitioned to another plane. There was no staring at the ceiling for hours, hoping sleep would eventually claim you, or counting sheep, ponies, or what-have-you. The dreamer transitioned easily, and Ted was thankful for this. Looking about the freshly formed dream world, he noticed a few of the orbs far removed from his own followers, and made his way to them. The dreams were a good distance north, as far as he could tell, but what struck him was the dreamers themselves. They were a ragtag bunch much like his own followers, consisting of several thestrals, griffons, and assorted ponies. Finally, something caught his eye; once more he saw a presence forming in the dream world, larger than those of ponies and griffons. Such things seemed to be creatures that were more powerful than the average being. Curious, he shifted his dream-form to that of a thestral, keeping only his eyes and his emblem the same as the waking world before he dove in. Luna and Celestia were kind enough, but the lunar princess was right. No need to blow his cover so soon.

He found himself in a cave of sorts, the air pleasantly warm and the area he found himself in spacious enough to fly. He rose from the ground easily, allowing the dream to do the flying for him, and took off towards the dreamer. Follow the increasing detail, the action, that's where you will find them. That seemed to be the constant of dream-diving.

Gliding into another chamber, he saw the dreamer, though it was nearly ten times his size. A large blue-scaled drake sat in the middle of the room, resting easily upon its hoard. Ted was speechless with giddy excitement. A dragon, a living and breathing scaled monstrosity from myths and legends was before him. Certainly his foray's through Luna's memories had alerted him to the possibility, and he knew most could be bargained with, but to actually see one in the flesh-er, dream-flesh? Making certain there was no mistake here, he glided around the chamber, and seeing no one else, he made up his mind. Alighting upon the beasts snout, he cleared his throat.

Immediately the dragons gold reptilian eyes opened, gazing about the room. Slowly it lifted it's head, Ted easily maintaining his position, and looked about the room.

"Damn, I thought so. I haven't been here in years." The drake rumbled. Focusing on the creature on his, at least Ted thought it was a he, nose the dragon frowned.

"You're not part of my dream. A dream walker, oh it has been quite some time. Tell me little one, do you know the source of these dreams?"

"I may, I may not. The answer depends upon who wishes to know, and where their loyalties lie." Ted answered. The drake couldn't actually hurt him here. Maybe apply some mental trauma or some ghost-pain certainly, but no damage could be dealt. Luna proved that when she was ejected from his dream via spy.

His words were greeted by a chuckling, as the creatures eyes rose in mirth. "Wise words in these days. You speak of the Mad Queen, correct? Dragons have no love for her, not even the one she raised, bless the hatchling's heart. If you, hypothetically of course, know the one responsible, do pass on my thanks, as well as the gratitude of a few residents of Port Zerris. I am Sahkest, Quartermaster of Port Zerris. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"Simmer." Ted lied easily. "You say you are the quartermaster? I assume you would know how much you have in the way of medical supplies and medicine, as well as cloth? Our group is falling short, though we have gems and coin to trade. I myself would also be willing to trade a few trophies for additional supplies. I'm certain they would be worth something to the right buyer."

"Trophies you say?" The dragon rumbled. "As in things salvaged from a defeated opponent?" At Ted's nod, the dragon lifted a claw to his lower jaw in thought. "I suppose there would be some who would be interested, depending on the creature. Your best bet would be the griffons of the town. Many like to keep such trophies, even if they are not claimed by, well, honorable means. Also, a word of warning, caravans passing the southern side of town have come under attack from gnoll bandits, and we have had a few ponies disappear in town. My gems would be on changelings trying to eke out a living just outside town, though we've found no actual proof."

"The gnolls should be no issue, besides long-term patrols that we may come across. Our people recently repelled a large attack, leaving only one survivor. They promised no more attacks after such a display." The alicorn-turned-thestral explained. " As for the changelings, I'll look into it when we arrive. We already have several shape-shifters amongst our numbers, and they seem content."

"Are you certain? Changelings invite trouble these days, often in the form of the Mad Queen's attention."

"I am." He answered lifting off of the dragons snout. "They work hard and are given love freely by our people."

"I see." The dragon said. "And Simmer? I look forward to meeting you in the waking world. In your true form of course." He added with a grin. "And perhaps the dream-weaver could add a dragoness or three to my dreams as well."

Ted was caught off guard for a moment, before nervously chuckling to himself and leaving the dream. How could Sahkest tell? Was there some way to read auras inside dreams? Wasn't dream diving something all creatures with the desire and knowledge could do? Certainly his connection to Luna made it simpler for him, but surely he wasn't the only one.

'Blast it all, just when I think I have the upper hand, someone kicks me in the balls.' He muttered, returning to his physical form for the night.


The three S's. Shower, shit, shave. Well, Ted was down to two it seemed, as alicorn's didn't have beards. Not that he could tell at least. Nonetheless the dark alicorn was easily falling into a rhythm of morning habits. Soon he had finished his breakfast, and had Shadow Weaver and Gleam setting up the expedition. Ten on this trip, not including him and a few captives who wished to return home. The supplies gathered the day before would last about a week if rationed properly, as he'd tasked Slop to do, and everything they didn't need and could easily transport was loaded up into bags and prepared for the journey. It would take about two days by his judgment, Mirage's claims of the closest city being weeks away only due to her hysteria at the time.

He told Shadow that in the event of the gnoll and its escort arriving before he returned that they were to be given a room. It wasn't ideal, but the supplies were needed badly, and with how badly he'd spooked the bandits, he was sure they wouldn't complain too much. All told, the group numbered 18, including the injured griffon and all three zebras. Apparently they belonged to a mercenary group and a caravan company, respectively, and were interested in returning to their employers.

Just after lunch they left, packed down with all the valuables they could scrounge, Ted's Trophies, and enough supplies to last them the journey and the return trip, to be supplemented by foraging on the way. After traveling until nightfall, the group set up camp, two ponies on guard shift for several hours at a time while Ted kept watch of the dream realm. He intercepted a few gnolls that were camped along their path, and after some observation, left their leader with an order to return to his den. The next day the caravan set out at dawn, Ted taking up position to the right of the column, waiting for the possible visitors. Just before lunch, the caravan stopped, the alicorn facing a small group of six gnolls, his horn already glowing.

One stepped forward. "You say beat Alpha last night." It barked. "Prove!" With that it charged him with its club raised, only to be swept aside in an avalanche of forest debris glowing with Ted's aura. Approaching the stumbling creature, Ted shoved it down and set a hoof on its chest, pinning it to the ground.

"I know you have a need to prove yourself, but your pack needs you back at the den. Bring your hunters with you. Rust needs all the help he can get." He said levelly, before backing up from the gnoll.

The gnolls eyes widened at the name. "Rust Alpha? But... we go." Rising and turning to his pack-mates, it repeated the words. "We go! Back Home!" The rest of the patrol took off into the underbrush after their leader, leaving the caravan to watch as Ted rejoined them.

"Well? We're burning daylight, let's go." Without a glance back at the scene he left behind him, Ted continued on the path to the port town.


As dusk fell once more, the caravan finally came in sight of their destination. The pace was increased slightly, and before the sun set, they were walking up to the gates of the town. He could see pegasi and griffons gathering near the gates, and orders were being shouted back and forth before a louder voice resonated, ordering the gates opened. As they parted, a large blue drake walked out, about the size of a single story house. It walked easily out the wide gates, casting its eyes upon the caravan, before settling upon Ted, before it broke out in a grin. Seeing the dragon approach, Ted walked ahead as well, meeting halfway between the gate and the jungle.

Ted looked up at the dragon. "Sahkest I presume, unless like myself you like to play it safe. I seem to remember you being taller."

"No, Sahkest is in fact my name, though some call me Blue-scale Burner." The dragon said merrily. "Unfortunately, my hoard is nowhere near the size it used to be, and I've been, how to put it, downgraded a bit. What about yourself? I think the eyes and emblem are the only things you got right, Simmer. If I'd known an alicorn was visiting, I may have set up a proper welcome."

"I take offense to that." Ted responded. He gestured to his form with a hoof. "I'm certain my mane and fur color are the same as well. Anyway, I had no way of being certain of what I was getting myself into, so I tried a disguise. We can chat later though. We seek lodging for the night, and supplies before we head back. Can you accommodate us?"

The blue dragon looked over the caravan before nodding. "The inn has a large room for such traveling parties, though I recognize a few of your party as locals. How did you end up with Berne anyway?" He said leading the group into the town.

"After the gnolls attacked they offered some captives in tribute. The griffon was one of those given to us."

Soon the party reached the Inn and entered a large dining hall with enough room to house even Sahkest comfortably, and sleeping arrangements were made. After being asked about the trophies he wished to sell, Ted pulled out one of the large fangs from the serpent. The welcoming expression of the innkeeper and even Sahkest's smile faded as they all looked at the tooth, watching as Ted set it upon a table, joined by another and several scales that were larger than the dragons own natural armor.

"Sun and stars, Simmer, you weren't kidding when you said some would be interested in these prizes." The drake said, reaching a claw to pick up a tooth. "It's from one of the Kharazi giants, isn't it? The snakes large enough to easily swallow a griffon whole." The drake gazed at the other trophies before smiling. He turned to Ted, and offered him a deal. "Promise me the set, and I'll cover half of your supplies myself, at a minimum of three hundred and fifty gold pieces, to a maximum of six hundred." Several patrons' jaws dropped at the offer, which Ted took to be a good thing.

"Is that all?" Ted asked, drawing a frown from Sahkest. "I can live with that, besides, the canines are still in my room." Ted responded with a smile. As the dragons frown became a look of confusion, he continued. "I wanted to keep something from my experience. It took me nearly two hours to wash the gore out of my pelt, and I swear every now and again I can still taste the blood."

"These aren't the canines?" The drake asked. He looked back to the scales, before smiling. "Fine, I believe I can understand that sentiment. We'll discuss numbers tomorrow though. Rest well."

As the dragon left, several ponies behind Ted breathed sighs of relief, finally relaxing in the absence of the large being. Despite offers of cheap meals, the alicorn had his followers keep to their own supplies to reduce their bill. He still had no idea what the lodging would cost, even though it was now just eleven people including himself. Most of the freed tributes left as soon as they entered the gates. Ted wouldn't be surprised if he never heard from them again, but most had sworn an oath to keep the temples location and residents a secret. Those who didn't? Well, not everyone who wanted to go on the trip did. It meant doubling a room as a cell, but Pivot Pelt wasn't going anywhere for a while. Not that Ted would ever trust someone who's name was literally another way of saying turn-coat. Seriously, what was with these pony names sometimes?


The night was quiet, and Ted once more watched the dreams of those around him. He'd found Kest's dream easily enough, and while he felt a bit dirty afterwards, he shifted the dream as had been requested. He might as well stay in the drakes good graces. Maybe Kest would even send a trade caravan or two his way in the future?

Turning his attention from the town, he noticed another odd presence off to the south-east. It was larger than a pony, but surrounded by, for lack of a better term, blank spots. The presence itself was faint, unable to form an actual dream and almost feral. He poked and prodded the presence a few times, and it returned his attention by attempting to bite him. How it could latch on to his dream-self he had no clue, but it would be something to ask the drake about the next morning. Eventually he grew bored, and cast his presence back to the Temple, curious how his followers were doing. Mirage, Gleam, Shadow Weaver, even Pivot were all still where he left them, so he made ready to return to his own form when he noticed an absence.

In his room there was an emptiness that just seemed to call him. Approaching it, he felt much the same way when he returned to his own body. Eventually, curiosity won out, and he allowed himself to slide into it. The next moment, Ted found himself opening his eyes back at the temple.

Confused, the alicorn attempted to move, only to be greeted with a strange creaking noise and the realization that he was stuck. Looking around he saw that he was back in his own room, next to the vanity and the armor stand by his bed. No, he was directly where the armor stand was. Casting his sight downward, he saw a shifting shadow flowing through the Nightmare's armor.

'My god, that is so weird.' He thought, shifting the armored hoof-covers slightly. With a second attempt, the boots came loose, making a quiet thud in the room. Attempting to step forward, he felt the strangest sensations running through his body as the armor got caught on the stand and his shadowy presence flowed around the wooden posts. Curious, he attempted to move a small book near the bed, and was rewarded with an extremely weak glow, though the book did move slightly. Grinning widely, he released his hold on the armor and flowed back into the dream realm.

He made his way back to the town, and seeing nothing of interest, barring the bright pink dream of Sahkest, which he would not touch with a ten foot pole, he set himself up with a dream of his own to pass the rest of the night. After all, nothing was more calming than the sunset and the sound of rolling waves.


The next morning greeted the caravan fairly kindly. Ted allowed the followers to head out into the city while he talked about needed resources with Sahkest.

"Right, so we've got a request for ten bolts of basic linen, two boxes of various medicines, three boxes of nails, four tool sets, several repair and sharpening kits, basic supplies for a smithy, a cart to carry the heavier supplies for said building..." Or rather his representative. It didn't take long for the alicorn to start tuning the griffon out. After all, Ted had read the damn list five times, and that was after he'd finalized it with Gleam, Weaver, Slop, and Trauma. He knew every item on that list, and could recite it verbatim. He really didn't care to hear it one more time.

Suddenly he was pulled out of his musing, and off of the ground, by a large arm dragging him into a hug. "Ah, Simmer my friend! Good morning to you. You and yours are welcome in Zarris any time!" Kest boomed. Dropping the alicorn, he happily walked further down the dock to the quartermaster's office, leaving a confused griffon and an embarrassed alicorn. Ted just covered his muzzle with a hoof.

"I don't know if I should be happy I've helped trade relations with the nearest port town, or be embarrassed that I basically pimped out the dream world to do it." He muttered, before taking note of the two individuals standing outside the office. One was a griffon in well worn, but impressive looking armor, the chest piece decorated with three diagonal claw marks painted across the chest. The next was a unicorn in a business suit of all things, the pudgy stallion attempting to cool himself with a paper fan, uncomfortable in the warmth of the jungle. Seeing Ted, the griffon approached, addressing him with a quick salute of a claw over his chest.

"Jaecar, of the Talon Company mercenaries. I assume you're the one that returned one of our own last night? Simmer, I think Kest said was the name you were using? We'd like to extend our gratitude for the return of one of our own, as well as the neutralization of the gnoll den hitting this area. My boss wanted to extend his personal thanks as well. Herrick Talon offers his services at a discount, should you ever require them. Ten percent, good for four jobs, not to mention the gold bounty on the gnolls. From Berne's words there wasn't anything left of the mongrels, but he estimated at least forty attackers, so that's ten gold a head, five since no physical proof. Add in the return of one of our own, and word on the final whereabouts of two others. Mr. Simmer, I'm pleased to present to you three hundred gold pieces." The griffon removed three bags from his side, dropped them on the ground between them, and gave another salute. "I hope you enjoy your day, and should you be in need of our services, don't hesitate approach any Talon branch office." With that the mercenary took to the skies, leaving Ted to stare at the three bags that he assumed had the aforementioned three hundred gold. Levitating the bags and opening them to confirm the contents, he set them inside one of his larger pouches.

With the departure of the griffon, the unicorn approached. "Afternoon, Mr. Simmer. I'm Gold Stacker, of the Northern Equis Trade Company. We oversee the larger caravans and even a few smaller trade routes like those used by the local towns. I've been authorized by my local branch to forward you a reward of one hundred fifty gold pieces for the safe return of several of our caravan members. This reward has already been passed to Quartermaster Sahkest as an advance payment for any and all goods you should like to purchase during your visit. Should your settlement ever pass two hundred members, please be sure to fill out a caravan request form at our local office." As the pony moved to leave, Ted tapped his shoulder.

"I hope it's not too much of a bother, but I'd like my actual species kept off the record, if you don't mind. Also, I have a pony in my possession, one Pivot Pelt. Do you know anything about him?" Ted requested, though it was more of a demand with the force of his words.

The unicorn just grinned though. "Sir, while the N.E.T.C. was founded in Equestria, recent political movements have alerted us to the, erh, preferability of other states for our base of operations. Especially in lieu of several seizures of company property by the Canterlot Royal Guard with refusal to reimburse us. Evidence of smuggling my flank. I myself am a natural borne Equestrian patriot." His grin became more malicious suddenly. "That's why I signed on for other sites as soon as the recent direction our fair country was going was apparent. That being said, I will pass the request to my local employers to keep your location and race off of any documents that come close to Equestria and its protectorates. In fact most of our documents for these smaller incidents don't even include race or location, just names. As for that little weasel, I can have my employers send an escort to retrieve him if you like, or you can bring him along next time you make this trip. He may be a pain in the flank to work with, but we keep him on a short leash. I dare say, however, that nopony here would be terribly worried if he was never heard from again. Good day, Mr Simmer, and Celestia's Sun shine upon you." His message delivered, the pudgy business pony left, trying to use a small paper fan to cool himself the entire way.

After seeing to a few more preparations and leaving the most zealous cultists with the gold, Ted set the rules for his followers. A grand total of one hundred gold was the amount allotted for random purchases of useful gear from the bazaar, useful to be discussed with at least three other ponies before the purchase was completed. Forty was to be used for a decent meal that night, and the rest was to be guarded for the remainder of the trip by three ponies at all times with rotating shifts. Ted himself grabbed a quick bite to eat from his own rations, and purchased a generic long sword from the port's smithy before heading out of the city to the source of the emptiness. It didn't take long for the vegetation to shift, seemingly becoming much more hostile only a few miles from the city. Drawing the shadows closer, Ted disappeared from natural detection, creeping through the underbrush like a wraith.

Finally, he came across a small cave clawed into the ground. It looked strange, though he recognized a few pieces of chitin scattered around the inside. He assumed changelings molting, until he came across the husk of a dead changeling, the holes so large it seemed the body had just fallen apart. Finally he came across a large room, filled with the same pods he'd seen Mirage holding Swift in, though these held several ponies of varying race, all seemingly deep asleep, only a few seeming to have any obvious injuries. He proceeded into the chamber, knowing Mirage had been unable to see him while he held the shadows close to his form.

'My video game senses are tingling.' Ted thought, looking around the chamber. 'No one would leave so many pods unguarded, unless they're out hunting.'

Suddenly, a spell struck him in the back, throwing him off balance.


He stumbled slightly, though he was sure a normal pony probably would have been unconscious the moment the spell hit. It didn't make sense! The other changeling couldn't see him, what was different in this situation? Before he could recover, something landed on his back, and a pair of fangs sunk into his neck. He felt the warm trickle of blood flowing down his neck, as well as a burning sensation tear through his body starting at the bite. There was also a strong, strange pull on his aura from behind him, and the world swam out of focus.

Desperately, he thrashed about, attempting to dislodge his attacker, even digging through Luna's memories hoping to find something useful for the situation. Each time he tried a spell, something lashed out at his horn, sending stars across his vision. He dug through the memories for what seemed like an eternity, but he found himself quickly running out of time and energy. Shaking, he finally hit the stone floor of the cave.

As darkness claimed him, the teeth in his neck easing out and the grip around his neck finally slacking, his last thought was 'Dammit all, I should have seen that coming a mile away.'

Author's Note:

Come into my parlor, Ted. I have cookies!

I swear if I hear an "I don't get it" for this chapter name I'mma take ya out back and beat ya with the ugly stick 'til you look like Fabio.

There we go, several new characters, two new organizations (cookie for you fallout and elder scrolls fans) and some weirdness from a lonely dragon. Ted's newest title is dream pimp, by the way.

Yes, I do write my author's notes in chunks as I type out the story, why do you ask?

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