• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


Commissioned by Jakob85

It's been a long time since anyone has seen the Sirens ever since the Battle of the Bands. Most have forgotten about them, but upon learning that Sonata Dusk has been spotted, the girls decided to see if she is up to anything suspicious.

What is Sonata up to? Why is she so happy? Where are her other Siren friends? And why is she working at a retirement home?

Edited by roker12

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

This was beautiful. It brought a happy tear to my eye! I love it!

OK, I love this.
Follow and favourite 4u!


Beautiful story :pinkiehappy:

The feels! :fluttercry:

Beautiful story! :pinkiesad2:

Rated Ponystar, you're a fucking genius! :pinkiehappy:


The six friends waved goodbye and made their way out the door. When they reached outside, they made for the corner of the building. “She’s taking care of elders?” asked Rarity, scratching her chin. “It seems a strange thing to do from taking over the minds of teenagrs to suck out their energy.”

Why lie to her? You were obviously very close,” asked Sunset.

Other than that, good story :)

thus removing them their ability

"removing them of their ability"

eating he third order in a row


just something I have something that came up

I think you mean "just something came up"

was over a the entertainment


but with also a girl who looked like Sonata

Take out the "with"

that was awesome. how much are story commissions?

$5 per 1000 words for one shots
$10 per chapter for multiple chapters

Makes me want to read a story abut the sirens during world war 2 or something. Hitler didn't commit suicide, Sonata blew his brains out.

I do not do of stories

Oh, God, it was...

The feels!

(And it was full of life)

Excellent job on the commission.

Very cool story, kind of puts a positive spin on the idea that the Rainbooms have slowly executed the Dazzlings (with a 60-70 year lead time).

pedants shattered, thus removing them of their

I think "revoking" is abetter word than "removing" here.

And this story was fantastic. You really brought out the best in Sonata. I've noticed how much sympathy the sirens get when compared to almost every other secondary character in the show. This was a very touching story for Sonata, I read another for Adagio around Christmas, and while it's not meant to be a touching story, I'm gonna try to add some more human actions to Aria in a villains tribute I have in the works. This is a trend I'm actually glad to see happening and I want to congratulate you for writing the best Sonata story I've seen, with a mix of my favorite character ever.

I think that Sonata (in her past life's tale) is... so much human. She was a creature that used dark magic to hypnotize people and create fight. The knowing tha she had friends is pretty strange.

BUT... I love this story. I found the character IC, not melodrammatic, funy but deep. Good job :D

Sonata took a turn into an ally,

Probably meant she turned into an alley, not an ally. Though I guess by the end of it Sonata did turn into an ally.

I'll take my terrible pun and leave.

Beautifully done. Bravo

Sunset recalled all the strip poker games she and the girls had played at Rainbow Dash’s house and nodded.

This calls for a prequel. :rainbowwild:

In all earnestly though that was really sweet. I did have a hunch from when I first read about her working in a retirement home that it was going to be like this, her knowing all these people from decades ago. It's actually surprising nobody has done anything like this before.

So beautiful... Sonata is officially the most human in the Dazzlings...

I-I-I'm not crying... Really! :pinkiesad2: :applecry: :raritycry:

Beautiful, melancholy and just plain... good.

I really liked that. Nice and interesting, with a heart-warming twist I adored.

I think my only criticism is that her final explanation of her immortal burden didn't sound very much like Sonata. Dipped a bit out of character and into exposition mode for a paragraph or two. Still, it wasn't jarring so much as a bit off.

Very nicely done.

One typo:

“If you’re five friends were to die the next day and you were to never see them again...

counter pointed Rarity.

'Countered' is the word you were looking for.

Sonata, for her part, seem lost in her own little world.


I don’t even see Aria and Adaggio with her.


and were now a bunch of singerless humans

That's an awkward sounding phrase, and I don't think singlerless conveys what you want it to convey.

Well, I guess that means they are trying to turn over new leafs


I wish I didn’t get glares at those who recognized me

'From' is the word you were looking for.

I have to go.There’s a movie

You accidentally a space.

Didn’t that Harold friend of your’s die


with a bed, tv, bathroom, and furniture

You capitalized 'tv' earlier. It's lower case here. It's best to be consistent.

She’ s blind!

You accidentally added a space.

only her hair was style liked women had them in the 50’s

Style should be past tense, not like.

If you’re five friends were to die the next day


I dunno about this one. The above are just the mistakes that really stood out to me. There were others, sure, but they weren't as immediately noticeable. The sloppy writing just made it hard to enjoy.

God lord that was very depressing. But to think little Sonata is finally going to be with the ones she cares about and not trying to take over the world is a nice thought. I wonder what the others are doing?

Did you or do you have plans to add to each of their stories?

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

Da Hell? I know I read this before (chapter even had the little green checkmark next to it) but I didn't add it to my bookshelf or leave a comment? :rainbowhuh:

Fix'd, :moustache:

Not bad at all. I love it when Sunset and Sonata are paired together (shipping or otherwise).

Sadly, much as I'd like to, I can't fave this due to multiple spelling errors. They kinda take me out of the story. (Csquared pointed most of them out so I don't need to rehash them)

“Hey! Who turned out the lights?!”



You’re parents are letting her go

If you’re five friends

Your, not you're

So she doesn't want to live forever, but wants to live forever in afterlife? And what will she do if she loses friend in afterlife? Will she want to die and go into another afterlife? I never liked this unlogical reasons to want to die.

“Oh, why would anyone want to kick a poor innocent hive of busy hornets?” asked Fluttershy, shaking her head. “It sounds so mean.”

Clearly she's never dealt with hornets before. Hornets are evil.

Sonata took a turn into an ally, but as soon as she did there was a large crashing sound followed by a yipe. Making the turn, Sunset saw Sonata laying on her backside with a large trashcan over her head. “Hey! Who turned out the lights?!”

Oh no, she's been eaten by the vashta nerada.

The three grinned and moved a chair over. “Pop on over and play a few games with us. Any friend of Sonata is a friend of ours. You know how to play poker, right?”

Penny ante? Or are you not playing with stakes?

“Who is your friend?” asked Haley. “She smells like spice and fire.”

Is Haley secretly Terezi? Can she smell/taste color? LMAO

Break my heart into pieces why don't you? Nursing homes need more people like Sonata.

She wants to die because she wants to see all her mortal friends again. It's simple math, buddy.

Shaking her head, Sunset gave a smile to Fluttershy before putting a hand on her shoulder. “Fluttershy, it was months ago. I’m over the Anon-A-Miss incident, and I forgave you all. Even those three.”

That happened......


“If you’re five friends were to die the next day and you were to never see them again because you became an alicorn or something, wouldn’t you get depressed?” asked Sonata.

Sunset didn’t answer.

she has a point

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