• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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34 - Rotten to the Core

Applejack shrunk before the imposing form of her father. "Ah did everything ah could! The farm's doing well, and Apple Bloom's a fine filly!"

"How would you know?" Her father leaned in closer. "Yer a long way away from home. Ya could have lost the rest of yer family. Unprotected, unsupported, and unloved. Is Granny still breathing, or did ya miss her funeral as a last shameful note on yer record as a family keeper?"

Willow slid towards the prostrate and sobbing Applejack. With a touch and a quick spell, she made the earth pony vanish. The horse snorted angrily. "What did you do to her?! Ah wasn't done disciplinin' her." He stomped a heavy hoof, making the ground quake with his fury. "Bring her back."

Willow shook her head with a smug look. "She's a floor up. I can't summon her back."

The horse shoved Willow aside effortlessly and stormed off into the darkness, leaving the group to recover themselves. Applejack's voice spoke with a soft quiver. "Thank ya... kindly..."

Apple Bloom's expression was that of disappointment and sadness. "Was father really like that?"

The invisible Applejack was quick to grab Apple Bloom, hugging her. "No! He was a wonderful pony! Ain't never been a better father in all of Equestria! Don't give that... thing the satisfaction of replacing our father's good image."

Apple Bloom scuffed at the ground. "Are ya really that worried yer not a good big sister? Yer amazing, Sis. Ya keep the farm going and work so hard! Dad wouldn't be upset with ya if what ya said is true."

Applejack's expression fell, though unseen by the others. "But, Ah'm here... not at the farm. Poor Big Mac has ta pick up all the slack ah left behind."

Apple Bloom pointed at herself. "That was mah fault, not yours! You're being the best big sister you can be."

Sweetie and Scootaloo both nodded quickly in agreement. Willow did not have words to share at first, but some came to her. "You have conducted yourself with honor and dignity as long as I have known you. You have guarded your wards with all the ferocity I thought ponies lacked."

Applejack let out a slow sigh. "Maybe... yer right. Maybe Ah'm overthinking the whole thing... Can ya make me not so see-through anymore? Ah feel mighty strange." With a thought and a wave, Applejack was returned to sight. "That's better, thank ya. Let's see if we can't locate yer kitten."

Recomposed, the group continued breaking into doors to find mostly empty rooms. With the floor seemingly searched through, they took the stairs up to the ground floor and found themselves emerging into the lobby before Cindy. Cindy blinked at the lot of them. "Oh, hello again. Why is Applejack with you?"

Sweetie quickly spoke. "She's cured! The new treatment worked great!"

Cindy clopped her hooves together. "That's fantastic news! I told you we can solve anything. Moon Princess provides."

Sweetie tapped her chin. "Moon Princess? Is that who you, uh, worship?"

Cindy nodded quickly. "I am one of her divine warriors. I stand against madness, as she would favor."

Sweetie nodded a little and glanced at the others. "So... maybe that's why you don't see half the crazy stuff we saw?"

"What stuff?" Cindy frowned. "We cure sick people here. Look at your sister, isn't she better?"

Applejack smiled nervously, but said nothing.

Sweetie coughed a moment. "She isn't my... Oh! Yes, of course." She laughed unevenly before frowning. "Still, there's something funny going on, er, we should try this new treatment on Sunflower! If it worked on Applejack, it could cure him too."

"Excellent idea!" Cindy slid from her chair and moved towards the hallway. "I'll show you the way." She led them with a content smile through the hallways, keeping the shadows pressed back. Applejack's father stormed towards them, revealed down the hallway. When he reached Cindy, he evaporated on contact with her, and she walked on without having noticed he existed, and without him having caused any harm other than sending Applejack into a momentary new panic.

They soon arrived at one door of many that she knocked on softly. The door opened quickly and an irritable voice spoke out of it. "What is it, Miss Meadow? I'm involved in a serious operation here."

"Very sorry, Doctor Hooves. We were hoping to try an experimental new therapy that's proving quite effective." Cindy looked to the doctor only she could see through the crack with a hopeful expression.

Doctor Hooves snorted. "Did the director approve this? Bah, whatever. Go ahead and fail, then I'll get back to what I was doing." The door swung open and Cindy waved for the others to follow her.

Sunflower was strapped to a chair securely, though one of his arms and attached paw was entirely free. The doctor frowned as the party gathered around him. "This is a lot of people for a treatment. What manner of procedure is this, Miss Meadow?"

Cindy shrugged softly. "They know it better than I do, Doctor."

Willow quickly began unstrapping Sunflower. "We are here for you, my child. Speak to me."

Sunflower brightened at her touch. "It was awful! They kept daring me to escape and every time I tried, they hurt me, then they started daring again. I don't know what they wanted!"

"Aversion therapy." The doctor pushed up the glasses on his snout. "Your kleptomaniac tendencies and your anti-social skills will be driven from your diseased mind with patience and hard work." As Willow freed Sunflower, the doctor pushed the door shut with a loud click of an engaging lock. "For safety's sake. We can't have uncured patients wandering around, now can we?"

Sunflower shook his head quickly. "Can we get out of here?"

Sweetie approached with a smile. "Not yet! The treatment begins. Sunflower, you know how upsetting it is to your mother when you steal things? Look at her. She sacrifices so much to keep you happy."

Sunflower looked confused, but turned his head towards Willow. Sweetie continued speaking. "Why don't you consider her feelings more often?"

Sunflower grabbed his mother in a fierce hug. "I love my mom! I don't want her to be unhappy."

Sweetie raised a hoof. "Then you'll give up your life of petty thievery?"

Sunflower bobbed his head. "Of course!" Not that he had been stealing things before, but it seemed an easy promise to make.

Sweetie locked the straps on the chair. "Alright, let's prove it. Sunflower, stand before these locks and don't pick them for a minute, but keep looking at them."

Sunflower moved over and settled before the locks, peering at them with some confusion. "What if I don't want to pick them?"

Sweetie raised both her hooves. "Success!"

Doctor Hooves tilted his head. "Remarkable... Well... I suppose it worked." He drew out a syringe. "But you're going to make me look bad, and we can't have that."

Cindy scowled. "Doctor! That is extremely unprofessional. Put that away this instant." When the doctor advanced, she drew out a mace that was hidden in her clothes and placed herself between the doctor and the foals. "Not one more step! You're seriously going over the line."

Doctor Hooves scowled at Cindy. "Move aside, nurse, or are you against me too? Of course you are! You don't want to see me advance!" He lunged for Cindy and caught a mace upside the head for it. He collapsed to the ground bonelessly at her feet.

She snorted softly and sheathed the weapon away. "Sorry about that. I'll see that he's reported straight away. Imagine... Most unbecoming." She quickly had the door open and led the way out. "That was a most remarkable procedure. I'll be sure to share it with the others. To think, two patients cured in the first day of arrival! It's unprecedented really."

Scootaloo slapped Sweetie Belle on the back. "All thanks to Doctor Belle!"

Cindy tilted her head. "You didn't mention you were a doctor. So small..." She narrowed her eyes a little. "You're playing a joke on me."

Apple Bloom gave a nervous laugh. "Ah yup, done caught us there. We were just, uh..."

Sweetie smiled as she spun the deceit effortlessly. "Following the instructions of one of the other doctors."

Cindy nodded at that. "That makes much more sense. Well, good day to you, and congratulations." She settled back at her desk. "I have to write this all up."

They were all quite eager to leave Cindy to her work and flee the place. Only when outside did Applejack remember. "Ah shoot! We never did figure out about that pony's friend."

Scootaloo shook her head. "Well I'm not going back in there."

Willow put a paw on Sunflower's shoulders. "I will not permit it."

Sweetie shrugged. "We found out what we had to."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Did we?"

Sweetie quickly nodded. "Uh huh. His friend will be fine. They're... scary... but the doctors do eventually cure everypony. Not the way I want to be cured of something, but like she said 'We never failed to cure somepony'. Maybe they'll try our idea out, that'd be nice, right?"

Applejack gently patted Sweetie on the back. "Ah reckon that would be a mighty improvement, using friends and family ta get past rough spots instead of whatever they were doing before. Well, ah agree on not wanting to set hoof in that place again, so I make a motion ta go back to tha tavern and ferget all about this. Let's hear the ayes." The vote was quickly unanimous, and they departed Restful Oaks without looking back.

They ran into their client at the tavern. He wasn't pleased that his friend was still trapped, but they managed to convince him that he should emerge in time. Burning with curiosity, Sweetie asked around about the place.

"Restful Oaks?" A graceful-looking unicorn mare tilted her head towards Sweetie Belle. "A fine place. We never have repeat criminals in town. We send them up there and they come out as model citizens. It's amazing. A true godsend." She smiled gently. "I heard one time some adventures made a big fuss up there and tried to burn the whole thing to the ground. A bunch of lunatics. They even took the secretary off on their adventuring, just up and kidnapped her. She came back eventually though. That's her granddaughter up there."

Sweetie asked, "Who?"

"What was it... Cindy? Yes, Cindy Meadows." The unicorn mare nodded softly. "Her family's been serving there for as long as anyone remembers, and they do a fine job of it. That's Earth-bound for you. They decide on a path and they'll pass it right on to their foal, and their foal's foal and so on forever if they have to. Such a solid tribe."

Author's Note:

And so concludes the detour to Restful Oaks. Everyone's cured, sorta.

The typos resisted treatment, so I sent them back in. Let's see how their inner demons treat them.

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